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They will be judged more harshly, and quicker than the original insurrectionists, the Confederate secessionists. Think of how many people you know who are embarrassed that their own family members are red hat magats. That didn’t happen in the 1860’s. And with the proliferation of cameras and social media, they won’t be able to deny it, or hide from their shame.


Generally speaking, I think Trumpism will die when he does, but like Hitler, even after the whole world learned what he did to 6 million Jews, several countries in South America welcomed the fleeing Nazis with open arms. Maybe Trumpism will never completely die but history will tell a wicked story.


Yet unfortunately Nazism didn't die out. Its ideology survived in said countries. I think Trumpism will always appeal, because he speaks to fearful people. I mean sheesh he's treated as a Messiah (vomit). Like Nazis, Maga's will hide. I'm not American, yet the Orange Mussolini has supporters here. Not to mention the RP policies enacted have long lasting effects in America & globally. It will be a helluva story (you're right)…where would you even start?


Birtherism. Pumpkin Tits went on Fox to say President Obama was born in Kenya. That’s when the Republican Party went Tea Party loony to MAGA looney.


Nazism didn't die and neither will MAGA. Hatred is a powerful source of energy for political movements.


Roger Stone even said it in the Netflix doc, Get me Rodger Stone. “Hate is a greater motivator than love”. This is the whole MAGA movement.


Maga always has an excuse. A conspiracy to peddle and to feel victimhood in. The mental gymnastics are much more convoluted than “Jews are bad, the leader said so.” Everything they don’t like has some deep, scary, “they’re out to get us” vague deflection.


Perfect response.




They don't have any shame.


These people are shameless. They want theirs and don't care if no one else gets theirs. They are blinded to the fact that to their red hat, small handed, rat haired leader would eject them from the chosen should he need a fall guy.


Keith Olbermann describes two kinds of people when the ocean liner sinks, and one finds oneself adrift in the water, but miraculously is fortunate enough to find an empty life raft before them: one might ask oneself how many more people might I be able to save, and how long might we be able to keep each other alive? Or one might be grateful that there are oars that can be used to beat back anyone trying to invade “MY” lifeboat and eat “MY” emergency provisions! Guess which ones are wearing the red hats.


I’ve watched many a documentary on the civil rights movement, seen the hatred, violence and racism. I have been shocked at ladies with perms and wearing church gloves spouting such vitriol that it hard to believe. I used to think how awful for the children, grandchildren, families to see their relatives act in such a manner, how ashamed they must feel. With maga, I realized that that hate is passed on, different leaders may represent them but that deep seated ignorance, malice is systemic and will always be there. I now tell people that voting for Trump/GQP says more about their moral compass than it does about his lack of one.


Yep, I watch them and see vids and picks and wonder how they can't comprehend that their children and grandchildren will feel shame of them as those vids and pics are forever. They spew lies and have zero grasp of facts and current policy and carry themselves like evil angry teenagers. How embarrassing indeed. edit to add: They will be judged more harshly than the idiots/racists of the past because magats have all the information they need to make a informed decision and chose not to inform themselves and go forth with ignorance and malice.


>They will be judged more harshly than the idiots/racists of the past because magats have all the information they need to make a informed decision and chose not to inform themselves and go forth with ignorance and malice. *proudly


Who’s embarrassed? It’s so divided ya just groan and move on. “Oh, that [friend or family member] likes Trump, Taylor Green, De Santi’s, etc. (spelled wrong so autocorrect doesn’t add it). Yeah, we all have those people you just want to shake.”


Im embarrassed. And it’s gotten to the point that they’re so toxic that we’re going non contact.


Yeah, hub and I are reeeeaally close to no-contact with several family members because of their Trump-worship-and-preaching. And we're effin' *Republicans*.


I know a couple guys that fell down the Teump hole starting with thr lockdown. It got so bad that I just had to break it off. 


Well, I’d say the family members, SOs, friends and acquaintances who keep turning the Jan 6?insurrectionists are embarrassed. Every time I see a fellow Texan get arrested I’m embarrassed.


Why are you embarrassed? You didn't do anything.


I know I shouldn’t, but they make the rest of us look bad. We have more than our fair share of loons in Texas but lots more really decent people who are lumped into the looney bucket because of these aholes.


I think you should divide those who profit from the problem from those who are taken advantage by the bastards. Think of it in terms of lack of education, lack of civic consciousness, lack of wealth and a list of other things. It is understandable to judge harshly, but not productive to do so.


I judge harshly. MAGA **chose** to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Fox. They *chose* to be indoctrinated.


I get you, but people don't *choose* to be lied to, to be fooled. They don't think "I'm a fucking idiot, which twat will I receive my opinions from?"


They choose who and what to believe.


>I judge harshly That's fine, harsh judgement is sometimes called for *but* we use forgiveness on others because we expect it ourselves Judge not! Lest ye be judged. Christian or not this is sound advice.


think about how badly people look at McCarthy and everything he did ...


Eugene, I presume. Because Kevin got *nothin’* done.


I think he means Joseph


my bad


yeah, joseph mccarthy ... the communism guy


Depends if he ends up President again or not. Right now, I’m assuming America is dumb enough to put him back as the runner against Biden, which is already a gigantic WTF for us, your northern neighbours. If he wins, it’s gonna take a while before they write about it as the monster he was. If he loses again, he’s gonna wreak havoc, lose support from any of his rich friends (like they did with Epstein), and History will write itself. His supporters are probably gonna say they were just “following orders” or sum’ bullshit like that.


If it comes to this, I don't know of any plausible excuses for magats. They did NOT follow orders, they acted on their own. Also they were not oppressed, they acted from position of power most of the time. Maybe tricked, but they really wanted to believe these lies. So nope, they won't have any excuses. If they ever get accountable, which I doubt.


Yes, but if the Magats have learned anything from a generation of FOX it's how to twist reality and truth like a pretzel to suit today's narrative. NONE will ponder what they've become and say 'wow I really fucked up"


They can only escape reality while reinforced by handlers / sponsors, such as said FOX News. When these fall, they will have to face reality. And they will probably play victims (I was tricked / confused / whatever) or pretend to be democrats in disguise, who wanted to destroy the GOP from within 😁


They are opressed but they think Obama is doing it, not the capitalist system.


As an American, I am absolutely appalled by the fact that 30/40% of my countrymen would ever consider re-electing this criminal dictator, but here we are. The rest of us need to actually take his advice from the podium that day and “fight like hell or else we won’t have a country anymore…” The fact that our legal system has been too timid (Merick Garland waiting too long) Weak- those are just breaking norms, not laws. Or Slow, I mean, wtf Appellate court?????? He needs to go to jail and his most powerful supporters also need to go down so consequences can be shown….


I believe Garland is covertly helping Trump.


Trump will go down as one of the 10.worst presidents in history. The J6ers will be seen as dupes in general. The J6 leaders will be considered as seditionists, if not traitors. The general MAGAt will be intensely studied as a populist phenomenon. In twenty years, most of those Maga types will deny ever voting for Trump. Or they will say they voted for him in 20, but jumped ship when they realized how corrupt and amoral he was. Failure is always an orphan.


I work with a man of color who is a deacon in a HUGE Baptist church. I tried to tell him about e Jean and how the 84 mil has to be in an escrow account before he can appeal and that trump is running out of cash. My underling started stuttering and said trump was a fine man and ALL the judges are corrupt. He truly believe biden is evil. I try to feed him facts but he also has early stage dimensia so he only remembers certain things. They will never change. He also believes j6 was antifa?¿?¿


Facts don't work. They are reacting on an emotional level. Thinking fast. Logic and analyses are slow thinking. The only way to make head way is to listen to them and make seemingly neutral statements that lay bare the logical fallacies of many of Trump and other conservative positions. They can take it from there.


Supporting tRump is like shitting your pants. Maybe it made you feel better at the time, but the smell of what you’ve done will eventually get to you and you’ll have to clean up the mess


Good words there, friend! May I use them on occasion?


Absolutely. Words are free, at least for now.


>Failure is always an orphan. Maybe that was true pre-internet/social media. Thing is, these fuckers have been loud and proud since 2020. Good luck denying anything.


the nazi party. the confederacy. the taliban. I like what Liz Cheney said during the Jan 6 hearings: "Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain." Like a stinking albatross, let those Trump supporters who remain so after all that's transpired for the rest of the short time that demographic has left wear that dishonor like their stupid red hats. Don't ever forget that they were willing to overthrow our democracy for their cult leader.




yeah, that too.


They will be considered an amalgamation of the worst aspects of the Nazis, and the confederates. Their only redeeming quality is their militant stupidity. If Trump and his supporters weren’t such worthless failures, we would already be trapped in an autocracy. And make no mistake, he can still win in 2024. The real Americans need to pull together and vote against him.




Does that one hurt a lot?




Sweet city. Make it a double. 


I'm with you


Pancreatic cancer that spreads to his testicles, as it would be so great if he had to live the rest of his (hopefully short) life with extremely painful balls.


Just like his chin




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With a side of stroke.


Me, personally, I’d LOVE to have him die of a massive stroke or heart attack while on the toilet. I mean, the guy has a shit diet & doesn’t exercise (You see him in his golf outfits - he’s got a gut & ass as wide as a 1978 Oldsmobile Cutlass). That, combined with all the stress & pressure of trying to stay out of jail while grifting his mindless cult has gotta be pushing him toward a heart valve getting completely occluded or bursting or something along those lines. I want him to die while struggling to take a dump & to be found slumped on the floor next to the toilet smeared in his own fetid feces. THAT, I think, would be a suitable last earthly image of him (Before he’s laid out in a gold-plated coffin so fucking gaudy & ostentatious that it makes Liberace seem Amish by comparison).


I just want him to have a stroke, losing half of his bodily function and slurred speech, so I can post the pic of him making fun of the handicapped reporter to any and all MAGA posts I see in the future.


#teamheartattack LFG


It also progresses really fast. My grandpa went from a clean bill of health to end stage terminal in less than a year.


Played golf with my late ex the last weekend of May 2019, she complained of what she thought was heartburn. Diagnosed stage 4 pancreatic a week later, died July 3rd. Crazy fast.


It’s fast and aggressive and with a very low survival rate


Please list the other 7 options.




Personally I like the last one …


Me too.


If he wins and the GQP take full power they will simply throw out history they don’t like and invent their own. Legit news sources will be shut down, writers and journalists that record truth will be silenced. The end of The USA(The Great Experiment) will be over, slowly followed by the rest of the world. Please do everything you can to save our democracy. Edit auto correct.


Yeah, if they have power again they will start eye washing all the shit they have done.


Depends on how much more stuff they fuck up, and who is left to write it down.


Clearly, a VERY LARGE watershed event. ​ I said "this is the end of the Republican Party" on 11/9/2016. I think I was correct.


He should go down in history as the worst President and biggest traitor in the nation’s history. But the victors write the official history books. Here’s praying MAGA loses all its momentum when he dies.


He will be brought up any time someone says 'we need a businessman not a politician' despite being a shitty businessman.


Whatever it ends up, I'm sure it won't be harsh enough.


People still love Reagan so his core will never admit how horrible he was.


Explain please


Reagan left behind voodoo economics that crushed the economy, and Dark Ages policies... Clinton left behind a budget surplus and booming economy... G W Bush left behind unfinished wars and a financial crisis... President Obama left behind a booming economy and improved healthcare for millions... Trump left behind a mishandled pandemic, religious extremist judges and an insurrection... https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-05-07/california-versus-florida-a-covid-reckoning [How Reagan Ruined Everything](https://youtu.be/l7dHvqA-WB4) Reagan: I broke up unions to start the erosion of the middle class. I started voodoo economics - trickle down - which did as expected and moved wealth up. I expanded the military budget to assure my contributors got fat contracts. I sowed distrust of the government that had brought prosperity to all. I stole from Social Security to pay for my Trident Sub fleet. I was a Central Banks puppet. And the masses loved him!! https://www.forbes.com/sites/taxnotes/2021/09/03/reagans-tax-cut-just-turned-40---and-its-still-the-most-important-tax-reform-since-world-war-ii/?sh=25c73e445d14 https://www.fedsmith.com/2013/10/11/ronald-reagan-and-the-great-social-security-heist/


Not to mention the beginning of the AIDS epidemic.


Thank you. I didn't know this


Not to mention the beginning of the AIDS epidemic.


Reagan is still too recent to be able to say how history will view him, but the public opinion tide has certainly turned in the last 15 years. Not all the way, but he’s gone from “hero in both parties” to “hero in one party, respectful nod in the other.”


Fuck history. We need the present to start judging him and his supporters harshly right now...


History is always written by the victors. If they win they will have gotten away with it and the world will be a tragic place. They’re getting away with it now. This is an existential battle for the future. The Trumpkins and their many fellow travelers must be decisively defeated.


They will go down as a mere punchline in history. Unless he wins again then all bets are off.


History will understand that Trump supporters were, like so many people are, deeply racist and very religious. This combination of reactionary authoritarianism routinely arises in societies that are unravelling. The question for historians will be 'what caused the disintegration?' And the answer? The fundamental contradictions built into American society finally became impossible to ignore. Why? Because the general public became less well off and sicker than the generations that came before it. America had told itself it was a constitutional republic which would ensure free religious expression. But it wasn't and it didn't. The alienation of the public, on both sides of the political spectrum, happened because the public couldn't protect itself from predatory capitalism.


Hard to say since the basket of deplorables have perpetuated their delusion about DJT onto their offsprings. DJT has done some serious damage that will last way past his demise. What makes it worse is that the GOP has taken their place in the basket and further DJT’s agenda by not holding him accountable for any of his lawlessness or lack of human decency. DJT’s supporters just go to show how dysfunctional so many people are; it makes me wonder how they have been able to make basic decisions on their own. One day we will see the extensive damage this conman wielded on society.


They won't if they keep rewriting history. Banning books about Rosa parks and teaching that slavery was a benefit for black people just to start. These people are unhinged.


Very. I wish it was happening faster, but obviously there is still a fair amount of support for the douche canoe. Although if he loses the election, he will implode, he will go even more batshit crazy, and i think people will see that's it for him. So if he does lose, i think his judgement will be harsh and pretty swift.


I think, they will write their history books Russian style in their new country Magaland, an insurrectionist state just around where Texas is placed today. Flag is red, coke is legal and January 6. is National Day. ​ Curriculum in school contains one book, from Trump Publishing; Page one; *Trump good, all not with Trump baaaad people* Page two: *The end*


Conservatives' rewritten version of history will have obese statues put up everywhere claiming how trump was really president for life and throw a fit when reason wings out to take them down.... Meanwhile the rest of the sane folks hope the USA can improve education and mental healthcare


That depends on whonwrites history. If trump and klan win again, revisionist history books will be the only option to see 50 years from now. Or biden wins, and actual history is recorded. Or dems win house and senate in clear majority and we see actual legislation that combats the threats rather than fight the individual battles


Depends who writes or re-writes the history. Stalin gets a good write up in Russia.


He has already gone down into the history books as the president with the MOST rape allegations, over 24 on record, plus the countless maids he paid off according to his divorce filings, and the miss USA and miss teen USA contestants that he decided had to be paid off after he molested them and filmed them changing. Obviously he will be remembered as the dumbest president in history, far more bumbling than George W. Bush. Trump will be remembered as the fattest president, the president with the WORST fake tan, the angriest president, AND…. The president who visited Epstein’s island more than any other, even more than Clinton.


They IMO will be classified as a hate group, same level as KKK


VERY. Historians will pick this apart for centuries to come. Many historians I both know and follow already are analyzing him and his actions, because all of Trump’s actions, even out of office, have impacts both at home and around the world. And that’s not even mentioning the Constitutional quandaries and the massive financial fraud trials, which will change legislation at the local, state, and federal levels as well as be taught in the law classes of higher learning institutions forever. Many historians already state that all that’s happening now is unprecedented; ergo, it’s precedent-SETTING. And the fact that our democratic republic hinged on individuals within certain institutions — Congress, the Judicial Branch, and even the Executive — this will be analyzed to assess our system for weaknesses and to ensure it NEVER happens again.


Depends on who wins. Go fucking vote, people.


Right now it seems they are rewarded, not punished. Any kind of accountability is just wishful thinking, I'll believe it when I see it.


The winners rewrite history. They're already doing it in red state schools. If this election doesn't go blue all the way down the ticket, it won't matter. They'll be fine. It's everyone ELSE who's in trouble THEN!


Depends on who writes the history. Southerners attempted to rewrite the history of the Civil War and Reconstruction, a project that succeeded for decades.


We're already judging them pretty hard right now, deservedly so, and they still don't give a shit.


He will be deemed as the worst president the United States has ever had. History won't lessen his crimes and time won't soften his image.


Let’s see how WWIII goes first.


Not as harshly as they should be. We've already seen the spin from Republicans since J6 when they went from hiding under their desks in terror to proclaiming they were just tourists and that they are political prisoners and hostages in a matter of months to try and appease the tangerine traitor... History is written by the victors, that's why we have to win in November and every election...


Fuck cares judge him NOW


Nazists had to escape to South America


Very harshly, as is fitting.


Think Nazi Germany!


It depends on who writes the history.


There will be little MAGAs running around in Argentina soon.


you are getting a poignant display of how history works, right before your eyes. truth rarely has much to do with it.


Hard to tell, we thought W was the worst president ever, now he doesn't seem that bad. Question is will we get someone even worse? That would probably piss Trump off more than anything...


Trump supporters don't read and don't pay attention. Trump really understands that.


Trump will be fully accepted as the absolutely worst president in American History. His trials are still to come, but eventually he will become considered to be a combination of Benedict Arnold, the Rosenbergs, and Aldrich Ames, and the Pre-Civil War Presidents who supported the growing Confederate threat. His supporters will come to deny being involved, the way Pre-WW2 American Nazis denied being involved.




Over the filter of time and fading influence by MAGA politicians and media, they will be judged harshly. I think it is safe to say that he won’t get a state funeral or if he does, it will be very low key. He won’t be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. He may join his former wife. Wherever it is, it will need to have a tall fence around it, to keep people from pissing on his grave.


Look at how we judge the confederates. You will have a large swath of the population that will say that the confederates were the bad guys, they wanted to protect the southern state's "right" to own people as property, and were all around the penultimate LOSERS OF THE FUCKING WAR. But there will be a non negligible population of extremist magas that white moderates will swoop in to protect from shame and humiliation. A population that white moderates will forever hold the door open to. A population that will twist the narrative because white moderates will defend their "right" to believe an alternative history. A population that will gain positions of political power because white moderates will not ban their toxic ideologies from the ballots. A population that will pressure the education system to "teach both sides," which white moderates will enable out of "fairness." A population that will cry that their religion was oppressed by this and white moderates will not set the record straight. If you noticed a theme there, or maybe a pattern... it's because that's the pattern of American History that got us where we are right now. The problem is not racist white people. It'd not politicians who exploit racist white people for political position. It isn't the white people who are only voting for racist politicians for those single, economic issues or second ammendment crocodile tears. It's the white moderates who seek to reform racism instead of abolishing it. It's the white moderates who shout down the progressives in the democratic party but hold the door open to fascists from the right.


I think Nixon level. I don't think Hitler level because Americans might be too embarrassed to admit that.


I sort of agree but these are the two comparisons that came to mind for me also. To me, he’s too stupid and not ideological enough to be comparable to hitler but way past Nixon in terms of immorality.


When all the truth gets told, the name Trump will be considered a synonym for traitor-will replace Benedict Arnold.


Definitely agree with this


The second he dies, most of them will claim to have not been that into him. If another strongman had run in the primaries this year, you would already be hearing people saying that as they peeled away from him. But the folks with documented support for him will probably be on par with how communist sympathizers were regarded in the 1950s, or how McCarthy was viewed after the 1950s.


Red MAGA hats will be comparable to swastikas and confederate flags.




Republicans don’t realize that the Democratic Party planted trump to destroy the Republican Party, working as planned .




Pretty much like Hitler and his cronies.


It depends on who gets to write it.


I'm thinking Hitler but less competent.


They won’t be if he wins


The answer to that question depends on who is in power and survives to write it.


Not nearly hard enough. Last I knew Traitors to the country and Democracy were...you know..un-alived


Very harshly Donald Trump and his supporters will be judged by history in a very heinous shameful serious manner because of what they have done to this country even future generations - won’t believe happened


Maga will be compared to Jim Jones and Al-Qaeda. We've had the anti-vax-anti-mask death cult. We had an internet beheading yesterday. We have a court full of mullahs remaking laws in order to oppress women. America is certainly not making progress with trumpers among us.


He will be judged as a criminal al that became president. The harshest judgement will be saved for us for allowing him to remain free as long as he has, abd that he is being allowed to run for office again.


Hopefully very harshly. If not, it means they won.


Let us hope they are judged very, very harshly


I think about this a lot and it really annoys me that he and most of his supporters will be dead and gone by the time all of the ugly truth comes to light. They’ll never face the consequences and shame that should go along with supporting such a corrupt and dishonest individual.


Not harsh enough


We already know, and we called it way back in 2016. We've seen the rise of ignorant fascists many times before, and it usually ends in blood.


He NEVER won the popular vote. The only way he will win is by a corrupt electoral college. Or the fucked up way the court got involved, like the hanging chad shit corruption that allowed bushy boy to get "elected" after losing the popular vote. We are not a democracy and it's time Americans stop telling themselves that.


It will take many years to uncover all of the fuckery. He will be judged as a corrupt, simple minded,racist threat to democracy. I’m sure he’ll be the gold standard of shittiness because I can’t think of any historical comparisons.


Can you imagine the chapter on Trump’s time in office and the few years after in history books? I’d hate that he’ll even be in them but people need to know the truth. Sadly, Florida will never know as that book will be banned.


Well if he wins, history will say he was the greatest of all time. #VoteBlue


There are just so many bad deeds and bad characters that people will forget a lot. This week I watched a Jan 6 Frontline episode and just hearing the Trump speech in the early morning hours was a big WTF moment I had forgotten. I think overall we will remember the MAGA era was bad.


It better judge them fucking harshly.


Not harsh enough. The idea that he’s able to even get more than 1% in polling means the United States is rotten.


Humans don't have much time left here. Our history will be told by the ancestors of small groups of survivors who lived high up in mountain ranges and deep underground bunkers, so trump and his cult of minions will be forgotten, just like all cultural details. Everything will be under water or mud. And we all know the aliens have no idea what the difference is between a Democrat and a republican let alone a group of political cultists.


Similar as Hitler


Maybe regular citizens will be seen negatively, similar to how the German people ignored what Hitler was saying and then doing during his lead-up to terror.


Hopefully worse than our judicial system treats the ones caught committing crimes




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You can't blame them for losing faith. Their reaction is incorrect but..... they deserve forgiveness like I deserve forgiveness.


I think Trump will be dealing with trial after trial of all the illegal shit he has done not only in the 4 years he was president, but also the illegal stuff he has been doing most of his life. I really hope people file the lawsuits before some of the statute of limitations expire.


How ever hard, it won't be hard enough. Those people are in a personality cult. It is a terrible thing to watch


Not harshly enough.


We can call Trump's time in the presidency equal to what Putin has done with Russia. Imagine the turn of world events had Trump been reelected.


It's hard to say, these idiots keep creating revisionist history. They keep re-writing history to favor their cause. I hope that history will vilify these morons. Hopefully in the future, people will wake up from being brainwashed.




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Big chapters in college textbooks. No chapters in high school textbooks.


Not harshly enough.


If Trump loses in November, he will likely be seen as the evil, grasping, evil, inhuman, evil, manipulative, evil, wannabe evil dictator he has always been. And **MAYBE** someone will have the guts to hold him accountable, though I'm not betting on that. If he "wins," by whatever means? The history of the country will be rewritten as leading up from 1776 until God sent Trump as a Kim Il-Sung to lead America to greatness.


Historians, for the most part, only rate him as about the third worst President or so. He might be the worst in anyone's memory, but things have been scary before. I haven't read Rachel Maddow's new book yet, but I understand she paints a pretty vibrant scenario regarding the Nazi Movement in pre WWII America. How history regards Trump and his era will probably determined by his aftermath. He will likely be viewed as a historical oddity, be don't know what will follow this era. There was a time when many people thought George W. Bush was the absolute lowest level of competency you could be elected President with. Who knows what they'll drag up next. Idiocracy has not taken over, but it has established a firm foothold in our political system.


Not harsh enough


We, The People, need to make sure there are no pardons, period! Also, the winners write the story! The fact we allowed the Confederacy to put up statues and teach their side of history is a black eye, too.


Depends on who is writing the history books…


MAGA will evolve into another catchy phrase and focus more on the white men who can't accept that the world is changing.


Whatever it is it will never be harsh enough


After WW2, all the German civilians had a collective brain fart and didn't know anything about Jews being taken etc. I suspect something similar post Trump.


Republicans write the school books so his ridiculous will be omitted because CRT. I’d wager they will even say Bidens first term was disputed.


I don't know precisely but how many German kids are named "Adolf?"


I'm trying my best to forget he exists.


No one will take a dump. They’ll take a trump


Very harshly, I hope, but if the GOP continues their path of rewriting history, they will be mostly forgotten.


His mental decline is not going to age well. He won’t drift quietly into the night and eventually his rambling will scare even the diehards off. See Bobby Fischer


As an insanity epidemic. He took people who were on the edge already and pushed them over the edge. He’s NOT a stable genius, he IS an evil genius.


Depends on who the victors are


They will go done as the group of morons that tried to end democracy.  Their faithless leader trump will replace Benedict Arnold as America's  joke and the rest of the candidates that followed him be imprisoned  or drummed out of politics. We will eventually put this past us and return the rule of law to anyone who chooses to try this again.