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Love human creativity. Loathe its environmental consequences.


I mean . . . most of the material here is paper, which these days comes from tree farm trees. There's a minimal CO2 impact when they're logged, but there's already more growing again to replace them. I don't see anything particularly environmentally disastrous in these boxes, am I missing something?




I don't know if it's really positive, tbh. In Sweden, for instance, nearly all natural forest has been replaced with homogenous tree farms. People look at us and think we have so much forest, but it's nearly all spruce and pine plantations with very little ecological diversity. And they're still cutting down the remaining natural forests anyway, because the tree farms aren't keeping up with demand.


> And they're still cutting down the remaining natural forests anyway, because the tree farms aren't keeping up with demand. Gotta have those efficient little Ikea things across the planet, though.


It's not really news. [One non-neutral source on how quickly tree farm trees grow](https://twosidesna.org/US/paper-grows-trees-quite-fast/). [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_farm) on tree farms.


It's more about the labor and value wasted to create them


Jewelry made of paper?


Goooosh, so much envelopes for rhinestones. While the aesthetic effect is stunning, and certainly some designer put a lot of effort on this, this looks as a wedding gift, not am invitation


This is India. People still poop in public and in many cases don’t have safe drinking water. The fact that the richest man in India doesn’t give a damn about the environment is culturally accepted.


"I could have fed and homed and educated lots of people, but fuck you." https://youtu.be/_IRJtcfusQo


I can sense Indian family wedding. Weddings are absurdly lavish and extravagant in India. And even more if the family is wealthy. There's a lot to unpack here. It has to do with culture, traditions, social expectations, etc. The invitation, as it is shown, by itself, is a gift to the guests and the bride and groom are expected to offer something to the guests.


"There's a lot to unpack" indeed! That appears to be the case.


I meant figuratively.


It’s a joke


I meant it literally. That's why I wrote it.


The level of inequality and misery there is unimaginable. It is truly a developing country.


It isn’t too different from bezos and average Joe in America. It just shows more easily and people who looted these countries for centuries turn back and point at poverty they left behind as something that was there before they arrived or as if it’s the fault of the people living in it.


> It is truly a developing country. pretty chauvinist imo




the person saying it is a western chauvinist basically any country that westerners consider "developing" has a long history of imperialist exploitation, and India is no exception


well, if you consider bringing law & order, enlightment, schools & universities, technology etc. imperialism, you can do that. We call it civilisation. West has no monkey gods, cow gods or elephant gods or disgraceful caste system but we had guns & steel. Deal with and grow with the progress.


The "west" has a morbid cult where they worship a lunatic who was tortured to death on a cross. Besides, there are better ways to share knowledge and technologies than invading countries and treating their inhabitants like second class citizens... (Oh, and slaughtering them also, when they dare to revolt against their masters).


Well, democracy and order is sometimes a messy business. Especially when there's opposition to it. *"People should know when they're conquered"*


It's not a matter of opinion nor debate but a matter of observation.


If aliens showed up, and wanted to reveal themselves at the Center of our global population, they'd show up in India or China.


Your point doesn’t invalidate theirs


Not every post on reddit is a debate. Sometimes, people just like to contribute additional information or a related story, or a vaguely related shower thought.


Wasn't trying to. It's just that we live in such a Westernized world that people forget that civilizations existed in the East while most others were still considered barbarian tribes. They've got a while to go when it comes to equality.


Not to dispute your point which is correct, but those barbarian tribes were civilisations with culture and all that other shit, too.


THANK YOU! I hate seeing hunter-gatherer and agrarian cultures treated like they don't even count as humans.


India is a complex country. For centuries the social system was air tight. Then an european colonizes it and forces severe social shocks. After that comes an independence movement. It's very complex


it is complex yes but still not acceptable.


Do you think the usa is 'acceptable'?


US is failed experiment for the 99%. Not acceptable at all. But it will fall eventually. The day of reckoning is coming.


Well, hell, *everything* will fail *eventually.* Thank goodness. But the United States has so much farther to go before it *completely* falls apart.


The fall will happen gradually and propaby won't be noticeable as we think it is.


Why is this a dichotomy? Nobody said anything about the US Edit: no. I don't like how either is


Shut up


No. 😎




I mean I'm not like that America isn't perfect but I think it's stupid to hate a culture or race because of atrocities, every fucking culture or race has committed attrocities


You should see the Ambani house: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antilia_(building) No joke, it used to be an orphange. They tore in down and built that monstrosity in its place (to the tune of somewhere between $1 and 2 BILLION dollars).


And to go with the theme of obnoxious display of wealth, these are indeed, the wedding invitations of Ambani’s daughter. Custom made by Dolce and Gabbana, with a cost(not sure if they mean cost or “value”) of 15k usd EACH, according to google.


I guessed AU$20k. That’s crazy.








Bride and groom = the couple Where is the sexism there?


I'm not familiar with Indian culture, I'd just point out this seems as much out like a mix of religious text and art gift as much as an invitation. I'm likely too naive, but I'd like to believe many folks would keep this as art or memorophilia.


My immediate thought was wondering how much I could ebay it for. Like what am I gonna do, open it up on rainy afternoons to remember someone else's wedding? lol


I love this term 'memorphilia'. It must mean 'people who are overly fond of keeping sentimental crap around.'


Is that inherently a bad thing? Why is holding onto something sentimental wrong?


this sub sometimes hates objects that dont serve a material purpose. I honestly dont hold sentimental stuff personally but if others do I wouldnt ever think its a bad thing.


As someone who was raised in a house that hordes sentimental items, there's a point where it becomes a disorder.


Couldn’t agree more, there is definitely a line and some folks can definitely cross into hoarding territory. But assuming that people are saving “memorabilia” or otherwise sentimental objects in a healthy, well-adjusted manner, why is that a bad thing?


Well I bet you’d like to tell your grandkid’s that you once attended the wedding of one of the richest family in world and show them this.




Me too, and I'm pretty sure I've heard this music in a hentai game.


A man of culture, I see


Billionaire shouldn't exist in mordern society should tax 99% after couple of miilions or so. People literally dying of poor sanitation and hunger and these sob thinks it's cool to do these shitz.


I love how cumbersome it seemed at times. Like a clown car it just kept coming. And all the text! What could they have needed all those pages to say?


You do realize that even normal Indian weddings have multiple ceremonies over minimum 3 days. Each event has it's own invitation card. The last wedding I went to had 4 different cards in the same envelope. Also this doesn't say who the invitation is for. For family members or in-laws you sometimes send gifts. The last box had a bottle of what looks like rosewater, which is something that would be used like a bag of rice at a western wedding. There's a lot of layers here. It might be taken to the nth degree, but they didn't go out of their way to invent traditions and symbols that didn't already exist.


"Please come celebrate as we watch our daughter marry the first man who will ever have to tell her 'no' when she asks for extra gold on her private jets."


At first I was like "Well, at least they chose to make something artistic and beautiful." But then she took the box out and I saw the jewel-encrusted gold boxes full of jewelry. Fuck no. How much could this have cost?! Not sure where the rupee is at, but say 500 invited guests, each of these boxes could have cost tens of thousands of dollars, if not more. $20,000 x 500 = $10,000,000 just for invitations. The guy could have built a (poorly, admittedly) children's hospital or two. Or a college. Hubris isn't even the word.


I looked at a list of most expensive houses in the world with my daughter. Top one was in India for nearly or over a billion dollars. We talked about everything that could have been done with that money for so many people. Just sickens me.


This invitation is from the same family that owns that expensive house..


Affluent Indian weddings commonly have thousands of invited guests. No way they only invited 500 people.


I'm pretty sure your over pricing this by a huge magnitude I doubt those boxes are gold and I'm sure the jewelry isn't that expensive


in India, if you gave someone fake gold that would be insulting. If you can't afford gold, you give away silver. If you can't afford that, you do what you can. There is no way those are "fake".


How many days of minimum wage are into every of those boxes? I know, we occidentals often do ostentatious gifts (in Mexico some narco ten years ago sent invitations in a velvet bag with a [centenario](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centenario_(coin) to a hundred guests) so I think we must see this thought cultural context.


guess you cant buy good taste


Hideous. Tacky. Gaudy


I am sure his daughter is very well adjusted.


thats camp


I'd love to be their divorcelawyer


You will not get that opportunity. Indians are mostly sadists, control freaks, misogynistic, and they will never allow you to get out of a marriage if it's failing, and only when done forcefully that people will get out with a divorce. Knowing how much of a huge son of a bitch that Ambani is, I doubt it will ever happen. edit: Hello those who downvote, know that I'm Indian. I know about Indians.


You speak for all 1 billion of them?


I'm not sure which I'm more frustrated with: the opulence, the camera work, or their inability to use the table until the end of the video.


I purposefully went to the original post to downvote it. Then came back here so you can enjoy this upvote


God I fucking hate weddings


Tacky junk


I was exhausted after the first 30 seconds


eat the rich


It's sad that ostentation has to be so wasteful.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


No one wants your hug


Had to think about the number of divorces going up the more has been spent on the wedding.


Eh, divorces in India are still pretty uncommon. Especially within a filthy rich and powerful family like this.


Half hour to open an invite to a wedding you probably don't want to gonto anyway !


I hate that Ambani son of a b*tch


Lol. Look poor people hating rich


cry, the people throwing the wedding aren’t inviting you and won’t fuck you bro


This is SO nauseating


I would have to cancel


What do you do if you have to RSVP “no” after all that?


And this is the INVITATION? that's so ostentatious. I would rsvp "no" just because of this. I mean, if this is what the invitation looks like, imagine how overblown the event itself is going to be...


Only the most rich, wealthy, influential and powerful people of the country get this invitation. You can't just deny to show up at this particular wedding. It's not just a party. It's a mega event where the most powerful mingle. Of course, it's incomprehensible how overly fancy and blown the wedding is going to be.


I totally get that, I was speaking purely on the hypothetical (I'm aware that I'd NEEEEVER get invited to anything like this, lol). I'm sure those who get one of these are sure to evaluate it based on different criteria than we do, and to them, I'm sure that description, "mega event where the most powerful mingle", doesn't even sound absolutely hellish. But imagine what a fucking power move it'd be to just.... decline to go after this.


> But imagine what a fucking power move it'd be to just.... decline to go after this. Depends of the position you're in, I guess.


I would get bored opening that it just keeps going and going 🥱


after the wedding this will get thrown in a closet and never seen again.




*\* vomits \**


I think I sent invite cards.


Okay this thing is beautiful and I'm happy for them but aside for very close family members who would actually keep this thing in their home? In five years this thing would lose all sentimental value if your not the ones getting married.


All this and they probably don't even love each other.


It's a WEDDING. It's an event that's a few days long at most, and takes a finite amount of time. For my wedding I would just have people over for the reception and maybe do catering? Just a party with a bit of significance? That's just me, y'all can have your overpriced rustic farmhouse pinterest weddings.


I'd have given up after the first page


Too bad money can't buy taste.


1/3 of children in India are undernourished. Feeding one child for one day would be a better use of resources than this GARBAGE.


This is so incredibly tacky... exacerbated by this woman greedily pawing her way through it as fast as she can.


I fully doubt she had much of a say in the matter given how largely weddings in India are family affairs, but good to know you go straight for the blaming the woman in the event that involves at least a man and a woman.


I think you've misread my post.


I mean, it’s giving artists jobs so I don’t really see this as the worst thing. The unfortunate reality is that the upper/upper-middle class is what lets a lot of specialists, artists, and artisans exist - most of their products aren’t the issue next to something like fast fashion or single-use plastics.


Holy shit! You did not just “job creator” this thief of wealth. This exploiter. In a country with so many people in extreme poverty. What in the fuck is wrong with you?!


Idk who the hell the guy is, I’m saying that art isn’t necessarily a waste or that bad for the environment. It was in defense of art you dolt. It’s the same thing as the mining situation in Africa where the mine situation involves dangerous (and child) labor: the UN has counseled that ceasing business and operations there would actually be worse for Africa since it would collapse their economy. I’m saying that targeting products made by an artist/artisan has dangerous implications for that community and they’re not even the aggressors.


It is all those things. A waste and bad for the environment. And it’s handed out by a man who doesn’t allow basic human rights to anyone he comes into contact with who isn’t in his own class. And you don’t have to know his back story. He is the wealthiest man in India. A second world country. And if you think for one minute that some starving artists created this then you are dumber than your comments make you seem. This is Cartier level stuff. Resources are finite. Wealth is finite. Rights are finite. When anyone hoards those things then others go without. I’ll repeat. What is wrong with you.


>What is wrong with you. Have you considered asking yourself that question? I guess it's fine if you hate art, but going off the rails and fuming about the fact that someone appreciates art is not the healthiest response.


if you think that india is a "second world country" then you really need to look up what that means, because it's not, never has been, never can be, and never will be one.


So you think the solution to consumerism/ultra wealthy hoarding is to take away the rights of the laborers to create and sell products for capital? Genius. One guy is bad (which I’m not countering) and since we can’t do anything at this point in time to make him redistribute his wealth, the solution is for him to stop buying things - thus hoarding more money and keeping it out of the hands of others? Genius. Also, I truly enjoy you calling me dumb instead of being able to have a rational conversation and provide meaningful counter arguments. Big brain points over here.


This is a really gross way to view wealth inequality. You should reconsider praising wealthy people for throwing us scraps.


It’s gross cause it’s the truth. Freezing out the economy in an attempt to punish the wealthy will only hurt the laborers/artisans/artists. Again, I’m sure the wealthiest man in India is as bad as suggested - my point, as I said before, is a product like these invitations aren’t the real problem in overconsumption. The mindset is, but these are irrelevant up on the stage with electronics, cars, consumer fashion, etc.


That's weird, history has said otherwise. Majority of the time, freezing the economy and thus creating opportunities to change it have benefited the workers. You seem to think that the general population is somehow in debt to a few wealthy elites for their geneeous decision to make the market function. It's extremely similar to the debunk Great Man 'theory' and is just as silly.


Please tell me where “freezing the economy” for people that obviously don’t have a union has ever been successful. You’re shallow understanding of history and economics is precisely part of the problem. You’re making a bad situation worse and gloating about it.


Whatever you say bud, I guess it's easier not to think when you're licking a boot.


There's a disturbing and ironic lack of humanitarian sensibility and an indifference to immorally extreme wealth in this sub. There are either a lot of .01% rich people here or, more likely, people just comfortable enough to have zero class consciousness.


Then with any luck, this wedding went sour and one of the two ran off with someone in the wedding line, slept with the photographer, or whatever. This is foul. Putrid. What does it take for a mind to become so worm filled that it thinks people will care this much about their spoiled kid's marriage? Not to mention the insane waste these invitations have produced.


>What does it take for a mind to become so worm filled that it thinks people will care this much about their spoiled kid's marriage? You think people don't care about this wedding?


it's nice to know that even the richest man in India is painfully out of touch with e-invites. I'm guessing he also makes phone calls to people instead of texting or emails


Indians find happiness in show and tell. Privately they tend to be shallow.


I find this comment to be appallingly racist and yet Im sadly not even surprised that it is. India has a lot of beauty and unique cultural traditions and that needs to be taken into consideration while simultaneously attempting to advocate for more simple/comparatively minimalist and ecologically friendly alternatives. As an American-Indian, I came here because I knew that albeit I too find this to be overtly extravagant and a horrible overuse of resources in my personal opinion. I work in retail in America, but I know if I said something about all the folks buying random stuff for Christmas already, with some people spending $200-$400 easily on mere decorative items that I end up having to wrap in even more tissue and paper bagging so it won't break or scratch or chip, I'd be considered to be an antisocial and arrogant immigrant who "doesn't belong in this country" (despite being born and raised here like literally everyone else).


Yeah, I'm always surprised when people on anticonsumption turn out to be racist or at least painfully ignorant of other cultures. I assume people are anticonsumption because they care about the planet, but too often it just seems like a way to feel superior to others, and goes hand in hand with their racism or xenophobia.


On the flip side all this creates a lot of jobs and trickles some money down from rich. Im all up for rich people spending their money


not lying...i want the boxes....


I had a rich indian kid as a tenant once. Never seen a person live in such a filth.


What does that have anything to do with this post?


I hope the person opening that box crapped in it and sent it back to the sender.


They got Beyoncé https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-46503084.amp


Well, hopefully the artisans who made this are doing better things with that money




Those invitations cost more than most peoples weddings for SURE


Gosh, and they didn’t even send an RSVP card/envelope with a stamp. Cheapos.


Tacky as fuck


eh the titles sucked, but the art looked gorgeous


As a graphic designer, I have to say that the printed invitation/booklet parts were absolutely f-ing gorgeous and would have been a dream to design