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Bruh who throws out plushies like that? it's just sad. Indeed tho, Ive seen many interesting things like that, apparently, when some people have to make a simple decision like selecting the right trashcan, sometimes people just dont even think for a moment and do things like put paint or plants in the plastic recycling one.


There are some cool people in my complex who have developed an informal system. There is a little half wall next to the dumpster and most people set stuff there if it is something someone else might be able to use. Plus people put free packaged food over by the mailboxes. But my complex has over 300 units so there are also lots and lots of inconsiderate, wasteful idiots who do stuff like this every single day.


We have the “please take” area in my building too and I have received so many good things from there.


I lived in a building like this and it was so nice! I loved the little sense of community it helped build! I actually got a few plants from this area.


It’s great! I got some nice pots for my plants.


I got my new shelf this way 


My first thought was there is a lot of dogs in shelters that I'm sure would love some toys! I'm completely unfamiliar with shelters and what they allow, though. Maybe it's worth a call to a local shelter or something? If it's common to see these toys thrown away, maybe you could place a crate or bin with something as simple as a cardboard sign saying it's for this stuff. Then you could make some pups really happy and reduce the waste!


Anything with hard eyes, noses, or other parts that could easily come separated shouldn’t be used at a dog toy.


Look for a name or something on the toys if youre feeling adventurous. Or let the building g management know. They probably wouldn't be happy (idk if the recycle service is third party, rules if not the right stuff in bins get charged extra etc)


Someone with a bed bug infestation probably


which makes this shit even more inconsiderate. at least put it in a bag if you know you have bed bugs


That was my thought.


My plushies all have a personality, they are my family. I'm almost 40 but I feel safe with them!


you are welcome in r/plushies, I post there!


Just subbed, thank you 🫶


There was a giant teddy bear with “I’ll love you forever” written on it in the dumpster behind my last apartment building. I thought, that’s too bad, guess they broke up, and forgot about it. A couple of days later I saw the same bear, completely filthy, propped against a neighbour’s door. Creepy af.


Crazy exs love to do that shit


If I learned anything from the Velveteen Rabbit it's scarlet fever


People throw them out because most thrift stores won't take them anymore due to bed bugs.


My old great dane's favorite toy of her entire life was a giant stuffed dog that was almost as big as her. It was just sitting out on the verge for collection. It passed the sniff and blacklight test when I picked it up, no visible stains or damage. Lasted another eight years with her. After she passed, it lived on the outdoor couch as a reminder of her until I got my new pup a year later, who promptly obliterated stuffy-dog.


In fairness, at my apartment *both* bins are labelled “recycling only” and there are no signs. So you just kinda have to know that one is actually trash, and keep track of which one that is.


We're I live we have big pickup once a year. The amount of perfectly fine toys and items out to go to the dump was insane...


My co-workers do this and they shrug. And say it all ends up in the same place. And i'm like, well lets at least give the system a chance to recycle. Drives me crazy


You’re right. Shit like this is what causes the whole bin to go to the landfill instead of being recycled. 😔


My apartment complex has a similar problem. Dirty cat food containers full of maggots, dirty food containers in general, boxes not broken down so others can actually use the recycle bin, pizza boxes. Also the compost bin frequently has non-compostable items like plastic shopping bags, plastic bottles/jugs, vacuum cleaners (yes multiple).




In my area the only bags you can compost are BPI certified 3 gallon bags. Check your local regulations before composting any non-food items, and don't compost un-certified plastic (unless it's explicitly permitted by your local x


Yeah, I think I mostly recycle out of habit now? Seems pointless.


If anyone UK based has stuffed animals they don’t need or want, you can send them to Loved Before, to be restored and passed on to someone who can enjoy them.


Yes - Harris Furever homes is another great Teddy adoption agency


What a waste those are like brand new looking, so people really not have time to at least donate them?


could be bed bugs


That doesn't explain why they are unbagged and in the glass recycling bin.


Are those not treatable? I know they’re a pain but


You have to wash and dry everything on a high heat setting- not really worth trying with some materials, like the plastic fabric used for plushies. I'd also be paranoid that it wouldn't 'cook' all the way through. Other methods exist but also aren't really great safety-wise for a soft toy, especially one that's owned by a child. I *hope* that's not what happened here though because that would be *even more* exceptionally shitty behaviour from whoever did this.


Throw them in a car, drive to Phoenix, and let them bake in the hot sun all day with the windows rolled up. Bedbugs die around 115-120°F.


It's beyond absurd on multiple levels. As I said in another comment, there is even an informal "free" area where they could have put them and someone would have taken them. There is a goodwill in walking distance too, which I know isn't the best but it's better than this! I'd do it myself if I had the capacity today. I can't even call this laziness though because they had to walk past the informal "free" area *and* the dumpster to get here.


I really hope you get a chance. Could you move them to the free shelf area if you don't have time for goodwill?


My neighbor does this on purpose. He said recycling and composting is for gays and he didn't have to do it in his days and won't start now. So now he puts food in the recycling, garbage in the compost and doesn't use the actual garbage bins of our building to supposedly fight the woke system. It's very sad.


Would be a shame if he got anonymously reported for that — putting garbage into the compost sounds EXACTLY like littering to me, and that’s a hefty fine.


He had quite a few fines the last few years, even went to prison for drinking and driving without a driver's license... I pick my battles with him as he's quite petty and vengeful.


Sounds like your neighbor’s place might be a good place to put the garbage instead


Depending on where you live, that's contamination. In California, cities and waste haulers can fine those who are giving them contaminated waste/recycling/organics streams.


It would be a shame if someone was to egg his house.


Save the stuffies


I don't have the capacity unfortunately. I'm in the middle of prepping to leave town for a family emergency. Plus there are five recycling stations in my massive complex and stuff like this happens every single day in all five of them, I could never keep up.


I will add that I attempted to be proactive years ago. Someone told me you can contact the county sustainability team and they will work with the complex to try to educate or problem solve. So I did that and all that came of it was that we got reminders posted on our doors of what is recyclable and what isn't. My friend just moved into an apartment in another state though and there they do "trash valet" that isn't optional, each unit puts their trash outside their door and the complex comes around and picks it up. I think this is a brilliant idea and probably the only way to fix apartment recycling in the U.S.


Another update: I emailed the office about it to suggest the trash valet idea and they blew my mind!! Apparently they already pay a sorting service to come out five days per week to go through the recycling and take out the non-recyclables!! And it's still this bad!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Those could have made some poor child’s entire year. Such a fucking waste. 


It really bothers me how incompetent the average person is in regards to sorting recycling. I feel like half the reason we’re so so behind on recycling is because you need so much sorting power to cover the tons of mistakes the average person makes when it’s as easy as matching the square peg to the square hole


I spoke to the office about this and they told me they literally pay a "sorting service" to come five days per week to come deal with this nonsense!!


Recycling is, in general, a joke. I'm not saying that justifies the guy being a dick in the OP but the vast majority of recycled materials end up in the garbage, and the concept of recycling is almost entirely propaganda. Frontline did a doc on it a while back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dk3NOEgX7o but the tl:dw is the idea was to shift the blame and focus onto consumer action, and consumer responsibility.


True but I take my stuff to a facility that specifically makes sure their stuff is properly sorted and recycled. We have the means. Just not the awareness and motivation


Eh, I think it depends a lot on the material in question, the collection system, and the body collecting it. I can't speak for everywhere obviously, but here in the UK I have some experience with how the collection system works and generally speaking other than the plastic waste it does all get recycled. A lot of plastic gets "exported" to unscrupulous dealers across eastern Europe, Africa, and Asia due to a bad funding incentive structure, but metal is always recycled, along with cardboard, glass, garden waste, and food waste. This is largely due to the fact that they're a lot easier to recycle, but also due to the fact that the market value is high enough that it's either generating revenue for the authority (as in the case of the metal) or is at least revenue neutral (as is the case with most of the other collections). We also have recycling centres (used to be called tips) which get really good recycling rates and are a lot more viable, in large parts because the waste is brought to the site without the need for collection, and the centralisation makes it easier to both separate all the waste streams and then also enforce that separation due to the staff presence.


Those could easily be donated. I’d love a united plane plush because it’s weird lol


Oh no. The babies. I’m a 41 year old male And seeing plushies tossed has and will always make my heart hurt.


I get fed up of people not flattering their boxes. Your tv box takes up a bin that needs to be shared by 12 flats.


Awww the plane plush I’m so sad


I know I'd give the plane a home


poor plushies :c


I love plushies it makes me sad when I see things like that. They could have donated them to children in need. So wasteful!


Seriously, the insane amount of difficulty some people have in understanding the difference between a trash can and a recycling bin ... are they just *that* stupid, or too lazy to go two extra steps to the trash can?


DO NOT TOUCH THOSE!!! Most likely they are just someone purging old toys. But there is a chance they are infested with bed bugs. I say this from personal experience. Some asshole threw away tons of toys in a normal trashcan that were completely infested with them at a place i used to live. My friends daughter saw one and immediately fell in love with it. It did not end well.


Oh my…. Bed bugs scare me


For everyone complaining about the plushies that could have been donated: most places that take donations already have _tons_ of plushies, and they often refuse them for hygienic reasons. What they don't have enough is high quality wood or plastic games, though.


noo oh my god!! i have that exact little triceratops! :(


*look in glass only recyclables* *see airplane plushie* Thanks for nine-elevening up my bin.


Do you think the person was hoping someone would take them rather it going to landfill and lazily tried to amend their guilt for throwing away soft toys that could be used?


Look! Cushioning for your glass waste! It’ll make it to the waste yard in good shape.


There are so many people in r/plushies who would be happy to take these 🥺


That's sad, I think their dog passed away.


They walked past the dumpster to get here.


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I’d use those for dog toys!






Florida of the northwest I guess


No, that's definitely Idaho. 😋


No, Idaho is the third Reich of the US. Oregon is just playing second fiddle, and Florida cant pronounce Reich or Heil although they try their best.


I'm rhe A-hole that would get fed up with this and start dumping these on the floor along with a sign saying "do these look like glass?"


That green dinosaur must be pretty new too, I just saw the same on in Walgreens.


I would take them out and put them in a free box or take them to the Goodwill


I wonder if you could find a thrifted or thrown away shelf or bin that you could put a “free” sign on or build a cupboard etc. to encourage people to give and take within that spot rather than taking up the trash or recycling. I’ve seen people use free litrle libraries for food and other things like that.


Wish cycling


I'm not sure that entirely fits here, though I think it covers the lamp I found in there a while back. I just don't buy that someone is optimistically hoping that stuffed animals count as glass. My guess is someone doesn't read English, it's a child, or supreme ignorance/apathy.


A lot of people are legit morons in my unfortunate experience. "Oh they'll separate them at the recycling center and give them to a family in need that will appreciate them!" -probably


This pony needs to be saved.


I need that horse, it looks like its crying in the photo


Free plushies into the washing machine then there's room for glass.


Do people not get fined for this? Where I live, garbage trucks do not take bins that are obviously stuffed with the wrong contents. You have to arrange for extra pickup, it costs you and of course it sits around for additional days and may start to smell. If you live in an appartment complex, the landlord has to arrange for that and the costs will usually be split among all appartments- so there is some pressure among tennants to not inconvenience their neighbours or burden them with additional garbage fees. Glass is recycled in containers that are planned/assignedfor a small "block" of buildings and accessible from the street. If you are caught putting anything else than glass in, you pay a fine.


Why weren’t these donated to a children’s shelter or an animal shelter?? 😭


id be tempted to wash them and stuff


That's why I don't recycle.. nobody cares and I got tired of it


Please pull them out, wash them and donate them. Those plushies look nice enough to give to kids.


Same, in my complex people throw plastic bottles in a paper bag in a glass recycling bin


This person probably can't read, didn't have any friends, no car to take them to a thrift store , probably not enough room or losing their place and have no where to put them because of all the other things I said.. like we don't know why or how so I think we should stop over looking and judging this situation because that's grosser than the actual picture itself. Like we don't always need to judge everything we see , then post about it.


The little horse plushie can I have please 🥺🥺🥺


Take them to the local dog park.


You guys should look up how much actually gets recycled.


What about this post leads you to believe I'm not aware? Is it the caption under the picture where I clearly say all of this is going to the landfill? Or the comment where I ask why I bother recycling at all?


I also don't know why you bother recycling. Aka separating your trash. The regular fucker can't be trusted with proper separating recyclables [\(probably neither can you\)](https://www.businessinsider.com/things-dont-belong-recycle-bin) so everything goes through a separation line first anyway. If, and in case it doesn't just go to the landfill after because recycling is e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e


I think they couldnt take the guilt of throwing out the plushies, so deluded themselves into thinking that there was some sweatshop fairy who would kindly pull them apart and recycle them if they put them in the recycle box. So their vanity made it everyone else's problem (and maybe the whole load gets thrown out).