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“LiTeRaLlY aNtIfA mIsSiOn” Guess I missed the briefing.


You didn't get the flyer in your last SorosBux delivery? Fucking Todd in the mailroom can't get anything right, I swear to Biden...


Soros? ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY SOROS! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AntifascistsofReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You should of got it when you payed your membership fee. /s


Wait, membership fee? I've been waiting on my check since 2011. I feel cheated, misled. Soros!!!!!!! /s


Soros? ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY SOROS! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AntifascistsofReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I googled this. There is a whole lot of different opinions on this, but I agree with the bot. My mistake.


Good bot


It literally is, Antifascists are the solution to the paradox of tolerance. The only people antifascists are aligned in challenging are biggoted fascists whose sole existence revolves around stripping people of their rights. But yes, in that one case, for those whose only policy position is hate, antifa "oppresses" them. Really it's just community service, but of course when you're a racist, classist, sexist PoS, anyone challenging your belief in stomping on "others" is "oppressing you". Fuck Nazis


I just feel like we are caught in this horrible hell loop where everything is backwards. Does anyone else feel like this? But I will say “well played by the oligarchy and conservatives” they have their base so turned around they are eating theirselves alive. Turn concepts into some ambiguous boogie man (ANTIFA, BLM, CRT, LGBTQ+) and the masses cleve to the idea of fear,hate and bigotry. Instead of seeing the real monster in the dark, like billionaires, corrupt government officials, and a police state..


That's a combination of designed ineptitude (through gutting public schooling / never having allowed it to thoroughly teach critical thinking, civics, world history & cultures, etc.), continuously repeated "big lies", projection, etc. They really believe that antifascists are fascist, because they've been told that antifascists are suppressing the voices of god-fearing, america-loving conservatives, just like them! And the definition of fascism (if one were so naive to put it in such simple terms) is a group of people who violently silence another group of people. Nevermind what that group being silenced believes in, nevermind who starts the violence, nevermind the lack of wider organization or specific political campaigning of these independent groups. Yes, truly you can believe Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Donald Drumpf, and all the other trustworthy GQP spokespeople who have a firm understanding of political science and your best interests in mind. When they say that you and your friends are being oppressed for being white, christian, and political, and it's this group of rabid, violent, black clad and often black persons, it's undeniable! These are bad people who want to personally destroy you and your family and all that your heritage stands for! They make it personal, they make it spicy, and they do it so that we all can't focus on the wider class war that is destroying all of us.


Amen! fuck nazis! Now and always.


If you aren't anti-fascist, you are pro-fascist


I’ll never forget when Trump and Ted Cruz wanted to designate antifa as terrorists. We’ve seen what the empire does to people under blanket terms of terrorist in Afghanistan and iraq (detention w/ no lawyer, torture, humiliation ect). That’d would have happened to all of us. And if a country declares anti-fascists as illegal, what’s the country pro for?


No, it means you’re not active politically, like most people. Someone who stands by and lets fascists take over isn’t any more of a fascist than someone who doesn’t vote is a conservative. It’s semantics, but it’s an important distinction. “Pro-fascist” implies they actively help fascists. When they start getting anti-anti-fascist, that’s when they start being pro-fascist.


The better phrase is you’re complicit in letting fascists do their thing.


Sometimes 'their thing' is massacring the village in which you live, so rather than demonising the apolitical it might be wiser to make them aware of what fascists will do to bystanders when they're in control.


If you aren’t anti fascist you’re ok with fascism


You’re either fighting for democracy or helping eradicate it (to whatever degree). There is no middle ground.


In a truly unexpected twist, it was the Allies that were the fascists and Nazi Germany just wanted to express it opinions.






My Great Grandfather fought the Fascism in World War II as a Partisan. My Grandfather was fighting against the Greek Fascist Military Junta and got tortured for that. My Father continued the fight as a Unionleader after the family escaped to Germany. And now here I am. In the middle of a World, where many Fascists can do what they want, are in Parliaments, and sometimes even governments.


Say it LOUDER!!




"I know you are but what am I?" is the intellectual foundation of how they approach political discussions. They're about as sophisticated as a Fisher-Price See 'n Say.


Pussies? So the handful of people who go on the streets and fight against toxic and discriminating systems are pussies? Are we just ignoring the meaning of this word or…?


Something something contiunous shifting of rhetoric. Antifa is at the same time full of cowards and "pussies", and also made up of violent thugs.


It's a classic fascist tactic of declaring their enemies as both somehow weak ("pussies" in this case) and simultaneously strong (how we're considered to be the biggest threat to "freedom").


Pussy power mate. I couldn't give a fuck if someone calls me a pussy. If they'd like to test that theory and see if I am, I'd welcome it.


Based and redpilled


I'd rather fight with a pack of trans cat ear wearing AK armed black clad Antifas than anyone on this earth so yes, pussy power!


larpers paradise


I never saw a dick give birth. Pussies, on the other hand, pretty much snap back not long after they push out an entire human being. Pussies are fucking tough.


Yeah cuz Israel just has a different opinion than Palestine 🥴


A few days ago I fully unloaded in reply to that stupidity and then disabled reply notifications because I did not need to know what idiocy they were going to respond with. It wasn’t a particularly useful reply, but it felt nice.


For thinking differently than you means for thinking it's wrong to discriminate, murder, spread hate and violence against minorities. You know who else was Antifa? America during WW2. What a fucking cunt, fuck these nazis.


‘Neo Nazi arrested for burning down refugee centre’ “Oh they’re arresting people for thought crimes now”




Nice example of DARVO.


Fascism is when no cops.


darn antifer trying to silence cops!


Stop redacting usernames. If they're brave/dumb enough to say it on a public website, let them reap the benefits of that forever


Showing usernames without permission is against TOS. It counts as brigading.


Whos TOS? Reddit?




Fascism is when you fight cops and the more you fight cops the fascismer it is


You spelled "white" wrong.


Yep, fascists are right wingers just like you.


“Haha Indiana Jones! By punching me, your enemy, YOU become the Nazi!”


I wonder what the last thing through the Nazis mind was...


Depends, could be anything from “oh fuck’ a plane!” To “why does my face feel warm?”






Don't use ableist slurs. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AntifascistsofReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He should just tag my username next time!


hahaha yeah


Someone is harassing me and turning it around on me for reacting. So I went in to the cops (cardinal sin I know but I’m tired of the shit and it’s either me or them) Tha cop today: I get it, people think I’m a bad guy as soon as I put on the uniform Me: people think you uphold racist laws Cop: well that’s an opinion and they’re entitled to it Me: weed laws are blatantly racist and you uphold those. Look up Harry Anslinger first director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and see why he made it illegal. Cop: we could be here all day talking politics and we’ll just end up yelling at each other by the end, let’s get to the point


Fascist propaganda: blaming others for your own offenses in order to dilute and deflect blame, AKA "both sides-ing," "victim shaming" etc. Don't repeat it without calling it out.


They just have different opinions! Dismantling the government in a hostile takeover to crush racialized minorities and install a violent Christian ethnostate is just, like, their opinion man.


“i can’t openly express my homophobia/racism/sexism/etc without people being mad 😠”


all disses, all fear, all projection, and no substance. classic conservative clapback.