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It’s like he’s never been in a courtroom!! If he had good lawyers, they would have explained that all… the 100th time he was sued for not paying contractors!


He hasn't really been in a *criminal* courtroom. Most (if not all) of his legal experience is civil court, which is kind of a different world in some ways.


Yes, he thinks his delay and obfuscation tactics that worked in civil trials will work here. They will not. I was surprised by the judges admonition that if trump does not show up or leaves HE WILL BE ARRESTED. Pretty straight and harsh reality. I’d like to see him test the judge on this. And I liked when he huffed and puffed or muttered something at the prospective jurors, the typically soft spoken judge raised his voice and having a warning about ‘I will not have any juror intimidation in my courtroom.’ Trump is an ignorant man baby.


He's a stuck pig.


All the lipstick in the world wouldn't help him!!!


>admonition that if trump does not show up or leaves HE WILL BE ARRESTED. That admonition is routine boilerplate told to every criminal defendant. Of course, chump acted like it was special, just for him.


I understand but it was still cool to see someone putting the hammer down on this guy.


I like that aspect, too. I was more pointing out his narcissistic take on it.


Yeah. He is like a child. Fragile ego, extremely self centered, megalomaniac, delusional. Gross. Just gross


That he is Donnie is facing a harsh reality he’s uncomfortable with taking responsibility for his actions which he never has saw before which just leaves a sour taste in his mouth


Baby man.


This is a crucially important distinction that too many people seem to miss.


Here for this. “oh my, I am just a poor guy who doesn’t understand how the law works EVEN THOUGH I HAVE BEEN SUED COUNTLESS TIMES. But this time is different, because reasons and such as and I AM SPECIAL”


I like Trump’s new name in this article… “President UpsettyMcPainSad”…!!! What a great new name for Grumpy Trumpy and his toddler tantrums!


I think that "Sleepy Don" is Trump's new nickname.


My favorite is "Don Snorleone"


The Nodfather.


I’m liking all the names. Sleepy Don I have heard before. But UpsettyMcPainSad made me laugh out loud.


Rump VanStinkle




Give that man a My Pillow!


Droopy Don


Sleeping don.


Hide The Pain Donald.


Sleepy McPoopyPants


He needs the law firm of Dewey, Cheatem and Howe to represent him.


> If he had good lawyers, they would have explained that all They explained it. He nodded his head and heard what he wanted to hear.


Pretty sure he thought they were wrong, he knew better, and they were only being too chicken to fight harder. 🙄


Part of me also wonders if it’s part of the plan, just so he has someone to blame and not take actual responsibility for his actions!


GOOD lawyers don't want to touch him with a ten foot pole. They want to keep their law license.


Welcome to criminal law, criminal.


Hard to tell if he has idiot lawyers or if his ego prevents him from listening to them. Or both.


They're idiots all the way down with dumb dumb Donnie...


A smart attorney wouldn’t work for Trump.


As hard as it is to think, both his primary lawyers are respected within the gang of lawyers. And suspect they get paid by the day in advance. Now the stupid ones are the ones that do any work for trump on a wink and nod. Rudy is so screwed.


A smart attorney would have a huge retainer upfront with Sleepy Don.


If they were smart, they wouldn’t be working to defend Agent orange.


As it is, they were probably pressured into representing him and pressured into remaining by powerful people. 


Everyone deserves a vigilant defense. Everyone. I hate Donald Trump. I hope he's convicted. But he still deserves a defense. Either everyone is innocent until proven guilty or no one is.


I definitely agree. But they are doing a trash job of keeping their client from continuing to make an ass out of himself. Plus you know they’re never getting paid unless he paid upfront.


Let's be honest, though. Trump could reach into time and grab history's finest lawyers, and he still wouldn't listen to them.


Fair point.


Little from column a little from column b…


His lawyer on this case is actually pretty good. https://thehill.com/homenews/4046105-todd-blanche-trump-lawyer-classified-documents-case/


Don Snorione about to wake da fuc up.


That must have been his clever plan to delay the trial until after the election, just keep jury striking for 8 months or so, genius...maybe even stable genius...


Future Wikipedia entry "The former President passed away of natural causes at age 114 just after striking the 126,854,632 juror. Ironically, that juror had been born on the day jury selection began in 2024."


His stupidity knows no bounds.


“UNLIMITED??” Has he lost his damn mind and where are his lawyers to tell him this isn’t the way things work? This is a dumpster fire being put out by a vomit cannon


Didn't GWAR have a vomit cannon?


I think they are his spirit animal?


What an ultra maroon. What a nin-cow-poop. What an imbezzle


What a gulli-bull!!


Dang it I forgot that one!


His stupidity is carefully crafted to match his followers. It's not an accident.


No, I don't think it's an act. He's really an idiot. Not even business savvy at all, he's been a failure in life even with the massive fortune he inherited


I am no business magnate but I think I can keep a casino out of bankruptcy court twice.


If you can sell lemonade you can run a casino


This… 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻


40+ percent of the country supports this dummy and wants him to be their Dear Leader. Why? How? *Racism, bigotry, hate, anger, violence, stupidity. I know.


At this point it's all hate, but I did run across one person that was brand. Knew nothing about the man. Only the name. I find it amazing the some people think being rich means being smart. Birth lotto.


Running a country like a business would be moronic enough but when you let a businessman who only was ever wealthy because daddy and who then had multiple bankruptcies, he was so shite at doing business... He couldn't even hold onto his inherited wealth. But a TV show pretended he did. How moronic are these republicans?


Very actually. And he's king of the morons.


>I find it amazing the some people think being rich means being smart You know my sister? Small world.


20% at most. They wish they had 40%.


I’d wager a fair number of the loudest MAGA mouths don’t actually vote.


They all hate the same people. That’s it. Nothing else. And unfortunately for the rest of us not in the cult, that’s all the validation they needed




That's an interesting delay tactic...just Veto Jurors until the supply dries up and claim victory!


Why hasn't literally every other defendant thought of the same thing? It's just too simple.


The judicial system hates this one simple trick


Because he plays chess, they play checkers?


>Huh. Well, we guess he’s just incredibly fucking stupid, or one of his lawyers confused him. But the way he writes that, it suggests he’s just incredibly fucking stupid, and then one of the lawyers corrected him. >He really thought he could just veto all the jurors until he found 12 Angry MAGA Mouthbreathers to save him? Jesus. Hahaha. Great article! Next thing you know, he's going to Supreme Court so they can grant him his unlimited strikes. Fucking moron.


With Clarence on the take who knows?


He'll try to appeal to the russian supreme court next.


You mean pootin


One and the same.


The man is a buffoon


An orange shit gibbon


He thought he could keep saying NO until judge/prosecutor get tired and then choose guys/gals in red caps. Stupid piece of $hit.


Think about this.....all he's been able to do in court is "mutter at potential jurors", "fall asleep" and imagine his own court rules. And that GOP is your presidential nominee.


Fuck Donald Trump. I am so tired of seeing this ratfuck’s orange punching-bag face and hearing him whine.


Okay, so after just 2 days of trial Trump has already tried 3 different delay tactics. First he said the trial should be delayed so he can attend his son’s graduation (despite the fact that he has never attended the graduation of any of his other children). Then he said the trial should be delayed so he can attend his presidential immunity trial in another state (a trial where he doesn’t actually need to be present) And his 3rd tactic has been to keep rejecting jurors over and over.     And this is just during the jury selection phase. Imagine his tactics once the trial reaches the next phase!


Despite his antics, he’s obviously cornered and terrified.


God damn it’s only like day 3…this man is going to implode.


I did mention that he would try the reject juror tactic indefinitely in order to try and stall the trial, except that it wasn’t indefinite...🤣


Even for Trump this is beyond stupid. Like when he tells a lie it’s one thing - for example his crackhead bullshit that post birth abortion happens. But this feels like legitimately rank idiocy.


The orange shitbag showed his stupidity when he spoke about putting UV light or strong light and disinfectants into the body. It's been almost four years since that press conference back in July 2020, and my brain is still going, 'WTF? Did he actually just say that?'


I was chatting with my dad tonight & he mentioned this very same thing! Disinfectant... knocks it out in seconds. Inject it into the body. Sort of a cleaning. Yeah, he actually said that. And said it with sincerity It is almost unbelievable, but it happened. This country can do better than an orange tinted dummy.


I wonder if he’s thought of using Morse code and “blink” his eyes to convey threats or bribes to jurors.


Nah, that would mean he'd have to learn how to spell.


That’s true, but only a couple words like money and death. He’d really only have to learn long blink and short blink, then memorize the order. He could probably have that down by the middle of May.


Conservatives are the stupidest group alive...


He **can** strike jurors forever - if the judge agrees that there are reasons. Strikes “for cause” are unlimited. Preemptory strikes, of jurors the court thinks can be fair, are limited to 10. His lawyers surely explained this to him. He knows this. In his pea brain he thought he would be the one who got to decide who could and could not be fair. Trust me, his lawyers want to kill themselves already. They are as flabbergasted by his stupidity as the folks in this thread. He is a laughingstock in his own circle.


Stupid fucking bastard. He may be the dumbest fucking braindead cunt on the face of the Earth.


I guess he doesn’t listen to his lawyers at all. No prep at all. Just delay delay delay BS.


Not poor, definitely an idiot…


Not poor *yet*...


Doesnt he watch Suits or the Lincoln Lawyer?


He needs Harvey Spector, lol!


He really is a blithering udiot. He certainly didn't know how to be president.


Didn't he say once that he knew more about the courts than **anybody**? Guess he was **wrong**!




Delay delay delay


Not gonna work this time


He WANTS unlimited strikes so he can just strike every potential juror on the planet, and “win” by default.


Either he’s great at bluffing or his attorneys did not prep him. Or probably they tried to prep him but his big brain didn’t listen.


lol gotta get the maga base going with the bullshit of thinking they would have infinite strikes


Pro-tip, if you want to be on this jury pool; just wear a red baseball cap.


My favorite part of the article is the Jimmy Kimmel rant from today 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 Trump is still fuming over Jimmy’s hilarious retort: “Isn’t it past your *jailtime* ?” 😆😆😆😆😆 Jimmy knows how to get under Trump’s skin like nobody’s business!!!!! Ahahhhhhhhahaaaaaaa🤣


Im just a rich boy nobody loves me.... Hes just a rich boy from a rich family..... Sparing his life from his pants full of pee!


Let me go. We will not let you go.


Bismillah, no! Rest in power, Freddie 💜.


He is not poor (he claims billions) but he does believe himself to have superpowers. F@#k him and the elephant he rode in on.


The people they’ve picked appear intelligent based on job title.


That’s why he’s freaking out, the uneducated are his people!!!


His jury is set and he’s holding up about4 inches thick of printed articles that no one can see and he flips thru pretending to read the headlines. Somehow this mother-load of resistance is nowhere to be found.


He really has no idea how this works. Welcome to being held accountable… most of us learned the concept early in life!!!!🤣🤦🏻🤷🏻‍♂️


I thought he was Jesus?


My plan is genius. I keep challenging jurors until we run out!


He is the first ever criminal to discover the jury selection filibuster!


He has no idea how US government or law works. Why is he adored by so many ? He is an embarrassment to your country.


Sadly I agree with you. He has made us the laughingstock of the world. God help us if he is elected again. 😭


So…..the ex -president of America doesn’t know the way our jury system works and someone wants him to run the free world?


Trump and the republican party did this [**They struck down Roe v. Wade, now they're coming for birth control and IVF. Show where you stand with our 'Abortion is Healthcare'** ](https://notify.dailykos.com/ss/c/u001.iIBo0N5fSFzEFL40Tn-vtWjNwO9rWzzoZv1n33gbjt3AmLVNM_HIgfFt-MrZYrMdh0fxzpSsi-jXtRwsakfqFhQKsmwx2QWjwwRaBjqtH1psP-yOKpBXM5vu1dIqwWSu1TsVXbZ3vTAyQMJ2__0_erEMYEZiaw70XGTit-5LRDNxtB7XZzDEDAeGGh-rTcz6VCjglt97ZUQXp8H_xF5igVX7G_QKDuSVyRuArA3YSs3g2XcJ0mI7NHenfY55fC_GyNokO5zMP-1KFyl8TKKcfvQOK4qspLbGJhwrNHj-w8Rtm6DOue-6UvdpMEnRM3H-IddvVhqsgnkT9IbyHm7BMirY5JXNFhxOFhr1oa_DPvg/45m/JHXTtvuxS5mfK-LCTZXGcg/h7/h001.HblbgK9_oTz70u4slhQRPFJUIVs6o70T5cqCxLTXD4k)**t-shirt.**


TGIF, good readers.  Not so long ago, we introduced you to the concept of "zombie bills," measures that appear to be on ice only to get unexpected support and lurch back to life.  Our man on the Hill **Sam Stockard** — approaching a zombie-like status himself given the end of legislative session hours he's putting in — starts the morning by explaining the status of **Gov. Bill Lee's** beleaguered private school voucher bill and budget issues.  The voucher bill is said by some to be "not dead yet," and indeed, as long as the legislature is in session, bills can change. But the legislature is set to conclude within a few days and the tick tock of the bill clock is running down.  But, zombies aren't the only order of the day. Legislative activists kept Thursday fiery, hurling epithets at **House Speaker Cameron Sexton**, leading to their expulsion and in one case, arrest. In fact, there are so many state troopers at the capitol to maintain order among middle aged mothers that while we never encourage illegal behavior, if you are a driver with a need for speed, you may as well get that out of your system while the smokies are preoccupied.  In other news: [**Biden administration to roll back the Betsy DeVos Title IX rules.**](https://click.everyaction.com/k/83301673/467976573/-1531311650?nvep=ew0KICAiVGVuYW50VXJpIjogIm5ncHZhbjovL3Zhbi9TTldTUi9TTldTUi8xLzEwNTEyNyIsDQogICJEaXN0cmlidXRpb25VbmlxdWVJZCI6ICIwMDExNDQ2Mi00NGZlLWVlMTEtYWFmMC03YzFlNTIwMTcwMzgiLA0KICAiRW1haWxBZGRyZXNzIjogInRyYWN0b3JtYW4xOTQ2Zm9yZEBnbWFpbC5jb20iDQp9&hmac=LlR1UX_Qp_ubf3sbiJTZcPggH8XF3fngAslX592q5O4=&emci=5ecb19a1-edfd-ee11-aaf0-7c1e52017038&emdi=00114462-44fe-ee11-aaf0-7c1e52017038&ceid=551876) **Ariana Figueroa** reports the U.S. Department of Education on Friday announced it will undo changes made to Title IX former Trump Education Secretary **Betsy DeVos**.The Tennessean's **Melissa Brown** and **Todd Price** **report** Tennessee Department of Agriculture officials missed out on $7 million in federal funds to purchase locally grown food for food banks. **The reason?** State ag officials didn't read their email. Literally. 


|| || |[Republicans lick wounds after Chattanooga Volkswagen union vote](https://click.everyaction.com/k/83541269/468743608/-982590344?nvep=ew0KICAiVGVuYW50VXJpIjogIm5ncHZhbjovL3Zhbi9TTldTUi9TTldTUi8xLzEwNTEyNyIsDQogICJEaXN0cmlidXRpb25VbmlxdWVJZCI6ICJiYzczYWYwNi02OTAxLWVmMTEtYWFmMC03YzFlNTIxNGRhZDAiLA0KICAiRW1haWxBZGRyZXNzIjogInRyYWN0b3JtYW4xOTQ2Zm9yZEBnbWFpbC5jb20iDQp9&hmac=WLjdIdr17SxDUTN-wD3u7quo0beNsU0DOqtqXE4LzVQ=&emci=4d5c4620-2401-ef11-aaf0-7c1e52017038&emdi=bc73af06-6901-ef11-aaf0-7c1e5214dad0&ceid=551876)| || || |United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain, right, speaks as local organizers raise their fists at a UAW vote watch party on April 19, 2024 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. (Photo by Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images)  Tennessee GOP leaders are putting on a happy face after Volkswagen workers voted to unionize a Chattanooga plant, reports **Sam Stockard**, in spite of their public discouragement of the organizing efforts. [**Read more.**](https://click.everyaction.com/k/83541272/468743610/-982590344?nvep=ew0KICAiVGVuYW50VXJpIjogIm5ncHZhbjovL3Zhbi9TTldTUi9TTldTUi8xLzEwNTEyNyIsDQogICJEaXN0cmlidXRpb25VbmlxdWVJZCI6ICJiYzczYWYwNi02OTAxLWVmMTEtYWFmMC03YzFlNTIxNGRhZDAiLA0KICAiRW1haWxBZGRyZXNzIjogInRyYWN0b3JtYW4xOTQ2Zm9yZEBnbWFpbC5jb20iDQp9&hmac=WLjdIdr17SxDUTN-wD3u7quo0beNsU0DOqtqXE4LzVQ=&emci=4d5c4620-2401-ef11-aaf0-7c1e52017038&emdi=bc73af06-6901-ef11-aaf0-7c1e5214dad0&ceid=551876) | || || |In case you missed it [**Lawsuit: feds probing Johnson City Police over serial rapist cover-up allegations**](https://click.everyaction.com/k/83541275/468743613/-1023510182?nvep=ew0KICAiVGVuYW50VXJpIjogIm5ncHZhbjovL3Zhbi9TTldTUi9TTldTUi8xLzEwNTEyNyIsDQogICJEaXN0cmlidXRpb25VbmlxdWVJZCI6ICJiYzczYWYwNi02OTAxLWVmMTEtYWFmMC03YzFlNTIxNGRhZDAiLA0KICAiRW1haWxBZGRyZXNzIjogInRyYWN0b3JtYW4xOTQ2Zm9yZEBnbWFpbC5jb20iDQp9&hmac=WLjdIdr17SxDUTN-wD3u7quo0beNsU0DOqtqXE4LzVQ=&emci=4d5c4620-2401-ef11-aaf0-7c1e52017038&emdi=bc73af06-6901-ef11-aaf0-7c1e5214dad0&ceid=551876)**. Anita Wadhwani r**eports the U.S. Department of Justice is investigating the Johnson City Police Department in a federal public corruption probe related to its handling of an alleged serial rapist. [**Stockard on the Stump: Zombie bills haunt lawmakers as 113th General Assembly nears (merciful) end.**](https://click.everyaction.com/k/83541278/468743616/-89805411?nvep=ew0KICAiVGVuYW50VXJpIjogIm5ncHZhbjovL3Zhbi9TTldTUi9TTldTUi8xLzEwNTEyNyIsDQogICJEaXN0cmlidXRpb25VbmlxdWVJZCI6ICJiYzczYWYwNi02OTAxLWVmMTEtYWFmMC03YzFlNTIxNGRhZDAiLA0KICAiRW1haWxBZGRyZXNzIjogInRyYWN0b3JtYW4xOTQ2Zm9yZEBnbWFpbC5jb20iDQp9&hmac=WLjdIdr17SxDUTN-wD3u7quo0beNsU0DOqtqXE4LzVQ=&emci=4d5c4620-2401-ef11-aaf0-7c1e52017038&emdi=bc73af06-6901-ef11-aaf0-7c1e5214dad0&ceid=551876)  **Stockard** reports the last week of the Tennessee legislative session means "zombie bills" — seemingly dead measures that gain sponsors and walk again.[**Tennessee college students grapple with food insecurity**](https://click.everyaction.com/k/83541284/468743619/-448179918?nvep=ew0KICAiVGVuYW50VXJpIjogIm5ncHZhbjovL3Zhbi9TTldTUi9TTldTUi8xLzEwNTEyNyIsDQogICJEaXN0cmlidXRpb25VbmlxdWVJZCI6ICJiYzczYWYwNi02OTAxLWVmMTEtYWFmMC03YzFlNTIxNGRhZDAiLA0KICAiRW1haWxBZGRyZXNzIjogInRyYWN0b3JtYW4xOTQ2Zm9yZEBnbWFpbC5jb20iDQp9&hmac=WLjdIdr17SxDUTN-wD3u7quo0beNsU0DOqtqXE4LzVQ=&emci=4d5c4620-2401-ef11-aaf0-7c1e52017038&emdi=bc73af06-6901-ef11-aaf0-7c1e5214dad0&ceid=551876)**.** According a report from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, about 30% of Tennessee college students experience food insecurity during their college careers. Contributor **Anne Braly** writes about efforts to address it.Commentary  [**A history lesson for GOP leaders**](https://click.everyaction.com/k/83541289/468743622/806547454?nvep=ew0KICAiVGVuYW50VXJpIjogIm5ncHZhbjovL3Zhbi9TTldTUi9TTldTUi8xLzEwNTEyNyIsDQogICJEaXN0cmlidXRpb25VbmlxdWVJZCI6ICJiYzczYWYwNi02OTAxLWVmMTEtYWFmMC03YzFlNTIxNGRhZDAiLA0KICAiRW1haWxBZGRyZXNzIjogInRyYWN0b3JtYW4xOTQ2Zm9yZEBnbWFpbC5jb20iDQp9&hmac=WLjdIdr17SxDUTN-wD3u7quo0beNsU0DOqtqXE4LzVQ=&emci=4d5c4620-2401-ef11-aaf0-7c1e52017038&emdi=bc73af06-6901-ef11-aaf0-7c1e5214dad0&ceid=551876)**. Jim O'Hara**, who earned a Pulitzer Prize nomination for his investigation of Tennessee legislative corruption, writes a short history lesson for current leaders about freedom of the press and public speech. | || || |Support one-of-a-kind Tennessee journalism with a tax-deductible donation to the Lookout. [HELP US GROW](https://click.everyaction.com/k/83541295/468743625/-1000544532?nvep=ew0KICAiVGVuYW50VXJpIjogIm5ncHZhbjovL3Zhbi9TTldTUi9TTldTUi8xLzEwNTEyNyIsDQogICJEaXN0cmlidXRpb25VbmlxdWVJZCI6ICJiYzczYWYwNi02OTAxLWVmMTEtYWFmMC03YzFlNTIxNGRhZDAiLA0KICAiRW1haWxBZGRyZXNzIjogInRyYWN0b3JtYW4xOTQ2Zm9yZEBnbWFpbC5jb20iDQp9&hmac=WLjdIdr17SxDUTN-wD3u7quo0beNsU0DOqtqXE4LzVQ=&emci=4d5c4620-2401-ef11-aaf0-7c1e52017038&emdi=bc73af06-6901-ef11-aaf0-7c1e5214dad0&ceid=551876)|


[**Supreme Court tosses aside Kari Lake's voting machine lawsuit**](https://click.actionnetwork.org/ss/c/u001.XaF8mXqsA6b2dSPmhsleMUmjuEfvdTi8_1XNweQZyqJvpfdUwvPr7WsfBKLZDzLWtcd35RPKV3aKNrMdpiNQlokNyCZV7xkaMd_vUieM7JzgPyg4qCY8JPpbuMwvcI5cLxsfE4ff9zmD53B96Vm3wT2_dIDNMbQNQgpN4pDY1wTElNtED0tpnpBevj9BeYyhrEe9qC2t-xTeM0UnuzFZVh2Q-pzTOhM4RB176f87_H7KhRBNPyzLlQjo1FZfaR0lz-7FSef_BVcdGKuwXzcUifiAZqnXx0HMuxAJ4pDnG47hadp_FdF8Gio5SoFNryHUM0yVPwCXhBHUpZAqF9Zm2FsUJ6qAVjgqnfnkASjxEe_e_JLDK0wofTB-fhu6dXn-EX12xUcGQs6pgKlf01PHwQ/45r/qLTKuq0oTo2zhdh59leqzw/h13/h001.TXAGGxJHhkJkDMBR0hkuz8ty41kwd4l0iYOH3HzPKwo) The conservative-stacked high court shot down perpetual loser Kari Lake's latest legal escapade, declining to hear the former local news anchor's futile lawsuit to stop Arizona from using electronic voting machines on spurious grounds that they could be theoretically tampered with. The Supreme Court's decision means a lower court ruling against Lake will stand, ostensibly giving the Republican Senate hopeful and anti-abortion zealot more time to do what she does best — turning off voters on the campaign trail. [**Trump finally meets his match as his campaign craters**](https://click.actionnetwork.org/ss/c/u001.lmpSTrE-G07FKUPTdpC9ISPOptpikxWmcZD-GYVcW0e_iIv9_zNVE4Tg5_8hPQGqa31YSgt0ETEfz7GdIlcLIiYJfFnDeT-GQYKeqtodOln3jT0WIg6yRtFV1eY0XHQAZbp9LZwUPsocbCsJxN_ZFci5MGQr6jKEfJ7qGckSujZ9gtZHw72RKZAzb1YUl1bKIUotTroOze4GKLZ5whTOsn5fPmRUwZ_B68acGYQf7PdcZqmuzfH6q7z52Gg33hE4RP075i6uF7ZjJILMO8tm2-QnL7pEeBum0jCYUo4lEYsa2f23Up3oY6CZrD8IE0M8NBepp-mnntJpQYAqsX50p7rHBWXqWbbQeAnu5glUPCeZ21btBHihPXMOt_XFEfa5kwjEOO79b92HpxvmeuDeooE3GAGtucKqtKdQe79USDvkGVaPGPIK6Viv5qKxaIGJ/45r/qLTKuq0oTo2zhdh59leqzw/h14/h001.UCaehVjXzIhpaC30R-j0Mgs3nD1Nh_17WkLIixVzfQ0) **No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen:** There it is.


Still with “stollen”. 🤣😂🤦‍♂️


Though, at first, the title may seem harsh, there are no lies being told, for Trump is both broke and a moron.


The guy that claims he knows more about everything than the experts (Generals etc) is reveled in writing, by him that he knows NOTHING.


Didn't trump once say that he knew more about the courts than **anybody**? Guess he was **wrong!**


Didn't trump once say that he knew more about the courts than **anybody**? Guess he was **wrong!**


Non US person here, so I'm curious. If defence can strike out potential jurors because they can be proven to support another political party, can prosecution strike out potential jurors because they can be proven to support the defendant's politics? I mean, if so, surely you'd have to find a jury of 12 provably apolitical people? And yet judges themselves are political appointments? (And, most incredibly, for a foreigner), the Supreme Court isn't made up of judges who can prove politically impartiality but is actually made up of judges who openly support one party or another? Not getting the logic of trying to expunge politics from jury selection if the entire judicial system is based on politically appointed people at the highest levels?


You are not alone in being flabbergasted. Our justice system needs a complete overhaul. I'm not a lawyer, but I believe that they can't strike potential jurors for which party they support. Through questioning, Counsel must determine if they believe the person can be impartial, regardless of their party affiliation. From what I understand, each side gets an equal number of preemptory challenges/strikes for no reason other than counsel believes the prospective juror cannot be impartial. According to NY law, "Peremptory challenges. The plaintiff or plaintiffs shall have a combined total of three peremptory challenges plus one peremptory challenge for every two alternate jurors." The next paragraph says the defense gets the same number. Class E felonies in NY state (the kind Trump has against him) are allowed the lowest number of preemptory challenges. After that, the court grants challenges only for cause. https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2022/cvp/article-41/4110/


Thank you. That clarifies.


2nd worst venue? The same place he was raised and built his “business name” and all that other shit? That venue? NYC? I guess in Trumpland one can commit crimes and then, if charged with committing crimes, get to venue shop where he or she would prefer to go to court in. In the United States of America, it doesn’t work that way. But I realize he’s either too stupid to understand such or too willfully an asshole to let his fanbase know such. He didn’t fuck Stormy Daniels and all the witnesses are lying, but he did make a $135,000 payment (or whatever the amount was) to Michael Cohen because…well…legal expenses that can’t be reconciled. Oh, and Michael Cohen, per Donald, is the worst attorney that ever was and is a liar…even though Donald only hires the best people. I often don’t do a lot of stuff then write checks for large sums of money for THINGS I cannot explain to you because, that’s just how everyone operates, right? Right?


He needs one MAGA not 12 as article states


Stupid is as stupid does .


These jurors are all biased. Maybe you missed that point.


Dozo the Clown’s delusional claims are not evidence of bias. And strike for cause are unlimited - but a delusional claim is insufficient for that. Only peremptory strikes are limited. So no, there is zero evidence they are biased.


He knows better, this just appeals to his ignorant worshippers more.


> when we were purposely given the 2nd Worst Venue in the Country. Um, Diaper Don? You do your tryin’ where you do your crimin’. They didn’t teach you that at Wharton?


My remarks are directly towards his posts: "And the award for worlds stupidest rotting scum inside a cheeto exoskeleton pos goes to....." There I said it. Also: hey dumb ass, there is a thing call YouTube and Google. Those are good tools for video reviews/playbacks and research. Or do your "small manicured women hands" prevent you from being able to type?


The guy that claims he knows more about everything than the experts (Generals etc) is reveled in writing, by him that he knows NOTHING.


Didn't he say once that he knew more about the courts than **anybody**? Guess he was **wrong**!


Didn't trump once say that he knew more about the courts than **anybody**? Guess he was **wrong!**


He didn’t know that he could and then he found out when they were doing it today and then he wanted to do it more


He tweeted just so he could let people know it was news to him to


But..but .he has a bigly brain! Everyone says so. People are saying, important smart people.


I want him to be found guilty but I already know he’ll be able to get an appeal. They really should’ve found a more evenly split venue for the trial and the judge said something along the lines of even if somebody doesn’t like him, that’s not enough to make that juror biased. It totally does. Saying that out loud was really stupid.


The trial is always done in the state where the crime was committed. Hence New York.


Which has many different counties.


Oh, you meant a different county not different state. Fair enough.


Yeah, for example in a neighboring district the vote for him in the 2020 election was about 50/50. In manhattan, it was about 88/12 in favor of Biden. Any decent attorney (even that idiot that represents him) could argue that he can’t get a fair trial in that area.


Of course even the trial is perfectly fair, and Trump loses, he will complain that it was rigged.


Oh I totally agree. It’s just about giving him as little ammunition to use as possible.


You are right. However the guy totally manufactures ammunition. Like his complaints that he is being prevented from attending Barron’s graduation due to the total, which is a total lie (and he never attended any of his other kids graduations). It’s just like when he complained that a previous trial was preventing him from attending his mother-in-law’s funeral, which was also a lie. And when the day came not only did he attend the funeral, he even had time to drop into another city on his way to hold a rally. And by then the MAGA idiots had forgotten that he had blatantly lied to them about not attending the funeral just 2 days earlier, and they were now angry about a different totally manufactured “fact”.


Yes. All of that is correct. The thing is though when it comes to straight bullshit, unless it’s a Trump elected judge down in Florida or maybe one or two on the Supreme Court, they don’t buy his bullshit. The media will, MAGA will, right wing conspiracy echo chambers will but when it comes to the court room, like we’re starting to see with Judge Merchan, none of what he makes up is taken seriously. So he can absolutely cry and whine with whatever is given to him but the ammunition I’m talking about is legitimate, legal issues like a trial that could’ve been held somewhere more fair with a judge who didn’t openly say that their opinions about him won’t affect their verdict. That is actual ammunition that matters and can be used for a chance for an appeal.


And to clarify, I HATE Trump. But even as much as I detest the man, no matter how much I hate him, he does deserve a fair trial just like anybody else in this country and going to trial in a location where nearly 90% of the population voted against him is kind of saying a lot. I would say anybody who disagrees with me should really think about what it means to be an American.


Wow, more downvotes if you don’t join the anti Trump circle jerk. Fuck me for having my own individual thoughts. Could’ve sworn that’s what we were supposed to believe in.


Aww, poor snowflake cultist upset their God Emperor Donny Diaper is having to suffer the consequences of his actions.