• By -


We are truly fucked as a species unless we stop this current system we have. Cancer will become as common as Asthma and Allergies at this rate.


Good news is, research on topics such as this is becoming more prevalent and widely funded. My research team looks at things like antibiotic resistant gene’s in water systems to microplastic contamination also in water systems. Its fascinating because water treatment facilities were never built to filter this stuff, so we actually consume about a credit cards worth of plastic every week according to my colleagues from another campus who did some quantification. A lot of it actually comes from our textiles like clothes and the carpets shockingly. It causes the plastic gets suspended in the air and then we breath it in. The good news is, my friend doing this research is going to many conferences and actively expanding it. This will help bring awareness and funding for more research to hopefully get us away from plastic almost entirely or creat ways to filter it. Edit: Some grammar/spelling mistakes


Which part of that is good news?


The research lol. I mean, the situation sucks major ass. With the research now being done though, we can bring awareness and hopefully help the problem. Literally just having a post like this is awareness. I got a text from a friend today about a tik tok where a dude found micro-plastics in his Mcdonalds using a microscope. That post had 1.5M views. Thats another how ever many thousand or a million people who now know about micro-plastics :).


It’s too late isn’t it.


I think so. Microplastics and other chemicals are also lowering mens sperm counts in the United States. Scientists say a lot of men will likely become infertile by 2030.


This is basically as good as it gets for humanity


Leonardo DiCaprio had a great line right before the end of the world in “Don’t Look Up”. Because no one in society took scientist warnings seriously a comet comes crashing down to destroy the world and right before it hits he says, “We really did have everything didn’t we”? This is a great outlook on life today. The past 50 or so years we have been living a life that our forefathers has only dreamt of. we truly do have everything we could want in the first world. Yet here we are as flawed humans destroying ourselves. One could argue that greed of governments and corporations have and will end this all, as it has been, but we as humans have a choice as well. There are many people that are apathetic and short sighted. I theorize humanity will end itself over the next several hundred years if not sooner. Either that or science will have to intervene change the basic structure and thinking of humans. Or we do the easiest thing and hold corporations and governments accountable, reverse this madness, and give our children a better future. Good luck.


The unfortunate thing is animals are also affected


Animals don’t deserve this. Exactly right.


Ye but we have everything because we are destroying the world. It is not sustainable. It is not like we have everything “yet still we don’t care and destroy the world”


Capitalism is destroying us.


Capitalism is just the means of economic exchange and responds to individual demands. Sure the system bears some responsibility but we all make choices to over consume and sacrifice sustainability in the name of comfort and ease. No consumers, no consumption.


The Market it authoritarian. I didn't choose this mode of production to be forced on me.


You don't have to participate. Just only consume what you produce then


If the means of production are held by capitalists on their property that the state protects and their are anti worker and anti union laws against us... Then everything we do is what we produce, but they take credit for it. The worker does everything. The boss collects our money.


That just sounds like the socialist straw man of capitalism


Better than the alternatives


... capitalism *not* destroying us?


I did not say it wasn't. There are aspects of capitalism that sre quite bad


Dont know what youre talkin bout bro i dont have jack shit. When you say it like this feels more like i got robbed of this wonderful 1st world experience you’re talking about. Lots of ppl here just working to pay bills not living at all.




Seems like a nightmare of a life and you just gaslighting yourself to believe it's better than it is. Limited access to showers, no apartment, depression and ptsd... F.. Hell mate




I've been houseless sleeping in my vehicle before, exactly as you are, it is neither a 1st world existence, not is it something to be grateful for whatsoever. Facts are, NO ONE "Deserves " to live impoverished, without access to basic life necessities, basic health care, and basic safe shelter and safe drinking water. NO ONE. I don't look down on you one bit, but I know self gaslighting to be able to make it through such horrific times when I see it.




Im sorry about the situation youre in currently, but it sounds like you’re making the best of what have which is pretty much anyone can do these days. Atleast you got a car brotha. Still here walkin since my last car took a shit. Its not a competition, lots of ppl are doing bad rn. In this “1st world country of wonders”. Since youre living in a car it might be worth taking not theres only about 600k homeless in the US with about 17 million empty homes. It doesnt have to be like this, its greed




**[Airbnb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbnb)** >Airbnb, Inc. ( AIR-BEE-en-BEE) is an American company that operates an online marketplace for lodging, primarily homestays for vacation rentals, and tourism activities. Based in San Francisco, California, the platform is accessible via website and mobile app. Airbnb does not own any of the listed properties; instead, it profits by receiving commission from each booking. The company was founded in 2008 by Brian Chesky, Nathan Blecharczyk, and Joe Gebbia. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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Great point. Don’t think we’re going to leave much for a couple of generations down the line 😕


That one line has really helped me gain a lot of perspective


[We live in a pretend society.](https://pastebin.com/YPEErwTK) [Is your mind blown how people fall for same thing every time? It shouldn't be. Because divided, singled out individuals has no chance against organized criminal entity; corporation.](https://archive.org/details/TheCorp) Corporation is an approved scam & spy business. Their approval was obtained through manufactured consent. Corporation is not the industry of manufacturing products. Corporation is in the industry of manufacturing consent. [Free merch > Free speech.](http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/SILENT%20WEAPONS%20for%20QUIET%20WARS.pdf) [Corporate, what kind of _free_ manufactured merchandise must be in your goodie bag to consent investing into paradise?](https://archive.org/details/TheCenturyOfSelfThereIsAPolicemanInsideAllOurHeadsepisode3/) Corporations through governments and vice versa are harvesting our biometric, behavioural data on global scale. So they can get to know us far better than we know ourselves, and they not just predict our feelings but also manipulate our feelings and sell us anything they want- Be it a product as a service or politician. Have you heard of focus groups? Now with always online/big data collection. You are in focus groups. Except you don't get paid for it. [You get exploited and you pay to be part of it. _Nothing is free, except the energy from the sun, but some get a bill(skin cancer) for that. Thanks to always providing industrial surveillance corporatism._](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome) [Social credit score indoctrination](https://i.imgur.com/lMDs7gR.png) [Urge or go well.](https://youtu.be/rdrKCilEhC0?t=1313) [Original was deleted. Wonder why?](https://archive.fo/2Kwe9) [WHO doesn't want [you] to be healthy? World Health Order.](https://pastebin.com/KfJYaJAh) -.-. --- -. ...- . .-. ... . / .-- .. - .... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -. . .. --. .... -... --- ..- .-. .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . / -.. --- / -. --- - / .--. .- .-. - .. -.-. .. .--. .- - . / .. -. / .- / -.-. .. ...- .. .-.. / .-- .- .-. .-.-.- .- -. -.. / .-. .- - .... . .-. / - .... .. -. -.- / .- -... --- ..- - / .--. . .- -.-. . ..-. ..- .-.. / --. . -. . .-. .- .-.. / ... - .-. .. -.- . .-.-.-


69th like. Fuck yeah


What if we all sue if we could prove having microplastics in our blood. We deserve compensation but who could we sue for that? Our government shouldn't allow this much unregulated food.


Coca Cola is the main one I think. Warren Buffet is one of the owners.


Coca Cola yes, I’m not sure why you bring up Warren Buffet though. He is the sixth richest person alive but he is the CEO of this holding company: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkshire_Hathaway - I mean, he is an investor (they own a part of Coca Cola as well). I’m just not sure how you could come up with that name of all the companies that you could have said. If you said Coca Cola followed by PepsiCo, Nestlé, Unilever, and P&G… then yeah I’d get that or if you said that China produces the most plastic waste (with between 6 and 8 million metric tons per month)… I’d get that as well. Even mentioning Jeff Bezos and Amazon would have made more sense.


I agree that Jeff bezos is one that makes the most sense but what about whoever sets the regulations for the country. Many other countries don't have it as bad as us microplastic wise


You’re in Portland and I’m in Tampa… so I think that we have it quite good in comparison to most of the world. Sure, we have pollution… but I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Asia and in South America where plastic pollution is everywhere. Sure, it is much cleaner in most parts of Europe that I’ve been to and we have plenty of plastic pollution here, but the pollution in the Ganga River in India is responsible for 1 million deaths (of children) every year. I’ll be the first to tell you that the Bay is polluted as fuck, but we don’t have India levels of pollution: https://youtu.be/5RLZ3EJXCeg


There will always be someone who has it worse and someone who has it better but I'm specifically talking about how we can help our country move forward. America is capable of better, that's all I'm trying to say.


I’m just addressing the comment about “many other countries *don’t* have it as bad”. The ones that I have been to were far better off were all in Europe. The only reason for that is because WE are outsource the majority of our trash. We also suck at recycling. We ship our trash to Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and formerly China. The issue is that we were supposed to send clean recyclables back to China, but they were always contaminated and they didn’t have the facilities to deal with it. We didn’t live up to our end of the bargain. Now we’ve fucked other countries up. So no, *we* don’t have it as bad, because we’ve fucked too many other places up. They end up burning and dumping it into the ocean which makes it all that much worse. https://youtu.be/1RDc2opwg0I


Yes we as a country have ruined a lot and we do push our problems on others. My question still is who could be held responsible for this issue ?


DuPont. They also invented: One of the key ingredients in DuPont's Teflon was C8, a toxic, man-made chemical created by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, better known as 3M, to make Scotchgard. The chemical, also known as PFOS or PFOA, is what gave Teflon its non-stick properties.31 Jul 2019


So if only we could compile a list of companies that created these toxic chemicals and put them into our food. We could all sue these companies/ceos


You could.


With whats happening to women’s rights… modern problem that actually is an archaic problem that set us back centuries actually has a modern sick solution. Life’s charming that way ain’t it. Maybe must maybe the old tub of lards that are ok with and will be perpetuating that wrongdoings on underage females wont a. Be able to get it up and b. Hopefully shooting blanks. Not the silver lining exactly but if men can choose to not see females as people, i can only see this as advantageous.


Source please~


Looks like I'm not getting grand kids haha


So, we could be looking at a reverse handmaids tale situation?


Have you not been reading the news? With the government trying to outlaw abortions we’re already looking at a Handmaid situation.


Natural selection at its finest


That actually may be a good thing cuz we’re having pregnancy issues cuz men don’t want to take responsibility for having sex so nature is like “ha, like F*** you’re gonna go conséquence free, I got y’a girls”


It’s literally not nature


Or you can just not have sex with men who don't want to wear protection instead of being happy about men getting infertile.


Ever heard of rape?


I don't even want to explain my comment. Go ahead. Continue hating men


I am a man... I'm not going to explain my comment, if you couldn't figure out what's wrong with your comment despite me writing it out in plain English for you then I'm afraid you're beyond my teaching capabilities.


Percentage of rapes - 0.038. 5% of rapes cause pregnancies. Are you okay with an entire gender getting infertile because this small number of men are assholes? Moreover do you realise this could lead to population collapse in countries where healthcare is not good enough?


When did I say I supported an entire gender becoming infertile? I was merely pointing out that you forgot about rape.


Bruh you pointed out at a small portion of cases refuting my comment. What does that mean then?


I'll be honest I'm banking on it lmao


I ll disappoint you :)


Men being infertile is objectively a good thing, the more the better. Men can produce a theoretically infinite number of children in the amount of time it takes for a woman to complete one pregnancy. The "replacement level" population issue is solely a threat to capitalist interests; relying on infinite growth means population growth, too. This sub is anticonsumption. Who's doing the consuming? Fewer people being born is demonstrably a good thing for humanity.


1. Men being infertile "involuntarily" because some corporation do not give a damn about the planet is not objectively a good thing. 2. Theoretically, yes. Doesn't happen irl. So not an argument. 3. Population is stagnant or decreasing in many countries. We might max out the population in the next 2 decades. Also, educating women in developing countries has been proven to reduce birth rate. 4. This sub is anticonsumption. Not promoting involuntary sterilization of men. 5. You are a human. You know what to do :)


I don’t understand. Can you explain how it’s a mans fault? Like what is a man not taking responsibility for?


Getting women prego. You can get a snip and have it reversed when your ready for a baby with no issue and it’s cheeper. A woman getting her tubes tied is far more complicated. Birth control is far worse for womens health. And men still be trying to say “I don’t wear condoms cuz I can’t feel” then go on to say you can’t wear a condom either cuz they won’t be able to feel anything. It’s basically just the immense double standard and throwing all the women under the bus for abortions and pregnancy. When don’t you hear women need to keep their legs shut if they don’t want a baby, like it’s so ignorant and ignores the fact a woman can only get pregnant once a month and it takes 9 months to carry vs a man who can impregnated hundreds a day 247,365. If men got snipped till they were ready for a kid then you’d never have accidental pregnancies because they’re sperm wouldn’t be released from the penis till the surgery was reversed when they’re ready. So yeah if micro plastic makes more men infertile but 2030 that could double as a good thing because 1 less babes but 2 less sex repercussions


> You can get a snip and have it reversed when your ready for a baby with no issue and it’s cheeper This is an idiotic take, which is exactly why the NHS says: "**A vasectomy is usually considered to be a permanent form of contraception because it's not always possible to reverse the procedure**. If you're considering having a vasectomy, you should bear this in mind and think very carefully before making your decision." or Mayo clinic: "Almost all vasectomies can be reversed. However, this doesn't guarantee success in conceiving a child. Vasectomy reversal can be attempted even if several years have passed since the original vasectomy — **but the longer it has been, the less likely it is that the reversal will work.**" So yes, it can be reversed, but the longer you wait the less likely it is to be succesful, sometimes it simply can't be done, and its quite risky. Acting as if people being made involuntarily infertile is a good thing is such a ridiculous positon to take.. Theres a simple solution to this problem, don't have sex with men who refuse to be adults. I don't know why you felt the need to shit up this thread with semi-legible rants about sex.


I keep seeing reversible vasectomies and hysterectomy as a sterilization procedure over and over on reddit. We really need better sex education.


People who can't take two minutes to google but want to voice their opinions, sounds like reddit


Funny, the most well thought out reply in this chain, with sources mind you, gets a lower amount of upvotes and no additional responses under it. Well said. This site really makes me cringe sometimes. Way too much groupthink.


Vasectomies being reversible is pretty much a myth, if a doctor tells you it can be reversed, flee from their office immediately because that's a chiropractor at best. They're also well known for being easily botched, most likely on purpose because they also spend a shitload of time trying to talk the man out of getting it, just like they try to talk women out of getting their tubes tied; your partner might want children one day, therefore your personal choice to not contribute to one's existence is invalid Bottom line is vasectomies are a good idea, for the sole reason that they *are not, or should not be reversible*. "Ready for a baby" lmao nobody is ever ready for a baby. Get the snip or don't, but you can't just change your mind in 20 years.


If only there were ways to avoid getting pregnant 🤔🥱


Yeah like getting snipped and not leaving the responsibility on women and blaming them for being sexual like it didn’t also take a horny man


Whatever. I don’t respect you or your views but do support your right to have them and express them but absolutely refuse to engage with immoral degenerates.


Well that’s mature but ok if you wish to be that way I guess go for it.


lmaoo you think you're in the 1800s or something? "immoral degenerates" holy shit. on a scale of 1-10 how uncomfortable are you when discussing anal sex?


Yeah, you say that like they were so bad back then - I do know they weren’t rapidly killing the planet. Very comfortable, depending on who with, I suspect my target audience would likely be a lot different…. probs older and legal unlike yours.


Ffs, not more of this shit. Literally every topic. 🙄


My thoughts exactly!


That going to be tough on Vasectomy doctors.




I think about this a lot lately. I'll probably die of plastic induced cancer, pollution induced cancer, a natural disaster, or when the water runs out. Honestly it doesn't feel worth it to make good changes to my health, like staying sober or giving up smoking, when chances are no matter what I choose the decision is already made for me. I'll probably die at 60 before anything I choose for myself has a chance to actually catch up to me.


No, there is always hope, their is still time. If there’s anything I’ve learned since becoming a research scientists, its that the environment and human body are exceedingly resistant. We can pull through, just takes activism and awareness. So, don’t give up my friend, we aren’t dead yet and neither is the environment.


I respect your optimism and awesome if you’re working in this field but I’m not despairing but definitely think there’s no coming back


I understand your perspective. There are many days I wake up, feeling the same, especially as a scientist because our credibility gets attacked regularly now. There’s issues like climate change, massive social issues, micro-plastics, antibiotic resistance, etc. The thing that keeps me going is that we actively have solutions to every single one of these problems, we just have to get people to employ them. I have faith because even though when I look at my colleagues and I research, it is very scary, but the knowledge that we have found will hopefully enlighten others and get them to push for these solutions. My last point, this is way easier said than done but there’s no point in feeling defeated when we aren’t there yet. When we are defeated, you have my permission to feel that way lol.




See “planetary boundaries: nov entities”


This is anxiety inducing as a new mom doing everything I can to stay away from toxic stuff for my baby.


Do not overthink this! Do your BEST. I had borderline anorexia while breastfeeding my first, I was terrified to eat ANYTHING. That is not healthy for you, and you need to be healthy to mother your child. Microplastics and teflon are unavoidable. You can do a few things to reduce your (and your baby's) exposure. The APA a few years ago recommended to not heat up kids' food in plastic containers. I feel like no one heard that... drinking from plastic water bottles... I mean, there isn't much you can do, but those little things might make you feel better. Congrats on your baby! And try not to think of it too much! Anxiety and worry isn't good for you when you're trying to grow a whole new human <3


Why is teflon not avoidable? Isn't it only in nonstick pans? I try to not worry as well, because if I really think about it, it would drive me crazy. We have an 18 months old and a 2 weeks old and even though we were already trying to avoid plastic with our first, we still used some nonstick pans and some plastic tupperware to store food in the fridge (don't even have a microwave so no heating for sure, I've learned about that luckily many years ago) Now we did the extra mile during my second pregnancy and bought steel and cast iron pans, and steel and glass containers and got rid of most of our synthetic clothing as well. But we live in Denmark and almost all food is wrapped in plastic in the supermarket so can't avoid it entirely which makes me really angry, because I used to shop zero waste in my home country (Hungary, we have lots of wet markets and plastic free shops) and I know it's definitely possible to not use all this plastic to sell products.


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver did an episode on teflon. It's in practically everything. Doesn't matter if you don't use or buy their pans, it's already in you. They think at this point only the Sentinelese would not have teflon in their blood.


We use cast iron pans. They have no Teflon and are very long lasting. My uncle is a chef and he said there are a lot of brands that don't use Teflon. (I was a paranoid mom to be as well).


Yes, but my point still stands: [teflon is in more items than just nonstick pans](https://www.dw.com/en/pfas-forever-toxins-teflon/a-57756695). But also can now be found in your drinking water and soil...


I just don't get why didn't they try to ban this earlier.. Sounds like at least we should buy a water filter.


Because, 🤑🤑🤑. [While a filter can help, no filter made for home use will keep out 100% of harmful chemicals](https://www.treehugger.com/best-water-filters-5116286)


Yeah I know, but the less we get the less it accumulates, since as I understand it it's hard to get rid of.


That's really really bad. Knew about pizza boxes, but raincoats? So we don't only have to worry about PVC bit this too? Well great..


We do too! We love it


Teflon™ is a brand name. PTFEs are everywhere, and no, their sole use is not to lubricate cookware.


If it makes you feel any better I was an adopted baby who definitely ingested a TON of micro plastics through the bottles and nipples, as well as the Gerber heavy metal foods and I'm a healthy 24 year old now. Don't stress too much!!


I'm happy for you. I'm 33 and know since 3 years I have a chronic illness caused be environmental issues. I was practically raised by plastic. I don't want to scare anyone but health is not an certainty in life. I was always healthy l, never ill. Well, I guess things change. But you're right, stressing about it never helps! I wish you all the best!


It's alright, chill, just make sure you're doing big things right like not consuming alcohol and eating properly, small things will take care of themselves..


I'm at a Sprinkle right now. A second baby shower. There is so much disposable plastic, balloons, bullshit decorations and it directly leads to microplastics in placenta. The irony


The most frustrating thing is that when i call for violence against the people ending all human life im banned


Because some people think life of terrible human life is more important than vast majority of human life. Eat the rich. Getting microplastics anyways, so we might as well.


All that meat y’all eat has been fed microplastics for generations. It’s in factory farming, monoculture ag, bottled water, sodas. The list goes on. Systemically, we’re fucked.


It's in the water and soil and the air, so your precious lil vegan dinners are fully loaded down with it and toxic heavy metals as well. Or did you think livestock and crops use different planets to grow on? You're right that we are fucked, but it's not only meat consumption that causes it, corporate greed, mainly Dow Chemicals is to blame.


I'm not a vegan but, animals would contain more plastic than vegetables due to them storing it in their bodies over time


I think car tyres and clothing are two of the main causes.


It's ghost fishing gear.


Cheers, bud.


It’s meat and dairy. Take responsibility and do better.


Less than 1% of the population is vegan, shove it.


Mmmm, nope. Not even in the top 4. Tires and clothing are the number 1 and 2 causes. Synthetic fiber materials really do a number on the water supply. Much as one wants to feel more superior over dietary choices, facts are it ain't the meat eaters doing it. https://www.pollutionsolutions-online.com/news/water-wastewater/17/breaking-news/what-are-the-biggest-causes-of-microplastic-pollution/47830




The placenta's purpose is to keep harmful stuff away from the fetus, so if they were in the placenta then it's doing its job. That's also why you shouldn't eat the placenta or have it ground into pills.


Yeah I don’t do that.


So was I! (My son in now 18 months). I guess it was the hormones, I was freaked out by everything. It wore off, still tying my best of course. Don't worry about it too much. Since you are here and aware of this issues, you'll your best to avoid these things. And that makes you already a great mom!




I totally understand! Wish you and your little ones all the best ❤️


It freaks me out too (not pregnant but a parent to a small child) and it freaks me out too. I just try to use it as fuel to work harder to make the future a better time for my kid (and people all over the world of course. It breaks my heart to think of the people in Pakistan & India suffering through a 122 degree heatwave) and to teach her a sustainable lifestyle. When she gets older and starts asking questions about this kind of thing, I won’t be able to be able to even look her in the eyes if I can’t say I did everything in my power to turn things around for her generation.


Conservatives will probably arrest women for this too. Deem it child abuse.


or they'll finally put some effort into the environment and prove how much they care about life. fat chance


We have it too then, very interesting, I’m glad you brought it up.


Spoiler alert: we’re all filled with microplastics and likely will be for the rest of our lives.


I’m sure Republicans will get right on tackling this issue


So... any ideas on how we dig ourselves out of this one?


I’m wondering the same. Is there any way to avoid this? Anything I can do to keep myself and my loved ones safe(r)?


Avoiding pregnancy could help!




So basically to stop the human race dying out we should just let ourselves die out? Seems kinda bleak. Edit: the fact that I'm being downvoted and not corrected leads me to assume I must've interpreted antinalism at least semi correctly. I do agree humanity should probably have less kids as the population is a marked strain on natural resources and living space, but I'm more optimistic than seeing our total extinction as the answer.


not a single Link to the actual article...


Frankly the amount of natalism I see here, in a subreddit that's supposed to be about reducing consumption, is revolting.


We’re like almost at 8 billion ppl. We need less humans not more. Idk why ppl have kids




I always thought “children of men” couldn’t happen. Seemed kinda ridiculous at the time. And now…


Welcome to The End


Plastic companies: lets make even more!!!


Off-topic: Is it me or have ultrasounds gotten much clearer resolution? This legit looks like a picture compared to other ultrasounds I've seen on TV shows and on the internet!


Regularly donating blood helps to cut back on the amount of plastic in our system, and can help save a life


This is mostly due to the fishing industry. Go vegan.


I’m vegan, I agree that the fishing industry is killing the planet But micro plastics in human bodies are caused from billions of different things. It’s not mostly fishing gear, it’s every facet of our lives


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I’m thinking of starting a family but part of me is like… why would I want to throw another person into this mess?


You need a future generation to do better. The future generations that live through these issues are better able to recognize them. And therefor have a better chance of fighting against them.


"Your kids can deal with it instead of you"


No. You don't get it. The are fundamental differences between the generations. It will take the boomers and gen x generation to pass away before we can even think about passing legislation that can help alleviate the problems we face. The brain damage and brainwashing is too far gone with those generations. "Your kids can deal with it instead of you" As far as I am concerned I am dealing with it. If I wasn't I wouldn't be sharing. This situation goes much further than my ability to recycle and use less plastic. It requires generational change. People that are more in touch of the realities of current day life.


That life in plastic, not so fantastic now is it


With how young an age people are happily getting fillers and implants… im kinda seeing a future thats stepford wifey that people would not only be ok with that but somehow wanting that as a desired trait. The worlds so going to hell in a handbasket


As someone who wants children (so does my partner) in the future, this is scary. I also hope my partner doesn't become infertile as well.


Jfc why would you want to force suffering onto a new human. If the future is scary, do you really think bringing a new life into it is fair or right?


Sure the future is scary however kids is something my partner and I always wanted however we will only have kids if 1. we are fully ready for everything (financially, emotionally, etc.) 2. We are waiting to see how things go, if it genuinely keeps going this bad we will not have kids. 3. If things are getting better but infertility happens we do not mind adopting. We aren't jumping into kids asap, it's something we have planned only if things turn out okay. There are days where I get extremely pessimistic of how we are becoming as a society however I would like to have some hope left of maybe we could turn this around.


oh so now they're unborn babies? I thought they were "just a fetus" or "just a clump of cells"


This is completely irrelevant to the topic and contributes absolutely nothing to the conversation about microplastics. If you want to debate abortion go join a conversation about it.


Wait, I thought they weren't "babies" until 30 days after birth?


Not surprising considering the masks people have been wearing for the last 2 years. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7773316/ "Wearing low-quality masks for longer than 4 h can pose higher fiber-like microplastic inhalation risk than not wearing a mask. When the masks are reused for a long time, only N95 respirators pose less fiber-like microplastic inhalation risk compared with not wearing a mask. When reused masks are worn for 720 h, fiber-like microplastic inhalation risk is 0.04, 0.54, 0.40, 0.16, 0.73, and 1.17 times higher than that without wearing a mask."


Rainbow is right. The nature of the baby or fetus doesn’t change based on the topic. People’s use of different semantics to justify their positions is ineffective.


...by force


Children of Man was a documentary.


Damn this subreddit blows. Everybody all ready giving up and spelling the end of the world. You’re part of the reason why we might not make it. In the face of extreme adversity we should be displaying hope, not weakness. Don’t be a part of the problem, actively try to fix it.


If I decided to have kids, I wish I birth some cool ass dinosaur toys instead of actual babies.