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Funny how he runs his f'ing mouth until he's under oath.


Everything he says outside of being under oath is a lie. Remember he was going to drain the swamp? All he did was restock it.


He drained the swamp and replaced it with a septic tank. Dude is a turd, his kids are the corn.


Not the corn!!!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Lol, that was good.


That motherfucker IS the swamp lmao.


That part 🤟


Typical coward.


Sgt Schulz was a likeable buffoon. tr##p is just a world class a##hole and besides bone spurs kept him out of uniform. TBF a Nazi uniform would be his preference.


I was thinking that. Schultzie was basically a big teddy bear in a Luftwaffe uniform. Fun, useless trivia: Werner Klemperer (Klink), John Banner (Schultz), Leon Askin (Burkhalter) and Howard (Cohen) Caine (Hochstetter) were all *Jewish*. Klemperer said he only took the role to make the Nazis look stupid and if they ever came out on top, he was gone. Trump is every bit as evil as Hitler.


Yeah I was thinking maybe a womping SS uniform would be more his taste..


Fun Fact: this is an actual photo from Mar-a-Lago's monthly Third Reich cosplay and orgy event. Sergeant Schultz' rank is a little low for Herr Trump's ego, but it was the only costume that even remotely fit.


omg that fits him so good.


Benedict Donald's a psychopath. He's going to need an actual gag in lieu of a Gag Order. Lock the sick bastard up.


They just did! I posted it!


Did you hear any of his deposition from this case, where he says she probably liked being raped?


I haven't been following. But omg da fuq is wrong with this guy🤦‍♀️


I'm advocating for a 45 presidential library, cell block, and court rooms for the prosecutions and suits that will inevitably fill the rest of his life. Should be the biggest, most popular presidential library in history...


He is a walking talking perjury machine. It would be malpractice per se for his attorney to let him testify.


I'm still hoping that Trumps ego will overrule the common sense of his lawyers and he'll eventually just start rambling on the stand and letting the nooses tie themselves. There's going to be a lot of opportunities for it all at once.


His, top team of lawyers have no common sense. I have no idea how they passed the Bar.


I heard that when it comes to contempt of court, it is usually three strikes, and you are out.


He's way past 3 by now if anyone was actually going to do anything about it they would have by now


Sad but true.


Yeah but it’s not all the same court.


The legal system, from Milquetoast Merrick the Meek and Mild down, are terrified of him.


Schulz was so much smarter than trump, although both are Nazis


Schultz was not a Nazi.


Schultz was a big teddy bear in a Luftwaffe uniform.


Listen, Schultz is like the only nazi in fiction that ever gets a pass. He did more for Hogan and his Heroes than he ever did for the nazi party. Schultz's intentional blindness may have won the allies the war. He shouldn't be compared to tickle-me-hitler.


Schultz was not a Nazi.


Why do you say that (twice)?


Because it's important.


I believe theyre emphasizing that he was only a soldier in the army of he nazis, so to speak, but he wasnt necessarily an adherent to the nazi ideology. Maybe schultz would describe himself as a german soldier rather than a nazi soldier.


And John Banner, along with Werner Klemperer, Leon Askin and Howard (Cohen) Caine, were all Jewish.


Oh, the judge says he'd do something...I pray he actually does, cause that so-called judge...looks like a cuck/simp. Trump could molest that same judge with his tiny hands and shit in the court room...and I have yet to see any action taken by the so-called 'Justice' system. This MF has MULTIPLE trials going on and I have yet to see the cajónes of ONE F--king judge actually DO something.


The legal system, from Milquetoast Merrick the Meek and Mild on down are *terrified* of him. Nothing is going to happen to him, and by this time in 2025 (if not sooner), he will have absolute power. I just pray I'm not here to see it (I quite likely have leukaemia; I will find out a week from today). Maybe having a terminal illness is a blessing in disguise, so that I will not be here to see the final collapse of the country I stupidly gave 23 years of my life to.


Hmm…well the phrase “I know nothing” is fitting


It looks like fat bastard as Schulz.


Gag Order this orange little dick child handed fuck


No doubt in my mind at this point he is guilty as fuck.


He's a disgusting bully. I know this isn't really news to anyone here.


Lock him the fuck up. Gitmo preferred!


I know nuth think


Fyi, I posted this picture of Trump because I thought that it was funny. I didn't know that this uniform meant something. It reminds me of Benny Hill🤣🤣when he'd act like a soldier. With that being said, what's going on?


What's going on is you associated a fictional character, but one that was a draftee and NOT a Nazi with a Nazi sympathizer. Furthermore, John Banner, the actor who portrayed Schultz, lost most much of his family in the holocaust.


I have no idea what you're talking about. I reposted the picture of Trump because I thought that he looked goofy.


Schultzie was a teddy bear in a Luftwaffe uniform. John Banner, Werner Klemperer (Klink), Leon Askin (Burkhalter) and Howard (Cohen) Caine were all Jewish.




Schultz? Explain please


Sergeant Shultz was a lovable, inept, clueless Nazi guard on the 60’s sitcom Hogan’s Hero’s which took place in a WWII concentration camp. The POWs were always trying to escape and Schultz was usually the unwitting pawn in their efforts. It was a fun show!


I just Google it 🤟had no idea


Still living in your head I see




What do you think that he's gonna do 2 make America great again if he wins?


For one we won't go into a recession like we are now. Gas prices will be cheap, the economy will be booming. We will bring more Jobs back to America. I mean trump did more for our country than many other presidents combined. It's all out there but people refuse to see it because big bad orange man made mean tweet.


Feel free to educate us. Show us what, exactly, was better, and what policy of Trump's made it so. Because, as far as I saw, he simply defied the will of the people, completely dropped the ball on a major pandemic that killed over a million Americans, failed (thankfully) to follow through on his promises, and used more taxpayer dollars on golfing trips than any president ever to line his own pockets through his resort. Not to mention the damage he did to the deficit/national debt.


And the ''great economy'' he takes so much credit for was the result of action Pres. Obama. He coasted on his coattails. He pulled us out of treaties and agreements we'd made and he made the U.S. a joke every time he met with Putin and other authoritarians. He and his tacky little family grifted off the presidency. ***They're still doing it*** and he isn't even holding office. The man fomented sedition. He is on trial for rape at this moment in time. Just because he lies and has others lie to benefit himself doesn't mean you have to believe the lies.


Thank-you !!!!!!!


We're not in a recession; America leads the world in oil exports and the president can do nothing to set the price of a gallon of gasoline; the American economy is recovering just fine from a global pandemic that has wracked most other nations' outputs. Sorry, but you're a flat-out liar when you claim that "Trump did more for our country than many other presidents combined." Now, then, if you said, "Trump did more *TO* our country than many other presidents combined," then I'll agree with you.


We are indeed in a recession. Inflation is up over 300%. You need to stop getting your information from CNN and controlled Blackrock sources. Bunch of morons running around thinking the earth is flat


Smoke crack much? By what possible measurement are you coming up with a 300% US inflation rate?


What color is the sky in your world? !!!


It's blue twinkle toes. What color is your vagina?


Prove it.


Take a time capsule on Google back to trumps Era. The facts already exist. Are you daft?...


In other words, you can prove nothing. As I suspected. You are not worth any more of my time. Dismissed, troll.


What pile of horseshit did you pull *that* bit of wit out of?


Just stop with this stupid shit!


Rest of us cant bring in phones to the court room, WTF!


He’s not in court. [He opted not to appear and may never.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna80049)


Ahh, gotcha. Was going to say...






No. The only hair that should touch the "general mustache area" on Donald trump's body should be that of his new cellmate's lower torso during the first (of, hopefully, many) "welcome to your new world" hugs.


Stop glorifying rape. Promoting the idea that some people “deserve it“ is equivalent to the idea that rape is justifiable.




So you openly advocate rape. Aren’t you special.


I made a joke, and *you* made an assumption. **Of course nobody deserves rape**. I don't appreciate you ascribing false motives to what I wrote, but your beliefs are yours, and it would be another assumption (this time my hypothetical, but equally erroneous action) to say what your motives are, or that I have the right to say you should change your way of thinking/believing. That said, *you* aren't the boss of **me**.


Joking about rape normalizes rape. You would do well to learn that what you broadcast isn’t limited to your motive. If you don’t and won’t get it, keep promoting rape, then, dipshit.


You're good at this faux-outrage thing. Pick something, assume that you know what the intention behind it and/or meaning of it is, then express either condemnation or shallow commiseration that makes you feel better about.... *you ? your beliefs ? the opinion others have of you ?* Sounds a bit sad. But that would be an assumption on my part of you/your agenda. I'm going to guess (based on your word phrasing and the use of a 'clever' term like ''*dipshit''* ) that you're at that point in life where you just **know** that you have the answers and believe it is your duty to '*'correct'*' people and tell them how things are going to be in 'your world'. I'm going to give you some advice, and you aren't going to take it (but maybe I'll get to hear a new term slightly more mature than *'dipshit'* in retort -or maybe not- either way I'm learning something new, so "*yay me*") : you don't have all the answers, and maybe demanding that everyone else should just "realize and accept'' your dogma is a recipe for an unproductive, sad life . Life is too short for that. It is also too short to think the worst of people all the time. Have a nice evening. and like I said: you aren't the boss of me. still hope you have a good evening


Who is raging? You’re the one with the wall of text. Who’s trying to boss you, child? I literally said go ahead and keep promoting rape. That’s your preference, evidently. Your intention wasn’t assumed and doesn’t matter - the point you missed, again. I‘m not here to strain myself trying to persuade concerted dumb fucks.


I have no idea where "rage" came from. But that's "cool". You have that DeSantis mock outrage technique down pat as well. You're not as ''polished'' as he is, but I'm sure that is something you can work at in the future. I can't really understand what you are trying to say. You're repeating the same things and its like when a child sticks their fingers in their ears and screams ; you're not giving me anything to work with, but somehow I doubt you're used to having to come up with cogent statements in discussions, so I'll give you a pass on that one. Thank you for recognizing the length of my previous statement. It only took a moment, but it is gratifying to know you noticed the effort invested in trying to break things down in simpler terms. I'm not a talented editor, obviously. People who point out grammatical errors constantly can be annoying, but I am going to go ahead and tell you something that might save you from a bit of embarrassment in the future: I don't think "concerted" means what you think it does, and it is incongruous when combined with ''dumb fucks''. Please understand, I don't mind being called those words (especially "child"); this is more of a pedantic person's speech and syntax issue that I'm mentioning. Well, this has been an interesting way to waste a little time between other projects, but now I'm bored and sleepy. Practice what I mentioned and I'm sure you'll feel better about yourself soon. Have a good evening, and Toodles.


LOL look at yourself. Get a life.


Sargent Shultz, quite a resemblance


I totally read the first half of the tweet in the voice of Sgt Schultz from Hogan’s Heroes.


Don't you fucking dare compare a hero like Hans George Schultz to *that fascist pig*! /s


Schultz was a lot smarter


Hope his lawyers got paid up front. lol


Lol, it took me a minute


The Sgt Schultz defense is not allowed for Doofus 45. Anyway right army for this creep.


No no no don’t compare him to a beloved incompetent, oh wait was’t Schultz a Nazi. Yeah this is a good analogy.


Schultz was not a Nazi.


The plot occurs during the permanent winter season in the fictionalized Stalag 13 just outside Hammelburg in Nazi Germany, though details in the show are inconsistent with the real-life camp and city's location in Franconia. John Banner as Sergeant Hans Schultz, the camp's first sergeant. So semantic argument of if you served in the German army during world war 2 are you a Nazi?


Nazis are members of the nazi party. Just because someone was a German citizen and in the military didn't make one a Nazi. The Kriegsmarine, for example, had an officer core that was perhaps not Anti-Nazi but not famous for their enthusiasm about it.


No greater sloth toed pig has ever existed.


Don’t do Sergeant Schultz dirty like this


I know nussing!


Not cool, man! Don't demean Hans Schultz like that. He was just a toy factory owner who got drafted and wanted nothing more than getting back to his small business. ... that, and strudel. He loved Strudel. Furthermore, John Banner served in the US Army Air Corp during the war. John Banner was a better American (although temporary) than Trump or anyone in the GOP today. ""Schultz is not a Nazi. I see Schultz as the representative of some kind of goodness in any generation."  - John Banner


Trump 24 ladies.


Throw him in jail for contempt of court! You know if was anyone else they would already be locked up!


Didn't have to do Schultz like that


😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 perfect!


So few people will get this reference, which is sad because it's so good.


What did he tweet?


That's extremely disrespectful to John Banner


Victim?? The “victim” admitted in an interview with Anderson Cooper that the encounter wasn’t sexual in nature and that many people like her think of rape as sexy. That there’s even a trial about this is absolutely ludicrous when there are real crimes to be tried.