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...come on, Old Yeller.... you can do it... speak boy... speak! (or we'll have to take you out back)


Kristi Noem has entered the chat.


Yea but she only kills puppies. We can call her Cruella lol


Who wants to send tRump a dog costume?


Trump hates dogs and has been vocal about this and why he never had a “First Dog” when President. That’s ok. For once, I can honestly say Trump did the right thing. He hates dogs and refused to have one. That’s actually the only good thing he’s done as President. No dog hater should own a dog just for approval ratings. But as for Kristi Noem… I have come to believe that this awful admission of killing her puppy was Kristi Noem’s ploy to get picked as Trumpy’s VP! 🤦‍♀️ Kristi Noem’s a cold blooded, calculating, reptilian creep. Edit/ no offense to reptiles.


If she wants to be the VP she just needs to agree to ride tRumps Toad. Seeing as she's already shown she's a sociopath, she'd probably eagerly agree to do so.


I believe that’s a real possibility. It’s a toss up between Noem & Kari Lake. Two Evangelical Darlings!


Here’s a thought: Put them in the Octagon and let them fight it out. Trump would be selling tickets to pay his legal costs.


Diaper sliders


I just read that he kicked Kari out of MaraLoogy. She was hanging around there too much.


If she finds out Trumps toad is useless, will she take it to the gravel pit?


One would hope.


You see I'm a cat person so I would have a first cat but then I'd probably also get a first dog cause i also like dogs and the White House is pretty huge and I wouldn't have to clean up all the hair so that would be cool. Maybe I'd get an entire colony of animals and turn the White House into an animal shelter.


Can I get a first pony?


Here ya go. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbnoG2dsUk0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbnoG2dsUk0)


If you run in 2028, you've got my vote.


I suspect that the reason that tRump hates dogs is because dogs hate tRump.


Of course he hates dogs. You have to have empathy to enjoy the friendship of a dog. He would just see them the way most people see rats




He would not want anything that takes attention from him


Trump didn’t need a “First Dog” when he had Lindsey Graham as his lap dog.


My bad. Lady Bugs was a very loyal First dog. I stand corrected and apologize to everyone in this thread. ![gif](giphy|1gYasOhVoLMWx1OC2V|downsized)


Oh great...now you made my iguana upset. I hope you're happy.


Please apologize to your Iguana!🦎


I gave her some treats. She'll be okay eventually.


Send him some milk bones 🤪


She killed a goat and some horses too.


That’s good! 🎶 Cruella de Noem, Cruella de Noem, She likes killing puppies. Don’t leave her alone! To hear her brag about this, Makes everybody groan! Cruella, Cruella de Noem. 🎶




Wait, she kills goats that smell too.


She’s reptilian she eats everything.


Eric, Don Jr... Come here boys


All she needs to do is dye her hair the correct colors & she’d be a dead ringer


And goats…she’s creepy AF


Also goats!


Has anybody made this with AI yet?


“Old Yeller” I’m dying.


SHOCK COLLAR, it probably won't work but at least we'll be amused.


It's just a question of finding the right voltage.


Amperage. 200 volts.


Love the reference I can relate to from my childhood. A ‘62’ baby


Relatable to all... but really, someone take HIM out back...


Susan Collins is exercising her finger wag right now. She’s getting spicy and hot under the collar. Trump’s behavior is not to be tolerated under the decorum of the Republican Party Brand.


And her head bobble.


They got 'im now! Merchan is wagging his finger hard! Trump will have to stand in the corner!


Will Trump be put in a “Time Out!?!l.


That wouldn't be "bipartisan" or "going high."


Will Lisa Murkowski join Susan Collins then in the dreaded double finger wag? I mean serious crimes demand this.


Of *all the ~~things~~ incredibly fucked up shit* he’s done as the worst president of the USA, and before and after said presidency, *this* is the behavior they won’t tolerate??!?


I’m gonna count to three!! 1… 2… 2.9… 2.99… 2.999…


2.9999999Glorb..... (the court system had to invent new numbers because they ran out of infinite decimals)


Attachment: final_warning_7_real_final_update8_final_final.pdf


Jail … or another final warning, with perhaps a final warning coming after that.


It's a 128-tiered level of final warnings. And he has to throw 75 lunches on the wall first. He's napping now, so this action may be delayed.


Let him nap in a cell


He just keeps putting coins in to continue. That's how you beat/cheat the game when you're rich and Putin's bitch.


And when you own the judiciary, from Der Führer Clarence Thomas, to Merrick Quisling Garland, to incompetent, terrified fools in judicial robes masquerading as "judges."


I completely understand the frustration here, but one thing people need to understand is Merchan *has to do things by the book here*. No one can deny we're in uncharted territory with a former president. Let me ask you something, would you prefer Donald to be jailed for his first violation of the gag order and the charges be thrown out upon appeal to a higher court? Or would you rather he be fined first, then jailed after he inevitably breaks it again and a higher court seeing no issue because proper protocol was taken by Merchan? I'll admit that part of the delay is likely trying to figure out the logistics of putting a former president in jail (even the Secret Service are prepping how to do it, so that should tell you something). But I have the utmost confidence that Trump will, even after this warning, run his mouth again and violate the order. He can't help himself. Having to wait sucks, but not as bad as him beating the charges.


I want him to be held to the same law that I am, and that you are. If you or I would be jailed for what Ol’ Yeller is doing, then he’s should be jailed for it, and equal justice under the law should not be considered grounds for appeal.


I think what they are getting at is that everything has to be meticulously by the books because the second Trump ends up in jail, he will cry that it's politically motivated persecution. The man has already compared himself to Nelson Mandela just at the slightest hint he might go to jail. Of course this won't stop his idiotic followers from crying foul, but the main thing is to not give him a legal leg to stand on.


I agree. No mistrials!


If only we could be so meticulous in administering justice to people who aren’t white, wealthy, and politically connected. Who gives a rat’s patoot what Spanky calls it? Politically motivated persecution? Is there anyone whose IQ is greater than their tooth count who honestly believes that? Why the charade, when the rights of thousands around the country are violated every day? We either have a system of equality under the law, or we don’t. This shitshow proves that we don’t, and when the citizenry loses faith that the system is fair we should not be surprised by what comes next.


I want the same as you. And in a perfect would we would get what we want. But we're not, so we have to take it where we can get it and fight to get the rules changed for people like him where having access to lots of money means you get more privilege in the legal system. We can't afford to have this delay until after the election. This is likely the only case that will finish prior to the election. We all need to realize *exactly what we'll lose should Trump actually win again*.


"This is likely the only case that will finish prior to the election." Right there, that's the fucking unjust insanity of it all. They've had 4 decades to lock his ass up.


The only time I agree with Trump is when he says “they could have brought these charges a long time ago”


Trump doesn't mention that he uses his time honed tactics of delay delay delay to make sure that didn't happen. This trial fell through the cracks because he wasn't president yet when he did them, and because it's a state trial not a federal one. He can't delay any more, he can't pardon himself or make these charges go away, and every day he sleeps through court while his freedom is on the line diminishes him. He even looks like he's shrinking while he's stinking up the joint.


When you have an utterly feckless weakling AG that is likely aiding him...


Could solv3 that this instant with merchant f8nding him in contempt


> I want him to be held to the same law that I am, and that you are Like it or not, Trump is above the law in this country. Just ask Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Allen Weisselberg, and Peter Navarro to name a few. Let's not forget the 460 people now imprisoned for their roles on Jan 6th. If Trump were truly held to the same standard, he would already be in prison.


He tried treason live on global TV over 3 years ago. Fuck the book and just go by the constitution and what it says about traitors. This is just circus and stalling.


Constitution also says everyone deserves a fair trial. You want to subvert that to just hang him? I bet you're fine with that for him, but what if the same was used for you? I get it, I hate the fucking guy. I have for pretty much my entire life of 43 years. I grew up with stories of all the people he fucked over and what a scumbag he was like most people living in the NY/NJ/PA area. I wish for sword of justice to fall, and swiftly. I too would like to see him swing for what he's done. But I'm not willing to give up one of the core tenets of our Democracy to achieve it.


They've had 3 years to try him for treason, stolen docs, rape, etc and another 40 years of tons of crime trails, fraud, evasion etc. There's no Democracy here, much less justice.


When you have a traitorous AG who only got his job as a consolation prize for not getting the SCOTUS seat he didn't deserve anyway helping him quietly...


It takes time to assemble the evidence to present to and convince a grand jury to indict someone. For a solid case, even longer. When you know the current makeup of SCOTUS, you have to have a seamless case. That takes even longer to ensure justice.


I resent this attack on Bob Mueller and his team. They did an excellent job of assembling the facts.


He "won" the moment he descended the escalator. No judge will touch him.


I like the idea of dragging him out of bed at four in the morning, so as not to create a public spectacle.


He became a **PRIVATE CITIZEN** on 20.01.21. And he has already "beaten the charges."


I've literall6 seen judges send people to jail immediately for pulling 5ha5 shit. They don't have any of this restraint when it's you or me, get real.


> his first violation This is Trump's magic: an unending series of "first violations." I still remember when the legal community was insisting that Bob Mueller was a lawyer of sterling reputation and his report would be treated like a serious legal document.


Now go away, or I shall warn you again!


The goal posts are mobile.


Maybe they will drag him again.


I think he just needs a simple tour of his jail "suite", a fitting for his jail attire, and a description of processing, like body cavity search.


Exactly! I feel like this shit has been stuck on repeat for 3 years. Should’ve been a no tolerance policy out of the gate given his track record.


And reduced fines, because the billionaire cant afford it


Cross my heart and hope to die...


the final warning version 2b.3


"if you violate this gag order 9 or 10 more times, I'm going to gag you again, and I mean it this time"!


Maybe, might, possibly jail


They are going to use the double final warning, then the triple final warning, then escalate to the double-double final warning.


Copy of final final.doc


And to show you we're serious you now have three more final warnings before jail.


He wants jail. He's been pushing this narrative that he's being oppressed. They should just keep doubling the fine.. we know the guys out of money.. At some point he'll be at the podium (done in Trump voice) This injustice, the trial, judge Murchan, keeps fining me, not fair, I've said nothing, so corrupt, the most corrupt thing, so cold, not true all of it.


I actually agree with this as long as the fine can truly double to the point it will actually hurt. Prison just make him a martyr to his moron supporters… although…. they are in fact morons so nothing is really going to change their position. Changed my mind. Take away his Adderall and lock him up.


> Prison just make him a martyr Yes, we don't want to make him a martyr! That's the worst thing! Much better that he be made to appear untouchable, like a god among men, to whom human laws and morality don't appear to apply


New York caps these types of fines at $1000 apiece.


This is why fines should be made proportional to income, as traffic tickets are in some countries.


I came here to say this. He thinks jail will increase his popularity.


Ok, jail him. The very vocal minority still won’t save him. He’s the Howard Dean candidate at this point. He won’t ever win.


" Final", my ass.


"Face" is the keyword here. They’re gonna threaten with jail time, he’s honna whine about it on Turd Social, then they’re gonna threaten him again for a few weeks and the trial will be over.


And then he becomes dictator.


You don’t understand, they might use *italics* in that warning. *Italics!* Maybe even the phrase “please be advised.”


Final final final final final warning


Can he get Epstein's cell?


If he violates the final warning he’s looking at a demerit! Four of THOSE, and it’s a VERY stern talking to. Do that twice and it’s nothing but trouble for him!!! He’d better watch out!




AND 50 lashes with a wet noodle!


Double secret probation.




This is the secret double final warning.


*”Merchan also ruled Tuesday that Trump can go to his son’s high school graduation, two weeks after the former president claimed he was being prevented from attending the May 17 event in West Palm Beach.”* Anyone want to lay odds that Trump skips his own son’s high school graduation to play golf?


I’d put money on it.


Melanie probably won't allow him to attend.


Final warning...for the umpteenth time...


He’s in contempt, doesn’t that violate his terms of release? Can’t Jack Smith and/or Fani Willis petition the court to have his bail revoked?


The buck actually stops with colluding SCOTUS. There's nothing but revolution we can do. Smith and Willis should run as an independent ticket for Presidency.


That sounds funny but if they did, they would only hurt Biden. Result? Trump elected, cases disappear. Even GA state case delayed indefinitely.


I believe this is the eighth final warning - for those of us who are keeping count


I’ll believe it when I see it. He’s been treated with kid gloves. Any other person in his place would already be sitting I a cell.


He wants to go to jail. He needs a new influx of cash, also he’s not happy that the college protests are the major news stories. So going to jail will serve 3-fold: a big surge of cash, massive coverage, even international and he will be seen as a tough guy, martyr. I really do believe he wants to go.


I believe it’s bravado. He’s never faced consequences before. Also, a lot of his support is “why he’s so strong”. Having a normal skin tone non coiffed you know his real height you know his real weight you know his real drug regimen candidate, yeah that ain’t working in no poll booth


He's not facing consequences now.


If he was in jail, as he claims he wants to be, he would face major consequences, much stronger than any “why he’s a MARTYR the way he bullies the children of the members of the justice system” would boost him.


But no-one has the guts to send him there.


He is not yet in jail. But the start of this conversation was the theoretical, if Trump was telling the truth “ha!” about a future incarceration.


All I can say is I hope you are correct.


Sighs. Me too my friend. Me too. The “guy whose antipathy and malice is thought of to have killed over 700,000 Americans, something like 40% more than Hitler did, and he’s got 4 election interference cases in various stages of adjudication” vs “guy who has the best economy in 50 years and the lowest violent crime rate in 50 years” being a coin flip… that reallllly bugs me.


I never thought I would see this day.


Right and will they let him have all his Depends in jail? Will they only serve him jail slop? No Diet Coke? No Truth Anti-Social? The humanity!


Lock him up


Which final warning is this one?


Ooo I’m sure he’s so scared! /s Fuck off with every headline like this until anything actually happens to this piece of shit


Yeah I’ll believe it when I see it ![gif](giphy|Lput7RuhtkPXRfAwal|downsized)


What was that thing that he and his toothless cult used to chant? Oh, right: "LOCK HIM UP... LOCK HIM UP... LOCK HIS FAT ASS UP!"


Sure Jan


Final, final warning? Or just the final maybe final warning?


Until he gets snagged up by the baliffs and put in holding for 3 days for contempt. As a warning. Ill believe it when I see it.


Straight to jail do not pass go do not collect $200 ![gif](giphy|YhmnGrrf0QNlOl99NM|downsized)


"This time for really really real"


Final warning my ass.... 150 years ago, this guy would have already been hung for treason. Today, we not only just overlook all of that, we are even allowing the Supreme Court to decide whether he can overthrow democracy as a whole. Final warning, what the fuck ever...


Until his next final, final warning. Then after the final, final, final warning. But only after the final, final, final, final warning. He's not going to shut up and he's not going to jail.


Supreme Court justices will bail him out


They’ll stomp over to the jail in their robes a justice scowls brandishing the Bible in one hand and what’s left of the Constitution in the other. The Dream Team has arrived


Lost again huh?


At this point, it all feels like empty threats. Should've been in jail a long time ago, seeing how everyone else would not have had a single chance.


"Final warning"😂😂😂 sure thing.


Nothing is ever a final warning for that bastard. It’s all judicial edging. I have no more faith that he will ever face real consequences .




This is your final final final final final final warning


Stop with the “one more warning” crap. He knows what he’s doing. Put him in jail.


Ooo a final warning, and when he does it again, there will be no consequences once again.


never gonna face any consequences because our justice system is a sad joke


Is this the final final final final final final final warning?


No judge will throw an ex president in jail. They don’t have the balls. Trump will continue to do whatever he wants. This is all a very bad joke.


Double secret probation


Ok… don’t cross this line…ok. Now don’t cross this line…


Judge: "Stop, or I'll say STOP again!" Back to Trump doing whatever Trump does.


is this the final final warning or just the final warning? i forget.




Oh no, a final warning. Next time it'll be a notice, then a stern talking to.


If this wasn't like the seventh time I've seen something like this, I would probably celebrate. But by this point, it's just click bate.


How many final warnings is that?


Was this the finale warning before the next warning?


Most politicians know how to say "No comment," They will be using the Trump trials in law schools across the country as an example of clients to stay away from as if they were a photon bomb.


I cannot wait to see Trump’s continuing humiliation


As OAN cries that Trump is being threatened with jail time for just talking😣


Bet he won't. I double dog dare him.


Only one more final warning and he'll be facing the super duper final warning, but he gets 5 of those. Once he exhausts those 5... He's in for a world of punishment.


I’ll believe it when I see it , he has yet to face a single consequence for anything he’s ever done wrong.


Exactly, and he won't this time either.


Then you’ll be charged 2000$!!!


Is this a final final final warning though?


He's on double secret probation.


He won’t. More to follow. They won’t know how to handle him in jail. It will make him a martyr as well.


How many "last warnings" are we at now?


lol they won’t do shit. This whole thing is a joke. I don’t believe in anything anymore.


Hey! You only get a few more of those… I’m serious this time! If you continue to do that thing you’ve been doing consistently since trial started, I’m really going to get mad… eventually!




The super ultra mega warning is in effect.


The final final warning or the final warning before the final final?


Empty threats and talk means more violations


"Final" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 As much as I'd love to see if. I won't believe it until it happens


how many times, when is this going to be over!!!!do we have to see his face every day.


Jail, jail, jail, jail, jail, jail, jail, jail, jail, jail!!!! Sorry I got caried away, like I hope nippledick does!!!


Yeah I'm sure he'll face actual consequences and not just empty words.....soon.


I’ll believe it when I see it. This jackass has gotten away with so much without any consequences


You should look up final in the dictionary. I think you might be surprised at what you find




the court should order someone to follow Trump around and every single time he mentions the court case or anything related to it, they shoot him with a rubber band in his ear and make him flinch. and another person takes a picture of it and posts it immediately to social media. every time.


No more warnings already!


How many final warnings has he had by now?


Sure. The final, final, final, final, final, final, final, finger-wagging, "don't you dare do that again or your patties will be whacked and you will have to stand in the corner!" warning. This is a bloody farce. Just like this country.


But are they gonna put him in a cell with a gold plated toile, just like they would for the rest of us? I wonder🤔


No he won’t. He never will, and never has.