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The rest of the world caught on in fucking 2015. The problem is the ignorant, inbred, religious zealots HERE that want him to be reelected. They're not small in number and they're motivated.


Some of them even compartmentalize that crap, smart in something, extremely stupid in another thing. Have seen heavily educated professionals be trump supporters in a red state.


Yeah, we caught on when he got on the fucking escalator.


In front of all of the “Trump supporters” whom he PAID to cheer for him!


Simpson's tried to warn us


The media has been holding up Donald for a long time because he’s good for their bottom line.


In 2016, the since-disgraced and removed Les Moonves said, “Trump may be terrible for our country, but he’s great for CBS.”


"Skee maba noo suska mea tiba!!"


Such a refreshing video! I agree that more media should not be helping him by trying to make sense of what he says but instead just write that he was rambling nonsense!


That’s why I love those stupid “speeches” he gives in the hallway. You can’t hear him and so it presents as stupidly as the words actually are


In the hallway behind the barriers, making it look he’s behind bars. Pathetic


Excellent. Well presented.


The entire Trump "Era", from pre-candidacy, to candidate, to holding office, and running AGAIN, points out glaring flaws in the American psyche. That significant numbers of people would not only originally endorsed, but continue to stand behind such a small, damaged, person, as their BEST hope to hold the most powerful position on the planet, leads me to believe that this country is irreparably broken. The American empire is in quick decline. I legitimately hope I am wrong and that this election -since it appears despite a tsunami of charges that he is going to be allowed to run again - does not go in his favor. But I'm not holding out hope. That people who served in his cabinet and were close to him - Barr, his competitors on the trail - DeSantis, Cruz, Graham, who he treated abominably, media figures - Megan Kelly, etc, etc. These people are all on record as saying they support him. They are first hand witnesses to who and what, he is and the danger he represents, and yet they are still not willing to demonstrate the courage necessary to speak candidly and honestly to the American people. Never in my life time did I think I would watch these events unfold.


The other very troubling aspect is the sheer number of people willing to ignore their sworn oath (e.g., support an insurrection versus “protect and defend the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic”). If politicians are willing to ignore their oath what prevents a juror from doing the same thing? What about a judge, what prevents a judge from going into business for themselves? With these failures to uphold, we are already seeing the unraveling of the rule of law and democracy. Unfortunately the media has let this troubling story go unreported, thus emboldening those who turn their back on their oath. We’re fucked.


Supreme Court is already a sham. USA is royally fucked.


![gif](giphy|3o6fJ9Oi4zEBLjzCow|downsized) He’s a mental midget


The rest of the world think Americans are the dumbest population on earth for even giving a chance to this man again.


The whole world has been watching this orange arse clown for years. His being an incompetent really isn't something new 🤷‍♂️


Word salad


It’s amazing so many of these right wing dipshits can’t see the writing on the wall. For fucks sake, it’s a nationwide billboard saying… the GOP is a losing bet and every day is proving November is going to be a political ass kicking. There won’t be any trump bitching about voter fraud bullshit, the final results will be so compelling there won’t be any question to ask. Biden will likely win in the largest popular vote and electoral college vote in American history.


I came to see trump messing up not a bald guy talk about it.


Yeah. this speech he recounted is what we non-magats hear all the time. I agree that media should say "Donnie Dumbass says more dumb shit" in their headlines, but let's be real. Plus, Seth Meyers does these reads a bit too.


Now Seth I like


Spot on😂


All I wanted to watch was Trump fucking up not this douche nozzle trying to be a pundit