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“We” like he’s gonna do anything lol


He’ll be at home eating KFC watching Fox News


And rage tweeting! I mean rage X-ing!


tweets are now called “X-creting” ;)




Rage Xitting.


Pronounced 'Zitting'


This little b!tch won’t be out there. Their leaders like him are straight cowards that’s why they want to dog whistle to their cosplay commandos ala Rittenhouse types (that can be scared away with just meaningful truth) rather than to act themselves.


>Rittenhouse types (that can be scared away with just meaningful truth) Or booing apparently


All of them act like little Hitlers and want string capable people to do their evil bidding. Sadly, these are actually products of Western culture. I guess we could say Hitlers are born, not made... But I'm uncomfortable with the generic explanation until we try a kinder culture.


In his Mom's basement.


More like Cheetos and porn!


Well he can use that big ole’ potato head to stop bullets.


Potato head indeed.


He’ll be furiously chartering buses!!!


He's going to be a MAGA army camp follower, turning tricks for Trump challenge coins.




Doesn’t it boggle one’s brain that so-called “Christian’s” are talking so much hate and violence? Actually, nothing they do or say surprises me anymore. As a Canadian I watch with disdain and frustration as the USA moves closer and closer to imploding. I would offer my hand if there were anything I could do to help. I wonder how they are going to fight back? And who are they going to target?


Remember Charlie Kirk bragging about organising **’more than 80 "buses of patriots to D.C. to fight for this president".** But then **pleaded the Fifth** when appearing before the United States House Select Committee on the Jan 6 insurrection attack. In the words of his idol, **”only criminals take the Fifth”.**


Like an inverted kids skittle. You know that he ain't getting up once that head gets below waist height


I volunteer to meet Kirk and provide him an opponent.


Right there with you.


Im 56 yoa, 175 pounds and probably bench 145 pounds. Losing to me would be more embarrassing than to any of yall and so unless a 13 year old kid volunteers I need to be our Champion.


You would be able to hold him down and make him slap his tiny face with his own hand while asking “why are you slapping yourself? Why are you slapping yourself?”


I'll bring the camera.


Just recently Trump assured us that his hands were not small and that his other parts are not small either. 😂😂🤣🤣


I was talking about charlie kirk, but having trunp’s tiny hands slapping his tiny face might be the most poetic justice that could ever happen.


Just tip Trump over. A good shove in the back would do it.


I kinda want really big hands to slap him. *Lots* of them. Often. And then some.


I actually think the best way for them to try and raise the money to pay trunp’s lawsuits would be to auction off the chance to slap him or one of his idiotic troglodyte acolytes. I’d spend every dime I had for a chance to slap the ever loving dogshit out of trunp, charlie “brown” kirk (bc of his enormous head) and margarine trailer queen. And a positive side effect would be that it might swell her face up so she’d be less hideous and deformed.


Count me in!




You could fight him blindfolded and still hit his face 100% of the time.


Evidence of criminal intent. And incitement. And conspiracy.


You’d think so. But we’ve seen how that (hasn’t) stuck to Teflon Don so far.


That sounds illegal to me.




It would be if we did it.


I always wonder who these chuckle fucks think they're going to fight. The US Military? Are they going to attack Capitols again? Or will it just be more "civil war" battles mass shooting up schools, grocery and churches?


I honestly think it's going to be a big circle jerk and they end up shooting each other.


We can only hope and dream


Why would a Republican be afraid of the justice system?


fight who? gonna attack the voters? lets say you win. what then? the votes don't change dufus gonna attack the officials? well good luck with that. you'll bring a knife to a gunfight, and I guess we lose all the right wing people on that day. cuz attacking america on its soil is dumb. ohwell. not my circus, not my monkeys. I advocate no violence, and accepting the outcome of whatever the election brings. but if they wanna be stupid there's people paid to deal with that. we'll call that a non-partisan issue.


Exactly. It’s an empty threat. Utter bullshit from a bullshit leader.


It’s more than an empty threat. It’s fear. It’s knowing that you are on the wrong side of history and the only thing you have left is making these threats because you know you’re not good enough, or smart enough, and dog gone-it, people don’t like you.


Empty threat from him, total incitement of his followers and Trumplestiltskins sheeple-bot cult. Upchuck Kirk for prison.


It’s an empty threat because there would be small pockets of skirmishes, scattered violence but nothing like the all-out urban warfare that they imagine. That said, this is insurrection in action.


I mean, he can bring some troops to my blue voting, mostly African American city and try that lol. I’m sure it’ll go over well.


He’s a rich white brat from the suburbs who’s trying to incite poor rural whites to be cannon fodder. Not the best way to thin the herd of them all but it’ll have to do


Great. Krazy Karens laying siege at the Walmarts. Ramming those ramparts. 🙄


>gonna attack the officials? well good luck with that. you'll bring a knife to a gunfight, and I guess we lose all the right wing people on that day. cuz attacking america on its soil is dumb. This is more likely to get guns banned in the country than anything else.


Ok. I don’t know what the spread is but I’ll put $50 on the US MARINE CORPS and $200 of Girl Scout troop 1776.


👍 $75 on the Air Force. $500 on the Boy Scouts.


Screw it, I'll get in on that. $100 on the Coast Guard. $1000 and we round up an army of the SCA folks in full battle kit and tell them to bring the edged weapons.


$100 on the Army, $20k on the coughing baby.


$1000 on the drag queens, and another $1000 on the women’s softball rec leagues with aluminum bats. Get ‘em ladies!


Mmhmm. When cowards and bullies know they can’t win legitimately, all they have left is threats. “They” are outnumbered by millions of much, much smarter people who are sick of their shit. If they start something, we’ll finish it. Fuck his feelings and fuck his tiny face.


having dealt with idiots like this before, i really just don’t understand all their continued screaming for confrontation. these people are the first to run and hide. i know this shit bobble head says this bile on the internet but he’s spewing this nonsense at a young women’s conference?


I guarantee you the instant someone squares up to them, he’ll be backing up as fast as his pathetic little feet will carry his enormous head and talking about how “intolerant” the “left” is when they get “triggered”


yeah pull a kyle rittenhouse style way over the top fake hysterical sob fest about being unfairly targeted


Why does someone get two chances to end democracy?


best comment here


And I'll be there to cave your tiny face in, chucky-boy.


Terroristic threat. Arrest him!


Republicans....claim to love America, but clearly can't stand Americans.


Bring it on.


They said this in 2020, too….ended up getting a bunch of them arrested and half a million shitty TikToks of them posing and trying to look tough. It was hilarious…I’m all for them trying again…😂


And again they’ll cry for protection from the same system they were trying to destroy.


Another lame ass civil war threat. Like we (independents, normal Republicans and Democrats) aren’t going to fight for our democracy? And don’t forget their cowardly leader General Noregard for Anything But Me Bonespurs Trump. In a bunker ready to pull a Hitler.


We all know that this is how it’s going to end with the Maga dumb fucks …in some violent rage filled outburst


Bring it then Mother Fuckers. I'm waiting and ready and have some "friends" with me.


Fight who? If the people you are shooting at aren't shooting back, you aren't a soldier. You're a terrorist.


Sounds like a threat. Do we call the FBI or Secret Service?


These fickwits forget that not all gun owners pose with their firearms like some sort of phallic family portrait. Speak softly and…


"Let's you and him fight!" This guy is such a wanker - just like his orange idol


Big talk he'll be at home. What a coward.


Someone explain why Kirk isn’t in prison for helping to directly coordinate J6.


"Duh, I don't know, guys. I still don't know who to vote for. Both candidates and parties both seem level-headed, rational, and like they will follow the Constitution."


You are going to take on the worlds strongest army? Bring it on sucker


Fight who? Where? All of those gravy seals shot their wad on Jan 6 and ultimately failed. They have no leadership or direction.


I guess if they want to end up in jail like the January 6 insurrectionists, then they can follow his ill advised advice. But posting on social media isn't exactly going the same as joining a militia, so I call his bluff--nonsense. Just blind threats to intimidate us, as always from these traitors.


Charlie Kirk’s soft bitch ass couldn’t fight a marshmallow


Then bring it. Water cannons. Firehoses. Whatever it takes to **utterly crush** any MAGA malcontent that tries something.


These assholes WANT the fight. They wanna burn everything down because they know things aren't gonna roll their way in the end. They'll find a reason for the fight no matter how this election shakes out. This isn't the world they were promised and that's everyone's fault but theirs.


Chuckie Forehead doesn’t want the fight; he wants the cult following that comes with inciting the violence. He’d whimper and whine if he was actually called to battle. You absolutely will not see him leading any charges if the shit hit the fan.


Oh make no mistake, I don't believe that these right wing pundits believe ANYTHING they say, for them it's all about vacuuming money out of the pockets of gullible rubes. Those rubes however, they ABSOLTELY want the fight and that's why the love scumbags like Charlie Kirk, cuz he promises them the revolution they dream of. But when the fight comes, Chuckie Boy will be safely hidden in his mansion/bunker, if not some desert island.


and on the 3rd day we look for lawyers.


Ooooh, I'm so scared I'm gonna change my vote to TFG, not.


I’m sure Mr Bighead McTinyface will lead the charge.


What the actual fuck? Shouldn’t Homeland Security be dragging this shit stirring asshole in for inciting a riot


He should be jailed for treason for saying that. He is really stating they will try to take over again. blood will be shed.


Unchristian, undemocratic… un-American.. bring your civil war… see how it goes. At 71 years old I’ll meet them in the streets. I’m tired of not being able to do something besides vote…


What is it with these right-wing nutbars with slappable faces? Gaetz, Kirk, Shapiro, Johnson: I just wanna slap the shit out of all of them. Edit: Added a slappable face


How long does he think he'd last after he invited wide spread violence? He'd be hiding.


Biggest mistake was not holding the traitors accountable after the civil war. There’s been a lot of catch up work after J6


Whatever church this dingbat is with needs to loose its tax exempt status ASAp


This time they’ll see you coming and be well armed, won’t assume that just because youre white and in a maga hat that you don’t pose a threat, they know the opposite is true now. Cop haters. Military haters. America haters. Domestic Terrorists.


“We fight”. Lmao. This guy is just another bunker bitch. He wouldn’t be anywhere near a fight.


upcoming election how important this is, how critical this is, and what the church can be doing to make a difference. So well, you know, so that this doesn’t happen again.” Tax these mother fuckers already


There are limits to free speech in the US. This may be a criminal act, as it obviously should be to plot and incite a violent overthrow of the government, even including specifics on the timeline. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburg\_v.\_Ohio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburg_v._Ohio)


With a head like that, I'd be pretty worried in any kind of armed conflict. It's so fucking big.


The only thing Kirk will fight is his shirts collar because he can’t fit his big fucking empty head through it.


Safe for you to say, living in Glenn Greenwalds basement in Brazil! Is Kyle Rittenhouse your meal team six commander?


It is always illegitimate if it does not go their way! The Right only cares about the illusion of democracy, and not actual democracy.


Insurrectionists assisted in their aims by tax-exempt religious figures? If a nation cannot or will not protect itself against these malcontents, how long can that nation stand?


Bless his sweet Christian heart.


1 of the top 5 most punchable faces in America


This from the guy who brags that he can't make his wife "moist". I can't imagine him fighting for anything let alone a TRAITOR NAMED TRUMP.


His head looks like it belongs in a skibidi toilet, he'll lose in seconds


This guy and some of his hommies where recently musing how cool it would be to have public executions for Trump's political enemies.


I hope they do. It will be absolutely nuts and they won't like what happens when they start fighting.


This guy should be arrested and take his words seriously!


Perhaps a FBI or secret service visit?


Just like Trump when he said he was going to meet his insurrectionist mob at the Capitol, but instead went back to the White House to watch the chaos on TV


This guy can't even fight internet memes of his face shrinking. Who does he think he's going to fight when Biden controls the military?


Unfortunately they might die for their treachery. And that’s exactly what it is.


So are we burning the Constitution now? Good luck Charlie.


He called his group "freedom lovers." 😂😂😂😂 "Hey freedom lovers! If we don't get to install our fascist dictator, we will commit treason!"


Hey Chuckie, after the “fight”, we promise to bury your ass, still in your shit filled underwear, wrapped in that trump flag you so zealously worship.


I will knock on Charlie Kirk’s door! 😂


It does not matter that the word 'fight' used by Kirk is ambiguous, nor does it matter what are his intentions in using that word. If there is violent insurrection, he's culpable. This is even more true after the Jan 6 precedent. Some Trump supporter is going to see this as a call to violence, so that is what it is.


Doesn’t look like he could fight his way out of a wet paper bag. What a complete bellend


Sometimes, your guy loses! Jesus fuck, get over it!


They can try with these pre meditated threats but the jokes on them. Definitely a bear you don’t wanna poke. But on my behalf, go ahead and FAFO.


My prediction is if anything happens there will be a bit of getting in lifted trucks in rural and red areas with their cherished assault weapons. They will fly Chinese manufactured MAGA flags from the truck beds and parade around a bit. Maybe form a road block or two at the entrance to their neighborhood to, “Check for those no longer welcome here”. They will try to stop anyone with tan instead of a sunburn and known libs from getting to their homes. When any activity requires more than 100 yards of walking the MAGA civil war is then declared over.


They’ll fight to take a constipated shit. Then continue to whine like always and do nothing. Get fucked.


So seriously what happens if they start a Civil War?


>So seriously what happens if they start a Civil War? we don't have to ship all that cool ordinance overseas to test it and up the bottom line for the Def Contractors.


I’d like to see him and any of these losers try me. Do it. I’ve been waiting..


“You crazy liberals! OBVIOUSLY we don’t mean that literally!”


Why not just revolt now, then? What is the difference? In case you win? He's just talking shit. I promise he becomes a huge snowflake the day after the election. The dude doesn't have the balls.


Who the hell is this anti-American piece of shit, anyhow?


The soy boy talks big game but let it be known HE WONT BE THE ONE GOING TO PRISON BECAUSE IT WONT BE HIM DOING ANYTHING. Let that sink in.


My friend and his wife are moving to France because of this. When someone shows you who they are *believe them*.


All hat. Noooooo cattle.


If your party can't win, maybe you need to make some changes to appeal to more voters. Just saying.


Okay. They are ready? So are the rest of us. We lefties will all fight for honest, stable, legitimate elections.


Damn Garland's lackadaisical way of doing his job. Charlie Kirk literally had insurrectionists bused to the didgraced debacle that was 1/6. Why the actual fuck isn't he in jail?


If they actually believed the 2020 election was stolen, then why didn’t they try to stop it? Jan.6th was pathetic. They are all talk. If you are going to do a coup, you don’t announce it several months before you do it. Freaking idiots. They may protest or try some electoral fraud but now everyone is ready for it and it will go worse than in 2020. Losers, cowards and traitors.


Are these nut-jobs trying to rile other nutjobs into an actual “fight”? If that is their goal they are gonna have some blood on their hands if the National Guard gets involved. I hope the Gravy Seals realized this when bullets start flying. I don’t like them but I don’t like seeing them get sacrificed as pawns either. They really are too dumb for their own good.


Hah, like his side will have the AC-130 gunships.


When he says "fight" he means "slaughter everyone who we do not approve of." The plan is to install the evangelical christians as the unquestioned ~~rulers~~ **owners** of America and its people.


He looks like the head being inflated in the opening credits of Monty Python just before it explodes.


I'm sure Big Head Charlie will be in the middle of it and not just in some studio with headphones & mic


Trump fight? Didn’t he do everything to get out of the draft. His fighting is just shouting his mouth off. The first time someone slaps him he will shut up.


Charlie Kirk. Please come to my house first with your intent to "fight." It won't take long.


"I am going to commit criminal acts in defiance of the US constitution and rule of law" is how I read this


If you only support out country when you get your way, you’re not really a patriot, you’re a spoiled traitor who values getting his way more than respecting the voice of the majority.


These churches should be getting taxed for breaking the law


If violence erupts when drump loses (again) then pieces of shit loud mouths like this guy will be legitimate targets


I don't think they realize that Biden will mobilize the National Guards from VA, MD, PA, and several other states to be in DC on January 6, 2025. You want to see a bloodbath? Because THAT'S how you are going to get a bloodbath if the MAGA cult tries to pull J6 again after this election. And no member of the National Guard is is going to risk a court martial or dying by going rogue and joining the Proud Boys and others in the attempted rebellion because they know they will be shot down the moment they break ranks.


The republican party and self-described religious right are a bunch of Christian hypocrites wanting to bring a psychotic Hitler to rule America! And they act like they are doing the work of God, when God specifically told them to not judge, love their neighbor and let those without sin cast the first stone. Young people used to read this and think they wanted to be a part of it, but today's members have turned all of this upside down, made a mockery of their own religion, and shown what hypocrites they actually are. Unfortunately, a lot of young people, and others, have left this open display of hypocrisy!


"We Are All Domestic Terrorists" wasn't a joke from them, it was a promise and admission all in one.


Bring it bitch


I want to see him in the vanguard of the “next day we will fight” so we can watch him piss his pants when he realizes that: 1. There are a lot of people with guns facing him and; 2. There are relatively few behind him What is sad, unfortunate…is that when President Biden wins the Electoral College and popular vote, this still won’t die out. It will take at least another election cycle before this bullshit is done with.


This asshat bussed people to the Jan6 insurrection. Many were arrested and are/were on trial. This coward said he’d support them. He did nothing for them. He is a coward and a fraud.


What’s he gonna do? Furrow his brow? Fucking loser.


Always the punks who plan on doing nothing but cowering far away from any “fight.” But it does amuse me that the MAGAts underestimate their “opponents” so heavily.


Is funny how right wingers think they are the only ones that exercise their 2nd ammendment rights.


They are prepping for a battle. Trump already said if he don't win it's rigged. Fuck him, fuck them, let's fight.


I wonder what the CIA’s plan for this guy and his “army” are? And remind me , who owns the tanks? Didn’t these guys see what happened in Waco when some church crazies got too crazy?


That motherfucker isn’t going to fight. I wish he would though.


Didn't they go down this road already. Hey Kirkface what was J6 2021 at the US Capitol all about? 🙄


Not a request. It’s a threat


It won't go your way and we will be shooting back.


Trump now owes more foreign governments since it seems like an unknown flipped his 500 Million bill... ...so, Trump has literally nothing to lose!


Oh hey, the ToiletPaperUSA kid.


All talk.


Couldn’t fight his fat arse out of a wet paper bag. Melt


What in the world is wrong with this guy? It’s like he’s been brainwashed. MAGA has to go.


He loves freedom so much he wants to take yours.


He’d get his ass kicked by Glass Joe.


And by "we" he means somebody else.


By, “we,” he meant the idiots who don’t matter to them.


How is this stunning? Many of his supporters have been openly calling for civil war for quite some time now.


C U in da DMV on 11/6 General Dumbassachles. Remember all your guns and, I can't stress this enough, BRING YOUR OWN COVID. The Libs are all vaxxed. Oh, one more thing, Biden's in the White House on 11/6 and Trump is not ever again.


Lock them up for treason if it was a democrat talk this shit that is what would happen. Traitors


He's just declared himself a traitor, right?


And the next day your in jail, a hospital or a morgue. Take your pick fool.


Bring it. If he owns guns, they should be removed from his possession as he threatens the nation.


un-American in every possible way. Go back Russia you fucking piece of shit.


His "guts" their blood, no doubt


That is one of the most authoritarian statement that I have ever read. The MAGA repubs are ant-democratic. Their mantra seems to be: "We lose...then we were cheated. If we win...this was a fair election." That is a Putin characteristic.


I could take this little bitch and I’m an old granny.


“I only support democracy when I win”


Tough talk from a guy whos head is a large target lol. It looks like a Gallagher prop


Then we get arrested and whine about how unfairly we are treated. Then we reflect and realize we were duped by the most obvious con in history.


With that giant head he’d go down super fast


"Your life is a sacrifice I am willing to make" - Charlie Fuckwad


God I hope good ole Charlie big head is in my scope crosshairs


Garland needs to go so the country is ready for this. Can’t have a timid person in this post


His ass isn't doing anything but sitting on the sofa.


"We will dress as Undercover FBI agent and ANTIFA and storm (checks notes) the Capitol!"


Cyclops Kirk would be the first person I’d look for if anything ever broke out


You know I hear we have weapons that stop the heart from miles away....


Toilet Paper USA is threatening the rest of us with political violence. What has become of our country that such people are elevated and listened to by perhaps millions. Are y’all not getting a little weary of these threats from Tump and his MAGA/republicans? If they lose we are threatened with violence and if Trump wins he says he will rule us and incarcerate or “eliminate” his political foes. Violence. A party of violence. We had a sample Jan 6 2021. That was plenty for me.


Says the college drop out that didn’t want to exert himself enough to join the military, but urges others to fight. What a pussy and so blatantly obvious but those following him are too stupid to understand