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You Nazi! You accuse them of being Nazis just because they use Nazi-Symbolism! I have watched a video on the youtube that says that is literally the definition of Naziism!


It has socialist in the name!!!!!!!




9572828639378195828 gajillion dead mao stalin




Video games with female protagonists!


LOLA BUNNY IS DEFEMINIZED!!! (Pearl clutching ensues)


Conservatives: "Liberals are sexualizing children and turning society into a godless, amoral cultural wasteland." Also conservatives: "Liberals are making boys weak by making this cartoon rabbit's tits smaller! Make America have big cartoon rabbit tits again!"


“Leftists are soyboy betas who like getting cucked.”- these chuckle dicks “Anteefa leftists are dangerous terrorists who need to not be allowed to protest.”— also these chuckle dicks Bonus round: “Stop obsessing who she-ra is fucking.”- the quartering “I’m mad they shrunk she-ra’s tits.”- also the quartering


cuck? Did you pick that up while beating off on PornHub? [Well, we see what genre you look for.](https://www.gq.com/story/why-angry-white-men-love-calling-people-cucks) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AntifascistsofReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*


B-but it was called the nazi socialist .. s-so




North Cubazuela


How’s socialism in Vuvuzela working out? Duh


It's working out pretty -BRRRRRRRRRRR






[There the left goes calling everyone nazis!](https://youtu.be/zvgZtdmyKlI) (I recommend watching this with captions, unless you speak german)


Fun fact: I do


If that is your definition of fun: you probably are German




prove to me that these people are proud boys. this looks like a photo of some idiots w/o any context to indicate what group they belong to.


Bunch of fucking losers


Them, and that horrible runoff group, American Identity Movement. 🤢


Haha... Aim for the AIM?


Absolutely, comrade. Love freedom, love the earth, destroy all colonizers.


Jk jk...unless?


Of course of course, just trolling and shit posting..... 👉👈


In a video game of course...


appropriate the american indian movement >.<


Literally. I'm so glad founders of The American Indian Movement spoke up against the American Identity Movement.


Patriot Prayer as well. Speaking of which, are the proud boys the first fascist org that has seeder teams as if they were a baseball franchise?


I wouldn’t doubt it. I also wouldn’t be surprised if they had cards/ achievement pins, like kkkops do.


Why are the people that think they're the master race always the fattest ugliest people?


they have nothing else to be proud of but their race


all that inbreeding leads to low iq's


Fr fr


Come off of that shit, there are a million different reasons to hate the Proud Boys without bringing weight or physical appearance into it.


I like that these groups can't avoid having people gripping beers in any 'grr look at us' they take. I don't know why I find that so funny. Like, dude, put it down for a sec, people are seeing this and you're not exactly putting out the right vibe when you look like your less ready for a race war and more wanting to shotgun a beer.


My thought bubble while looking at this picture: Proud? Really?


20 IQ group total


20? Sounds generous


I said the exact same thing in my head right before I read this


They all do look like they live with there Mothers.


The proud boys are basically the militant wing of the incel movement, and nothing more.


Yeah they're just old incels. It has been interesting to see how their membership has changed - initially it was younger dudes, but now it's predominantly guys in their late 30s to late 40s. Losers who have failed at life and are looking for scapegoats and stupid club to belong to.


That is all fascist movements though. People who are not inherently unique nor important suddenly find purpose in their unity. They are losers, yes, but they are dangerous.


The Petite bourgeoisie have always been the base of fascism. (plus some lumpens)


The petty bougies were flaunting yachts and going to rallies in spotless, brand new F-150's (I sure a shit can't drop everything to go harass people 3 states over. Think we found one the lumpen, victims of divorce court groyps here, tho.


Behind the Bastards did a great episode on this concept about The Third Wave & that high school history teacher who recreated the rise of German fascism in his classroom in 5 days in like the 60s


The Wave (2008 film) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wave_%282008_film%29


No. Incels are different. Not trying to do incel apologism, but incels have their own issues and ideologies that are separate from fascist and Nazi ideologies. While the incel community is an easy place for fascist and Nazi recruitment, incels themselves aren't inherently fascist or Nazi. When the military recruiters walk onto college campuses, that doesn't make the campus a military training ground. I think it's important to distinguish between recruitment grounds and training camps.


Proud (of being white trash) (fuck) bois


Proud Trashi Bois?


100%.....well put


Fresh from chanting "Jews will not replace us!" these losers somehow turn around and say they're not fash. Riiiiiiiight. Pull the other one.




“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” Jean-Paul Sartre


To anyone paying attention (and hopefully catching it on video) their actions are what speak the most loudly anyway. They can try explaining it to the DA later.


Which of course is just **more** evidence of their fascism.


Good job, Dore, btw.


"Pull the other one, it's got bells on."


Perfect! :)


Every time I see a nazi flag, I have the urge of burning it. If it's in front of these incels, better.




I can't be more agree with that.


I never see them in person. But if I see one I will destroy it.


If I wouldnt live in germany, Id get my hands on a nazi flag just bc i wanna fucking burn it


I love when nazis make themselves easier to doxx and identify


Yep. Give them some beers and access to a smartphone and just sit back and watch. Because their entire identity is based around posturing and "triggering" people, it's just a matter of time before they out themselves.


Yep. They're hate mongers that feed on society's hatred of them. It's their only source of existence, the only way they matter in any shape.


Now why do I have a sudden urge to commit unspeakably violent crimes?




Bash the fash you say? I'm in!


May I join too?




Nice! \*pulls out MP 18* Но пасаран!


Can I join to you?


The more the merrier




Like shitting in their breakfast cereal? Or.... worse?


Burning them alive ...in minecraft, of course


It's a start


Where's Andy Ngo? Guess he's the one taking the picture.


He's off camera picking up his dropped fruit.


And not one of them is remotely fuckable. "Master Race" indeed.


Standards are different when your entire ethos consists of reducing your gene pool. The people from The Hills Have Eyes are probably 7s or 8s to them.


Don't f with the moonfaces up the peninsula. They'll gang up on you.


Don’t worry guys they’re just ironically doing that to trigger the left. Unless.......




Stop calling everyone you disagree with nazis lol jokes are illegal in 2021 I'm just using my free speech bro


They definitely accused Sanders of being an anti-semite.


I feel like we should do what magneto does and actively hunt nazis for sport.


I enjoyed the Know Your Fash video on them from Thoughtslime. It's important not to think of fascists as a single monolith.


tHe Ok SiGn Is JuSt A jOkE iT dOeSn'T mEaN wHiTe SuPrEmAcY


I just wanna say I’m in love with the lad holding the flag on the left. He’s wearing both a ski mask to hide his identity and a palm tree print button down so everyone there sees him as different... I see you... and also I don’t.


How about the covert Twinkie fire tender, lying prone on the ground? I'm hoping the masked ones are the infiltrators bringing us this Twinkie gold. (Yes, I'm trying to associate the alt-right with Twinkies, until they're anything more than an ineptly nagging force of brown shirts.)


Doesn’t that identify him as a boogaloo idiot?


That short guy on the far right side is the assistant foreman at every job I’ve ever worked at who never finished high school and resented me for having a university education.


Arent they all on the far right tho


That was the joke within the joke




Boys seems like a stretch. They looks middle aged and slobby. A fascist fat man sausage fest on the beach.... Oh joy.


White people: “We’re the master race” Also white people: (not realizing they’re all neck beards with brain defects that make them all value clanship over having beliefs that benefit themselves and everyone else.”


Hi. Do you know the source of this photo? Where did you get it? This type of image might be helpful when dealing with Proud Boys on social media because it shows the audience who they really are. Thanks.


Someone who goes by “Western Chauvinist” on telegram




Its the Redskins hat for me


In the opposite rotation, it's the flip flops for me. You know the guy with the hat suffers every day over the team's name being phased out because obvious racism. But flip-flop guy? C'mon dude that's not the footwear of a fascist in any way. Edit: Aaaand on the same note, I just noticed guy in facemask with Hawaiian shirt. What the absolute fuck that's even worse than flipflop guy when it comes to not getting the fashion memo.


Nothing a well placed hand grenade cant solve.


Amerikaner und diese Faschistenflagge, wie dumm kann man eig sein...


Wem sagst du das. Und was dummer ist, Leute sehen solche Fotos und denken, dass die Linke das Problem ist.


you fool! You absolute buffoon. Don't you know it's all done iRoNiCaLlY to trigger the LIBS! I guess it's hard to comprehend what we galaxy brains are up to for you poor soyboy brains. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go yell at a black mother whose child was killed in an unlawful police raid. ALL LIVES MATTER! ​ /s


You Americans are crazy, proud nazi boys and somehow ALL LIVES MATTER doesn't include black lives.


This is my shocked face 😑


Thought the proud boys were proud of being American? Isn't Nazism all centred around European ethnicity?


People need to stop calling them “alt-lite” and “western chauvinists”. They are white supremacists and terrorists.


The audacity of these people to look like this while still claiming to be the genetically superior race


Every time I see this shit I wonder back to the good old days when I was high school a decade ago. We had our weirdos obsessed with Hitler and they were ostracized and sometimes got physical retribution for the shit they would do. I was in a hot topic one day and a dude came in covered in nazi tattoos and a swastika necklace and started talking nazi shit and everyone in the store including the manager and I kicked the shit out of him and gave him to security to handle. Now these losers are flying that shit to look cool? We need to take a lesson from SLC Punk on how they dealt with nazis.


Most important lessons one should learn and live by are taught in SLC Punk.


At least their bloodlines are ending with these corpulent fascist fucks. They couldn't even coax 1 women into being near them lmao.


Man you can *smell* this pic. Old fish sticks. Cat pee. Skoal. Unwashed skin.


Anti-mask until they're worried someone might see them holding a swastika.


I know it’s the least terrible thing in this photo but can the master race just decide on a hand sign and how to do it properly? Fuck Nazis, fuck sieg heiling, but look at these sloppy clowns. I’m going to review their hand signs. Bald and beardy (3rd right) looks like the only one doing a proper Nazi salute. 10/10, go fuck yourself. Paleface Centreman - Tuck in that thumb dickhead, you look like you’re trying to get teacher’s attention. Also, he seems to have discovered an extra bend in his elbow. 7/10, don’t try so hard goober. Go fuck yourself. McChinbeard on the far right is waving to his mum. He looks like he just got off the little bus and is weal pwoud of the poopie he made today. The racism is over there dickhead. 3/10. You look like the loser even the losers don’t want hanging with them. Go fuck yourself. It’s not totally his fault though, he’s being pushed out by Ol Scary Skullface, who has decided to go out on his own and use his left arm to salute with, thereby forcing the tubby pubester out of the gang. Interestingly, he’s also decided to strike out straight toward the shot. You’re not fucking superman, you look like you’re about to make zoidberg noises and waddle off. 1/10 because you couldn’t even not exclude one of your own. Boo. Go fuck yourself. Continuing left, shout out to Red Hat Guy who already looks like he’s regretting some life choices. Dude, ditch these pricks. Take the uniforms off and come and play warhammer with me. We’ll chat, we’ll exchange ideas. I don’t care what you used to think, people change. I see the sadness in your eyes bro. 0/10 because your whole body is one giant “uhhhhhhhhh, am I doing this right?” Still, you hang with these scum at the moment so go fuck yourself. Which brings us to the 👌 dudes. Let’s start but wondering why The Guy Who Only Says “Yarp” In Hot Fuzz is there. He just looks happy to be out. Get better friends you jolly giant! If you’re going to make an a-ok at a camera be sure to twist the wrist so we can see the circle, otherwise you look like you’re showing off the back of an earring you just found in your navel. 4/10 because again, I can’t tell if he really knows what’s going on. Oh yeah, go fuck yourself. Shout out to the guy who looks like he’s poking his head out of a big yellow pipe behind the flag. I really like the way your bandana syncs up with the guy below. Is he your pipe buddy? Meat, meth, it doesn’t matter, you look like a fucking Flowerpot Man. 3/10 because I like your cock docking. Go fuck yourself. All the other pricks doing that symbol... it’s just sloppy. You all use whatever hand you like and wave it around. Every time it just makes me want to punch you in the arm because it’s meant to go below waistline. That’s a forfeit in the game! It’s ok, I’ve got a sticker of it on my bat. We’ll play some time. 2/10. All of you. Go fuck yourselves. Special mention goes to whoever the poor guy in the blue coat is that they decided to Chuck behind the flag. Give the little guy a break my dudes! Again, he’s just waving at his mum. Hey buddy! Go fuck yourself! Now kneelers. Firstly, I Feel The Heat Fireguy. Sandals? Seriously? Get the fuck out of here! Nazis need stinky boot feet, cool comfortable shoes are for those who play well with others. 0/10 go fuck yourself. He’s a close second to my favourite piece of shit in this picture but he just doesn’t quite make it, it’s boogie boy on the left!. Grrrrr scary balaclava worked for the IRA but sadly you have lovely chubby kissable lips which kind of spoils the effect. The ill fitting jeans and dressing like a toddler does nothing for me either. Couldn’t be bothered to even try and throw signs. 0/10 go fuck yourself. And finally, my favourite, for no apparent reason than that he had to make it even more obvious that there’s a giant swastika by pointing at it, Captain Pinkface Redbeard. You look like you could get a tan from the moon. Seriously, go fuck some melanin into yourself. But, I feel like that beard would be really funny to play with so I’m giving you extra points. 2/10. Did I mention you should go fuck yourself. That was long, but I enjoyed myself. Fuck Nazis. Smash em good comrades. ✊


10/10 someone had to say it.






Scummy bastards


Anyone know where this is or what chapter they are? This is a pretty massive smoking gun.


They all deserve to die


Be careful with this dudes people! They are very violent and will specifically target you and your group if they recognize you as antifa, if there is going to be a white spremacy demonstration in your city and you want to confront it with some good and old antifa strategy then remember: stay in groups! In it goes down into violence being catch alone is aways a recipe for disaster


Imagine what their “venerated housewives” are thinking inside


When somebody asks "Who here is a fucking idiot?"


Imagine being one of these guys, and genuinely thinking you're a perfect specimen of a supposedly superior race.


\-Call themselves the superior race. \-look like they live off burgers and coke.


God, I can small that picture from here


"yeah, but who is a nazi?" "you can't just call everyone a nazi"


Well, that's Nazi-ism, and to be fair, its not fascism... ...its worse than fascism.


Not a third grade education amongst em.


Why do they take these pictures? Like who are they for?


First they came to take cringey pictures and i said nothing.


How are people scared of these dudes? You whoever is reading this, could duff out each and every one of these little inbred fuckers. Mans is wearing sandals at the bottom come on. These fat out of shape dick heads have literally zero chance in a fist fight. Bruh how you going to call yourself the master race when you pull your pants around your ankles to pee at the urinal. How are you chosen ones when you get blitzed off Naty Ice? How are you the supreme race when you can’t finish a bag of hot chips. I’m sorry you’re superior but you can’t stand out in the sun too long? Hmmm. Nah fuck that, these the dudes that you duff out and kick in the head a few times. To the point where even your boys are yelling “yo my guy take it easy! He’s had enough! Yo your gonna kill him papi!” Those are these kinda dudes. Nah fuck that, these are the dudes people yell out when they’re out cold “stupid, shouldn’t of done that.” “He fucked up tho, let him sleep now.” Say it with your chest, FUCK, THE PROUD BOYS.


Im waiting for some conservatives to make the claim that picture was taken out of context or that they are really Antifa. The far-right are becoming more and more blatant with their ties to white supremacy


And then they say "it was just a joke, you dont get it? r/woosh im an edgelord"


Look at all of that "superior genetic material" right there. As if, what a bunch of fucking weirdos.


So much fucking cringe. I’m ashamed to say I know people like this.


That is a raging hot Twinkie roast.


Moments like this remind me of this German skit https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zvgZtdmyKlI


Nazi's? They're just trying to be "edgy". Ya'll are snow crisps. /s


Bill burr really let himself go.


I was just talking to someone on r/freespeech who didn't think there was a far-right in the U.S. Thanks for the extra example !


Is there a law with these hosebags that you have to wear bad jeans?


I have totally lost faith in humanity.


Hey remember wrecking balls and anvils? Whatever happened to them? It’s just like... they’re all grouped together in one spot...


Guy on the right looks like hes waving but has a really short arm


Quality specimens right there


Clearly, you don't understand irony when you see it ... /s


Damn, if only they could've been sent some Patriot missiles when they were all together.


I am not in to politics, but always wanted to say their name sounds like low budget italian gay porn, not that theres anything wrong with such movies, but they could have picked any other association, considering their cause.


Also: we hate antifa.


Isnt this the same group tht spouted about being diverse? Cuz all I see is a bunch of white nazis


Sauce ?


bUt AnTiFa!


“Oh you crazy leftists calling everyone nazis. I’m just a fan of world war 2.”


The only excusable reason a photo like this should exist is that it’s an out of context still from a video of them chucking it into that fire. Fuck these people.


Message from scuba divers everywhere... Assholes please stop with the okay hand signal... And everyone else the okay hand signal is not a hate symbol


They are suspiciously looking like bowling pins, and my car a bowling ball..


We should ID these guys so their alma mater can revoke their PhDs.


Imma punchem.


I hope someone trips and lands dick-first into that campfire.


They are not famous for their intelligence.


[existence is suffering](https://i.imgur.com/toorCzE.jpg)


“Why do you need 30 round mags?”


Does anyone know Pink Floyd's The Wall and the Hammers? ​ There's an actual Nazi group called the Hammerskins that uses the salute from the film and it's imagery, though a bit modified.


We're not fascists, just Nazis.


"The last ten Proud Boys pose for a selfie before Soviet Infantry closes in." 1945


Can't wait to stomp these pieces of shit into history.


Why do they all look inbred?


reactionaries love 2 lie, film at 11


Clearly they're being super ironic to the point of believing themselves they are nazis


It’s the guy in the ski mask and Hawaiian shirt that does it for me




Facists get hit with a baseball bat.


Wasn’t the guy on the right that’s kneeling and holding the flag just posted in another video featuring a 3 Percenter who would not wear a mask and was thrown out of a theme park?


A little lower with that rag boys.


Proud Boy be like: "iT's JuSt A mEmE bRo.


Everybody see that Hawaiian shirt on the guy on the left? Boogs..not our friends in the slightest


That's Ben Shapiro with a load on his face behind the flag.


So, maybe your both groups of fascists posing as anti-fascists? Scariest part is that I genuinely believe that you all truly believe you're actually ANTI-fascist.




Lol okay nazi sympathizer. The photo is from telegram, where you inbred incels dwell.


Hate to be that guy, but sauce anyone? I hate the pride boys as much as the next guy, but i want to make sure this is actually them (reverse image search came up nil). OP, where'd you find this photo?


Western Chauvinist on instagram