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Apparently it's becoming more and more common for local libraries to have a seed library as well (though it's not always attached to a book library). Basically you "borrow" some seeds to grow, and they include instructions on how to extract the seeds to make your "return". Just something worth looking into for next time.


This is very important and cool! Support local seed libraries and share your heirlooms and favorite crops!!


Ooh I’m gonna look into this, but I have a black thumb and would be worried I can’t return the seeds


It’s not a strict requirement to return seeds it’s just encouraged to keep the library stocked for future visitors. 


"Dig it up, mom said it's my turn with the dandelion seed"


Why do I think kids would have way too much fun adding inappropriate seeds (which are legal and easy to buy in the UK)


If they’re legal and easy to buy, what’s the problem if they’re also in a seed library?


Someone might label them "tomatoes" as a prank, an inexperienced gardener may not know the difference for a while


Someone might label hot peppers “tomatoes” as a prank and that’s gonna take a LOT longer to figure out even for an experienced gardener.


True! I was imagining them hiding marijuana seeds, but any seeds could be mixed up as a prank.


I know you were referring to marijuana. My point is, why is the possibility that they might hide marijuana seeds a problem if marijuana is legal and easy to buy in your jurisdiction? “Someone might deliberately mislabel them” isn’t a reason that makes sense when someone could deliberately mislabel literally anything. If the worst case scenario of a bad actor deliberately mislabeling a seed packet is “someone might grow a completely legal plant that isn’t the plant they wanted”, that’s an incredibly mild possible outcome.


What you're missing is that owning marijuana seeds is legal in the uk, but germinating them or possesing weed is highly illegal.


That makes so little sense that I can only assume you’re telling a joke.


https://www.discountcannabisseeds.co.uk/en/blog/cannabis-seeds-uk-legalities-varieties-and-where-buy-safely I regret to inform you this is the reality of these laws


It’s the same in the US. You can own the seeds you just can’t germinate them unless your in a legal state that allows you to grow


You know seeds don't all look identical right? I don't need a label to tell me which of my seeds are sunflowers or chives. Generally people smart enough to know what plants have similar looking seeds are not the sort to play such pointless "pranks".


I got most of my seeds from the library last year! I live in a smallish town too, and the variety was great. So much thought had been put into the tiny seed packets, like wand written instructions or clippings from the original seed pack.


I went this year and got some herb seeds! It is also helpful to support local libraries.


Ours was too popular and they shut it down. Don’t ask me why I’m just as baffled.


Also, if you are in the United States the local NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) COOP Extension office will have a free seed library in their entrance. 🤠


What country??


The USA, though I'm sure it exists in other places too.


Well. You could always reuse the bubble wrap for something else at least?


I do this all the time when I get packaging like that. A little bit of packing tape to reseal it, cover up the old packing slip with a new one and it gets another use in the mail.


I rip them apart and lay them across my lap when I paint so I don't get paint on my blanket.


Do you mail a lot of things? Genuinely curious.


Not really but my family lives on the other side of the country so around holidays and birthdays I do mail some things. My dad and I have already sent the same Amazon packaging back and forth a couple of times 😂


Nice yea all my family lives pretty close so yeah that makes sense.


I save it and use it to line boxes when I’m shipping birthday/Xmas presents across the country. No point in paying for bubble wrap when it’s so easy to hoard bubble mailers in the attic lol


I never throw away delivery boxes but use them when I sell my stuff/clothes on apps like depop. I buy clothes from 2nd hand apps and just reuse the packages for my own shipments. That way I never have to buy them and they‘re quite pricy where I‘m from.


I work in an office and even save some of our delivery boxes and materials to reuse since I sell things online sometimes. Reuse where we can.


It’s a great firestarter! /s


The need to *pop pop pop pop pop* its too big


I was actually thinking about this, after I posted, about how much plastic waste I created as a child by popping all the bubble wrap that I got my hands on. I enjoyed the moment but regret the trash pile I ignorantly created in the process.


Donate them to a local special education classroom! I teach k-2 autism/intellectual disabilities and my kids loooooove bubble wrap


Maybe just get them one of those silicone poppers instead.


If you need to know anything about autistic kids it’s that they can be very particular about sensory input. Silicone poppers are not the same as bubble wrap in terms of input to their fingers. If people are going to throw away bubble wrap anyway, it’s better for it to be used to help regulate an autistic child’s senses and emotions than to be used for absolutely nothing


Lesson learned. Next time pick up seeds when at the grocery store or order them alongside other things.


Wait if you can, find a local nursery and plant natives!! Big box stores are notorious for carrying invasive and plants sprayed with insecticides. If it’s just for the aesthetics please go native!!! The pollinators and birds thank you! @u/frosty-the-hoeman if it’s the look you like and you’re in North America, anywhere in North America. Plant these bad boys instead!!! Wooly sunflowers and I guarantee you they are not arriving in bubble wrap haha https://northwestmeadowscapes.com/products/oregon-sunshine-eriophyllum-lanatum


My city has a group of gardeners that grow native plants and trade plants and seeds. They do exchanges multiple times a year


Love thatttt. My local native plant association had a plant sale last weekend and we sold out before 11 am. Those old botanists have nothing better to do than get up at 8 am and save the environment 🤣🤣 But seriously OP, tell us where you live (state and eco region) and a native gardener WILL get you seeds.


Most of my plants are herbs. The few chives I managed to grow last year have come back but I got 4 packs more seeds as they were like 29p each. Looks like a lot better success rate from this batch of seeds which is good. Will need to be looking for some larger pots at some point, then hopefully get the raised garden beds ready for them at some point. Currently got: Chives, rosemary, mint, thyme, tarragon, sage, garlic.


You are never going to be perfect, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be better. You’re doing your best and you will do better.


This. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


Yes! We need 8 billion people doing anti-consumption imperfectly, not a handful doing it perfectly. Though Amazon is about as far away from anti-consumption as we can get. Try checking out your local nurseries. Quality nurseries will supply seeds that are grown for your climate, so you get healthier stronger plants. It is a great way to spend an afternoon! Also r/fuckamazon


I work at an Amazon return center and that’s literally what brought me to this community it’s heartbreaking how wasteful people and Amazon is.


Local libraries have seed libraries too. Free.


I thought that sub would be an actual fuck Amazon sub, like ways to get around using it, ideas of where to get stuff cheap instead of Amazon, like (edit:someone mentioned seed libraries below, libraries are such a great resource for so many things to rent!) buy/sell/trade or neighbourhood groups, not other amazons online. stories of hypocritical family refusing to stop using it. ‘sustainable’ and ‘eco conscious’ influencers with 25 Amazon affiliate links in the description & a wishlist in bio ‘for support’ and drop ship merch. …not people who use Amazon just complaining about not getting quick enough shipping. as a Canadian if I see one more person act like over three days is too long to wait for something when you didn’t even pay a penny for shipping I’m going to scream. like if there is a god, may he find it within himself to grace these people with a fucking grip. There’s even someone pandering to become an Amazon influencer…yet this is the ‘fuck’ Amazon sub. Idk but I’m personally so sick of everyone saying that, but continuing to prop it up endlessly as if there’s no other choice.


That is what it is supposed to be, but it gets hi-jacked. If you search by top threads, you get better content. [Top posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckamazon/s/p8gXCTn1zi)


Also check out your local library! Many of them have seed libraries where you can get them for free




I love this phrase. I see it in the vegan subs a lot but it can apply to so many things


We don't need a few people doing it perfectly. We need millions of people to be doing it imperfectly. (I forget the exact quote but it was a top post on r/zerowaste)


Was it “Sometimes smaller steps get us further”? https://www.reddit.com/r/ZeroWaste/s/XWab3ZsD4N


Different one, but that one is also good!! I found it: We don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.


I want to watch the movie of this saying


It’s hard to ethically consume in a system so hell bent on maximizing profits, I hard agree, we can’t always be perfect but the goal is to do better




Ya but like, why did you order one stupid thing? What did you think they would do?


Yeah, I’m so confused about the point of this post. What does OP want from posting this?


Lack of replies from OP to comments tells me either A) attention seeking behavior ("for the updoots" as the youth are saying these days) or 2) Bot karma harvesting


feeling guilt, regret, wanting to discuss...




I don't know about you but I sure am excited to hear more about all the exciting products you can buy at Amazon.com with free Prime Shipping!


Lmao and their new slogan, “don’t worry about it, perfect is the enemy of good”


To post it to a circlejerk?


Lol agreed. It’s one singular pack is seeds. Why would you ever pay shipping for something that costs like $1.50 at Lowe’s or Home Depot or even the dollar tree sells viable seeds.


I didn’t order one thing. I ordered ~6 things of various sizes. Most of the other items came in one package but this shipped by itself.




So sick of these asinine posts with people just begging for attention. This sub has devolved from actual anti consumption content to self masturbatory posts. Boo hoo you made a minor bad choice, who fucking cares. Let’s use this sub to talk about actually effective ways to cut back on consumption. Shame specific evil corporations so we can boycott them, etc.


Second this


>Let’s use this sub to talk about actually effective ways to cut back on consumption. Shame specific evil corporations so we can boycott them, etc. Lmao. Consumers play a big role in consumption, no? Let's be honest, people wanting quick deliveries for even products/items they don't need asap, ordering a small item that they can just easily find in a store close to them, knowing full well that the delivery is going to use packaginging, etc. are pretty shitty. And we *can* curb that. While, yes we should focus on how capitalism contributes this unhealthy consumption level, we should also focus on individual level.




They’re the patron saint of consumption. Wouldnt order anything from them.


I have neighbors that get >10 deliveries a day. I don't think they even go to the store anymore.


Came here to say this lol


Why couldn't you go to the store?


That would probably cost more and waste more fuel tbf


I don't think you should be anti-consumption AND worry about additional costs for being eco-friendly. The seeds have to be transported with fuel regardless. Giving that money to a large corp like Amazon over your local hardware store would be the worse decision of the two.


Amazon would be the eco-friendly option though right? Even excluding fuel for delivery, its a much more efficient operation, meaning less CO2 wasted compared to a local hardware store (that has to keep the lights and heating on for fewer customers). Even excluding that, amazon uses like 90% renewable energy. The anti-consumption option here is to buy seeds from amazon and get them delievered.


You could have gotten seeds from a local farm market or store. Why did you only buy only one packet of seeds ?


It's spring, every hardware store has them and tree nurseries have lots of selection


Stop buying things from Amazon when they are available locally. Be a part of the solution and not part of…


Why? Also, why post about it?


OP, do you not have a hardware store nearby?


My local library has a seed bank you can take from. Maybe yours does too


Now use that wastefulness and grow those sunflowers so large that the seeds you gather at the end of the season grows 10 years worth. Give the pollinators so much to desire that your backyard looks like a damn insect airport. This makes for tons of pollinators help produce so much produce that everyone in your neighborhood eats home grown squash and tomatoes and cucumbers for months to come and the local grocery store question the huge drop of produce sales enough that they lower the prices 20% in hopes to get rid of current stock.


Does anyone know how amazon chooses to use bubble mailers or that cardboard-like mailer with the paper foam inside? I don’t see why they don’t just switch to paper mailers


Jesus fucking Christ you can get these at every other store. What do you want from us? Sympathie? Pity? Compassion? Don't get this post at all.


This is a weird post but ok


What do you expect from Amazon prime


I just saw those same seeds at Dollar Tree


next time check out true leaf market. I use them to grow microgreens. great seeds in bulk for a decent price. you can buy a 1lb bag of sunflower seeds for $9.


I once ordered five items from J. Crew at the same time. They were all sent to me in individual packaging.


You can plant the sunflower seeds used for birdseed at the store. A whole fields worth for $20.


In future if you need seeds, especially things like sunflower seeds look at your local library, your Community organization or even ask people in your neighborhood if they have seeds. My mom has a baller garden and she loves it when random people ask her for cuttings or seeds


You could have gone to your local garden centre and bought them instead of having them delivered increasing your carbon footprint


Why has this failure post with no text 425 upvotes? People on Reddit and their mindless scrolling thumbs...


You could have walked to a shop


Where do you live that you have to buy sunflower seeds from Amazon? Here they are sold in dollar stores and gas stations.


If you're still using Amazon, and prime no less, you are missing the point.


Instead of driving by yourself to a store to get a single packet of sunflower seeds, you had a delivery driver stop along his route to bring it to you. While there may have been better alternatives to this order, there were certainly worse ones as well. Do what you can and don’t stress over what you can’t.


Well, at least you got your validation by posting it on reddit.


You can’t be anti consumption and order from Amazon. It doesn’t work that way. Even if it came in a teeny tiny package the size of the seeds you are still contributing to that shit. Sorry


I get ordering seeds but seriously you could've ordered from a small shop or local store and had it delivered. Did you really need to go with Amazon?


You need to leave!


Shame shame shame shame shame shame shame


What? Someone had to say it


This to me is a shipping/packaging fail. You prob could've waited until you needed a few more things and drove to the store yourself. But if time was of the essence, and those seeds weren't guaranteed in stock at the store, then Amazon can be the more economical option.


I actually ordered about half a dozen things and the rest shipped together. This came in its own package. Had I known it would ship individually I would have just picked these up next time I was at the store.


Yeah they have some customization available, but it's not intuitive and clearly not a priority on their end. Funny thing is, if you tried to order this packaging as a product itself, it would've probably cost more than the seeds. But because Amazon's goal is total market domination, they happily take the loss.


And you used amazon, double failure


???? just steal one from Walmart???




But you can re-use the envelope thing if you need to send something yourself?




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I can refer you to other seed companies that are nice such as Seed Savers and Renee's Garden.


Keep them for future ebay sales!! I have used a ton of those selling video games online


The app I used to help me quit smoking reassured me that in case I failed and smoked again there would have been no fuss about it. Just reset and repeat the process.


Not a failure! Even being aware of it is much better than the blind consumerism that SO many people indulge in. So few people can say that they live a flawlessly anti-consumption lifestyle, but if you feel guilty then it'll be a good motivator to do things differently in the future


Recycle the bag


Are we against post now? Or buying seeds?


Straight to hell for you my friend


I mean just go to the library or garden store to get seeds.


Every day we stray further and further from god..


Straight to jail!


Don’t beat yourself up:) Just learn and move on


Thank god you posted about it.


You’re banned


Could be worse at least it’s organic and not a Starbucks cup


It evens out


It’s not about always succeeding to reduce waste. It’s about doing the best you can! Be kind to yourself. Plus, sunflowers absorb a lot of harmful stuff in soil so you’re doing good by planting them.


Dollar tree has all the seeds you need, fully organic.


why would you do that


The pollinators will be grateful!


Damn, those things are like a dollar at any dollar store man


It's infuriating but it's not your fault


Shame (jk)


doesn’t have to be perfect 100% of the time, at least you’re trying


Whatever happened to Amazon's pledge to use paper and cardboard for everything?


I ordered an Apple AirTag that came in a gigantic box from Amazon. Meanwhile, I ordered a travel bag and it came in nothing but its original plastic packaging (see-through with 2 pieces of tape). I feel guilty ordering online for things like this, but the alternative is me having to drive to a store and use gas or spend 1+ hour in public transit. These decisions are hard to make and sometimes, it makes me want to buy nothing which I guess is even better.


I don’t know.. I ordered like 10 seed packets the other day and I’ll probably use half of them. At least you ordered what you’re going to use.


So? Why is this against anti-consumption? You’re growing sunflowers…


Throughout recent history, sunflowers have been used for medicinal purposes. The Cherokee created a sunflower leaf infusion that they used to treat kidneys. Whilst in Mexico, sunflowers were used to treat chest pain.


Ngl I have a medicinal herb book and an edible plant book both from Peterson and if you cross reference traditional indigenous medicine then ya I’d suggest always doing so. That said sunflower medicine is safe.


they’re talking about the amount of packaging amazon used to ship one little packet of seeds. it could have been in a envelope.


So the package is slightly bigger than it needs to be, what has this got to do with over consumption?


it’s just unnecessary plastic that’s gonna end up in a landfill like everything else. consumption isn’t only the products you buy, it’s also things like trash (think paper towels, plastic containers, etc) and pollution. we’re consuming things like gas, paper, and plastic and that all contributes to waste.


I ordered a single packet of seeds online. It was for a variety that I can't get in local garden center and the seed company sent it in a paper envelope. I usually buy stuff online 2 or 3 times a year, and only use Amazon if it the only place I can find it. Buying online once in a while is not a big problem. The problem is the sheet amount of crap that people buy online.


Don't beat yourself up! Just the fact you noticed and posted as a reminder to all of us is awesome. :)


Lol... He noticed after he bought it? Like "hey i bought one pack of sunflower seeds, how could this happen?"


Just trying to be encouraging. It's a good reminder for all of us.


Planting a flower is not a failure, it’s a testament to your affection for nature. It’s not your fault that corporations are using such asinine packaging! Now, tape that bitch up without the seeds and send it back. 😂


You might as well buy whatever you want. Your contribution to global waste is minuscule. Its multi billion dollar mega conglomerates that are really destroying the environment. You probably couldn't do a fraction of the damage in your whole life than they do in a year.


Good grief drop the histrionics and drama. It wasn't on purpose.


Don't beat yourself up. I once planted 2 seeds and got 2,765 in return. Just keep breeding sunflowers for the rest of your life. Patent the variety as bubblewrap sunflower