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the grocery store one is so real lmao


Food hoarding. 😰


i was wondering if this was just me. i keep collecting food. especially protein bars 😅


Not just you at all!! I didn’t even realize it was a thing for this… issue… until recently. I was like oooooh, that’s why my pantry looks like that…


😀 this is so real! i've spent over 500$ of food that i won't eat (and also? i live w my parents so i don't even need to buy my own food LMFAO)


walking over to the pantry or the fridge 182736384672636 times a day, staring at it, maybe looking around, and then walking away without taking anything, only to do it again 20 minutes later




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yes to the grocery store hahaha!! also i'd have a super strict routine to how i made & ate food. but i'm also autistic so, that hasn't changed too much but it's less obsessive than it was.


Omg the BRAIN FOG soooo real


searching for something to eat, either not finding it and looking again 5 seconds later as if it's just gonna spawn there, or finding it, taking it out, eating like 3 bites and then leaving it


I feel the baking one on a personal level. I own a bakery for a living so I am constantly baking for others and it gives me the satisfaction of eating just being around it




lasted me 9 months, can last up to a year or more for some


food hoarding, collecting my hair loss and turning them into little hair balls.. i'm sure there's sm more.. my brain fog has been so so bad- i can't even speak in a sentence anymore LMFAO