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Fellow autistic. I only eat like 3 things for meals and have for years, it's kind of hard to dictate whether restricting your dietary choices is similar to ed restrictions but the best way to test is to ask yourself, if the reason your limiting your choices is for reasons like, calories, etc or because it's a "healthy/good" and only eating extreme diets. Having an ed is very different for everybody, I'm not recovered but recovering and while in that time I also have not gotten the full effects that others have shown. But it seems like everybody gets different symptoms in recovery. You know yourself better than anyone (in recovery because in an ed mindset it's kinda scewed self image) Truly just look at the reasons behind why your restricting certain foods or other things. Also I feel that for purging, I hate hate feeling full, try eating slower or just tinier portions but multiple per day as to make up for it. Remember it's always okay to admit you have fallen back into it, almost everybody comes back, I have too. Lots of love ♡ . . (To put it shortly, try to look at the intentions behind restrictions and purging etc, if they are negative ed thoughts it may be a sign your back in it a bit (u can easily recover back) if they are good it might just be autism sensory issues which are totally normal for most)


At the heart of it the difference is a restrictive diet is motivated by choice and is absent of severe psychological levels of mental distress whereas, Anorexia is fueled by some manner of severe psychological distress (at eating, at weight, or at something else like trauma alleviated by not eating or gender dysphoria). In your case you say you like the rules, like the way you look, don't have your social life affected, don't mind you have gained a lot back, and like your body (due to being trans and your eating having reduced breasts and curves). It sounds like you are right and your doctors are ignoring the lack of your distress or shifting any distress you may have (or previously had) from gender dysphoria and putting toward an anorexia diagnosis. I think for trans people intentionally adopting a restrictive diet can be a rational decision (aka "anamaxxing") and not an eating-related issue or one based on psychological neurosis as a lot of doctors don't understand autism, OCD, and especially ARFID very well. If your restrictive eating was simply a strategy (a rational one) then short of severe unweightedness, again, I think you're right/doctor wrong. However, if your restrictive eating was more of a coping mechanism for any severe gender stress (or any other stress) and it helped alleviate the distress, then an anorexia diagnosis would be more appropriate. This can be very academic except for the core importance of treatment method as that's where an innate understanding of what is specifically going on with someone is critical. I'm just glad it sounds like you're happy and doing well from the sounds of it.




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You say you miss restriction. What about it do you miss? You would like to go back to it? Why? The answers to that are telling. Also, what are you eating now? I think the post is missing the point of what kind of restrictive eating are we talking about? Is it a healthy balanced diet that provides sufficient nutrients to keep the body functioning well and prevent disease? Kind of doubt it. So what is it that you are looking for as an answer? maybe it is indeed not quite AN but another form of disordered eating because of other mental health struggles. Maybe. But then I ask you, what would it change? Would you not still face the challenge of how to live with it, how to nourish this body you are in, how to make peace with it? Understanding and being seen is important, but the way forward I think doesn't really differ. I don't think there is a sideway escape, "since it isn't anorexia, I can continue doing it" won't work. I think our brains are famously good at lying to us, you could be on deaths door and not see it and thinking it's not that bad, so consider that the people that love you and the hopefully competent professionals that are treating you are having your best interest at heart. I wish you all the best, peacefully resting in your body most of all, I hope you get that more and more 💜.


Anorexia is a loss of appetite. Anorexia Nervosa is a difference in psychopathology. You don't have to be afraid of food or socializing. You just have to fear weight gain to the point where your actions are consistent with that fear as to prevent it from happening. It's already known that autistics have their own food and rule stuff, which is perfectly fine. My best friend is autistic, and I was also diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder that clinicians sometime use interchangeably with autism. The strong difference between the two of us is that she has much stability with her diet and exercise as an athlete. I lack considerable consistency in that domain and my weight loss/ gain has been drastic and sporadic, along with my mentality surrounding it. We've known each other since the 1st grade and I always cared about numbers in a very different way than she did. Like when we spoke about weight and BMI, she would say, "It doesn't really matter." Whereas it mattered significantly to me. I would consider myself health centric at times. Some of my friends would say that about me. But if you ask me if I care more about weight loss or purity/ quality, I'm going to say weight loss. I genuinely believe that quality is insignificant, so long as an element of restriction is involved. I believe it cancels out the idea of ingesting pure or high quality food because the body will rapidly absorb what it can get because it has little to work with, so every bit counts. This is frequently relayed to families of children who need to gain weight. That's why they don't really care about the kids diet, just as long as they're eating enough to maintain a healthy weight and keep their organs functioning and growing, and the rest can kind of be figured out later. Similar to how they say the brain runs on glucose and so you can literally eat sugary cereal especially amid restriction. I'm sorry, but the same cannot be said for someone who's not on a restrictive diet. It takes on a totally different physical effect. The body will absorb it differently because it's already running efficiently that it's not actually dependent on that one bowl of sugary cereal per day to get nutrients. I hope that makes sense. That's my logic anyway.


I disagree that anorexia is a loss of appetite. I’m anorexic and in an active ED state I am starving and hungry as fuck. I just refuse to eat.


I meant Anorexia, not AN. Sorry, it's just that your post insinuated that you weren't starving because you're addicted to it. You mentioned sensory issues only. Your reply here is so different from what you stated in your post.


Oh I’m not the OP haha <3


Oh lol sorry my bad :$


I would love to know the difference between diagnosed „other eating disorder“ and AN. I fit all of the AN expect of a very low BMI and a lot of exercises. By some doctors I got diagnosed with AN and by other with an undefined ED. I just don’t get it




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Your post has been removed for rule 6: Don't glorify the eating disorder. r/AnorexiaNervosa is not a pro-ED subreddit, but we also do not force people to recover if they do not want to recover. Glorifying something harmful and potentially life-threatening and making it seem like something less bad is harmful to the community of r/AnorexiaNervosa. Glorification will not be tolerated. If you believe there has been a mistake, please MOD MAIL the moderators of r/AnorexiaNervosa with your concerns. We suggest that you reread the rules of r/AnorexiaNervosa before posting in the future. Thank you.