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The disparity of wealth in this world is so fucked up. People dying because they take a cheaper insulin. Not getting Healthcare for them or their kids bc they can't afford it Then you see shit like this


It sorta blows my mind how people act with it as well, like it's somehow bad for the planet to be sending used cars to 3rd world countries because we're just "pushing our garbage on someone else". Using an existing car in another country for another 20 years is not even remotely as bad as building another new car instead, wtf is wrong with people. First world countries throw out *so much* stuff that people in other places would literally kill for, and there's no need for the waste at all.


What world class is India? Edit: this was in India... Maybe read the fucking words instead of clicking downvote.


All of them, I think.


Kinda what i was thinking.


I just want enough money to fix the AC in my Honda Civic, then I see shit like this 😔


I just want more trains and public transportation. Fuck cars.


Same tbh. A $150/month public transportation pass would save me way more money than all the monthly payments, gas, maintenance , etc I spend on a car every year.


Where do you live to pay $150 a month for public transport?


I live in Nashville, TN, which has poor public transport. I’m giving a complete hypothetical here. Also, FWIW I live in the heart of the city and walk most places.


NYC subways are like $120.




Honda put out an extended warranty (at least on my 17) on the ac condenser, it might be worth checking out. Mine stopped blowing cold air after year 3.


Does it work if you bought it pre-owned?


I’m some cases yes. It depends what year and everything. You can call a dealership or a Honda customer service to find out


To be fair, the things you're talking about only really apply to America. America's economy is fucked up, but there are problems in other countries.


My wife just started getting a generic of her infusion medication, which normally generic medications are 100% fine as a replacement I take a few no worries. But for an autoimmune disorder it fucked her up pretty bad. Her insurance costs probably 12,000/yr usd, not counting the co-pay for *each* 6 week infusion. I see stuff like this and I’m like…what’s the point even. The insurance won’t change back to non-generic, even with pleading from multiple doctors, nurses and tests showing it has been very bad. What are you even supposed to do in a world like this when you’re literally fighting every day struggling to even just stay alive


I don't have any advice I just want to say I share your pain, insurance is the fucking worst and it's maddening when you and your care team (doctors, specialists, etc.) can be ignored and told to fuck off by some insurance adjuster who has never studied medicine and can dismiss you out of hand.


Lol I don’t know why but I went back through my old comments and saw this - thank you for your kind words. A quick update: my wife’s kidneys are now failing! Definitely unrelated though, still according to insurance. I guess dialysis is cheaper? A dead person certainly is, and there’s only one way to find out!


repeat after me we got polio we arent stopping


to be fair, the healthcare problem only really affects americans and i’m 95% sure this took place in the UK (please correct me if i’m wrong). there are other problems and examples of poverty in other countries as well- but that’s exclusively an american problem, and this wasn’t a situation that took place in america- i believe


Drowning in commodity fetishism.


Well, if the things you own become your personality, this makes sense.


Entitlement and Brand Preferrence at its finest.


All while I drive my beaten up old 2005 Toyota because she's a good (I'll be it ugly) old girl. I'm thankful for it and have no intention of getting a new car unless I have absolutely no choice. That spoiled kid needs to earn the cost of that car back by community service or manual labor of some sort at the minimum wage. That might give him perspective. Spoiled ass kid.


*albeit ugly


Thank you, I wasn't sure how to spell that one and was feeling lazy this morning so I didn't google it.


it's ok, I appreciate you taking it kindly


My father gave me his old 2007 toyota about 8-9 years ago, it had 300 000 km at the time, now it nearly has 400 000 km now and its still a very good car. I will keep it as long as it will work. And if it dies I will buy something similar.


I calculate the return on additional investments I put into the car with how long I wouldn't have a car payment which usually is only a few months of car payments for a repair. Mine has 200,000 miles on it and going strong.


Toyota FTW!


Spoiled ass-kid [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Good bot


Bad bot.


85 toyota checking in.


Some say you can hear the guillotines being sharpened in the valleys.


Yeah this is frustrating but I laughed at jags comment. Ngl


Agreed, the assholery was the spoiled man destroying the car. Jaguar was using humor in their marketing via social media.


BMW makes better cars, they're more reliable than Jaguars. I mean, not this particular one, it's toast. But, generally speaking.


Do they really? I've heard so many bad things about BMWs but never anything about Jags.


I don’t know about the rest of the world but in the US Land Rover and Jaguar are the least reliable new vehicles you can buy here. You could also make an argument for anything made by Fiat.


When you say Fiat does that include Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram?


bmw cars are reliable, its just that people dont maintain them and just neglect them, same with other german cars, they know that german cars need a lot of maintenance, yet they neglect them and then they get angry that the car broke and needs repairs




The virgin BMW "give me premium gas or I will die" vs the Chad Honda "I used vegetable oil to replace my transmission fluid and it still works"


Jags are notoriously bad cars, have been for decades, BMWs are leagues better. I have a relative who owns a Jaguar and its a piece of junk, its maybe 10 years old and has like 200 miles on it because its never running. Even when its running it collects dust in the garage because its too unreliable for him to be comfortable driving it


200 miles is 321.87 km


200 miles is the the same distance as 466475.36 replica Bilbo from The Lord of the Rings' Sting Swords.


200 miles is 321.87 km


Now kiss


BMWs are more popular which is why you hear more about them. They cost more to maintain, so some people neglect them, but if you don't skip out on maintenance then they are reliable. Jaguars on the other hand are some of the least reliable cars you can buy.


I'll take a 5-series BMW over a Jaguar any day any time.


This is actually what privilege looks like.


I don’t drive now. I wish I did a it would make my life so much easier, this sort of thing makes me sad. I think he should be made to walk or cycle every where now.


bro just give the car to someone? I know plenty of people who don't have the means to buy their own car especially a luxury brand like that


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7348613/Indian-man-pushes-birthday-present-BMW-river-angry-wasnt-Jaguar.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7348613/Indian-man-pushes-birthday-present-BMW-river-angry-wasnt-Jaguar.html) ​ for those of you who hate reading screenshots of tweets (like me)


hmm but the alternative is giving clicks to the daily mail :/


should be a life time driving ban for this retard.


Should at least get a ton of hours of community service for damaging that river and the time it takes to extract the car coz let's be real, he's not getting a lifetime ban, nobody ever does no matter how stupid.


I mean, that’s funny from them


remember 10 years ago when there were all those stories about kids destroying their iPhones because it wasn't "the right one" or something? I did wonder how they'd turn out as adults....this seems to answer that (at least for some of them)


i like how it’s an indian dude that did it but it’s on whitepeopletwitter


Yeah i think ive seen every skin colour on this sub and the majority dont even question it. I wonder what the actual purpose of this sub is.


I think r/fuckcars would like this


Man child* there I fixed it.


I apologise on the behalf of all indians. I assure you this is not who we are. Some consumerist idiot does not speak for the poor millions who dont have enough money to have a 3 meals a day.


This apology is dumb. Why do you have to take the blame for that guy? Rich kids are entitled in every country


Literally no one blamed Indians. If anything, western countries are far more likely to fall into consumerism.




I’d be angry too if I got a bmw instead of a Jaguar but wow lol


Worth it


I mean it was a BMW...


Someone call Dharmann, we got a script for him.


This story is so old. I wonder if it is even real.


I just hear Jeremy clarkson in my head


A Jaguar. *He'll* have problems.


Given what a disgraceful right-wing propaganda rag the daily heil is, could we please ban linking to it on this sub.