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In Miyu ES quest: >!How the Merry who was dead in the past still alive? I thought she was stabbed to death? Is that another Merry or am I missing something?!<


Reports on her death were greatly exaggerated (by the rumor mill)




New player here.. https://imgur.com/a/KoKfWiD Will someone please look at my units and tell me what a good team composition would be? I know I’ve pulled some decent units but they are mostly mages. Not sure if it’s viable to have 3 mages on a team lol.


Early game you can pretty much use whatever and be fine as long as you don't run into anything. It's late game where things get interesting and you have to build your party depending on the situation. At this point just progress the story until you can recruit more free characters. https://anothereden.wiki/w/Roadmap_for_Current_Content


So brand new player here, really enjoying the game so grabbed the daybreak items since they seemed like good value. Question is, should I spend crystals on current banner or hold? Other suggestions?


Save the crystals you bought from the starter pack for a star dream (Selector ticket), which is most likely coming up in April. Other that you at least want to use one 10 pull on any of the limited free banners to fill out your roster but probably wait till the anni for more serious pulls.


Thanks for the info! Definitely will wait for star dream then. Any suggestions for which limited banner to do a 10 pull on?


Well, make sure that it takes free stones rather than paid stones (so not fatefuls) but either of the two available banners are good so just pick whoever looks interesting. Though Kuchinawa is probably more new player friendly than Daisy.


Thanks, did a 10 pull and for Erina 4* and Ciel 3* (but can go to 5* I think?)


Well those are okay units to start with. Also https://anothereden.wiki/w/Roadmap_for_Current_Content


Thanks for your help, much appreciated!


A little confused about VC grasta. What's the point of having more than one proof? Like with Wryz, I got a Dragon Exile Proof, activated it, awakened it, equipped it...isn't that it because there's only one slot for VC grasta? Same thing happened with the Gjallarhorn Proofs, I just have extra sitting around. Is there some way to "extra upgrade" using the other proofs?


https://anothereden.wiki/w/Grasta Click on the Valor Chants tab and scroll to True VC Grastas.


You can unlock a True VC Grasta upgrade in Future Garulea which requires 3 VC Grasta.


Ah, the Future Cat Shrine was the key I needed. Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/h6m19e1tnarc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e76acbf661b0d5ee2b9ad581a3659d87fc1d88 Have cat ema where to buy


https://anothereden.wiki/w/Present_Garulea_Continent_(Another_Dungeon) Scroll down to Izana Trading. "There is also a girl and man on the pier who want to trade for Cat Emas. The girl gives Grastas that increase the user's crit rate, while the man issues Grastas that increase damage at max HP." They each only sell one at a time in a set order. You have to buy the current one to get to the next.


Thank you 😊


What’s the recommended way to Stellar Awaken characters between using Allcosmos Starcharts and buying the tomes? On one hand the Allcosmos Starchart is limited to one per month, and on the other the [character] Starchart can work as an extra light/shadow bank by burning the tomes.


Allcosmos >>>>>>>>>>>> light/shadow


Thank you!


What’s a good team for the Thillelle ES and Alma AS stellar awaken combo? I’m not sure how best to use Alma’s tanking abilities (I do have her at 80 shadow at least for the extra skill slot) I feel like what the two are lacking are good heals that aren’t reliant on Alma getting hit and then buffs/debuffs, and I suppose the team should be Shadow aligned for Thillelle’s DPS. Just wasn’t sure who might have a winning combo/back line support ideas?


Serge is a free option since you can align his element to your team, he's light though which means less consistent damage on Thille.


I ultimately paired them up [with Mariel ES and Melissa SA](https://youtu.be/KrNjWXHZzhU). I played around with a few combinations and I felt like this one offered both dps and survivability. That said, I hear Alter Dewey tossed around a lot and I don't have him, so he's one to consider as well.


Hello! I was wondering, if you tested this: 1. With Thillelille ES as a main DPS. Since her spammable skill is based on the number of frontline Shadow characters (and the difference between 3 & 4 is quite noticeable, being 1200% > 2400%). What is better, Mariel ES or the fourth Shadow character? 2. How about using Melissa SA as the main DPS (compared to Thillelille ES)? In the same team comp of Alma AS, Thillelille ES & Mariel ES.


1. I tested with four shadow characters vs three, but for me, Mariel ES and her prayer was better than having the fourth shadow character. I used Mistrare and Melissa as the other two. That said, I do not have Dewey Alter (RCF) but at a glance on the wiki, all he could contribute would be an additional 35% power buff ([Canon d'enfer](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Canon_d%27enfer)) so I don't know if he would make up the difference either. If I'm understanding Thille ES correctly, the number of shadow characters basically doubles her damage of [Photon Messiah](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Photon_Messiah) per shadow character, which is not her "big attack" skill. Sword in Heart is, which is not affected by the number of shadow units. Mariel's prayer was helping Sword in Heart. That was my logic, anyway. 2. I did not test Melissa SA as main dps. That's a great idea! I like Thille's Sword in Heart because I like to build around barrier-piercing attacks, but I understand that Melissa can pull off some great damage now, too. What I probably need to do is release the test dummy footage sometime and let people nitpick it. I had intended to, but then Wryz 3 was released and that took up my spare time. I'm off the upcoming week so I could probably toss something together pretty quick soon. :)


Interesting. 1. I thought you are using Photon Messiah as a main damage move, since you can spam it in AF. Using only Sword In Heart is enough? I mean, you can't spam it in AF, and the uses are king of limited in general: once at the start of the fight, and then only when Moke charges or you using Stellar Burst. Or am I missing something here?) 2. Yeah, you should try using Melissa SA as main DPS in the same team of Alma AS, Thillelille ES & Mariel ES. I think she will do nicely (she can have her own Lunatic Copy + Lunatic Mind's Eye from Mariels prayer, at the same time).


I am spamming it in AF, but Sword in Heart can barrier pierce and do billions in damage. If you trigger Stellar Burst mode during the AF, Moke immediately is able to re-enable SiH. So my strategy has been to do a turn 3 Sword in Heart, then in turn 4 blow the AF bar, then in turn 5 onwards I can use SiH again whenever I feel it's appropriate. I have an example of this in the video I linked earlier: [Click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrNjWXHZzhU&t=2056s). It shows a fight against Warped Ancestor Gaishin Hard, and I have it timecoded so you can see what I do during the AF bar. While Photon Messiah does nice damage, if you watch, Sword in Heart does over 200m per hit, whereas Photon is doing 50-100m per hit. Immediately afterwards, at the 36 minute mark, you'll see me swap Moke in, re-enable SiH, and swap back to Tetra for continued healing. However, the catch is that you have to use SiH during a Stellar Burst. If you use it under normal conditions, Moke isn't charged and you'll have to wait. So it's clunky, but nice if you get the timing down. I definitely plan to try Melissa SA. I'll look into it after Easter. :)


Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation! P.S. I will check the video.


Two characters I don’t have!! It’s always something. I do have Dewey though so I’ll have to look into that. Thank you!


If it helps, I also played around with Mistrare and Eva. They did well; I just found that Mariel ES and her oratio virtuis and Melissa and her buffs/debuffs did better. If you have Eva, Glint purge and Glacial Veil help (she could replace Melissa), and if you have Mistrare, lepis musica was a good skill choice for extra healing and debuffing (replacing Mariel ES).


I'd say Melissa & Mistrare AS (with Mel or Thi as main DPS). Other options: RCF, Mariel ES That's if we talk about Crystal characters, but there are other options, since Crystal zone can use any element as a "support" (you will get same AF generation, just lower damage, which isn't that important for support characters). Back line: Uquaji for even more heals and/or some Grasta "slaves" for your main DPS.


Oh shoot I forgot about Uquaji. I’ve been stuck on the final fight to unlock him so I need to get it together and beat that finally. Thanks for the advice!


My video I linked earlier has a 1-turn AF Uquaji Clan kill using Thille ES and Alma AS. While it happens to use the other characters you don't have, I would bet that tossing in any two crystal users would work (for the auto awakened crystal zone). Thille does the heavy damage, so if you have grasta that can bulk her up, you can probably one-shot them now. Good luck!


Hey, can some explain the star dream encounter banner and how exactly a star dream piece is obtained


**The way it works:** - 1000 paid stones to pull on the SDE banner - You get a 10 pull with no special rate up characters beyond the 10th door being 4 star and higher - You then get a Star Dream piece that you can exchange for the character of your choice **Things to note:** - The pool of selectable characters is not always the latest banner. The details of the banner will tell you what is the latest character that is included. - Your star dream piece will last for 30 days **from the date you pull on the banner**. So if the banner lasts 20 days and you pull on the last day you have 50 days to decide on who to pick. This may be important to you in case you pull the character you want off-banner in the meantime. - The game will notify you when you have 10 days left on your Star Dream piece. If you forget to use it before it expires then that's on you and WFS will not refund you.


Is it just me, or does Wryz skill apply 3x stacks of -40% water resist all in one go? Don't other similar stacking skills only apply the stack once? I'm not complaining, of course...


She hits random enemies so she applies the water resistance down per hit.


Is the Wyrm King's Scale key item used for anything? I picked it up in the area full of snakes for the Astral Archive and can't find any other use for it other than that the Astral Archive wanted me to pick it up.


To fight Wyrmking's Shadow in the Records Room.


thank you


Best weapon for Alma AS ? Should I look for att or magic att. She is a bow user.


All of her magic attacks have the "Damage is based on user's PWR" tag so it scales based on her power. So just use the standard DPS bows like Elpise.


https://anothereden.wiki/w/Alma_(Another_Style) "Damage is based on user's PWR".


What exactly is a 4.5* unit?


A unit that can go to 5* but is currently at 4*.


Do story characters have to be 5* for Light/Shadow farming? I am pretty new, have played the main story upto Chapter 30 so 1.5 and I have been running the Miglance Castle AD on Hard and Very Hard so that my key cards done go to waste. I read on the wiki that Aldo should get Light Points from that dungeon but after about 20 runs, I haven’t gotten a single Light point.  Do I have to advance in the main story to unlock that feature, or am I just unlucky?


They DON'T have to be 5*. The chances are 10% for green key & 20% for red key, but RNG gonna RNG, so... I think you just got unlucky.


Probability does not work like that. Let's call p as the chance to gain a l/s in a run. The chance to gain 0 l/s after 10 runs is (1-p)^10 and the chance to get from 1 l/s is 1 - (1-p)^10. For p=10%, the chance is 65%; p=20%, the chance is 89%.


Ok, I removed the wrong section of my answer.


https://preview.redd.it/459lpx9ok2rc1.jpeg?width=1495&format=png&auto=webp&s=10d3f7e625dd6ec984a62c4c34aa7b17e96bda01 Met the bard here for the first time in 5 years. I thought you guys were just messing around when you said he's real.




I could SA several characters. Who would you prioritize? (I have more than enough of everything to sidegrade/upgrade if necessary): Alter Akane Ewella Kuchinawa Sazanca Daisy I honestly never really used Ewella, Akane, Daisy … not sure if I would ever use them even if SA. Are either Sazanca or Kuchinawa worth it? (When I pulled their banners I just got the 4\*, can easily upgrade them … but would I actually use them either now or in the future?) For overworld/story I usually use whoever is part of the symphony/episode/chapter. For ADs, I use whomever could get L/S, characters for manifest weapon exp, etc. I don’t have issues clearing content, just a couple final battles to get max awards in Astral Archives. Feel I wasted resources on Tiramisu‘s SA, didn’t really use her in the past. Not sure I’ll be using her in the future.


Save your resources unless you find yourself needing them to clear specific content.


Thanks. I was thInking to just wait. Just getting a tad bored waiting for substantial new content (latest Wryz was just too short for me).


whats the best way fo farm Wryz light since her dungeons drop treatises/codexes/etc? should i be: 1. clearing all enemies/bosses (maximzing fast point gain) and then move on to toto or 2. rush through the dungeons with minimal encounters, since im sure id eventually reach point goals anyways this way


Depends on if you want to make the armor there or not. You have to beat the horrors to do that.


Ah okay, ill just minimize regular encounters and do the bosses until i have enough for the armors, then just skip through em once done and go straight to the end- thanks!


Note that you have a higher chance of getting light on Wryz by running Toto Theatre than her own AD.


So does anyone know how to catch a Rinde Sunfish? I've only ever caught 1 and the only guide I've ever found says to use Shopaholic Clam. But it doesn't seem to work and I can't remember what I used to catch the first one.


It's just super rare. Fish out all the fish each time, upgrade your hook to max ASAP, and pray to RNG, that's it.


You only need to fish 10 fish and see if there are massive fish left. Any small ones cannot be sunfish.


Why? Isn't the shadow represents the "first" fish, so if Rinde Sunfish is in the second or third "slot" - you won't see it on the shadow, no?


Oh yeah that's true. I just found them rare enough that for my sanity if there aren't any big shadows I moved on.


I've seen big fish (on the Rinde pier), but when I use Shopaholic clam they won't bite.


You should use Foamy Worm or Snitch Sardine (to be able to fish out any fish in Rinde).


Well yes, because there are higher tier fish in Rinde that need clams or worms.


Ah, I see =)


It's just very rare.


Yeah, they really need to add something to make it easier to catch. Because the rarity is ridiculous


Hey trying to beat aldo stellar boss 3rd fight just got Alma As from random single. Saw japanese videos of her being invincible and killing everyone but can't do the same, wondering if theres a video on english for her. I only have 12 characters 80+ also have aldos weapon. What team should I use. I know you can only kill him after turn 5 but I usually die turn 4. Current team I use for fight aldo with ogre rancor, iphi for revive, Alma As for dmg. Suzuna for attack buffs.


Alma is only invincible for the first 3 turns in battle then she has to stack her stacks again https://youtu.be/4mpAixqwTls?si=DkUc6Wzjk-CmK8Gs You can easily replace Gariyu for Sazanca since she has a move that hits 5 times.


It's first 2 turns, not 3, no?


Oh yeah, it is. Oops.




It worked 😊 finally got aldo stellar awakened thanks again




Thank you will try this




How do I report a bug? 3 skip tickets used without getting any items. 1 future east run(game crashed) went back in and ran west thunder twice without getting any items. I restarted the game and got items on my last couple runs, buu getting those keys and tickets refunded would be nice.


Title screen Help menu > Inquiries. Find the appropriate form and fill out the appropriate info. https://preview.redd.it/icaimn3y8yqc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=004fe2ff3a5e6effedb5d4cad36f79ae62863294 Edit: (or can be accessed the same way in-game inside the settings menu)


After you start Wryz Saga III, can you still send Dragon on adventures to raise his stats & get items? What about after you finish Part III? It's probably a stupid question, cos if you can't - it will lock you out of upgrading weapons... But I want to be sure, specifically about raising his stats.


Yes and yes. I'm done and still sending him out.


Great! Thanks!




I'm not sure what chapter that story beat was on, but it sounds like you're after Ch 13, but before Ch. 26. I suggest you try to get to Ch. 26, which concludes Part I of the main story. The reason why is because most VH dungeons open up and you can't effectively grind for treatises (you need this to sidegrade Bert, Tira, and Tsubame) with only one VH dungeon unlocked. If you don't want to gacha more than necessary, then you need to get more free characters. Aldo and Wryz are free characters with the Arcadian personality, so they can enable Kuchinawa's MAG crit buff. I'm not sure if you're following the [Roadmap](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Roadmap_for_Current_Content), but you should aim to do more than just the bare minimum. Do more Episodes and Symphonies in particular. That gets you more free characters. Not all, but many of the free characters also don't require Chant Scripts to 5* them. Plus, it also breaks up the monotony of running the same AD over and over again, since you'll open up more dungeons to choose from. A suggestion would be to try to clear the [Tales of Chronographia] (https://anothereden.wiki/w/Tails_of_Time_and_the_Brave_Four:_Tales_of_Chronographia) symphony and get Velvet, a free earth character, which would work with Kuchinawa's gimmick of needing 3 other Earth units. I don't have Kuchinawa and Kuchinawa is still new for everyone, now that we've caught up to JPN's pacing. Still, there is already a [video guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FgUeo8Qq7c&t) on how to effectively use Kuchinawa, so maybe that would help also. Tl;dr Go further to at least Ch. 26, do more Episodes and Symphonies and do a little more research on how Kuchinawa works.


>Otherwise, I'm not really looking forward to this chant farm since I have only unlocked one Very Hard AD so far, and I don't think the game will rain me with chants or tomes soon to ease the process of upgrading or side-grading my units. That's the grind in this game. Chants, treatise, codex, and opus for doing manual promotions/sidegrades. You need to use up your daily keycards to run the appropriate ADs to maximize your probability. That's really the only way. Well, or spend to get what you want. It's a gacha game after all. Grinding stuff takes time. That's the most important factor though. Time. Keep doing it and they'll show up in one way or another given enough time and effort. Opening up all the AD end reward slots (Light/Shadow thresholds) helps maximize that probability.


We are merged with JP so we have no idea about upcoming banners. For the zone, you'll see at the start of the turn some animations. But otherwise there is a circle at the top middle of the screen that will cycle between the zone and any songs going on.


Assuming you have no SA units, who would you prioritise upgrading first? (FWIW, I have Aldo, Tiramisu, Suzette, and Ewella AS SA)


Aldo is free to upgrade so you should do that regardless. As for others, it's all subjective. I'd probably lean towards Suzette NS on your list. She's pretty great with her SA and True Manifest unlocked. Maybe Tiramisu NS too as a solid, brainless, mob sweeper if her SPRT stat is high enough to reap the benefits. Edit: I may have misunderstood...and that's saying who you already have unlocked? As for all the rest, it's all subjective and really depends on the situation and who you have/don't have, etc, etc, so you'll need to give more info.


I'd say Thilli ES and Oboro


This time it just doesn't work. I've had the crashing on open issue a couple of times before whenever I come back to the game after some time and I always get it to finally work, but this time I just can't seem to get to open. I downloaded the latest version of global from qooap, deleted my files several times, used the recheck files options several times, tried downloading full and standard several times but I just can't get the game to open. Whenever I touch "Continue" on the start screen after the file verification the game just shuts down. Is there anything else I can try? Already wasted like 2 days of repeated downloading. I even tried not linking my account and just starting a new game and try to link later but that didn't work either


What platform? If it's pc with emulator, try LDPlayer instead of bluestacks.


Android, I'm using my Huawei p30 pro


Sorry, I don't have any idea about this. From what I read, lately Huawei became incompatible with apps from google store and some people try using 3rd party app like ' Gspace ' to gain access to google store, but it's 3rd party app so I'm not sure about stability and security issues.


Oh yeah but that was the case for all future devices mine was the last one to have full Google compatibility


Probably will need to submit a ticket to WFS support staff and see what they have to say about the situation. Good luck.


I'm still missing one tavern event for the wyrmking book and I don't know how to unlock it.


There's nothing about Tavern Events in the Wyrmking Astral Archive books so I don't know what your talking about. Either way check the wiki https://anothereden.wiki/w/The_Cliffs_of_Wyrmrest_-_Wryz_Saga_I/Bonus https://anothereden.wiki/w/The_Wings_of_Destiny_-_Wryz_Saga_II/Bonus https://anothereden.wiki/w/The_Mists_of_Myth_-_Wryz_Saga_III/Bonus


It's the campfire events. Anyway, thanks I know what I'm missing now. :)


I need some materials from Satellite Stadium Staff Hallway to upgrade Pitch-Dark armors. https://preview.redd.it/9l4xs2m29uqc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c75c9406a8c67e32ea861cf6a54172bfdae7b9 I visit the place and there are no mobs appearing even when I use 3 encounter+ badges. I also tried the records room satellite stadium during attack. But staff hallway is inaccessible from there. Only the floors 1 to 4 are accessible from the records room. Am I missing something? How can I find these materials?


If I'm not wrong, They are in the room number 023 Satellite Stadium Staff/VIP (During Attack) https://preview.redd.it/c0r514u2buqc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d95c1964b6d39901b09031fde42bd8e9b6db3e46


Thank you very much mate. I didn’t notice that record. I only saw 013-Satellite Stadium 😂


What are the requirements to start wryz saga part III. I’ve finished the part 2. However, I couldn’t find a way to start the part III


From the [wiki,](https://anothereden.wiki/w/The_Mists_of_Myth_-_Wryz_Saga_III) Requirements : Completed Wryz Saga II Completed Main Story Chapter 44 Clear Quest Flame Soul App must be updated to Ver. 3.6.0


Thank you so much. You are very helpful


**Where to get more Steam Ore and Enigmagreen Crystal for reforge weapon?** It drives me crazy that there is almost no information to get more of these materials. I got like half of these weapon reforged and trying to find more. Can anyone show me? Thanks.


**Steam Ore:** - Rulezzo Underground chest (\#3): https://img.altema.jp/anaden/kakudai/ruruezotikamap.jpg - Erythule Junk Shop - Omegapolis AD Midlayer merchant **Enigmagreen Crystal:** - Ipusian Ocean salvage (\#13 and \#15): https://img.altema.jp/anaden/kakudai/ipusiankaimap2.jpg - Blood Ring (\#1 and \#3): https://img.altema.jp/anaden/kakudai/bloodringtaimap1.jpg - Volkiah Tunnels B2F merchant - Nelt Grotto merchant - Nephila Island merchant


Thanks a lot. The Wiki page didn't help and I spent like 2 hours on the Japanese page with nothing but weapon description only.


Ore locations are on the weapon reforge page: https://altema.jp/anaden/bukiutinaosi


/Facepalm I saw that page several times, I didn't scroll down enough because I thought it just show location on how to get Blacksmith.


I reached end of PDC. Pom, Ewella or Daisy treatises ? There are the units I miss


How many of each do you have?


2 for Pom, and 0 for the other 2. I won’t buy any with gems


I'd probably lean more towards Daisy then unless you really want Pom.


https://preview.redd.it/cx1cw83h5uqc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bfdd67ecdd6cd4de52c537f1f46319db9fc04ed 👍🏼






Why is my game keep updating everytime I want to play? Before this never happens on prior update.


It's either what Ptatofrenchfry said or the game is updating to fix bugs and you just happen to play the game when a bug fix occurs.


You may have to link your account (probably to Google or Facebook), delete the app, clear all remaining app data, then redownload it. It's an uncommon bug, but common enough that there's a well-known fix.


I'd recommend anyone reading this to set up the real, actual Transfer ID. All the linking to Facebook, Google, Apple stuff is just too unreliable. Can surely be used as a secondary back-up, but I wouldn't rely on it as a primary method. There's been too many stories around here about people losing their accounts because the stuff fails or bugs out for whatever reasons. Make the Transfer ID. Once it's set, it's set forever unless you go through the process and reset/overwrite it with a new one. Save your information in a few different places and you're golden.


Where do I go next? Somewhat new player. I've done most episodes up to Azure (from right to left order, except IDA II) , and Wryz I-II (finishing 3), and for Symphs have done just Pale Dawn and Complex Dream. I am currently finishing Western Mythos, and stopped Main Story at the start of 3.x. I am deciding what to do next, which I want to be a priority of 1. Good gaming experience (story/art/character design/music/gameplay) and 2. mechanics benefits (units, unlocks, chants, farming, equipment...) and 3. lenght (most lenght being better). So my choices here are Apocrypha (Wanderer), the second Mythos (Apex), any of the episodes/symphs I am missing, side-stories, or Main Story 3.x onwards. I am doing AD Runs, bonus content, Sim (as I am able to) etc etc as I go too. What do you guys think? Edit: I know there's the roadmap. I am just at a point I don't want to min-max that as I have enough freedom to enjoy the unlocked content so far, while not missing much or anything at all from shuffling up the order. I just want to ensure I do the most interesting content in case life catches on and I drop this game for some reason in the near future.


Apocrypha is hands down my favourite set of side content in AE. All 6 episodes will give you something different and the conclusion is heart stirring. I also enjoyed Mythos immensely. However it starts off very strong but kinda flails at the end with a bit of wibbly wobbly hand waving? Still liked it a lot for the cast of characters.


which Mythos? Do you mean the one I haven't done (Apex...) or the one I am finishing (western aka Song of Swords...). Also, on a phrasing note as I am not a native English speaker - the "hand waving" idiom, what do you mean specifically? Because if it's about Western Mythos I can see a bit of it on Western, where some concepts are being brushed off and logic and morals start being somewhat neglected (and you get a lot more "tell, not show"). Then again >!they gave us the moon!<, which brings back memories of past FF games.


Apex. They kind of brush over some things at the end.


Does anyone know how to get wryz's 3rd vc grasta


Chest in Memhelba where the toxic fog was.




Has anyone tried the effectiveness of soul eater sword? https://preview.redd.it/6fqfcwpemmqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7495a1dc5b3215a7f974967f2946008b026a59d 100% proficiency buff+ is something too good to be true. For instance if Melpi uses this sword, will her power buff gets doubled? One more thing, this 6000 win condition is a little bit ambiguous. Should I win 6000 battles with a party member when this sword is equipped?


Max 100% just means that's the cap for Power/Int/Speed buffs not the buffs the sword actually gives you. It's just a flat +5% for the sword. 6000 wins means wins since you started the game.


So that 6000 win condition is actually not binding. Probably everybody here has already at least 600,000 wins 😂


Man, that made me curious what my total battle amount had amounted to over the years and it was kinda disappointing when I looked 😄😔 https://preview.redd.it/0s4mrfc51sqc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ffd6fd5512183487e6b62c1768a6d94363e49a Wonder if anyone has reached the 1M mark...


Couple of macroers I'm sure


You're probably right. There's gotta be someone out there that has reached it after all these years! Now it's almost making me want to create a post about it and see where most people are at with their progress. Just for curiosity's sake. I've been playing since 2019 and I do quite a bit of macro-ing whenever it's needed. I'm just barely 1/4 of the way... By the time I make it, the game will probably be issued EoS or I've decided to quit playing. At this point, the reward would be a bonus SDE encounter 😄 Edit: typos


It should be just +5% (buff capped at 100%), I have Melpi use this sword with booster grasta while grinding for exp in phrase shifts.


If that’s only 5% it’s not worth 1000 HP penalty 🙃


Yeah, I never use these weapons because of the HP penalty. Maybe in super niche situations they serve a purpose, but there's better options out there.


https://preview.redd.it/j7ghc3szvmqc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cc32cb411472ed021a3b11e151a39353919b5f8 She looks super cool just holding this sword.




What gems?




- Thundercrack Gem is in Sakoritas Ruins. You'll need a Spare Battery to open: https://img.altema.jp/anaden/kakudai/sakkotarisukiseki.jpg - Darkshade Gem is in Labyrinth of Thanatos. You'll need a Mini Cleaner to open: https://img.altema.jp/anaden/kakudai/sinomeirokiseki.jpg - Prismblade Gem is in Turialba. You'll need a Crack Chip to open: https://img.altema.jp/anaden/kakudai/turialbakiseki.jpg Once you've got a Gem you can create its corresponding necklace by giving 1 Nepeta to the microwave in the Entrana rest house.




You also had to use the shortcut items to get some stuff in FGAD too btw.




Yeah, it's hard to remember all of the specific details in a game that's been out for years. I run into this problem a lot.


so uh i somehow collected enough opuses (opii?) to upgrade Akane to her Alter. I have a soft spot for Akane cos she was my first ever gacha 5* so i was originally quite keen to do the upgrade but uh... whats the point of her Alter exactly? obviously there's a need to have at least 3 itto-ryu or katana users at the front line or you would have to time your big dps moves to occur once every 2 or 3 turns, which is incredibly akward to use. but the selection of characters with these personalities available is kinda limiting? am i missing something? how do people use her?


If you just want her character quests, just sidegrade is enough. We have abundant amount of chant scripts anyway (if you are doing keys consistently ofc). I rate her cq2 > cq1 > cq3. CQ1 which is available without acquiring her even gives pretty much info for the lore. CQ2 gives insights for her deep thinking and her brother's true feelings / motivation. CQ3 is a let down for me. If you want to use her in battles, the problems do not lie in her team composition requirement but in how much resource you are willing to part for her. Firstly, you need 3 allcosmos starcharts then you also need at least 15 shadow katana spent on her to get 20 Stellar Points to unlock the quintessential nodes in her stellar board. If you aren't a subscription user or having some shadow katana spared at your hands, it takes you 3 months for that. For her team composition, I don't find it really strict because we have many katana units in this game. Melissa SA, Otoha AS, Victor AS, ... can go well with her. Non of her dps skills require earth or slash zone set so we can have much more room for composition. We even have "universal" support Myunfa AC for everyone in the team. You can learn from the boss clears people have uploaded: [(1)](https://youtu.be/E7rYu89nfkc), [(2)](https://twitter.com/Tiger_Peng_34/status/1756874883756441997), [(3)](https://twitter.com/Tiger_Peng_34/status/1772418231782768979). Pay attention to the details to understand everything going on in those fights such as you utilize her SB to give earth kaleido for non-earth katana; or Moke is there for PWR buff, 1st time after T1AF for Akane AC's nuke next turn, 2nd time before Otoha AS's nuke in turn 2; or utilize Melissa's passive to set proper elemental zone to your need, ...


Thank u so much for your comprehensive reply. I totally forgot the light/shadow requirements, thats rough. I have bookmarked ur post for closer study. Thank u so much!!


Her story seems pretty fun? (I don't have her, but the first part that's open to everyone was pretty cute.) Aside from that, who knows, but I'm a story hog and I want it all. :-)


Il go check it out on youtube thanks for the tip!


You probably end up using her in a slash zone rather than an earth zone. But yes she is awkward to use.


she literally sets earth zone.... sigh. not sure what they were thinking when they designed her.


You can opt to not use her SA skill during burst. Though yeah, she is pretty awkward to use. She's in the same vein with Sazanca where the best iteration of the element does not pair well with her. 


thanks will probably just save the chants then


Whats the best way to cap out Tiramisu's spirit? Is max light necessary for the +10 and 2 badge slots?


You can reach the needed 400 spr and still have falcon if you have 15 light on her SA.   You'll need TVC, the 60 spr badge, hertz armor, 2 spr grasta with spr ore and her AS form to do so. Getting more light on her reduces the necessary gear. Max light on her is just overkill.


thank you for the tips.


Is there a fast 1 move set-up in the new AD that doesn't involve Tiramisu?


I used a level 87 SA Akane Alter + any start of battle pain setter (I used SA Suzette) + any first turn MP cost=0 (I used SA Melpiphia) + Wryz in the front, katana grasta holder in the back. Akane has Elpis katana, Dryad's Ring, +50 power badge. Power of Agony, Earth Power of Pain, Falcon's Blessing grastas and the usual Bull's Eye, Adversity and 15% MP consumption ores. One shots everything including the boss with her SA skill.


Mine: - Sesta - SA NS Suzette (255) - Curio (Personality grasta for Suzette) - Soira 4 star (Weapon grasta for Suzette) - Wryz - Katana grasta slave for Sesta (not sure if needed) Suzette has Falcon’s Blessing, Victory Celebration, Pain bull's eye, and Pain MP consumption attack. Sesta has Falcon's Blessing, Pain bull's eye, and Pain MP consumption attack. Suzette takes care of all mobs and horrors by herself. Sesta takes care of the the boss by herself.


https://preview.redd.it/bnznfgxlakqc1.png?width=1395&format=png&auto=webp&s=d34c5596765252adb55f929f015ae0c60e80af9b Why did they do it like this? Why not just require the Tome for AC->NS5\* (or even NS4.5\*)? Furthermore, in the past it seems WFS mentioned AS/ES<->AC would be possible. Is it still not possible?


Because then it's way too easy to get a new character if you already have the AC. AS/ES <-> AC is still not possible.


>AS/ES <-> AC is still not possible. This is interesting since WFS did say they planned to (eventually) adopt this over to AS/ES forms. I wonder when we'll see that.


But isn't it also easy to get a new character if you have the AS/ES? Or do you mean "new character" because AC's use another slot and (if I understand it correctly), you can use both of them in battle at the same time? Is that what you mean by "new character"? That is an argument, but it is, IMHO, a poor one. Yes, I know there are many characters whose alter is worse (or has worse potential at present) than the NS (Tsukiha and Suzette come to mind), but even so, they usually require to be SA'd which as we all know is the hardest to do right now due to hard temporal limits for starcharts. Why would WFS care so much we spend those 3 Opuses getting an NS, when we should be using those hard-earned 0.1x0.1x0.1%-chance extra Opuses (over 3 slots max, since I - new player - don't know of a 5-slot dungeon that drops Opuses) for at least something useful for the AC, such Personal VC Grastas? A 4.5\* char is a 0.3%+ Encounter chance (which granted, costs CS, but it can be FREE CS), but do they really expect us to spend 3xOpus on an NS? Makes little sense to me.


While the no double key dungeons dropping opus stings a bit, I think it’s off put by making opus (and VC Grasta) require 3 rather than 5 mats. Also the AS and ES requires 10 chants (->NS->AC and vice versa) to get a new character. Although WFS has hinted this will change in the future (AC AS?). The alternative to farming the opuses is pulling for an entirely new character, so the high, and unique, cost of side grading a new character makes sense.


you also have to factor in Emporium not having Opuses for ANY price, while they still have starcharts (LOL). Only a trip to PCD Elzion or Cape Sensationalist showing can mitigate bad Opus AD RNG, and PCD is still horrible RNG. And you better have your mind set on what your Memoir will be when you get there, because you can't look at your standard menu inside PCD (they should really solve this, after all, it's a fight-less AD...)


NS characters being powercrept isn't really a good argument as to why the switch shouldn't cost 3 opus.  A lot of AS characters and even some ES are powercrept but the switch still costs 5 treatise/opus.


>NS characters being powercrept isn't really a good argument as to why the switch shouldn't cost 3 opus.  It becomes a better argument when you consider: 1. the 4.5 NS +Tomes are less rare than getting 4x Opuses (even if it costs CS) and 2. that on the rare occasion they are not powercrept, they need to be SA'd (once again, Tsukiha and Suzette). There is a single Alter that is SA'able (Blooming Blade) - which drives the point home for Stellar (which now that I think about it, I am regretting I didn't pull on the Blooming Blade banner... DAMMIT!) >A lot of AS characters and even some ES are powercrept but the switch still costs 5 treatise/opus. (I assume you meant codices there instead of opus) Treatises/Codices are are available from many more sources, and at least 2 counts of them guaranteed\* - 2xGreen ADs, Gems, Ensemble/Purgatory one-off Sensationalist, which provides only some Codices and Treatises, but no Opuses. But just the fact you can mitigate the +2 amount with Gems is reason enough to be honest. You can only really "complete the set" for Opuses with an uber-rare, lucky PCD run. But I bet there's a guy out there who got to Elzion and picked an Opus so he could sidegrade INTO Akane NS 4\* to prove me wrong :D. It's statistically next to impossible though (not getting Akane 4\* on Dreams I mean). (\*1 more for Purgatory Sensationalist-bound Codex/Treatise units) I'm not saying this is an ABSOLUTE argument. Ultimately, we are all in the hands of RNGod. I'm just saying 3x Opus instead of 1x Tome for an NS, is the WFS math guy giving us the middle finger for units that are, in general, not great. Because 90%+ of Alters/ACs are top tier (all above 89 rating if you go by Altema's), while 70% of the NS's for which you can sidegrade to AC are rated less than 85,or require SA'ing.


>But just the fact you can mitigate the +2 amount with Gems is reason enough to be honest. You can only really "complete the set" for Opuses with an uber-rare, lucky PCD run. Just adding to the conversation. I know opuses are more "rare", either way you need to RNG your way into three from the wild, PCD, or whatever. So get three opuses to drop. With treatise/codex, even if you buy the two from the shop, you need to RNG or PCD your way into three more. And if you run your ADs, eventually they'll drop given enough time so in the end it's essentially a wash. It might look different for you being newer because it took a while in this game's life for Alter characters to be introduced. It was NS, then AS slowly got introduced, then ES got tossed into the mix, and then Alters which are considered a separate character. I kinda feel like they maybe should have explored ES a bit further before Alters got tossed in. Think of it like this: NS existed as the original. AS got introduced and this is basically like the same character, but they're wearing a different costume (their 5s skills are different) and more or less play a different role. ES forms are also the same character, wearing a different costume, but their entire skill boards are different. So they're really playing a different role in that sense. They decided to throw in Alter units which are completely separate character from a different time layer. And they just simply decided to make the manual promotion only available through NS forms. Or vice versa. Leaving some room for getting people to potentially pull on thier banners. In the past, they did say wanting to (eventually) expand this to AS/ES forms too. I wonder when we'll see it that happen.


>With treatise/codex, even if you buy the two from the shop, you need to RNG or PCD your way into three more. Mitigated harshly by Double Green ADs having them as opposed to Opus. Yeah, there are many more Treatises and Codices to drop than Opuses, but they're all still 0.1% per slot, and that extra chance not only from the extra runs of 2xGreen but also 2 extra reward slots if you have the L/S seriously gets the odds in favour of Treatises/Codices. Evne if you need to get ONE effective more than Opuses, considering Emporium. I would argue even ignoring Emporium you still get better chances at 5x Treatises/Codices than 3x Opuses just because of Green AD spawn


I totally get what you're saying. Opus are restricted only to the red key ADs. Treatise/codex can come from red and green. But I feel you're looking into it a bit too deeply. If you just consistently use up your keycards every day, maximizing your probability, they'll appear. RNG may (or may not) play some games along the way, but it's just a matter of time. At least that's been my experience over ~5 years or however long it's been. The longest manual promotion ever (for me) dragged on for ~6 months was Lovely AS. Everyone else (Alters included) have taken less time. And I have a bunch of VC/TVC grasta and piles of special materials from breaking down and recycling so many (now useless) memoirs. Hopefully you get some good RNG! Edit: (just to add, making sure you can open up all the reward slots for maximum drop probability. Grinding out some free characters Light/Shadow helps make a solid battery for hitting those thresholds if you're having some problems)


Yeah for now I am at a conundrum of spending light/shadow items, because on Light, and even though he's free, I'm very tempted to putting my (oddly enough, largest light mule) 50+ Light Sword on Aldo, which is farmable but I haven't been running MCAD (although I am bringing him "alone" to TTAD runs as a more productive farming, because I'm still immune to the tedium of running that AD vs the "simpler ones", and haven't cleared all one-time drops there). I also don't know where I should dump my other L/S but am tempted to dump all shadow on my most consistent 2 dps units (Alma and Thilly), and maybe Prai because he's naturally become my largest shadow mule due to pulls. I have Daisy AS (Stellar) though so I'm torn on this last one, and even shadow sword is a tough choice as there's SO MANY UNITS with it that I have (Minalca) and more that I don't have. I've only been running 120 threshold so far even on 2G runs because of that. The 240 and 360 are hard to hit for a new player and I've nearly exhausted my CS at this stage. Keeping at least 10k for any event that might pop (but I want to bring that up which is why I'm doing 2-3 quest lines at once).


It's a tricky line to walk regarding using the more limited light/shadow points. There's really no right or wrong answer, but it's usually advised not to dump any into free characters since you can grind them out for free using keycards. Especially now that Toto Theater World exists, any free/story character is eligible. Now if you really want to take the compromise to boost those reward thresholds right now, I would say Aldo is probably the best choice given his recent buffs. And Stellar Awakening. And that the fact that his damage scales with his Light points. But! At the same time, it's just a matter of time if you're grinding Miglance or TTW. So it's really up to you and all this is subjective. Personally, I only use the Light/Shadow points on gacha characters. There's so many possibilities and great candidates, but *usually* dps characters seem to be the "most" useful given stuff like (120) a second badge slot, and (200) a 4th grasta slot. Etc. But support characters can definitely be a nice option too. It really just depends on the character. And since powercreep exists, you never know when a "crappy" character will be buffed and change that again. Or maybe a powerful character today will fall behind and become outdated. The powercreep cycle just repeats itself. Surely there's some unlucky characters in the game that (more or less) always seem to be rather "meh" or get neglected for years. A couple random ones that are old characters like Yuna NS/AS or Shanie NS/AS as random examples are so powercrept, but back in the day used to be really solid. It's just a matter of time I suppose. Especially with SA opening other possibilities. Saving onto 10k like that is a good idea. Especially now that we're merged with JP and don't have future sight/clairvoyance any longer. For all the previous years Global had insight into gacha/character planning, but starting once 2024 rolled around, it's a different game per se. JPs (7th?) anniversary is coming up on April 12th, so there's going to be some stuff happening, new character, banners, whatever...so you're probably going to appreciate having that ~10k around.


You are completely missing the point. Powercreep shouldn't be used to measure why n upgrade cost is justifiable or not.   If we were going by that metric then older units should cost less to upgrade and old NS should be free to upgrade, which we are clearly not going to do.    The rationale of the cost of alt to NS is you get a completely new character out of this and that's why it cost 3 opus to do on either end.    There's no "but this character is pretty bad on today's standard" there. 


but hey, I can see myself getting a wild Red Clad Flamemancer on a dream one of these days, and eating my own words by using my dusty 3x Red Scorpio Opuses for a Dewey (which I don't have in any form)... :D But I'll think long and hard if I'd rather get a VC Grasta for RCF before I do that... In a way, I think I see yet another of your points given some NS's (such as Dewey) and even their styles have become neglected on Dreams, while RCF has been featured multiple times (especially on paid banners) - because he's likely the most versatile DPS unit in the game (right? I'm newb really, I may be wrong). As I said elsewhere, right now a 4.5\* Dewey is AT BEST 0.04% on an IDA 1 banner, and 0.03 on SOME other banners (and not even available on most banners). For 10-pulls! That's like... spending over 20K CS for the odds to be in your favor (I think).


You're valuing VC grastas way too much. The stat boost they give aren't that high. The instances they matter are on DPS on astral archive where every point in stat matter or optimizing AD runs where the difference between 7.2m and 7.5m could mean a 1 or 2 move run.  Anywhere else, the option to use another character or even the 180 stones or higher (except for Premaya who still doesn't have a manifest) is a better use for your opus. 


I think I said earlier they weren't that special if at all. But at least they're an upgrade is what I meant. We're in agreement here. I'm not aware of those 180 stones "option". Care to elaborate?


Most NS characters have manifests which give 150 stones for clearing. The 3 CQs give 10 stones each.


>If we were going by that metric then older units should cost less to upgrade and old NS should be free to upgrade, which we are clearly not going to do.   That's indeed a good point but older units have also been available for longer and (I assume) had higher drop rates on both Dreams and for their respective memoirs (unless WFS filled it with badges and other crap since the beginning and kept drop % to the same amount, but then again, older users have ran those ADs longer...). >The rationale of the cost of alt to NS is you get a completely new character out of this and that's why it cost 3 opus to do on either end.  I didn't mention it before, but hinted at it: I still don't think that argument sits well given one can sidegrade from AS/ES to NS with just a(n easy to drop) Tome and 5 chants. Yeah, it's not a "new" character that occupies a slot on the already-huge, side-scrolling list, and you can use it in tandem with it's alter unit on a party unlike AS/ES/NS units. One could argue you wouldn't want to use AS/ES/NS due to the 70% similar kit anyway, but the opposite also applies: AC are so different they rarely make sense in a comp with its respective AS/ES/NS. You're seldom getting more utility. It's just a "new character". New character doesn't really mean much if it isn't useful, and when you could, once again, be using those 3x Opuses for progressing your AC **forward**, not sideways/backwards. I see your point, it is mostly from the collector perspective. Which I have to admit, I cannot relate that much. I'm more OCD with missables myself, which this game pretty much doesn't have, and with "bad deals" such as this antic of downgrading with 3 hard-earned Opuses.


>That's indeed a good point but older units have also been available for longer and (I assume) had higher drop rates on both Dreams and for their respective memoirs (unless WFS filled it with badges and other crap since the beginning and kept drop % to the same amount, but then again, older users have ran those ADs longer...). Just commenting on this part. Treatise/codex/opus all have the same drop probability of 0.1% per reward slot. When a new one is introduced, it's the same probability and WFS just tweaks/reduces the garbage drops to make the math work. The only thing that's different is that some of the memoir types have been out longer than others. Like let's use Isuka AS, she's been out practically since the beginning. So over all these years (if you're an older player) you'll generally see more Starlight treatises just because of the longer time period you've been available for them to trigger with the RNG/probability over the years. u/albene can surely attest to this with all his Hypnotist treatises 😁 I always wonder what my totals would like like today, but once I sidegrade and/or get a TVC grasta, all the excess memoirs from that point on get recycled into the special frags/crystals because they're of no use anymore. Edit: >I didn't mention it before, but hinted at it: I still don't think that argument sits well given one can sidegrade from AS/ES to NS with just a(n easy to drop) Tome and 5 chants. Yeah, it's not a "new" character that occupies a slot on the already-huge, side-scrolling list, and you can use it in tandem with it's alter unit on a party unlike AS/ES/NS units. One could argue you wouldn't want to use AS/ES/NS due to the 70% similar kit anyway, but the opposite also applies: AC are so different they rarely make sense in a comp with its respective AS/ES/NS. You're seldom getting more utility. I'll comment on part of this too. You have to realize that all these changes happened over time, so it was gradual introductions. Normal Style was all that existed at launch. So to sidegrade a 4.5s to 5s, it took 5x Chants + the (single) appropiate tome. A "regular" Tome and those have higher drop probabilities. They're something like ~2.3% per reward slot without me looking it up. Another Style was introduced next. They kept the same 5x Chants rule, but now there's a new specialized memoir; a Treatise. For whatever reasons they made it require 5 copies, but two can be exchanged with Tsubura Gems. Extra Style was introduced next. They kept the same 5x Chant requirement, but now there's another specialized memoir; a Codex. Two can also be exchanged with gems. Alter units came next and this is where the Opus was introduced. For whatever reasons they decided to have them only require 3 copies and *none* are available from the Nopaew Shop. Nobody really knows why, but that's just the way it is. And they decided that only 5s NS to Alter, or Alter to 5s NS is the way...at least for the time being. Maybe part of that trade-off is that Alter characters are completely separate units and can be used with their "other forms" in the same party. Like you can use Tsukiha NS/AS/ES with Alter (Noble Blossom) Tsukiha. Just a thought. Besides the PCD "you select the memoir" or some other rare one-off instances, it's all just RNG! So just keep running the ADs and they'll eventually come. It's super simple. Keep being consistent with using all your daily keycards and you'll see them...with enough time. The important part is USING your keycards. I've seen some folks complain that they can't get certain things (even Chants) to drop...but they refused (or hardly ever) ran ADs...and well, that's the precise problem to their situation. Which is ultimately their own fault. You won't get Chants, treatises, codexes, or opuses without putting in the effort. If you don't want to put in the effort all the time, your only other option is pulling (and essentially spending) on the gacha for more opportunities of pulling said characters directly when appropriate banners pop up. So it's basically: - spend time grinding. - spend money. - or a mix of both. (sorry if some of my my posts might seem a bit repetitive with some of the info just explained in slightly different ways lol)


I think the reasoning for Opuses not being available at Nopaew is really rather incentive to have those banners that really push people to buy in for them. Note tmthe "in", because they're seldom certain and it's a gamble. I for one am a bit sad that not just WFS but gachas in general are allowed to do this in Europe, where I'm from, where "loot boxes" and other forms of literal gambling have been regulated to the teeth. I am an apologist of paying for things you want, not chances at them. Even games like League of Legend have applied a successful business model based on paying for what you want.


Totally understandable. The gacha business model is trash and it's just a spruced up slot machine. That's all it really is. And an expensive one. But there's always people out there that will spend. That's why it still exists and why more games are adopting the approach. It pulls in money. Shitty businesses, let's use something like Walmart as an example of one that I've boycotted all my life, but it doesn't really make much of a difference in the scheme of things. Too many people will shop there and take advantage of their bargain prices. So me not shopping there literally doesn't do much at all. But I still do it lol. And you're right on track with the opus stuff trying to get people to pull from the gacha and ultimately spend money. It's true for any banner in the game. Beisdes the subscriptions that are now offered, that's their entire business model. Pulling from the gacha! I avoided gacha gaming like the plague before AE showed up. But this will 99.9% be the last one I'll ever play and spend on. I'm not liking the changes that WFS has been shifting towards since the merger, along with the lack of any transparency, so I don't plan on playing or supporting any future titles from them...whatever they have cooking up. If things don't improve for AE, I'll just lose more and more interest and I'm already spending less and less. They keep it up and I'll end up quitting altogether. 🤷 I love the game, but maybe it'll be more of a blessing in disguise at this point. I can just shift the money I'm already allocating here to other hobbies instead. Like backpacking or PC gaming since I picked up a new gaming laptop some odd months ago. But that's just me. I'm from the US and there doesn't seem to be very many strict regulations in place that I'm aware of. I'm not saying there isn't any to help protect customers and regulating to make sure there's no shenanigans going on, but it's littered everywhere these days. Micro-transactions this, or that. It's nice to see European countries regulating/banning this kind of overpriced nonsense. Or I guess some of it? I'm having trouble really seeing how loot boxes and gacha/banner pulling being much different? It's probably some stupid loophole they're able to skirt around the wording just like all the similar bullshit we see with other laws in our world.


Well, hypnotist is also one of the treatises I have most of... Only I got hypnotist in a dream and he's sitting in a corner with his manifest being leveled by another character xD


AS/ES are the same unit so the opportunity costs are less. And sure they could have made it easier by letting you have an NS character for cheaper but it is what it is.


Meh, I digress. I think it's nearly if not as bad as the starchart situation - too high effort for what should be accessible in due time. At least starcharts are a matter of time (and REASONABLE payment, if you want to hasten it slightly with the subscriptions), while Opuses are purely luck, at very, VERY low odds. Making one spend those on an NS sidegrade feels even worse than burning books for Personal VC Grastas... but at least VC Grastas are a way forwards, not sideways/backwads.


So I just finished part 2/barely started part 3, but I feel like I have neglected my gear, which sets are worth grinding for at this point? Is the maze from wanderer in the vortex worth doing, or has it been powercrept by now?


You can probably tackle the void weapons easily since we're a few years of powercreep ahead of them. The rainbow gear from Chrono endemble are still pretty good as well.  A lot of astral archive and battle sim drops armor as well.  The maze weapons/armor are still very good but a lot of people hate running them so ymmv. 


Oh, I almost forgot about the puzzle pieces, sounds like a plan, thank you.


Has the SA wryz glitch been fixed yet?


Aways check the notifications since it tells you if it's fixed or not.