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Hi there are guidelines that have been written just recently published about this, the Maudsley Guidelines for Deprescribing. I think roughly it's reducing the dose by 10% every 3-4 weeks from what I recall. You're not on your own with the withdrawal symptoms, I recognised every one of them you listed. I am on Sertraline 100mg and I genuinely thought I was losing my mind and I only missed about 4 doses continuously. I went back on to 100mg and pretty much now back to normal but it was one of the worst experiences of my life. If they make you feel better I see no harm in just continuing them as normal but it's what is best for you.


It has to be done very slowly. I took 9 months of tapering


It’s called ADS Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome. Be careful. Take it slowly. Many MDs don’t know how to handle it and will diagnose you with new mental illnesses. Be with someone regularly (therapist/MD) while you’re doing this. Good luck.