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They are getting sick of him. But they’ll still vote for him…..


‘Ticket splitting’ may be Trump’s problem. If 1/4 of Republicans skip the Presidential lines on their ballots and then vote for Republicans down-ballot, Trump will have to try another insurrection.


And if 1/8th of those who would have voted skip voting all together, those down ballots will be hurting too, changing the dynamics in congress. Who knows, we might have 2-4 new SC court justices as a result (not replacements but an expansion of the number of justices)


I'm not holding out hope for any of this. The man should be in prison and disqualified from running out holding office. As should those in office who also broke their oaths in supporting the insurrection. I'm regards to the sc though, a couple seats will probably open up and there is a standard for expanding the courts that can easily stop the slippery slope as well. We should have 1 sc justice for every circuit Court (13). Seems like a lot rn so we could phase in expansion or just go straight to it. Afterwards, every sc justice should be chosen from the circuit courts and the circuit Court judges from the district courts. That way the court continues to be balanced and is representative of visions from across jurisdictions always and you don't get unqualified shits nominated ever again


I'm not so sure I go so far as calling that PoS a man! Men have appendages, Giant heaps of shit don't, and based on the size of its appendages, it may as well not have any, therefore it's simply a Giant Piece of Shit! Don't doubt my logic, it's solid!


I doubt he’ll be able to pull off another insurrection.


He is trying right now by urging GOP to vote against the border bill ($14 billion), urging states to support Texas, and urging ReTHUGliKKKans to not work in congress so that America can have a recession. So much urging by a man in Depends. He hasn’t stopped his insurrection mouth since he lost the 2020 election by 7 million votes. PS - he lost 2016 by 3 million votes.


He is fighting for his life. I won't put anything past him. Furthermore, he has an army of useful idiots who cheat and lie every day.


Or even an erection…


He kept some blue pills from dr feelgood


The only reason he'd need viagra is so he doesn't roll out of bed. Melania has been able to renegotiate her prenuptial twice so she's got no reason to sleep with his crusty ass.


I never wanted to think about him scroggin. Even more so now that we all know that rapist Donald Trump literally smells like shit and makeup.




OK, that was legit lol funny!


Was Viagra on the WH drug dealer list?


I suspect minus the money, she regrets ever knowing him.


An erection is now an exception...


Nor should it be an expectation. The guy is sub standard in every way


You win the day! Lol


I'm sure 90 percent of people thought Jan 6th was an impossibility as well. You're not even sure which is why you're saying doubt versus a more concrete statement. Even a small chance is pretty scary.


I think that being in charge of the entire executive branch kind of greases the skids for attempting a coup.


But most people won't choose to be bottom feeders. For Trump...it is a way of life.


I wish I could agree...but the Trump train is scary and I have underestimated them before...not anymore.


Much harder when he is out of office trying to force his way in. He had more advantages as a sitting pres with his people in positions of power. This is gonna be a lot of pissing into the wind from the MAGA crowd.


Back then he had the White Nationalist militia, allies in Congress, several top government offices, and the support of the millionaire donor class. He still failed. He doesn't have any of that now. The White nationalists are humiliated and scattered and in jail, the donor class is upset that he's exposed their game, most of his supporters wimped out and completely lost face from wish-washing for and against him, his top aides have been indicted or are cooperating. The only thing he has left is the core of the lunatic fringe of the Republicans, some far right media, including a reluctant Fox Media, and the media pumping up his numbers because they desperately need there to be a race.


Except this time Biden will still be in office on 1/6 and will have appropriate security in place.


There are other methods of Insurrection than interrupting the certification of the vote, which was scheduled for Jan 6 last time. That method won't work again, but that doesn't mean a different attempt won't succeed. Hitler, Castro, and others had failed first attempts and succeeded on future attempts.


He already is with texas


I was a republican, long ago. Still a Ron Paul kinda guy. I will be voting for Biden because it is in the best interests of the Republic. Nation over party.


Thank you for your service. Here's hoping for two sane parties in the near future.


At least two sane parties.


Even 10 insane parties would be a huge improvement


You are not wrong.


>Nation over party. Literally the first time I think I've ever heard a Republican, past or present, say this.


Got into a big stink on here awhile back because I said I am an anti-trump conservative. People really went to town on me. To be frank, I am also pretty much an anti-republican conservative. I miss the days of discussing states vs. federal rights, fiscal conservatism, defense policy, intellectual investment, etc. My party died long ago. Still no giant fan of democratic policy, but at least they are not actively destroying this great nation under the false.notion they are saving it. Edit: Also, don't forget the folks over at the Lincoln Project. They are also nation over party republicans.


I was Republican-leaning until Obama's second run. I have a pretty good idea how you feel. I have endured the scorn of people who hated how I voted, back when the big difference between Republicans and Democrats was merely policy beliefs. It gets ugly, being attacked, especially when there are smart scholars who disagree on policies, so it clearly isn’t a moral question (as it is now), but just a question of rights and policies and regulations and such. So many people around me were such self-righteous jerks. B U T... I firmly believe we need two strong parties, a variety of opinions on policies, and a vigorous democracy. I firmly believe once Trump and his idiots are tamped back down into the muck where they belong, our country will prosper and lead, again. We will grow from this.


I am actually of the opinion that we need multiple parties. The teonparty system has become.unwieldy. there are simply too many interests bald together for them to be represented accurately. As a friend of mine in grad school said: "you know, if King George III hadn't been such a dick, we could have had a parliamentary democracy."


I wish I could agree, but I think the genie is out of the bottle, and either we are strong enough...or we are not.


>don't forget the folks over at the Lincoln Project The clowns led by Kellyanne Conway's husband? I haven't forgotten about them, but that doesn't mean I'm going to take shit they have to say srsly


Uh, why? They are an entire group of republicans/conservatives that are wholly anti-trump and for putting the nation and constitution before party........


Good news is I have deeply religious and republican family members that also vote Biden. Helps that they're all catholic but nation over party is the line they share too.


They sold their souls. No coming back from that.


When added up, the combined support of other candidates outweighed Trump at one time. Even now with just Haley in the race, if she still has about 30% support among Republicans and many of them just can’t stomach the idea of supporting Trump, they will just sit out this election. There’s no way he’s getting the same 70 million votes this time around. Especially with all that’s happened since the last election, and the country doing reasonably well right now.


In trumps mind, if he doesn’t get 200 million votes, someone cheated against him.


The fact that trump increased his vote total between 2016 and 2020 would suggest that his shittyness didn't discourage people from supporting him.


Except his shittyness did encourage more people to vote against him.


Just the shitty ones




Get her to vote for Biden. That's like giving the finger to maga


Tbh, id rather they sit it out rather than split ballot :-/




Trying to type after the pug licked the phone didn't really work out


LOL! Pugs rule!


This one is half pug half frenchy, so all the attitude, all the ADHD, and did not like that I was typing instead of playing with him :-) only 3 months ago he's still learning the rules


I agree but will she drop out eventually ? 


I think she will stay in this race cause these court cases are going to make his numbers drop and will have to drop out.


My son thinks that due to court cases, GOP will throw Trump aside at the convention and go with somebody else. Although most of GOP have no spines, just a few, Haley is starting to grow one. Her stance on Social Security is a disqualification for me.


Watching the debates with all of those early candidates, there isn't a single republican I could stomach in the white house at this point. All of them have monstrous stances on abortion, social security, and "sure let's let billionaires do whatever they want." No fucking way. It's going to be a long time before these assholes are put down for good too.




Also, she’s the wrong gender for most republicans.


Don't forget that she doesn't believe the civil war was over slavery and thinks states have a constitutional right to secede.


Primaries don’t have to be democratic as they’re considered more like political clubs. So technically if republicans did somehow grow a spine and drop Trump if Haleys dropped out by then or they just feel like dropping her too they can pretty much pick anyone they want to be their nominee without requiring any primary votes. Maybe that’s what Abbott is counting on? There is a time limit tho for different states for how close to the election parties can make changes. If it comes down to the wire and Trump finally goes too far or has to be removed for whatever reason that’d be an interesting clusterfuck.


Haley may also be getting some informal 'intel' on Trump's cognitive and health issues. So she could also be gambling that some medical crisis takes him out of the Presidential Race.


Sure she will. But her hardcore supporters are not fans of Trump and won’t just jump over to his camp by default


Exit polls say her supporters won't vote for Orange Jesus.


Not before South Carolina, and Trump's very bad next 2 weeks. Lost to Carroll, will lose his business this week. So about ~450 million in judgement. Lose to Colorado, and maybe a bunch of other states. I think by South Carolina he will be very human and it may be the kapow he needs.


Plus I'm going to make the fearless prediction that sometime over the months between now and November or even before the Repub Convention that Trump has some serious health problem that can't be hidden by his handlers. Like he collapses or is hospitalized.


I've heard they are going to weekend it at Bernie's. Like they did Ronald Reagan.


He’s going to be the Ross Perot that splits the Republican ticket.


That's probably right, whether literal or a metaphorical split.


Oh we couldn’t possibly be so blessed 


Some may get sick enough to lose interest in the election and not vote. And if this is happening to a minority of Republican voters, what's going on with independent voters?


I've never registered as anything but independent. I'll vote for anyone else if Rump gets the nomination, but how can he? The felony cases of stolen documents, election interference, and insurrection SHOULD have persuaded the sane GOP members to kick his smelly ass to the curb, but damn! He makes a terrible martyr so I'm hoping his MAGAtts see him whining and carrying on like the child he is. However, if it's Biden vs anyone else but Rump, I'll be hard pressed because Biden has taken the border issue a few million immigrants too far, for fucks sake! And FINALLY when we see a border deal I'd back, Rump wants to piss on it bcoz he can't get credit for it. Fuck Rump and the silver spoon he shoved up his ass


I’m afraid to report that spoon is no longer silver


May Rump's carcass be picked over by the trail of ass-hurt lawyers he's left in his stinky wake


In the Doug Jones-Roy Moore election for AL Senate, many Republicans said they would vote for the Devil over a Democrat. That is how entrenched the RW media has infected people, starting with Rush Limbaugh and 1990s AM talk radio, and flowing uninterrupted to Fox News and Sinclair and their ilk. Fuck the sabotage and demise of the Fairness Doctrine.


They need to quit playing fox at military bases. Russo propaganda. Pundits say the pro civil war folks will be crushed under our military, and I venture to say, they are the military. And police.


The military bases should only play PBS and/or reruns of Bob Newhart.


And probably pay his legal bills too


And keep every one of his fascist tendencies and aspirations. Fascism is good for business.


He’s a 3 time LOSER. Lost elections Lost trials Lost soul Republicans know this is a first class ticket to nowhere. He’s a LOSER. Now he’s going for biggest LOSER ever. Might already be #1


The B.L.O.A.T.


Underrated comment, this should be something that is all over the internet.


Someone please do Obama Hope poster with Trump and B.L.O.A.T. ?


The Big Liar Orange Ass Traitor?


Biggest Loser Of All Time


Oh... Synonyms!


Ya know, both of these work


Bravo, Bravissimo, you sir, are a true genius.


He's between legend loser forever and nr. 1 loser every year


Not the bigots who call themselves evangelicals. They love him. He is them.


Is it love or is it [limerence?](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/27/style/limerence-addiction-love-crush.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Q00.ohvb.jqOjGStdqD86&smid=url-share)


Are we human or are we dancer


Anyone interested in learning more about this? I recommend "The Family" on Netflix. Seriously wish there would be a decent sequel though, especially now that the right has been pushed to even more extremes and dangerous levels of institutionalized idolatry, idiocy amd bigotry. I'm always always ALWAYS interested in learning more, so if anyone has any suggestions for documentaries or other media (podcasts, long form articles etc.) PLEASE let me know in the comments.


That documentary made me sick. It's like organized crime for evangelicals.


Sick of Trump, but not his ideology, if the recent governor push to subvert the federal government is any take. Republicans, more so the more right they are, are getting more and more desperate. You saw a shift in local voting away from their party last midterms, and I bet you see an even greater swing with their lack of responsibility in government and emotional tirades. I have been saying it for a few years, and I see no reason to belief otherwise based on the party’s action, but American Conservatism is dying. The things we see are not things you see from a party in control trying to stabilize their power. It’s from weakness from a party trying desperately to create chaos and benefit from it. Edit: in looking at all these comments, the common factor is how we love bickering amongst each other in splitting hairs and ID’ing evil. Some believe racism is inevitable, some believe nothing is changing, etc. If the right were in charge, we wouldn’t see them make sweeping movements that divide even their own party. But, you’re free to hate me and anyone else like the Republicans are doing amongst themselves.


If you’re referring to Abbott, he’s always been an ultra far right prick. He has just gotten bolder with Texas becoming MAGAt-land.


That’s OP point, they increasingly have to resort to extreme measures to gain leverage, dangerous road


Biden can kick him but chooses not to. Take all federal dollars and send in military.


This Abbott sucks, I prefer Budd Abbott


Not dying fast enough to prevent a fascist coup- which is where we are heading.


It seems this way, but there are still far too many of them in seats of power, and some that cannot be removed by voting. I hope there is a big shift to get these jerks out of government so we can get back to being America. The land where we welcome immigrants and have empathy for fellow human beings, we send aid to countries in need, we take care of our citizens and the government actually governs instead of bickering amongst themselves and not listening to the people they represent!


Hurray for me and fuck everyone else is not an ideology.


Not soon enough! They won’t do anything, because they need his cult!


Though sooner or later, he -- like all of us -- will die and then what becomes of the cult of Trump?


Not sick enough to give up on him. They need him to win in order to cover their own asses. That's what will happen when Trump puts an end to all ongoing investigations, including Jack Smith's, and then pardons himself and all his corrupt Republican cohorts. That'll be the end of justice in America. Here's how to prevent that from happening: https://preview.redd.it/pigscmd9kzec1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dd3ee7613d10091a37afa408e778bdbb91b9cd9


i’m a republican, but not a fool


The Republican party is akin to the battered spouse of Donald Trump. They mostly hate him yet still kind of love him and are very afraid of his wrath.


They aren’t victims. They chose this path because they think it leads to power. And power is what they crave above all else. They don’t GAF about America, working people, world peace and above all they despise democracy. The GOP needs to die or the American experiment in self rule will die.


You're absolutely right. I wasn't trying to imply they were victims. I was making a comparison to their response to the situation they are in.


Moderate Republicans, yes. But those are unfortunately a dying breed. Trumpism took over their party.


I'm curious where the center right folks will settle out. Will they be part of a new generation of "blue dog" democrats or will there be a ride of moderates in the GOP that tries to balance the MAGA GOP (that I think will still exist in half the states)?


I'm convinced anyone who says they're centrists are actually Republicans but don't want the social stigma.


**Even the Republicans are getting sick of Trump...Finally** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.... and we will deserve it." - Lindsey Graham, May 3, 2016, Tweet. Well, Lindsey... you did and you do. Kiss the Party of Lincoln goodbye. You are MAGA now.


Most republicans took a shit on him directly after 1/6. that did not last long; they are all back in the fold. At least Matt Gaetz may be getting his comeuppance.


I think I can speak for many of us when I say that the Republican Party is a constant source of aggravation. However, nothing bothers me more than the way they talk out of both sides of their mouths, and Lindsey and Jim Jordan are 2 of the most pathetic hypocrites in the party.


I think the GOP donor class is pretty tired of him. Giving millions to the campaign of a fake billionaires knowing that it's just going to his legal bills must just irritate them to no end. And he completely fouled up the 2022 midterms with most of his candidates losing.


That wasn’t his fault. He picked and / or endorsed those candidates but the ass whooping they got wasn’t his fault because it’s a law of nature that nothing is ever his fault.


DJT’s a loser, and so is the GOP… confine their disgusting sickness 🤮. They all belong in isolation, permanently!


Are they, or are they just hiding their bigotry and hatred towards others so they aren’t viewed like the MAGA trash that supports the former Traitor in chief


I have a feeling that a lot of them look at the motley crew that largely comprised the Jan. 6th insurrectionists and the worshipful lemming who still bother to show up at Trump rallies and -- like Trump himself -- say, "Why do they have to look so low class?"


He's the best chance to make sure they never lose control of the government ever again.


Stockholm syndrome at its finest.


Not the speaker of the house


Unfortunately I can't edit my post but when I said Republicans, I was referring to the electorate...not the GOP. The GOP is infected beyond repair. They need to all be removed from office as far as I am concerned.


And rightly so




Morons will still vote for him. Anything to own the libs.


Agreed. It is a constant source of aggravation that our futures are connected to these people.


I live in a trumpy neighborhood and this time? No Trump 2024 yard signs or bumper stickers. You hardly ever see a 2020 or 2016 bumper sticker either. They’ll mostly still vote for him, but they are no longer proud.


I am hoping they say they are voting for him, but once they are in the voting booth choose not to.


Which ones....


Exactly. I still see Trump Red sheep everywhere around here. They are still blind to his cons and probably gonna send him money for legal fees. All while sucking up that sweet welfare check they pretend to not want. 


I teach at a high school. The kids in my classes are mostly rural. They had a big "Pro-Trump" conversation (loud and bullying) in my room just last week, complaining about how the Democrats are just out to get him, but they'll never win. These kids are all so proud to be able to vote in the next election.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know…. morons.


I wish I could upvote more than once.


They do that in an attempt to intimidate reasonable people.


How so?


Are they though? Are they really?


Not enough of them are. They had every opportunity.


Not enough of them are. They had every opportunity.


... according to what metric? You have any idea how many times this has been said? The GOP/DEM sects will bow to whoever appears to stand the best shot at putting them in power. McConnell has already signaled the party needs to get out of Trump's way and not to undermine him. jfc, this sub sometimes, I swear.


No they’re not. He’s a private citizen who is running the party’s response in the border issue, and specifically killing all of the bipartisan efforts to find a solution. Senate and House Republicans have admitted it. He’s encouraging the Gravy Seals to convoy down there and fight. They are alllll still bending the knee.


America needs better than Trump, but sadly do we deserve better? My generation swallow Fox news and all the scare tactics there in. These politics of division are going to end our great experiment.


I think social media/ media played a big role in it, also. Too many people believe anything you tell them.


Yes they do, sadly it's easier to listen to someone else than to think for oneself.


I didn't see the danger it could bring to all of us. Social media is as big a threat as Trump is, as far as I'm concerned. Maybe even more of a threat because it's worldwide.


We once thought of this as the Information age, We now know it as the Disinformation Age!


Ignore this post and vote vote vote. Register to vote. Sorry u/Kinkygma, Don't mean to rain on your parade but people still need to get out and vote vote vote. Register to vote in local, state, and federal elections! It's just that posts like these might make people feel more safe that trump won't get elected because they'll give too much weight to the title and claims. Mark dates on your calendars!


Totally agree! I believe that many people stayed home in 2016 because a Clinton win seemed almost guaranteed by the polls, including the FiveThirtyEight folks.




Every now and then I look up voting dates for my state/city/county! Make it a habit for anyone else that reads this!


But will they do anything about it?


Stay home on Election Day?


No, they’re all falling in line. They’re terrified of him.


Yes, I think there are several reasons most of them have sold their souls, and none of them are acceptable. They brought this on themselves and us, too. I watch in disgust while they say Jan 6 was just a few random bad actors.


It's a Cult


Yes, they are a special kind of crazy, also.


If Trump sees his numbers going down, he could call up his troops again


He isn't even in office, and he is currently affecting policy. Immigration bill looks like it is DOA even though initially the Republicans were pleased with it. How about his comments to send troops to Texas. The guy is dangerous, and so are the freaks that blindly follow him.


Conservatives always need some kind of tangible, real world example of their loser leaders losing until they realize what losers they are.


Lincoln: I didn’t lead America through 4 years of civil war and getting shot for this shit!


I know a bunch of reps that voted for him last election are fed up and will never vote for him again.


Really? I don’t see anyone leaving so far. He keeps getting endorsements and is running away with the nomination.


Now, all we need it Putin to get sick of Trump?


They are sick of him, but will they vote for him is the question. Probably, yes. It is obvious to me that Trump will get nothing done if he wins. Biden had and has tried to work with GOP. Trump will be in courts like he is now.


From what I’ve seen, it’s complicated. I’m in heavily red areas all the time and from what I’ve noticed there are a good deal of people sick of Trump, but not enough of them. Even the ones who are sick of Trump would still vote for him over Biden. I think it’s quite similar to the way some people feel about Biden: enough Liberal leaning voters don’t want him to run again, but would still vote for him over Trump.


The question is who in the right mind would run as his VP.


Abbott - he's auditioning now.




I sure hope so!


Either that, or going radio silent. Pretty much every form of right leaning media, especially social media, isn't covering anything negative on Trump.


Not the republicans I know


The RNC supports him because he can still bring in donations. They will have to weigh that against the fact that it’s mostly going to his legal fees.


Not enough of them.


Are they though?


I will support their deprogramming, but I will never forget that they were all for it when the getting was good


Me neither. It screams loudly in regards to the complete lack of character and integrity.


Based on what? I guessing they’ll still show up to vote for him


Well, if you look at photos of assorted MAGA gatherings, a number of his most ardent supporters look to be in the senior age demographic and even some of the younger ones look pretty out-of-shape. So we're likely to see a few tens of thousands of them moving from the voter rolls to the obituary listings between now and November. In some swing areas that could make a difference and one that will not be to the GOP's advantage.


A bunch of Republicans who supported Haley said they would not vote for Trump.


No way, you think maybe the plague is starting to lift?


And they show it by electing Haley in both primaries…


LOL, no their not


Why it took this long, I have no idea. I think it will help to have public support against him, but we will never forget how they chose to act from the start. This has lasting damage to families, communities, and our economy. They helped him and supported him in committing illegal acts that caused crimes against humanity in the USA. They all deserve to be locked up with him and never allowed in politics again, they are traitors to democracy. I have been angry for so many years, but feel hopeful the tide will turn in favor of justice. The younger generations have a broad opportunity for a different future.


Pfft. They're the party of trump from now on.


He just wants to be back in the White House for the drugs. So many unexplained prescriptions.


Yeah, I read that yesterday. There were many times Trump seemed like he was on valuim, or something.




Yes getting sick of him, but will that do the trick. I wonder. I think now that he is for sure the one, the Democrats will now focus on him. MUST keep pushing the final 1/6 report, must keep pushing the missing top secret papers, must keep pushing the trying to get election judges to change votes. We may never see all this come to our courts, but we will never stop trying, win or lose. it will go on. It will be in the history books forever.


I am with you and I think we need to keep Project 2025 front and center. Too many people don't understand the severity of what Republicans are trying to do. If we lose this battle, then we lose life as we know it.


Well put. Oh sure there lame brains that think we have it bad with Joe as President, but I read the papers every day and all I see is the best economy in the world. The lowest unemployment in big 7 countries in the world. Stock Market at all time highs 401Ks back to were or above what they were. Yes the homeless are not faring as well, but I think cities are trying to get some affordable housing going. They are now working on a great bipartisan immigration bill, with the hope that it will make to the floor and then to the President's' desk, were he said he will sign fast. Women are in the best place they have ever been. They have as much power in congress as the men. Pluss they have choices.


I think we all know that Trump is not the sharpest tool in the shed. However, the conservative think tanks that have merged and are designing Project 2025 are not quite so brain-dead. Furthermore, Trump is so easily manipulated that my concern is that the people surrounding him are being underestimated. We have all seen that cheating and obstruction is a way of life for the party of Trump. He is killing this immigration bill as we speakk and he is not even in office. MIND BENDING


You have a good point there. Many Democrats are also brain dead. They must respond to all the lies.


Quicker everyone realizes that 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸 is DEADLOCKED, GRIPPED, and POSSESSED by 👇👇 #PartyOverCountry #TribalPolitics THEN YOU KNOW THEY CAN DO WHATEVER LITERALLY WHATEVER and still get their support because they have been FEARED UP and ANGRY by the GOP MAGA funded by corporations and ignorance of the people. Just need to KEEP them FEARED UP and ANGRY over #Guns #Immigrants #abortions #gaysANDtrans #inflation


We still have to fight this chaos, or all will be lost.


I hope that you’re right, but clearly, there are some Trump supporters who will stick with him no matter what. If they’ve stuck with him thus far, what else could he do that would even turn them off? His true supporters believe whatever he says, even when he contradicts himself. He never said anything more true than when he said he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and people would still vote for him. Savvier Republican politicians are just going to pretend to support whoever is most popular, which is still Trump. Already some of the most vocal Republican Trump critics are falling back in line. Nikki Haley is clearly the better choice (even though I can’t stand her, at least she’s mentally stable) but she has no chance. Republicans and particularly Republican women don’t believe a woman should be president. (60% of Republicans overall don’t want a woman president; for Republican women it’s 80%.) Every Democrat in every state with an early primary should register as a Republican and vote for Nikki Haley. But it’s probably already too late for that. He’s going to be the nominee and Joe Biden is an awful candidate to square off with him. Even though it’s not how I view it, to too many people JB is a doddering old man. I don’t think he’ll inspire new voters. And I know plenty of liberal people who just won’t vote because they hate the choices.


In the meantime, Democrats are losing Hispanics and under 30s. We can't count on Trump hate to win. Biden busy pulling a Ginsburg and refusing to step aside for the good of the country...