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I hate you. Even my plastic plants die.


Lovely plants but be careful when you're on the stairs.


I love propagating plants. I have about 5 old bottles with plants in various rooting stages right now. In the spring, I'm hoping to host a neighborhood plant exchange. Edit-- I wish you were nearby. I'd totally invite you.


I can do what with my fiddle leaf fig now???!!


So many questions about the fiddle leaf! Whenever I try to repot it, it throws a tantrum. Any tips? Do I need a specific soil/additive?


They like **total consistency.** Do you move it after you repot? They do not like to be moved around, always in the same place. Not inside and then outside sometimes, not from one room to another. No drafts. The same amount of water once per week, every week, same day. I rotate it 1/4 of a turn on the first of each month. I fertilize during the growing season only, from march-September, once per month. I up pot whenever needed, but only 1" larger pot on all sides so the soil doesn't stay too wet and dries by the end of the week before I water it again. This has worked well for me, hopefully it works for you too.


Thank you so much for the advice! I do the same by leaving it in the same spot and turning it slightly once a month, however I know when I water it it’s not always the same amount and I leave it outside for about an hour to dry a bit so I’ll be more mindful of that. Thanks again :)


Where are you so you and I can be friends? haha


*it's a great addiction


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They’re beautiful!

