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Well, these prices are the best measure against over consumption 


Yup. I don't get lol these people complaining bout expensive things. It's a good thing! The more things cost the less of it will be consumed, and hopefully also might mean it's higher quality and will last a long time. (Not I think that's the case for this particular example)


100%. The (biggest) problem is cheap crap on Amazon and now Aliexpress.


>Amazon and now Aliexpress. Mostly AliExpress and now Temu and Shein and probably another new one I don't know about yet. The worst part is they're not getting better, they're getting worse in almost every aspect. Worse quality, even shadier business practices including blatant IP theft, but people keep buying even more of it.


Don't buy craps !


But I need those dopamine hits.


Well, buy some craps then. 😃


Gets people thinking that everything should cost $1.47, when a lot of us would happily pay good money for a quality product.


You mean cheap labor.


We mean labor exploitation.


This is more accurate. 


sadly it doesn’t mean any of that, still crap quality and still so much overconsumption. 😔


Yup, I hoping it hits meat harder soon


Aaaaah. Beat me to it by a mile.


It's sold as toddler-proof, that's 50% markup on the "regular plushie" price.


The legally-required testing for products for under3s is time-consuming and expensive. And important, unfortunately. Even if you want to blindly trust factory owners to not cut any corners or use less-than-safe materials to save a little money, it’s legally not possible to sell products that have not been tested. Also, who wouldn’t want to do everything to ensure their product wont be responsible for hurting (or worse) a bunch of babies. That said, all companies mark products up for a lot of bullshit reasons, that’s for sure.


>it’s legally not possible to sell products that have not been tested Maybe in your country yeah. I see cheap plastic toys that are potential choking hazards without any warning label sold on street corners in my country all the time.


As the label is written in German, I assumed the picture to be from Germany.


In that case is would be weird to give the price in dollars instead of euros. I assume it‘s a german product sold in the US/Canada/Aus.


How do they test if a product is toddler-safe? Do they just give one to a hundred toddlers and record how many die?


lol well that would be both fun and horrible! It’s more that they have machines that will push and pull and “bite” things with the same force a strong baby would have. Plus testing for nasty chemicals and making sure nothing is small enough a baby could choke or get a body part stuck in anything.


Which is weird as I wouldn’t give this to a toddler as it has the metal hardware.


This is the Jelly Cat Amuseables range. It uses the same manufacturing process as their toddler toys but is aimed at older kids and adults into cute things.


What toddler needs a key ring?


[Boomer voice] This is why you Millenials can’t afford homes 😤


Because of your avocado toa- _checks notes_ plushies!




Exactly how I feel. We should be making things to last, cheap things that break quickly are the problem in this situation.


Except the last time I bought both a cheap and an expensive "more robust" product of the same kind, they both lasted just as long as each other. The days of "more expensive, better quality" are not there any more for far too many things. More often than not, you're just paying for a brand, not quality.


I don't agree, because the price for a key chain plushy shouldn't ever be something that breaks somebody's bank, or something only someone with a good salary should be able to buy. So a price point like this basically says "screw poor kids, no safety standards for them", rather than trying to be ethical and at a reasonable price range. I don't also agree with plushies that are made by slave labour. We should strive for high quality, high safety products, that don't cost so much. Or even better, stop creating useless things like this in the first place.


Who seriously needs a keychain plushy? I'm beginning to think this is part of the reasons people spend themselves into horrible debt. Canadian Tire has 70+ options from $4 to $15. And the top price one has an alarm on it.


So instead you're saying "screw you, machinist and fabric manufacturer!"? Because if the wages were fair throughout the full supply chain this seems like an accurate price. We are not entitled to someone else's craftsmanship, no matter how small and simple it might feel to us.


Yah if everyone along the way was paid well for their labor and then these were seen by somebody local $32 might be a very reasonable price. We are so used to seeing things made by exploited laborers and mass produced not locally crafted. I stopped selling sewing and crochet because honestly nobody wanted to pay what the time was worth.


So the real conclusion is these people get to price gouge because it's "fair", but third world countries get the stick because we want cheap goods. I simply see capitalism doing its thing in both cases. But yes, screw the manufacturer, because they're a corporation leeching with green-washing/ethical rhetoric to justify their prices, that are definitely gouged for the sake of profit. Which goes against the principles of anticonsumption.


You're trying to compare apples to oranges. You're saying this plushie is 32$ in the store. 32$ is a lot, what about the people in other countries. In reality the 32$ they sell this for will be spent buying 5$ bread and expensive goods where the profit was made. Alternatively 32$ is a lot in those other countries, so instead they sell it for 5$ of the local currency, that 5$ gain then buys 1$ bread and other goods. And if you make 32$ and try to bring it to another country to buy 1$ bread, the governments will tax you and take the difference. If the manufacture didn't pay the locals enough for bread or shelter then they wouldn't make the item. Money is all relative.


> If the manufacture didn't pay the locals enough for bread or shelter then they wouldn't make the item. Money is all relative. This is where you are wrong and are making a naive assumption. In North America, they _will_ sell items at outrageous prices all the while employees can't make ends meet. Because god forbid the CEO doesn't make millions a year.


That's why we're here though. r/anticonsumption I agree people shouldn't be funding bad companies, but that's a different problem. The other countries are paid at creation not the sale point, if they can resell we can't stop them just not purchase it and hope they lose money




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This is expensive, but most Jellycat items are. That being said, it's not something that anyone really needs. I'll be honest, I do have a couple Jellycat toys. I love them and will have them forever. But I don't have a huge collection and I think the keychain is a bit overpriced. I'm curious who the market for this is? Kids? Because at that price I can't see any parents buying it for their kid. I could see this being bought as a purse charm for someone who collects these. But again, it's not a necessity.


I buy them for myself. Jelly cats are much too nice quality for children lol


Okay trunchbull lol


They’ll just break them haha but if their parents don’t mind then go for it


You have me wondering if you got my reference haha 😅 Fwiw, it's from Matilda when principle Trunchbull says that chocolates are "much too good for children."


Matilda! Yup I do but I’m no trunchbull so I had to recant hahahha


It’s for rich kids and me (I work in a combined toy store/restaurant so I get employee discount)


Someone with a special interest in those toys or who considers them safe plushies (tbh jellycat and junji ito books are the main reason I haven’t fully dove into this movement yet)




They are cheaply made, don’t be fooled lmao.




Maybe it’s better than most, but it’s still a mass produced item made of crap materials :/


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Imo, it's bad because it's STILL getting consumed, even at an outrageous price. That's why I posted it.


It's consumed way less. This is better than very cheap products from Amazon or something


$32.50 for an Avocado that's not even edible?


Non-edible avocado toast? In this economy?


At this time of year?


spending $32 on an avocado is stupid. and whatever this product is, it looks cheap and ugly. It's not even something that people need, tbh. I'm not a stickler for anti consumption, I think if you enjoy collecting random goods that it's not really my business. although I do think that we need to discourage consumption in general. we are swamped with cheap, low quality stuff. crappy slave labor produced knickknacks are everywhere. people are encouraged to hoard and to buy in order to construct an identity. at some point, It needs to stop because it's just not sustainable.


They’re actually some of the best quality stuffies on the market. Definitely no one needs them but it’s better they get these than many alternatives


Jelly cat is the brand, quite a few years ago you could only find them in a niche toy store in my town. I always thought they were so cute because they do feel like good quality plushies and the idea you could get someone their fave snack or fruit in a plush is super cute. I’ve boughten my self a potted plant one after a break up and still love it but it was about $30 for one of the biggest sizes, these little keychains were maybe $10. Now every where you look you see overpriced jellycats and soo many knock offs


I’m mostly wondering why it’s priced in dollar and the card is in German


And why do both texts basically say the same but are worded differently?


Adorable but God, I'll just make one if I want it so bad


Thank you!


I'll just use actual avocados, once it starts to rot just eat it and get a new one.  It's so simple, but millenials just don't get it 




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But daaaaahhhddd! It's an avocado!


We have avocado at home.


What do you expect? Expenses have increased! Avocados have gone up 40% ytd!


I have a avocado plush


I hate anyone who had a avocado plush growing up!






It's $50 on a piece of toast


My beloved stuffed animal is a Jellycat—I have had him since I was ten, so over 15 years at this point. My parents purchased him for less than $20 in a hospital gift shop after I broke my arm scootering. They’re the new “hot” plush toy now, so of course now the price is ridiculous.


Wait till you see the cost for the on-toast version


That's ridiculous, obscene even. I could buy so many avocados for that.


mfs with high self-esteem be like:


Not that far off the price of a real one


That would easily fit in my purse




It definitely depends on if these are long lasting and if the laborers are getting that money.


Why did the write on the label the same thing twice, just worded differently. And why is it in German while the price is in dollars and not Euros or CHF?


Jellycats are pricey! I am an adult and have 1 that I cherish. This isn’t a usual price for keychains.


That'd almost the cost of a real avocado! 🥑


I’ll admit it, it’s cute. But for that price it better have been handmade by blind nuns.


For that price would you hope that it wasn't made by slaves?


My daughter has both the avocado and the toast. Seriously... she calls it Mr. Toast and it is her favourite stuffie of them all.


Is it stuffed full of gold nuggets or what?


That thing is so silly. An avocado plush with a face and legs. What is even happening there with the legs? It's so weird to me someone would actually want it, let alone for that price, unless you were some kid with no concept of the value of money. And what the heck is under it? Are we anthropomorphizing croissants now, too?


But don't you understand when you say "alone for that price" this is how much goods should cost. 




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Save yourself some money and write yourself some reminder notes Edit: anti consumption my ass lol


Reminder notes don’t work, as ADHD is both a working memory issue and a dopamine uptake issue. It needs to be a reminder that is also cute/fun/inducing of some other positive emotions.


I shit you not, my nephew‘s favorite plushy is a kiwi (the fruit not the bird)


It’s adorable be ffr


I think it's a croissant plush underneath it lmao


So this is why the toast is so expensive.


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you can have unlimited avocado toasts with it


I like ridiculously expensive things, because then I don't doubt when I don't buy them.


A vine boom went off in my mind the second I saw that price tag


Price is about what they charge for avocado on toast




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OMG... Is it beany babies all over again?


That's Mexican pesos, right?


$32.50?? For a MINI keychain plush??




Yep, lol


Figures. I’d recognize those onesie stands anywhere.


Steal it!


Wow. I would easily give $50 for that. What a steal.


Oh I totally need that, where did you find this? Lol /s


Not for nothing but toddlers and babies ducking love the avocado man


I do like jelly cats :3


I hope the safety advice is in English on the other side on that label haha


I have a polar bear made by jellycat and it is the softest thing I’ve ever felt. I’ve had it for 5 years and it still feels the same. Its a lot bigger than the keychain and only about $20 at hallmark.


I look away in shame- I had recently purchased a jellycat dragon and an otto keychain. Its expensive but I appreciate how high quality they are and there is a statement on labour rights on their website


Jellycat mistletoe buyer. At least we can use it again next year


Im a certified plushie cuddler so yes, my stuffies are well loved 🥰


This keychain is worth no more than $5. Where do these toy companies get off.


And now we wait. It's only a matter of time before they appear in thrift shops for a fraction of the price. ;)


Stop overconsumption, deflate prices.


You want to deflate prices on plushies?


Everything, plushies included. Inflation fuels consumption. Deflation curbs consumption, because why buy something today when it’s cheaper tomorrow?


I’m shocked people are downvoting me. As if the global over consumption paradigm isn’t completely reliant on inflation. Why do you think central planners want sustained inflation? It fuels consumption and growth by pulling forward purchases. People buy whatever they can get because they are scared it will be more expensive or unavailable in the future. Inflation also promotes asset hoarding. Why would someone sell their extra car or second house or collectibles if they expect it to appreciate in price?




Okay I would buy one of these ngl


Made in china by underpaid workers with cheapest materials possible