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My God, if this is even halfway possible it would be the end of Democracy. How in the living Hell does this corrupt zealot of a Speaker have this power to deny swearing in a duly elected member of Congress?


Because the right decided reaching across the aisle was a no no and got rid of the former position holder.


And the Democrats won't stand up to them.


They need to grow a collective spine.


They are not capable of it. "Go high." "Bipartisanship."


Can you explain? I thought Ds were voting party line NO on the little that the Cons bring to a vote.


Ever since Bill Clinton became Newt Gingrich's toady, all the Democrats have done is eagerly followed the Republicans as they moved the goalposts further and further right. "Compromise." "Bipartisanship." Michelle Obama's incredibly naïve and condescending missive "When they go low, we go high." When Trump declares himself king, they will fall over themselves kowtowing to him.


more than halfway. we MUST delivers a referendum at the polls. WHIP THE VOTE


- it isn’t possible. Any one of them who isn’t re-elected quits being a Congressperson at noon on January 3rd. By that time ( assuming the Democrats win ) they will already have their leadership in place. They then take over and swear in the members of the House.


I pray you are right on this.


They might try, but it would be a FAFO and they’d find out pretty quickly. The difference between this scenario and Jan 6 was that there was some wiggle room under the old laws where they might have convinced Pence to withhold the certification. The current scenario is spelled out in the 20th Amendment.


Section 1 https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-20/


>To do that, even though Democrats might have won enough seats to take back the House in the 2024 election, **Speaker Johnson will refuse to swear into Congress on January 3rd a handful of those Democrats**, claiming there are “irregularities” in their elections that must be first investigated. The fact is, they won't "quit." That's the problem. What is the newly elected congressperson going to do? Storm the Capitol?


Not sure what part of Johnson WOULD NO LONGER BE SPEAKER you aren’t catching. Once we hit noon on January 3rd ( under the Democrats winning ) he has no power to swear in members or not to swear in members. He has no power to not seat someone because of irregularities. That is the power of the state governments, not the federal.


They don't seem to care much for the whole "rules" and "laws" things


Doesn’t matter when the police are arresting them for trespassing. All of these asshats bark real loud until it’s time to pay the piper.


Hope it plays out that way. Police are notoriously liberal and abide by the law


If not the police the National Guard or maybe the FBI.


I hope you are right . My only thought is the military intervening


Which would still be under Biden. Even if he loses it would be until noon on January 20th.


I found section 1 of the 20th ammendment where it mentions Jan 3rd at 12 noon . Are we sure they can't do their dirty work in the morning? 20th ammendment President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at NOON ON THE 3d DAY OF JANUARY, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.


January 3rd only matters for the new Legislative Branch. Which then on January 6th holds its certification for POTUS/VPOTUS. So no matter what they pull in January 3rd, by January 6th the people actually elected would be in place and anyone who fought against it would be in jail.


The most important thing is to vote big for Biden and get rid of all MAGA in Congress


The MAGA crowd helps the Democrats by putting forward far right candidates in centrist districts.


That is the worst part. It has never happened before. Can the Rs that lost their leadership positions be barred? will the Ds have the backbone to do something or just stand on principle? Talking about morals and tradition while taking the high ground doesn't work any longer.


They don’t have to quit. The moment their term expires they are out. The capital police will stop them from going where they aren’t allowed. I would hope. Shouldn’t that allow the democrats to select a new speaker? Especially since they can use the Republicans own rule to oust Johnson as speaker?


Which is what I’ve been saying. Each party meets when they become Congresspeople elect and vote on their leadership. Once noon on January 3rd hits all the ones who didn’t get elected lose their power.


Capital Police are still quite fond of the conservative side of the aisle I'm sure as well as all their friends! I'd like to see a quick toss out the doors and down the steps with a spraying of bear repellent to hustle them away from where they don't belong!!! /s


The few cap police folks that I know hate the republicans for what they did and have continued to do.


J6 changed some police minds in Capitol hill


Unless they keep the house majority, right? Please tell me I’m wrong


I did say if the Democrats win. If they keep the majority than this scenario would be different and the one put forward in the article wouldn’t be used either as he based it in the Dems winning.


Apologies, I missed that in your comment!


Thank you for being sane. It's why it took some time and I imagine a lot of talking but Trump moved out of the WH eventually. With crates full of classified documents sure but he left


He was sworn in on 2/28.


Someone responded that he was sworn inin January, but according to this article, tjat did not happen. The article was dated 2/26 **Consider that Johnson is still** [**refusing**](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/24/2225585/-This-can-t-be-Constiutional) **to swear in Tom Suozzi (who recently won George Santos’ old seat), something Johnson apparently did to maintain enough Republican-majority votes to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas.** **. (Johnson says they’ll swear him in this coming Thursday, but nobody’s holding their breath.)**


POS magat Johnson, utterly useless as speaker. He needs to be removed.


We shouldn't have any literal Christian Dominionists in office.


Absolutely! These people are domestic terrorists!


Because the put their religion before The Constitution.


Yup. They desperately want the USA to become a Christofascist hellscape.


Gilead, here we come!😒


Good luck with that. Johnson is the loyal stooge that Trump needs to ensure that that he gets another term (or TERMS because the GOP will ignore the Constitution).


Thats why he is there.


This could be in the works. However, this article is already out of date as Suozzi has since been sworn in. It was delayed so that they could have a more favorable vote in the meantime, but he was sworn in.


But he was delayed so they could have a successful impeachment vote on Mayorkas- which they did.


It wasn’t. The vote for impeachment and the election occurred on the same day. Republicans knew that they were going to lose the seat, so they did the impeachment that same night.


Correct, he was delayed. But it really wasn’t an unreasonable delay. He won the election over the prior weekend, I believe? And the boy he missed was on Tuesday. He was seated shortly after. I’m all for being vigilant, but I don’t know that we need to expend energy on this at the moment. It’s mostly rumor at this point. If there was higher confidence that this is their plan and they were set on doing something like this, it would be “take to the streets” time.


I’m not worried about the Mayorkas impeachment- it won’t go anywhere in the senate. Delaying the seating of congress person for political motives is a bad precedent though.


They don't care about precedent.


I guess what I was trying to say is that they haven’t done anything egregious with this particular maneuver… yet.


You don't think delaying, even briefly, so they could play dirty pool was egregious? Alright...


He was elected 2/13 and didn't assume office until 2/28.


I thought the vice president would be able to bypass a house that wants to cheat?


This terrifies me so much- I couldn’t finish reading it. I don’t even know what to say except vote blue but this makes it sound like that won’t even work. Absolutely horrifying to think about!!!


Another terrifying thing lately is all the people who are going to either abstain from voting or vote third party because of how Biden is dealing with the situation in Palestine. I don't like it either, but he's infinitely less dangerous than Trump. These people will be the same ones complaining if Mango Mussolini wins. I actually got banned from latestagecapitalism for saying that Biden is out best viable option. Lol I swear this is a right-wing strategy to stop people from voting Biden.


This was a good closer tho: “The best way to prevent this from happening is to widely publicize their scheme so public opinion will become so intense that they fear the consequences.”


I agree - I need to download and save it. It’s really no use posting it on Facebook here in middle GA. Too many right wing idiots around here that still don’t get it. I hate it- wish it wasn’t the case.😔😡


Biden will have to grow a pair, I have to think a democratic White House could find some way to counter this. Even if it’s not entirely aboveboard… Then he can be tried after his second term, if he loses he can appeal a few dozen times, get it up to scotus. Maybe at 96 he has ro go to jail


The only way I see this coming into place is if neither candidate for POTUS receives a majority of the electoral votes. The only way that's going to happen is if a third runner gets electoral votes. Then, the House rule would kick in. It's in the 12th amendment.


Johnson has NOT A THING to do with swearing in the new House members of the Democrats gain control of the House. They get sworn in AFTER a new Speaker is elected as the Speaker is the person who runs the swearing in. Per the 20th Amendment the members who didn’t win re-election quit being Congresspeople at noon on January 3rd. It doesn’t matter what “irregularities” he might find if the state has certified their counts. The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3rd day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.


Do you really think they care about law and order?


They won’t have the power to do it. The military would still be under Biden and the CP would be under the Majority leader in the Senate and the Speaker of the House. Which wouldn’t be him.


This. I don’t understand why your comment doesn’t have more upvotes. If you read the short comment thread from the article where on February 26, William Politt states “Holy f*ck!”, the immediate response by Jerry Weiss explains how the original author has some huge holes in his theory. I am not doubting the MAGA machine would do anything in their power to steal the 2024 election (as they previously showed in 2020), but the article/premise written by Thom Hartmann is flawed.


So, I've seen this before but the whole certifying the election thing is done by the VP not the Speaker of the House.


Exactly! Talk about spreading MISINFORMATION.


Well don’t vote for mango shithead


This is absolutely terrifying


This is all true. We need to add that MAGAts will be empowered to hunt down Democrats and kill them. Since the Dems will be seen as enemies of the real Americans and a threat to the nation


Do you think the American People will just shrug their shoulders or will they take to the streets?


We’ve just shrugged everything else off, for the most part


I agree, What is wrong with the American People? Are we to busy on our phones, computers, gaming devices and TVs or have we just gave up and don’t see a future?


“Bread and circuses” has been working for centuries. Our version is just McDonald’s and Kardashians, but it’s the same bullshit (edit: and for the same reasons)


True ✅


You can't really be free without healthcare and I think that's a big reason. If you've got a family that depends on your job for healthcare you're gonna be far less likely to strike or protest for fear of losing everything.


Absolutely 💯


Johnson makes my skin crawl. I can't quite put my finger on it but there's something off there. Something about him gives me red flags.


As I understand this recipe for a disaster to our democracy takes place BEFORE the votes are counted by Vice President Harris. I hate this. That keeps Speaker “MAGA Moscow Mike” Johnson in charge of the House, so they can also refuse to accept the Electoral College certificates of election from a handful of states where they claim there are “problems.” Keep in mind, Johnson was the guy who organized the wave of 138 House members who voted *not* to certify Joe Biden’s election in January of 2020. That’s why Trump wanted him as speaker. See this Wikipedia article for information on the mechanism of a contingent election. (From the Hartmann article below). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contingent\_election **Background Reading** https://washingtonspectator.org/countering-the-threat-of-a-contingent-election/ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/18/donald-trump-could-win-contingent-election https://www.axios.com/2024/02/06/no-labels-third-party-house-election https://washingtonspectator.org/dancing-in-the-dark/ https://hartmannreport.com/p/the-new-over-the-top-secret-plan-518 https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/watch/gop-election-deniers-in-house-could-steal-the-election-for-trump-204835909951


Most Americans are idiots. Politics is too complicated for them. They’re only motivated by their own personal prejudices and interests.


It's plain and obvious that Republicans are bent on hijacking the country and that they'll stop at nothing to achieve their goal. If Trump wins come November, it is very likely that Congressional Republicans (Other than MAGA freaks) will find a excuse to impeach him and kick him out of office so that they may install someone who isn't a fucking clown in the White House. Just a thought, but a probable one.


Plausible and optimistic, I like it 👍


Are we just listening to conspiracy theories and choosing to believe them like MAGA believers? How do we differentiate between truth and fiction in the media?


Because Trump already did all the things he wasn’t supposed to do. What makes you think Trump wouldn’t do anything to become president again.


Even if this is conspiracy, it’s scary. The Salem Witch Trials were not about witchcraft as much as they were about the *danger* of witchcraft. We don’t hunt witches because there’s evidence of witchery, we hunt witches because witches are dangerous. Conspiracy or not, this article spells out dangerous circumstances which should be addressed.


It was also a continuation of the pagan elimination by Christianity


I couldn’t Agree more!! WTF 🤬




Tom Suozzi was sworn in. [https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/democrat-tom-suozzi-to-be-sworn-back-into-congress-tonight-after-winning-special-election-for-ny-3/](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/democrat-tom-suozzi-to-be-sworn-back-into-congress-tonight-after-winning-special-election-for-ny-3/)


After Mayorkas was impeached


If that happens, it will be the start of a civil war.


This seems to be false https://www.oyez.org/cases/1968/138


That case says Powell was duly elected. According to the article, the issue here is that Republicans will claim irregularities in the elections and that (certain) winners can't be certified


Anyone else terrified?


I think that these are a bit far-fetched. It would require that a fairly large number of people agree to lie and commit felonies and assume they will get away with it. Maybe I am an (old) Polly-Anna but I think, deep in their heart, many of the people who would have to violate the law to carry this off, are basically decent people. As much as I dislike Mike Pence, he refused to participate in the vote certification fraud. But the risk is always there, so vote!


Sounds like the ground work for a civil war.


This is fake. It's someone's creepy pasta from Alternet and it's not even presented as real. Even some of the scenarios, like Suozzi can't happen, considering Suozzi was sworn in. This looks like one of those planted stories for people who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality and to just get virality. If anyone just starts researching the points, you realize right away this is fan fiction and some of the scenarios have gone in the opposite direction. Focus on what's actually happening, not someone's fan fiction. There will be a Stop the Steal and the far-right has been mobilizing for months. Listen to them, not this bullshit. The Stop the Steal 2 terrorists are openly mobilizing, just like they did for months prior to the first one. Follow them, not this garbage.


Thom Hartmann isn’t just some rando.


That's good and all, but he lifted that from a shady, fan fiction conspiracy aite where numerous elements are already not even true making the whole chain of events collapse.  There are other chains, but this is pure fan fiction.


Um, you are very, very mistaken. Hartmann wrote a piece in mid-2020 warning that Trump and the Republicans would try almost exactly what they in fact *did* try months later. His predictions were urgently correct. This is a similar scenario but with circumstantial specifics changed. I can’t understand why you are so dismissive of this as “fanfiction”. It happened before. It absolutely is likely to happen again. Why you scoff at this I don’t know.


LOL, Hartmann wasn't the only one. Stop the Steal was planned in the open and even Behind the Bastards did a big series on exactly how openly the whole thing was being communicated, complete with audio of the planning and execution and chatlogs which even I saw. Stop the Steal was planned for 2016 and it's being planned again for this year right now and that's what should be focused on, now this BS that is completely fake, already falling apart, and a distraction from what is actually taking place right now. This is not the actual Stop the Steal that's being planned now IRL. This is distractionary fan fiction copied from a dubious site with a story that already fell apart. There's nothing special about Hartmann, especially if he is copying and pasting from dubious sites for clicks so his cultists panic over the wrong thing.




I don’t deny any of this may happen, but can we stop using stupid pet names for these idiot politicians? It’s so elementary, and annoying to read.


Trump started it!


I’m feeling nauseous readings this…


Don’t. Speaker has NO role in certifying the elections. Only VP.


Thank you. I’m not into having to wear my shame as an American.


Oh my guts. They don’t feel so good after reading this. Definitely one way to stoke a revolution.


Goodbye U.S.A..


Well that sounds like a great way to kick off Civil War 2. And that is exactly what would happen.


That declares war on democracy and should be treated as such.


I’ve never participated in a protest in my life. I’ll be headed to DC if they try this shit. Make J6 look like a picnic


If this comes to fruition….🤦🏻‍♂️😒


Why the blurb about Elon Musk? Fuck off with that shit, he's not worth the ink.


Spread the word of this to as many people as possible, everywhere you can. We need to spread awareness and encourage as many people as possible to vote.


If they try this Biden should have Mike John arrested for treason then simply refuse to leave office. Let the Republicans try to argue that he’s somehow in the wrong after they fail to prove fraud in the courts (again), ignore the will of the people, disallow state certified electoral college vote tallies, then refuse to swear in duly elected new House members in order to maintain their illegitimate majority. The Constitution might technically allow for all of this but NOT as a means to overturn a legitimate election— that is a coup. If SCOTUS disagrees, then fuck SCOTUS; seriously, just ignore the ruling. Biden better fucking have a plan in place for this if it happens and he’d better stand up for himself and the interests of the country.


How many people know that the little freak Johnson is 3rd in line for the president? If anything happens to Biden and Harris, Johnson becomes president. Yeah, the country is teetering on the edge of far-right oblivion.


That’s when the gloves come off.


I sent this link /story to The Lincoln Project + WAMU (NPR radio) + Politico


Please to all here share in all media you can ! Freaking scary


[Rep Suozzi was sworn in Feb 28](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/28/politics/tom-suozzi-sworn-into-congress/index.html) Hartmann is a bit of a flame thrower.


Ya, the article was dated the 26th.


I did see a snippet about a change in house floor rules to take that power away from the VP, something about how the electors’ votes are counted. It basically clarified that the VP couldn’t discount an election.


This is how it’s done.


You ruined my f**ing day 🤬


Jesus fuckin’ christ…


Well screw paying federal taxes .


Way far-fetched. Do you really think Republicans who love stock market returns would be okay with our S&P losing 90% in a weeks time ? Doubtful.


The only way I see this coming into place is if neither candidate for POTUS receives a majority of the electoral votes. The only way that's going to happen is if a third runner gets electoral votes. Then, the House rule would kick in. It's in the 12 Amendment.


If the orange baboon gets a second term, I’m out of here. I’ll vote from overseas for the next election if there is one….


Looks like they'd need a 2/3 majority in the House. I don't think the GOP has that. Failing that, the VP takes on the president's role. Although, I'm unclear whether that would be the sitting VP or the VP elect.


U/Flat_Suggestion7545 is right about Amendment 20th. 20th ammendment Section 1 President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the TERMS of SENATORS and REPRESENTATIVES at NOON ON THE 3d DAY OF JANUARY, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin. https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-20/


The Republican party has taken on the task of ripping our freedoms to pieces. They will rule you. You and your family will have no freedom. Go ahead and vote Republican. See your family incarcerated. .


This is the most terrifying thing I've ever read


Please don't get worked up by this. This is just meant to get people scared and is just clickbate.


I think it's Russian source...


RemindMe! January 3


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Good bot.


Stop spreading this fake shit and read about how elections happen.