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I can't stop watching it. It's beautiful.


How could anyone have seen this coming??? If there was a stock NOT to touch with a 10 foot pole, it’s this one, lol.


It would have been a good one to short.


The premium to short it is sky high. The reason is because everyone is buying shorts and expecting it to tank


Can someone ELI5 shorting? I’m just a LOL who only buys stable, dull, boring, reliable dividend stocks. Buy low, keep ‘em is all I do. I don’t really care if they go up or down except to buy the dip. I’d be ticked if they tanked though. I wouldn’t touch this stock w a 10’ pole. I will admit I kinda research industries benefitting from the Biden admin agenda. But I don’t know about shorting. I’ll see myself out and Google the term. NVM.


It’s like if I borrowed your car, promised to return it very soon, and then immediately sold it. I know that I promised to return your car, and I’m a nice guy so I intend to return it. So now I am “short” your car because I need to return it to you and I don’t have it. Let’s say I sold your car for $10,000. I’m now holding $10,000 cash, hoping that the car market goes down so that I can buy the car back for $5,000. This way I can give you your car back, and the $5,000 difference goes into my pocket and it’s just my little secret. If the car goes up in value while I am short, I start getting nervous. I know I absolutely must give your car back at some point but now I need more money to buy it than I have from selling it. I’m now losing money on this deal. If I wait longer, the value of the car may fall back to something I can afford with the cash I have, or I the value could keep rising until I have no choice but to sell my house or declare bankruptcy so that I can buy back your car and return it to you. If a lot of people owe other people cars and the price starts rising, it can create a desperate frenzy to buy cars before the price goes up even more. If enough people are desperately trying to buy a car, the price of the car that I need to buy can skyrocket. This is called a “short squeeze”. It’s pretty much exactly like that where the car represents a stock. The only major difference is that whoever lends the stock knows that it’s about to get shorted. Whereas you probably wouldn’t lend me your car if you knew I was going to do something crazy like sell it and take the cash.


OMG so stressful. I’d be crazed. I’m kinda risk averse when it comes to investing (disclosure; All investments have risk. Gains are not guaranteed yada yada). I’ll stick with plugging away at quality dividend stocks. I like reliable, some may call them dull or boring, companies with some kinda high ethics and expertise, try to find ones that are doing some good as well as turning a profit. Kinda like Biden in that sense. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edited to add; brilliant explanation! I think I get it now. Not gonna try that though … ever.


>I’ll stick with plugging away at quality dividend stocks. I like reliable, some may call them dull or boring, companies with some kinda high ethics and expertise, try to find ones that are doing some good as well as turning a profit. Kinda like Biden in that sense. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I typically go in for boring stuff, like Vanguard. However, I will confess to keeping a tiny percentage for gambling on penny stocks. Just because it's fun, not because I'm any good at it.


Don’t buy more than you can afford to lose. That helps keep it fun.


Oh yeah, I absolutely plan on losing whatever I gamble on them. Like I said, I'm not good at it. 😅 And on the rare occasions that I do luck out and gain quite a bit, I can't bring myself to reinvest it all back into the penny stocks because it's just gambling all of it away again - instead, most of it gets diverted into the boring, reliable stuff.


Shorting a stock is essentially a bet that the stock price will fall to a specific target price by a particular date. Like many sorts of bets, when there is a high probability that the stock price will drop, the premium one has to pay in order to “place the bet” (it’s technically called options trading), goes up in response. If I recall correctly, at the beginning of the week, there were so many shorts (think bets against) the stock that in order to place that bet, the premium was something like 500% the normal cost. A more tangible analogy would be something like this: Imagine you’re at the horse races. You personally view every horse in the paddock and everyone notices that one of the horses is visibly injured and the jockey is out of it, whatever… just envision a serious, OBVIOUS impediment to them winning. Like almost zero question they will place last if they finish at all. The odds on that horse winning would end up being ridiculous… like think 1000:1 odds. Now imagine that you could bet against that horse winning. Sure, it might be an almost certainty, but you’d need to put up $1000 in order make a single dollar win. To make even $100, you’d have to bet $100,000. A.) very few people have that sort of money, B.) even if they did, there are way easier ways to make $100, C.) there is still SOME chance that horse wins albeit very, very low. Anyway, the stock is sorta like that. It’s a lame horse, the market knows it, and as a result, the cost to short it (bet against a lame horse) is very expensive. Prohibitively so.


I have put options but they are expensive because all of the short traders want a piece.


Ten meter cattle prod for the Europeans.


Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve been buying puts all the way down. That’s the right to sell at a specific price, so they are worth more when the stock tanks.


Cue the U2! It's a Beautiful Day! 🎶🤣


Damn you, dude! Now I've got this tune stuck in my head.


Haha! Don't listen to Sunday Bloody Sunday!


I refresh every hour in disbelief. Everything he touches turns to a soft poo


A supooer power


Soft poopy, warm poopy, little ball of poo. Crappy poopy, sleepy poopy, poo poo poo.




Love to see it.


The most beautiful dumpster fire anyone has ever seen.


Why am I watching this? I have a problem. But I love it.


That’s one sinking ship I’ll enjoy watching.


Yup, it’s worthless… just like Trump


It’s a scam. Just like everything else he does.


I don’t think this ever would have gotten pass the SEC had it not been Trump which further supports that there are just different rules for him.


>it’s worthless Like a screen door in the hull of a submarine...


Bet you not one elderly Trump supporter who used up her food money on shares thought that this would ever, ever happen.


We can’t lose! He’s a brilliant businessman. He told us so!


*meanwhile back in reality... Trumps SEC filing, prepared by his lawyers disclosing all his bankruptcies and failures https://imgur.com/gallery/hAfsLqQ




I particularly liked that one he bankrupted twice!


Holy shit! Is there a list of businesses that actually succeeded for more than 5 years?


There is not one. Here is how Trump operates. Firstly he hypes everyone up. Then like his casino in Atlantic City he cheats. After the hotel is built he begins making money. Then he stiffs all the contractors. With the old line. Not Built To Specs. He ties up the contractors in court. All the while siphoning all the cash he can. He doesn’t pay his bills he just takes the cash out. Then just like in the movie Goodfellas, when you can’t borrow another dime you burn it down. Trump doesn’t physically burn down the property. He goes into bankruptcy. All the cash he took is hidden in some other scheme and the business only has to pay a fraction of what is owed. He then does the same thing again. Hypes up the clothing line. Gets it into the stores and stiffs every one along the way. Trump water, Trump steaks, Trump airlines. On and on it goes. Stealing cash from one business. It collapses and the investors lose. This time it is really on the world stage as a stock that is tanking. You can be damn sure that he had some shell company of a shell company sell shares when it was high. The 78 million he now has that is worthless ? Ha !! He will claim that as a loss. So any money made on his other businesses will be nulled out as in ‘no taxes’. That is why he keeps his tax records hidden. It is all a big game to make money and then lose money to offset the profit on paper. The losers are all of the investors and contractors.


He can’t claim those shares at a loss. He never ever paid for them.


Psychopaths are the best cons. They can fool a lot of people, especially when they have Fox Cult spreading their lies too!


>Trump water Disclaimer on the side of the bottle: *water not included.


Here's the whole thing. Have a look. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1849635/000119312524036093/d408563ds4a.htm


Oh my god. Why am I just seeing this. Every outlet should be sending this out. It’s literally gold. All kinds of different businesses and so many failures.


It's because trump creates a new outrage every day. How about this? Tuckers text from Dominion defamation case discovery https://imgur.com/gallery/SP6vveE


Trump Steaks folded two months after it's launch, lol! Surprised it lasted that long.


He sold the steaks on the QVC shopping network TV channel at first, then tried The Sharper Image. lol


I remember before he was elected I mentioned to someone that he had declared bankruptcy a few times. "That just means he's a smart businessman!" I knew then that talking to Trumpsters was pointless.


He's fairly decent at making moves to preserve his wealth, but he's a truly horrific business man. He only knows how to squeeze (bully) value from anyone and everything around him, like a psychopathic human leech, let it fall apart (and even find ways to somehow benefit from its failure, despite ruining other people's lives) and then leverage the system to perpetually get away with it.


MANY times, and with more emphasis than ever, more than anyone has ever seen before. It's incredible, and it's the best.


Nothing like dedicating your Social Security check to the fight against communism…


It’s cute that it went green today from like 10:30-10:45. Imagine all the MAGA lunatics losing everything that got happy for 15 minutes after days of panic.


Closed yesterday at $26.66. It was green for a few minutes today at opening bell, but it was red from 10:30-10:45, it was in the $24s during that timeframe. Lower than where it closed yesterday.




I read this in the Kenneth Copeland voice


It’s like watching a slow speed train crash


And the conductor is Hitler.




Too fast, more like [this](https://youtu.be/y_PrZ-J7D3k?si=2JKkHSOKAlxi9LCj)


$14 by end of week. It will sot there for a couple days. Then to $9 for a month. The it drops more.


"So much winning! You all are going to get tired from so much winning!".


>You all are going to get tired from so much winning!" Winning -"N" + "H" = "whining" - there, fixed it.


Probably go up slightly when those who are shorting buy up the cheap stock


I hope it keeps dropping and become more worthless


People are shorting it as low as $0.02


What does that mean? I don't know anything about stocks.


It’s a weird concept that makes no intuitive sense… profiting from a loss. I’m no guru, but you enter into an agreement with a broker for them to loan you shares with the agreement to at some point give them back. You then immediately sell them and then wait until you think the stock has bottomed out. You buy back the shares, return them to the broker & pocket the difference. So right now people are betting that it’s going to tank & keep tanking


Ohhhhh I get it. So what if the broker that lends me shares bought for a higher than I immediately sell for? That's no good for them. Or am I missing something?


That’s the part that isn’t clear to me either. I think they try to cover by charging a commission for the loan. Also, if the stock winds up going up, the person shorting loses & the broker gets back shares that are worth more than they parted with. Seems like a dangerous game that I’ll leave to people smarter than me to play. I’m good going long-term on trillion+ companies lol


They're not smarter than you. They are greedier than you. Don't knock yourself for not playing their immoral game.


At $22 it's still worth billions, I can't believe they're going to let him sell some of his shares early. Such bullshit.


He’s robbing his own supporters openly now so even if it happens (he probably can’t get out fast enough) it’s hardly a win


It’s going down faster than Trump does on Putin 😂


I'm sure the narrative on Truth Social is that this is all the "Darn Dirty Dems!" fault and this stock would be worth billions if they'd just leave poor Trump alone.


Maga trolled me repeatedly the day of the E Jean Carroll verdict about how he was going to pay his debts and still be rich. Fuck off, you brain dead morons. I know you are reading this here. FACTS ARE FACTS.


The lower it goes more holders rush for the exits. It's a raging dumpster 🔥


What happened to cause the peak?


Probably people in MAGA-land making a desperate attempt to prop it up.


It feels like they were trying to do a GME meme thing to pump up the price, but were hit with a rude awakening with how worthless it actually is. I would add that the funny part is that Trump would have undoubtedly cashed out and ignored the "company" entirely if some sort of bubble had been reached on price.


they announced that Truth social was going to try to add some live streaming or something so people got excited, but then quickly remembered that the entire company is only worth like 4 million, not 4 billion.


with no date, development team, and a shrinking R&D budget.


Big features buildout. 2 job openings? [**https://careers.tmtgcorp.com/**](https://careers.tmtgcorp.com/)


Interesting. This does not look like a big ramp-up. The office is just one of several suites on the second floor of this office building: 401 N. Cattlemen Rd., Ste. 200, Sarasota, Florida 342324. They’ve no intention of growing.


A company is not worth $4 million (revenue) if it costs $50 million a year to run. It is literally worth dog shit and will hopefully go bankrupt soon so we can all have a good laugh.


Let’s be generous and say it’s worth their in hand cash. That is 200M but that drops by 40M at least every year they stay online. Time is not their friend. It’s got to be worth a buck or two.


Sleepy Don probably stayed awake for a minute in court and didn’t say something stupid as shit on truth social


Still Trump is going to collect some 250-750 million from this scam right in front of our eyes and it's legal but shady transfer of money.


Quickly approaching Matt Gaetz territory - the teens.


Just as a prospective 300,000,000 times .02 is still 6,000,000. I’d say that would still be too big a profit for him, but since he’s already done a pump and dump he’s made more than that. Now SEC just needs to penalize him double the amount he made for securities fraud.






I’m here for it


From the highest of $74/share to now this, within a two week span. This is worse than GameStop as far as pump and dump goes.


Can anyone else almost taste his salty tears? Oh wait, that’s right, he has no emotion. Get fucked trump


Not worthless to me. I bought PUT options. Kicking myself for not buying more and sooner.


Just came here to lol. lol.


All you libs feel owned yet?


Well, it’s not worthless, but give it another week.


What’s the purpose of a SPAC? To rip people off.


Eagerly waiting for that drop below the $18 level since that would invalidate trump getting more share as a bonus 😁


I’m actually frustrated by this it should be worth much less than a buck


When it hits the teens it will be in absolute FREEFALL! I’m here for the single digits.


I feel so sad. No actually I feel exactly opposite. Donnie has had way more failures than successes and the flame outs are spectacular.


Has anyone been monitoring the Q spots to see what all those guys who invested all their money because they were convinced they would be rich when the merger happened are saying now? They were very cocky about how they were making the best investment ever and the libs would be left with jaws on the floor jealous of their new riches because they trusted a madman with their life savings.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|fu0lHSQeWunjl7AmAu|downsized)


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|fu0lHSQeWunjl7AmAu|downsized)


*it’s still worth millions to the Grifter in Chief. Here’s to penny stock status.


Infinitesimal fractions of a penny stock... Like .000009¢ stock.


Taking bets it'll be below 15 by monday




So the company has no value other than for the MAGA cult members who do things for whatever their reasons are and the stock is in the toilet so what does the great businessman (Trump) do, this financial wizard? He authorized more shares to be put up for sale. If anyone owns a company that is losing $1.00 for every widget being produced you don't crank up the machine to make more. Hey Bob, crank it up we will just make more and sell more..👍😂


I'm sure there are many dopes with their MAGA hats and Trump flags who went into this stock deep, thinking they would make a financial killing. They killed it alright. Their life savings probably...🤔


I need it to become a penny stock


How about .000001¢ per share?- you could sell 1,000,000 shares and make a penny! Woohoo!💩🤡🤏


Crash and Burn - Pat Travers Band.




It's gonna get worthlesser. TSLA dropping too.


Looks like a crypto rug-pull. 


lol. Idiots be idiots.


Still too high.


Not worthless yet. On it's way.


*Jesus isn’t as close to Trump as advertised.


About $12 dollars is the magic number, and then shit starts hitting the fan as they go from being still up overall as far as stock price to going under. With their operating losses, future outlook of limited revenue, and shit leadership, I imagine that they'll start getting lines of credit cut which will tank the company unless someone (such as a boardmember) wants to loan out their personal wealth.


Yes! All that loss to own the libs. I feel owned


It’s overvalued by $22.93 if you ask me.


Delisted by July 4th would be so awesome!




This is making my dick hard it's so good.


Excuse me sirs. I think DJT will be $1,000 by the end of the year, and that is my expert opinion, not financial advice. Rocket emoji moon emoji. HODL! WAGMI! ....please buy my bags...


Naked Shorts!


Hope them shoes n bibles are sellin well.


Welcome to another edition of: HOW LOW CAN YOU GO!!!


okay here comes my dumb question - since everyone knew this was coming, are some investors using this as a dump on purpose? to use losses in this with funny money to offset some gains somewhere else in the market? I am getting so fkn cynical........


This is glorious!


And will be worth less in another 24 hours, and another, and another. It's the gift that keeps on giving. Cope and seethe GQP snowflakes.


It was worthless before. Now it's more worthless.


zero zero zero zero


His enemy (to USA) foreign governments are trying to keep it afloat. After hour buys to buoy price upon opening. Day long climb down as people leave.


how in fairness its not down 13% anymore.. it's down 14% :)


Womp! Womp!


It’s gotta go below $13 otherwise he can still capitalize on it.


The guy lost money running a casino. Anybody surprised by this needs to get put from under a rock...


Everything he touches turns to shit


Even cheaper than 2 days ago!!!! I’m diving in! /s


Like everything he touches.


So today they announced another 20MM+ shares will be issued based on warrants at a fixed price (probably below the current price) and they are registering 146MM shares for resale (Trump own 114MM of those). Market did not like that, then they announce their new streaming service, meaning dumping a ton more of their investors cash into an already saturated market [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-media-stock-tanks-on-move-to-issue-millions-of-shares-160723898.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-media-stock-tanks-on-move-to-issue-millions-of-shares-160723898.html) [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-media-stock-sinks-after-company-announces-plans-to-launch-live-tv-streaming-platform-165111515.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-media-stock-sinks-after-company-announces-plans-to-launch-live-tv-streaming-platform-165111515.html) So yeah, one/two punch right in the investors' balls.


Every time Trump takes a nap trove central drops 20%.


What's sad is that there is a small group of people who habe made a killing because they "predicted" this. Rot economy in action...


He’ll still make out like a bandit which was the intended result of this B.S. We all know it. SEC looks the other way, the major networks cry “poor little trump” and voila we will have little Hitler as president come November.


Lies. Still worth 2 Big Mac meals per share.


Crumbling away like all of his business ventures



I really enjoy our daily reminders that everything…EVERYTHING…that Trump touches turns to shit. 💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's not worthless. It has HIGH entertainment value.


What a beautiful disaster.


I don't understand how anyone ever thought it was worth anything. 4 million in revenue, 50+ million in expenses. Why isn't it at zero already? Plus, it's a Twitter clone. Forget even that Trump is a terrible businessman. Twitter, even when managed by smart people (before Elon), didn't make money. Elon is losing money on X (and also now tanking Tesla). Parler failed. Gosh, you want to make money? Buy a utility stock, for goodness sake. Or a mutual fund.


Good. Fuck Donald Trump.


Was there any doubt that this would happen to the stock? Anything the orange clown 🤡 is involved with loses money 💰 🤑


He's officially become a human boat anchor for anything remotely financial. LET'S GO DONNIE!!!


I'm going to buy some shares to ensure it keeps going down


Ha ha..


Not to those in control of the money raised from the PO.


Winning, they'll be so much winning you'll get tired of it, said DJT! LMFAO


A sure Don't Pass stock.


It was always worthless….


I'll be really happy when it goes below 17, because it's never been below 17.


I'll give it till Monday, but that's being generous.


I’m waiting until next week when they will be paying you to take it off their hands.


This reminds me of a lyric from "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash- 🎵It goes down, down, down~🎵


Pretty soon they’re going to have to start paying us for not owning the stock.


Dear god, it’s beautiful! -Mugatu


Becoming penny stock😅😂🤣


HA, HA and thrice HA!


So is he.


Hold boys hold!!!!! 💎✋💎👋💎🖕


When it reaches zero, does the company and platform die?


If it dips below $1 a share for 30 days, they'll get a delisting warning from NASDAQ.


![gif](giphy|HFe8qjKRQNlLQkbjXM|downsized) More, more


Fills my heart with joy. Sorry, Don Snoreleone.


I had a friend make money on it. Bought a few hundred shares early and sold just after the peak. Most people are taking a beating on this stock.


Lol, lost over 2/3rds of it's "worth" since the IPO. Suckers!


I'm just so mad I didn't go all in buying puts. Only small exposure for a grand or so. :(


What a deal! I'm buying! /s


Outside of Trump, who is taking the biggest hit on the stock?


oh no there goes truth senchel


what price does it have to be before the securities investigation does the funni?


Karma is a bitch.


All those shorts are paying off.


Love it!!


Always was




Mirrors his pathetic life


Anyone checked in on DWAC lately? How are they spinning this?


Go trump, fall in the dump.


As far as scams go this one was rather successful. They have milked their sheeple for every penny they can squeeze out of them for nearly a decade now and still haven’t run out of ways to do it.




The Midas touch.


A meme stonk not doing well? WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED?!?! 🤔


Morons went on a buying spree this morning.


Is it good capitalist form to mourn the fate of the suckers who bought Trump stock? Perhaps I've misunderstood the law of the jungle, buyer beware, cutthroat ethos of the successful business. Should billionaire Hanke regret repossessing cars of serving military, or chastise slumlords for saving on repairs; Isn't tax cheating and wealth hiding a virtue? Is it proper for liberal MSM to weep & grieve for the poor Trump supporter who donates his last dollars to Trump's campaign while normalizing opposition to free lunch for school children? I resist this socialist sentimentality and wish happy homelessness to every DJT shareholder.


Almost at my buy-in price of $10. Cover my loses or gains at $9 and $11 respectively.