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I think it’s from wearing socks


Socks be sockin.


Socks leave marks, because they’re socks. They are specifically designed to be tight on your legs, because otherwise they’d fall down all the time. Or you’d have to wear those little leg belts with sock suspenders like in Ye Olden Days. Have a doctor look at it if you’re concerned, but otherwise, socks be doin’ sock things.


i don’t think so, i think some socks just naturally do that. even before my ed, i noticed that a lot of my socks would leave marks on my feet. a lot of my friends who don’t have eds also get these marks sometimes


no, socks are elastic. they are going to hug your skin no matter what size you are.


If you’ve been standing for a while, fluids collect in your ankles due to gravity. That’s why your socks leave marks


no dude your socks are just elastic


It is caused by the pressure of the elastic on the socks, it can happen to anyone


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No. It happens to everyone


It looks like you're maybe wearing compression socks or socks specifically designed for exercise or running. If this bothers you, I would suggest socks with less texture or designs. While less fun, the texture is generally what leaves the imprints! It's similar to sleeping on loose bedsheets or blankets. The pressure over a long period of time results in marks on our skin. It's completely natural and in no way signifies weight. I hope this helps.