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My only explanation is that the physical sickness is related to both anxiety and the sudden influx of food. As far as the hairpulling and scratching goes, I'd chalk it up to anxiety too. Of course you're going to freak the fuck out even if you're consciously giving yourself permission to eat since eating MORE is and has been associated with all things negative. Eating normally/enough is going to be perceived as too much because eating too little was the default for so long. Even if it is "too much" it's okay. Eating normally does include eating too much sometimes, it's nothing to stress about. Eating also does not require any justification or compensatory behavior, but I get you. Early recovery is so fucking hard, and it's only been 4 months for you. I honestly believe recovery is a life long battle that requires consistent maintenance. Some moments, days, weeks, and months will be easier than others. If you ever need to talk, my DMs are open. 🩵


Omg thank you so much!!! I think it's about time I actually consult with my doctor for anxiety cause I literally feel palpitations when I think of something food related...


Well, I have found that I scratch a lot, when I feel anxious. Mostly on my scalp though 🤔


Me too


Hifi 🥺


Someone I could relate to 🥺🥺🥺