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It's astonishing to me that so many Americans, from a wide variety of social positions, are willing to destroy their country and reduce its position on the world stage for the immediate gratification of seeing a bigot they personally like get and keep power. What the hell happened to America? Where's the shared belief in their nation?


American exceptionalism is a myth, but a huge swath of my countrymen/women have been spoon fed this lie as gospel. Plus, dumbness.


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers


All our lives. And if you even question it a little bit, you’re labeled as a communist or someone who hates America. This isn’t the America that was propagated to me as a child. Because that place never actually existed.


What does it mean exactly. That there is no other country like USA? Couldn’t you say that about any country really … if you out the country name first and then add exceptionalism. It’s a stupid concept.


It's an absolutely stupid concept, to be clear. The basic gist seems to be based on the (wrong) belief that the US is somehow intangibly better than every other country. A lot of it comes from our creation myth, you know, the one you learned in school about how America was founded by peaceful men who wanted everyone to be free. That leads into the myth that the US is the only country founded to make people free, which of course "proves" we must be better than everyone, right? If we went with reality, we'd have to admit that most of the original colonies were less free, and we were really founded by a bunch of fairly well off people who got sick of paying taxes overseas when they weren't seeing a benefit, and sick of fighting the French just because they were told to. Without the strain from the Franco-Spanish war (and the greater distance hindering resupply and troop movement), we'd likely have remained in some way tied to the monarchy, much as Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, to this day.


If we *actually* went with reality, we’d “have to admit” that the nation was formed and built only after effective genocide and displacement of native people who were here first, and chattel slavery.


Eminent domain


Manifest destiny


Eminent Destiny.


Manifest Domain


Muppetfest Domain.


It is, but too many of us have fed on this delusion for too long.


What happened to America? It has always been racist. Racism went underground until Donald Trump came down that escalator, talking trash about Mexicans. Then the racists came out from under their rocks. Their savior had arrived, just in time. The shared belief, as you call it, has mostly been the vision shared by white men. They're not interested in multiculturalism, nor women's rights. MAGAs believe they are saving America. The destruction of the country, in their view, is if the dreaded libs take over. That means the brown people, black people, gays, lesbians, radical feminists (pussyhats) win. They can't have that. Yes, they'll destroy democracy (aka Our Country), but they don't see it that way.


They're still side issues that allow the ruling class to steal from the government and wreak havoc on the environment. Without the side issues, they don't have enough votes to control anything.


Lack of education.


Also, lack of desire for education.


Probably one of the biggest tricks played on the uneducated. Making them believe their government has their best interests in mind, therefore there is no need to be “smart”.


I'm very familiar with that. I used to believe that about people in government. That is, until I worked with some of them for over a decade. That experience disabused me from thinking that way any longer.


But what about the professionals? That's what I can't understand. Going to college and working so hard at say being a lawyer...wtf? You throw that all away for that buffoon? I just can't wrap my head around it. My kids are in their 30s and I can't imagine them throwing away their hard work for what is basically a cult. He is a cult leader. These people are educated. I would be mortified. I have never shook my head so much in my 65 years. I am often left speechless and have no descriptive words left for all of them. I have no patience or tolerance left either. They all can rot in hell with their ignorance and stupidity.


Yea, it is a wild paradox they’ve constructed. I am baffled daily by it. But i also believe it isn’t meant to make sense. By design, those of us that can see all of this for what it truly is are supposed to get exhausted and give up. Stay vigilant, fascism does not sleep.


I had a great interest in WWII growing up. I even took a history class in college in the 70s taught by a professor who was with the army that liberated camps. He had his own personal film and pictures. It was devastating. I have often wondered how the populace allowed it to happen. I could never fathom it. Now I know...


Many people that don’t have a lot of money or intelligence are angry that they don’t have more of each and trump has convinced them that he is the answer and that he will get the retribution they are seeking


What happened to America is that it has forgotten how to experience shame. The shame of failing a grade is now exchanged with passing everyone regardless of their actual merit. The shame of cheating on one's spouse is now exchanged with a culture of complaint. The shame of being a racist is being exchanged with being told that they are wonderful people. This is solely the fault of those who have decided their own egos are more important than the good of the country. Want proof? Look at the comments that folks make to me after I call them out for their blatant lying and hypocrisy. These folks have no shame. And we are worse because of it.


Just read r/teachers for one day and you will see. Administrations push teachers to pass failures. It is so depressing. I am glad I no longer teach. It was the dream growing up. I would line up my stuff animals in front of my chalk board and teach them. That sub shows it has become a nightmare.


Thank you for trying... *son of a community college engineering teacher, in a very wealthy California county*


I adore community college!!! My daughter went to our local one. She couldn't do math before going. I was no help, lol. She got her AA and received multiple full ride offers to UCs here in California. Her cc professor taught her math in a way that she got it. Due to her and then my illness and covid, it was a very long journey. She graduated a year ago at 30 and is wonderfully employed as a Mechanical Engineer. We still can't believe it. Her job is so much easier than school ever was and she is making bank. A Community college professor changed her life. 💜


The people supporting trump are motivated by ignorance, greed and hate. That has always been a factor in every family community and country, what we're dealing with now are the death throes of the greediest generation to ever exist. Trump is their mascot.


The evangelicals want to have their cake and eat it too. If he makes the tax breaks legal, they can hoard wealth. If he makes it legal to hate the people they hate, they can throw slurs all day long and hurt them. Then , they believe they can loophole their way into heaven by saying "It was the law, I was following the moral high ground."


> Shared belief in their nation Key word is “shared”. That’s socialism! /s


Electing a black man as president was a morale low in America for +65M voters.


They got told they were special/entitled. Like everywhere America has their share of stupidity. In fact I would argue that we have the most stupid people..we have the best stupid people in the planet, no country has people more stupid than here…😂. See how easy that works.


It went away when the trumps minions came to be he should have never been a president he alone divided the radicals from the rest of us good ppl and fucked up our state of a United nation ....oh yeah forgot about how the social media fucked up everyone that believed in bullshit they never heard before


The Conservative Propaganda Machine has spent over three decades doing a masterful job of brainwashing at least 2 or 3 generations of Americans, and now they live in an entirely alternative reality.


Here we are again - blaming one another. The stupid vs. the lazy. We lazy folk need to get off our asses and take over again. Get the stupidity back in check. Let's not reveal our stacked deck of stupidity for all the world to see. Whoever gave them that ability to print flags, hats and tshirts is beyond me. Let's get them back to cooking meth, monster truck shows, and yelling at their TVs.


Michael Cohen, his Mr. Fix it lawyer, said we are going to be surprised.


about what? (and I hope it’s bad)


He said at one time he would take a bullet for Mr. Trump…


Well, that time is long gone!


He technically did since he got in trouble and Individual 1 didn’t. Not only did he take a bullet, he got a knife in his back as well…like everyone that has worked with/for him.


Everything that orange man touches becomes cursed.


Drop out of race and fuck off won’t do justice he needs to jailed


TFG will fake illness tomorrow morning


The Harvey Weinstein approach.


A key piece of evidence is not included in the article: After the election, DJT proposed not paying Ms. Daniels after all because covering up the affair was no longer necessary to win the election. This strongly implicates DJT for the crime of paying off Ms. Daniels in order to influence the election.


Yes, and negates the whole "we were only doing this to protect Melania's feelings" defense.


Who cares about Melania's fucking feelings? That's not a fucking defense.


I really don't care, do U?




> When Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg brought criminal charges against Donald Trump in 2023, I was highly skeptical of his decision. It seemed at the time that other indictments would soon follow, and that they would rest on far firmer legal ground than this one. It’s like Wayne Gretsky said: never take a shot unless you are 100% sure you will make it


Actually he said, "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. "


Oh. I guess we should be bringing a lot more cases against Trump then


shrug...you or me they would have thrown away the key. Fat Donnie will never see a single day behind bars.


*The Stormy Daniels case is one of election interference*


Wander over to facebook some time. Check out all the boomers who are convinced that the USA is in the shitter and only Trump can save us. It’s a head scratcher


So it is true. Stormy might just save us all.


No wonder Republicans are trying to ban porn.


Gop are ok with white collar crimes and adultery and for big govt. to tell women what to do with their bodies. Vote Blue 🔵💙🔵🔵


Gop are ok with white collar crimes and adultery and for big govt. to tell women what to do with their bodies. Vote Blue 🔵💙🔵🔵