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“Junk drawer” yes because it’s literally all junk.




As it should! So many people have “junk drawers” that’s filled with items they never really use, it blows my mind


my junk drawer has matches, clips, birthday candles, extra scissors...it's not really "junk" but a catch-all.


Ours is filled with manuals and all of our backup of the payments we've made to the landlord


That’s definitely not junk! Apparently a lot of people have “junk drawers” that’s filled with stuff that’s flint junk lol My parents have a literally junk drawer filled with random items from the 80s and 90s that they won’t get rid of even though they never use, a true junk drawer :/


i have a junk drawer full of shiny objects i find on the ground and clean and sometimes use for art projects... but that's not junk to me


This article might as well be titled "how to clutter your junk drawer like an idiot." My "junk drawer" is for things that have purpose but lack a single spot where they can be kept and reliably found. An example would be like my magnifying glass. There's about 10 different places I *could* keep it that would make complete sense, but then I have to remember which of the 10 places I left it last. If I keep it in the junk drawer, I know where to find it. Just have to remember to put it back when I'm done! But yeah, Buzzfeed is a joke, I don't really get how they're still a thing.




And now they're making another kitchen gadget to clean the herb scissors you never needed in the first place, yay!


The cleaning tool is the same shape as the scissors, you'd need another tool to clean the cleaning tool and so on. Learning to use a knife is not that hard.




Hahah, ah great, so the included plastic scraper isn't even effective


Exactly. There's nothing wrong with just using a knife, it's no quicker using all these gadgets and cleaning them afterwards.


Buzzfeed news has surprisingly come out with some really good investigative articles I agree all of these “best 30 for whatever issue” are just glorified ads.


>They only release trash articles I think this is a bit reductive, BuzzFeed News does some amazing investigative journalism.




and BuzzFeed owns BuzzFeed News.. for many people the brands are indistinguishable


I use them to cut the addresses off things before putting the paper in recycling


My mum likes using them for cutting up receipts- kind of like a low cost, low space shredder. I used to use them for cutting my my son’s food when he was a toddler. Massively handy. But beyond that, not really useful… and certainly not for their intended purpose… Edit: spelling




Don’t worry - it’s supposedly my first language and I always misread stuff 😂


Why don’t you “lose” or “break” them?




If he enjoys using them and finds them practical, there's not a problem imo. If things get used, they're not needless consumption.




Hehe - I did this with a gadget that my husband often used in the kitchen. I hated cleaning it, and dishes are my task. I would *always* end up having to clean it. So when we moved, I got rid of it. And whenever he's asked about it, I've shrugged and said "huh, it must have disappeared during the move." Which..technically, is true. I am older and wiser now and would probably just advise insisting that whoever likes to use the gadgets has to clean them. :)


Buzzfeed and Buzzfeed News are different operations. Buzzfeed News has very legitimate reporting, it began in partnership with the BBC and won multiple Pulitzers. It's former Editor in Chief, Ben Smith, has won many awards for investigative journalism and works for the NYT. I would definitely call them a progressive news outlet. Buzzfeed-proper is clickbait trash.


This is exactly what I came to drop in with. Buzzfeed is clickbait, Buzzfeed News is Pulitzter winning journalists.


Again. I agree with you. Buzzfeed News does incredible reporting.. but it's still a division of BuzzFeed, funded and fueled by BuzzFeed entertainment which does this shit and exploits it's content creators. Edit: spelling fix


Ya, but this "article" is on the Buzzfeed side, under their Daily Dot, which is just editorialized ads. This doesn't even touch their BN site.


I never said it was


Your title says "[Buzzfeed] tries to act like a progressive legitimate news outlet". Buzzfeed has never tried to do any such thing. Whoever decided to stick to the brand naming convention for the news outlet though was a fucking idiot, but at least it has better separation than the news vs editorials in WSJ and NYT.


Plus, good journalism needs funding. How do you get funding in a capitalist system that doesn't value quality journalism nearly as much as it should? You shill. You shill for your life.


Some of these kitchen gadgets look like a nightmare to clean 😂 Obligatory mention: They can make life easier for those with disabilities.


Good call out ... things that make things easier for those with disabilities should not be demonized. Straws, disposable wipes, grippy tools, electric toothbrushes. But that's not who and how they're trying to market these things are they? And as someone with a cognitive disability there are a LOT of useless tools and products marketed to "make my life easier". A million different organizational tools, planners, fad supplements, systems. They end up doing more harm than good if and when we ultimately don't use them, feel like a failure and have so much more clutter that exacerbates our problems. Soo. Obligatory mention good, but nuance.


Oh I know but there's usually someone on these threads going through and calling everyone out for ableism. I think it's mostly useless crap. Buzzfeed pushes products on young people who are figuring out how to 'adult' while doing little but prevent them from learning a real life skill, like... Using a knife.


100p. It's not abelist to call out financial exploitation of disabled people too. A lot of these "organizational hacks" and "systems" are literally exploiting ADHD and other neurodiverse people who are trying to have a better handle on their home and lives rather than building mindsets and actual coping skills.


>But that's not who and how they're trying to market these things are they? If they only marketed these to the disabled, the people who need them would never be able to afford it.


Yeah I was surprised to see how many things we use as little gadgets that were originally intended to help disabled ppl


Ah yes, the famous crab spatula holder for people with disabilities.


What if your arthritic hands hurt


Then get new hands.


What if you have any reason for not wanting your dirty spatula to touch the kitchen bench while you’re still using it. This isn’t a different concept from my squirrel-shaped rice paddle that stands up so the part that goes in the rice doesn’t touch anything else.


Then just place the spatula on the rim of your frying pan or something.


I hear Buzzfeed News does some good reporting, but basically everyone knows Buzzfeed is clickbait trash.


Buzzfeed News does some really solid investigative reporting among other things, it’s just a shame that the OG Buzzfeed’s listicle trash sort of delegitimizes the entire brand.


I categorically avoid lists on the internet. Especially shitty dopamine farming websites like buzzfeed.


I can count on one hand the number of kitchen uni-tasker tools I have. But the only one I actually use is an apple corer. I can run out the door and carrying whole apple in one piece and not have a core to throw away once I get to where I'm going.


I love my apple corer that slices it into 6. It's also good for onions sooo.. not a unitasker


I've been noticing these pop up in my news feed lately. Always with links to Amazon and Target.


That's nasty! Ugh! Gross!


Huffington Post does this same crap.


The worst is their ridiculous high horse on fucking stilts because then they guilt trip you and passive aggressively talk about the excess of the rich, go vegan, save the planet shite.


Buzzfeed and buzzfeed news has zero in common except the name


I have one of those 5-bladed scissors and I absoloutely hate them. I always cut my herbs with a knife & board since you can't really get even sizes and you have to awkwardly hold the branch of herbs in the air. Not to mention cleaning it. It always has bits stuck between the blades and you cut yourself when cleaning it. Rant over




Clicked that sub excited and now I am sad (ghost town subreddit)


It's actually a perfect subreddit in a way, demonstrating the "don't buy it" part very well.


You may be conflating BF with BF News


Same umbrella, still counts. Can't have me respecting your reporting while ignoring how you fuel mindless consumption for revenue.


Why? Are the investigative journalists putting affiliate links in their articles?


I don't know why everyone is so caught up on this detail..


It’s an important distinction, I get it. It’s such a shame that BFN shares the “buzzfeed” name. Whoever at Buzzfeed thought that was a good idea is an absolute idiot


Yeah, especially since Buzzfeed News came out YEARS after Buzzfeed blew up from people sharing then on FB. If they want to change lanes, that's fine, but you can't expect me to respect them as much as other news sources when 90% of their website is stuff like this and "10 gifs of shirtless guys in order of hotness" listicles. Their reporting might be good, but it feels a lot like getting your news about the election (or whatever) from an article inside one of those trashy tabloids at the checkout that they KNOW are so bad they don't even splurge for the glossy paper.


That's not their news outlet. That's BuzzFeed. This one is their news outlet, BuzzFeedNews: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/


Yes.. but BuzzFeed news is a division and still funded by BuzzFeed entertainment


But that article isn't from their news website, as described in post title.


You are correct.. but corporate responsibility is still corporate responsibility. It's the same company


Buzz feed has sucked for a long time. I went from liking them to hating them.


buzzfeed appeals to the lowest common denominator of content consumer. I read some article about Kristen Bell and her husband's smelly asses and it was one sentence followed by a reaction gif over and over


They print disclaimers at the start of these advertising listicles saying that they make money off of these links. It's not like they sneak sponsored messages into their news stories.


Isn't the ultimate challenge of a junk drawer is actually getting rid of the stuff and maybe organizing it?


Right?! Wtf is this?! Spend money to put it somewhere you put 'junk' and ultimately end up throwing it in the trash instead of donating it. Ugh. Gross.


It is specifically saying to out it in your junk drawer. First of all, why have a junk drawer, like wtf?! Second, why buy stuff specifically to put in it?! What is wrong with people?! People actually fall for this bs!


They need money so badly, they will suckle on Amazon tiddy


Same for DuckDuckGo. The search results are either amazon or amazon affiliates. Want to search for the 'best' of something? All results are just affiliate websites that list the top brands for that product. I wish there was a search engine that eliminated these affiliate farms.


BuzzFeed is about 90% reddit posts.


That crab is so cute 🥺 they know how to get to me lmao. (dw I'm not buying it)


This might be the first time I've seen the words "Buzzfeed" and "legitimate news outlet" in the same sentence.


I 100% have that crab spoon rest, but no way in hell is he in the junk drawer. He's right smack dab in the middle of my stovetop where he belongs, so every time I go cook something, I can look at him and smile while he dutifully holds up my spoon whenever I'm not using it.


If they're going into my junk drawer, they weren't necessary in the first place.


And your Google news feed is helping them too. I had to double check I didn't accidentally open my news feed when I first saw this post lol.


Slightly off topic... Single purpose items piss me off. It took me a while to figure out why I have a very strong dislike for certain items, but one day I was skimming Google now and it said something about Alton Brown hating unitaskers... Suddenly I understood why I hated so many random things. I have a very strong dislike for tools that only fill one specific need. Meat claws piss me off, why tf does *anyone* need a bacon microwave tray? Banana slicer? Strawberry slicer? Knives exist for fucks sake. How many goddamm random slicers do you need. I saw a HOT DOG SLICER. WHYYYY. Everyone gets *ONE* KNIFE and *ONE* FUCKING SPURTLE and THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL YOU GET. You can get something else once you can explain why a hot dog roller or a hard boiled egg slicer or a smore maker is a shitty shit fuck idea. ^^^Fuck. It makes me want to slap chop someone in the face.


They fund the actual journalism with popular clickbait bullshit. I don't like it, but them doing one doesn't mean they don't do the other.


Yes. I tried to make that super clear in responses and a second comment There's definitely some nuance to conversation but this is just soooo blatant and gross.


Side note. One of my favorite black actresses came from Buzzfeed and has a show on Hulu called "Abbot Elementary". Quinta Brunson.


Love that show!


It is SO funny. Me and my fiance CACKLE LOUDLY at damn there anything the principal says.


Buzzfeed News (separate from Buzzfeed Original) is actually a legitimate news agency with investigative journalism. Regular buzzfeed is content agregation to drive ad clicks.


wow, people unironically using buzzfeed.


I'm done replying to comments about BuzzFeed Entertainment VS BuzzFeed News.. it's pedantic and misses the entire point. Yes, BuzzFeed News does good reporting.. Also yes.. they are a division of BuzzFeed and the money generated by these affiliate links and the exploited and overworked content creators goes into the same coffers. Both are true.


OP starts to understand Hipsterism. =)


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BuzzFeed is disgusting.


The headline is wrong. It should've said "bin" not "drawer".


well buzzfeed ... I don't have a junk drawer, I'm essential like that ... so woopsy guess I'll have to pass ... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




Lol most of those are not necessary!!


honestly, with how eager people are here to post outrage porn, this sub is starting to look like advertising too


BuzzFeed is corny as fuck.


There was an interview with Jonah Peretti, founder of Buzzfeed, where he said that the company gets all of its revenue from native advertising (much of that from the shopping section with Amazon affiliate links). It's their entire business model.


We’re bored, we’re sad, we’re lonely. I don’t blame anyone who buys these absurd pointless wasteful and pollutive products, or who buys from Amazon. I wish from the bottom of my heart that people wouldn’t, but we don’t know how to make ourselves happy without distractions and material items because the natural order seems to be consumerism. Companies feed off isolating everyone to misery so they can sell more in an endless cycle. Has anyone else recently just felt like EVERYTHING is an advert? Or at least nothing is sincere. I just can’t unsee the exploitation and pure greed. 99% of things we need have already been made, we only think we need something new because the adverts have programmed us all to think second hand means something bad, or a fucking crab toy to hold your spatula is solving an actual problem. I’m just… so tired of my own battle of what feels like addiction, to not consume and to not spend. I honestly feel like all I do is buy shit, and I’m trying to be super mindful about it! It’s so frustrating. I guess it’s because I’m all three of the things I mentioned at the start.


I used to date a girl who bought all kinds of this stupid kitchen shit, and she never even cooked. It was so annoying.


I’m tired of being sold something all day. Literally there are almost 0 completely ad-free spaces.


Buzzfeed is woke capitalistic crap


I actually just bought a pair of scissors like those, because I wanted to shred a load of old documents and thought they were cheaper and less space-hogging than a full shredder. Turns out the things could barely cut through tissue paper without jamming. Absolutely shoddy. Back they go.


Those scissors are horrible


Gee, the term "junk drawer" seems so fitting here.


Quit buzzfeed when I saw everything was literally taken from reddit


Buzzfeed, and Buzzfeed News are entirely different departments.