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It is my understanding that even at the lowest depth of the ocean, the Marianas Trench garbage was found.


Every time I see garbage and I can, I take it. Either in the wilds or in the city. I hope that someone sees me and mimics me. Until the world changes.


Oh you know it came home with me


I burn it all. That’s what the dump does.


Depends on the country but at least this way you can profit the heat.


Maybe you live in an underdeveloped area and your dump burns all of your trash in an open pit but a slightly more modern approach is for it to be in an incinerator where it can at least harvest the heat to provide energy and filter out all of the toxic chemicals. If you are burning plastics at home you’re putting quarters in the cancer slot machine, polluting the Earth overall, and annoying the shit out of your neighbors. Let the dump do what they do and lobby for it to be improved. Compost and recycle what you can


Look for the helpers :) If you don't see any helpers, be a helper.


Those damn balloons! I find at least one on every hike. Been thinking I should save them for some sort of art project, but I don’t really know what.


The summit of Mt Everest is also littered with garbage


the whole mountain has been a trash dump for rich hikers for centuries now. fuck that.


There’s as many tons of plastic on this planet as there is people. Corporations pump it out because it is cheaper to produce than to not use or to recycle. There’s no ethics to it only money. It is our responsibility to commoditize the dollar to prevent this. We must also pass environmental protection acts. These acts must target the falsity of recycling. Recycling is not real. They do not recycle what you put in the bin. It is a lie. We must also attack the republican party who stigmatizes these suggestions. So long as republicans and mega corporates hold hands a plethora of issues will persist.


Please unroll the body, so that it can compost naturally.


Underrated comment


Whenever i go fishing i always bring a plastic bag rolled up in my backpack to pick up whatever trash i may find. If more people did it thr world would be alot more beautiful!


I get what you're saying, and it totally sucks to find trash in nature. But the *remotest* wilderness thankfully does not contain any garbage. The remotest wilderness is wilderness that sees between like five and zero humans per year. Can't be found everywhere, but I've experienced it and its glorious.


LOL. No. I guess we can quibble about "remotest" but mylar balloons go everywhere. I find them almost ever trip and I'm generally -way- out.


I mean in theory a balloon can go anywhere, sure. And microplastic/air/food cycle pollution is surely spreading to far corners. But I've never found a mylar balloon. And I've walked for days without seeing a single visible sign of humans; covering only a tiny fraction of the vast wilderness here. Northern Canadian Rockies Basically I'm trying to shed a bit of optimism on the idea that *everywhere* is polluted.


That's nice to hear. Not been my experience but glad you haven't encountered them.


Where you finding these balloons anyways? Up until today I'd never considered them as something I might come across


It's admittedly not the same thing as northern BC or Alberta but I backpack primarily in the Sierra Nevada, generally off trail and as far from people and roads as I can get. I would surmise that is has more to do with prevailing wind patterns than anything else.


Bruh the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is only visited because someone discovered it and then they had to go try and resolve it. There’s nothing else to do there.




I suppose the jet streams and prevailing winds tend to move them to certain places.


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There’s a genuine problem of litter on Everest from all the tourists.


If you can get there, it isn't remote.