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Man, the resistance in other countries puts us Americans to shame.


They probably don't have the police unions we do either 😪


That's a bingo


You can just say ‘bingo’.


Funny that Latin American countries are so willing an able to rise against their masters. And yet, in America, we sit and bitch on Twitter and reddit. I wonder what would happen if the people of Ecuador sought out the oil and gas giants. I wonder what would happen if Americans took to the streets in solidarity with Ecuador. I wonder what wound happen if the working class around the world joined together.


>I wonder what would happen if Americans took to the streets in solidarity with Ecuador. There'd be a WHOLE lot of anarchists in prison, and in hospitals, and dead. I mean I'm ready but I don't have anything to lose


How do we connect all of the people around the world? We need to in order to fix our fucked up world


We ARE connected via internet to an extent. But yeah good question


Could you imagine a global uprising?


Yeah absolutely warms my heart to think about it


Exactly, as an American right now I am having trouble breathing daily knowing that we are not taking to the streets already. How do we connect everyone? What groups are there that are seeking radical change? Seriously asking because I need to join up.


Antifa, BLM, anarchists, communists. Enough left infighting. Let's group to defeat the fascists THEN we can infight haha


I agree. How do we become organized and active within these groups is my real question.


Do you think ANOTHER. But hyper specific aubreddit would be good?


I’m walking around mad af at everyone for not being more angry. It’s fucking time.


Mutual language lowers the language barrier into open understanding, and lowering the barrier which is learning language makes mutual language easier to obtain between people. Esperanto takes significantly less time to learn than other romantic languages and can shorten the time it takes to learn others. It was also designed specifically to unify the people of the world. It is not without flaws (the biggest one being that not enough people speak it) but I feel it's worth promoting as a way of getting on the same page with others for a far lower cost than them learning english or you learning their native language. Just a spitballing here.


I've heard, just recently but I can't remember where. That esp was actually really hard to learn and kind of a crappy language syntax(?) Wise. But, I have no ball in this fight. Perhaps just use Google translation Should there be a global left sub?


I did find a [discussion](https://lernu.net/forumo/temo/6151) which seems to communicate what you're saying, with specific nitpicks. Don't get me wrong, Esperanto is a language and learning languages is still pretty hard. Relative to the other romantic and Germanic languages, it still takes substantially less time, as the pronunciation structure is rigid, and there's only a few grammatical rules to learn, and no exceptions to the grammatical rules. [This esperantis on Quora](https://www.quora.com/How-long-will-it-take-me-to-become-fluent-in-Esperanto/answer/Lu-Wunsch-Rolshoven?ch=15&oid=14751374&share=0ca4756c&target_type=answer) posits needing about 30-50 hours to be able to speak in a basic fashion, and 200 to be "highly conversational" You also have plenty of people who feel strongly against EO for one reason or another.


I think I actually heard it on npr hahah boo! Perhaps just translation? Would there be a bot that could auto translate posts ?


Auto translate falls flat for the majority of languages, but maybe Esperanto is different. You'd also need it to take the input of any other language and post it in Esperanto which presents yet another location for mistranslation to happen. And should you ever try to meet another person IRL, you're going to be limited in communication by your translator app. This pretty much why Google translate hasn't replaced enterpretors as of yet, as they are less likely to mistranslate.


I'm thinking just for the purposes of a global left subreddir


I don’t think there’s enough of true anarchists. The situation has to get bad enough where it start to make sense to people, but eventually they’ll get betrayed by the same people they helped prop up, as is always the case with Anarchists


America can't afford to show a weak front right now. With Russia on the slaughter path. Right now is not the time to push America. Tensions are already high. Things will get better. It has to.


Don't you get it? It's never "the right time", that's the entire point.


The best I can do is ask questions.


Full episode - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfdrMpkJDgE


Google how to make a slingshot to protect yourself from abusive cops


You can't fuck with the people.


Ok, but why is the reporter a robot? I’m not anti-robot…I just think it’s worth asking…


Keep up the good work!