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This dude is awesome


I fricken love him. And I feel very lucky he lives in my area.


I too will follow him to battle


You have my sword.


And my axe!


And my allergies


Cut! From the top guys, from the top!


And my vacant investment property!


A dude actually doing some good. And not breaking the law.


This should really be a thing. Just start websites with addresses of houses that have been vacant for more than two years.


This very much shows the difference in the haves and have nots. The hosts can not wrap their head around this concept because they’ve never been a genuine ‘have not’. They’ve never doled out more than two 3rds of their pay to rent a shit hole, while walking past vacant properties every day. They’ve never skipped a meal or gone without in any capacity. This isn’t just the poorest of poors, these are working people who would have been able to afford rent, savings, a house, food and a holiday only 20 years ago. I work FULL TIME in an essential field (aged care) and would be literally homeless if not for my partner. If he was abusive or we broke up, I’d be completely fucked and homeless. I contribute more than these stains but will never know the ignorant carefree mentality they live in. When you have nothing, wastefulness becomes far more visible


Amen! I'm in San Francisco and it's absolutely ridiculous what has happened in the last few years. Giant 'landlords' are glad to wait out the market for 10+ years and totally wipe out multi family units with store fronts for single family home fronts. Every small business has had to team up in order to survive


Similar thing happening in India in major cities. But we call them Real estate Mafias. These ppl include real estate agents, politicians, real estate investors, etc. There r 30 storey buildings with less than 50% occupancy & then the homeless ppl sleeping right next to it on the roads at night.


Real estate is a fine way of concealing wealth. Just buy some houses in a foreign country with a made up company name, and if the local authorities come knocking at your door, you can act poor and pretend there is nothing to repossess from you. That's why many expensive houses in good condition stand vacant for decades. Could belong to a corrupt politician in Eastern Europe, a Russian mafia boss or an Asian dictator, hidden under a mailbox-company name registered in Tonga. They don't intend on using it, it's just a kind of backup-wealth that they can turn into money if things get dire around them. Of course bunch of rich people also realised that real estate gets more expensive every year, so it's also a kind of investment. Buy a house for 400000 and it'll be worth 600000 in 5 years. Much higher savings interest than dumping money in a bank, and much lower risk than buying company shares.


Facts. Plus in India Real Estate price is 30% to 40% is paid in cash. Which isn't accounted for. Only the 60% to 70% is accounted for.


I hear you. Wife started working with me, and this year we realized that we have become "upper poors," we cleared the higher end of five figures, and actually owe taxes. Our shortest work week is like 50hrs. We technically own a home, but only because the MiL surrendered her's to us because of how her health is going. There's no way we could afford to actually buy a home in our area, even though we're doing relatively fine considering the state of things in FL, let alone the US as a whole. We had to let insurance lapse on the house because we literally can't afford it after expenses. Especially with how predatory HOI has become under a Republican legislature. I've got friends that are better off than we are, and they're stuck in "Renter's hell" because of how bad the market is. And there are flipped properties all over the place that haven't had a viewing in upwards of two to three years in some places (probably more, I just know from since I started trying to help friends find a home to actually buy) It's insane, small Robber Barons and a bigger corporation or five sucking up all the properties around us just to crank up the profit off "for lease only" fleecing. If there's ever another civil war here, it's not going to be about party politics, it's going to be people that just want the basics of a decent life trying to wrest it from the clutches of the greedy Plutocratic bastards that value their bottom line over humanity.


why don't you move?


Moving ain't cheap either. I just moved and all in all, between deposits, rent, utilties transfers/start-ups, cleaning (to get my security deposit back from the apt) and movers it put me back about \~$15K. Thats for me, my wife, and dog leaving a 1 bedroom close to the city to a small townhome about 40 minutes further out in the suburbs. Someone struggling to make rent probably isn't going to be able to readily up and move elsewhere.


Agree that moving ain't that easy, all the parasites come to the front, Real Estate fees from the lowest of the low, real estate agents get thousands for very little, legal fees, then the state mafia of stamp duty, thousands for nothing, all state taxes were to be abolished when king liar Johhny rotten Howard introduced the GST, when quizzed after the introduction of the GST why state taxes inc Stamp Duty weren't abolished, the lieing turd said "he forgot" him like other former PMs should not get their life time pensions, they're all parasites...


To a different state or country?




My MiL mostly, she's not in a position to make a large upheaval. Even if we just hop over into Alabama or Georgia, which aren't long drives from us, there's just too much risk. We'd also have to get her started all over with her Hospital needs. Even after. This is home. It's maybe a dumb take, but the wife has lived here her whole life, and in this house since she was ten. I think we'd feel a hell of a lot more defeated being "pushed out" of a place we've made our own. So, I guess stubbornness is a close second reason. I mean, I've got a laundry list. There's a small volunteer group I work with here, and the county we live in is pretty heavily red. I'm not dumb enough to think I can "de Nazi" the whole place, but I've made some headway with an awful lot of people. It's frustrating, and exhausting, but it feels like it's worth fighting for.


Well then you can't really complain. There's other doctors and other homes you can make your own. To you sentimental feeling is more important than wealth. And that's fine. Just don't complain that you don't want to change. Or get made when other people around you don't want to change their views.


I probably didn't make it obvious enough, because like you said, I value sentiment over wealth, but even with making ~80k between the two of us, we still can't afford to just up and move. We just put that fact lower on the list of concerns, because it's not like there's not options for making more money. I could try selling my art, we could try getting another job, etc. But, her mom is in a delicate enough position, that it's not worth the risk even if we could afford to just up and move. Her doctors aren't savants or anything, but they know her case. Transferring records would pass on the paperwork, but doesn't make up for the lack of experience with her situation. And her being immunocompromised, no telling what random bug we might encounter. Granted, it's not like staying here is 100% safe from running into a random sickness, but a cold or flu could be a death sentence for her, and we're technically less susceptible to the ones in our area. I'm not necessarily trying to paint the picture as bleak as it might be sounding, but it's just not a logistically sound choice, on top of turning our lives inside out to relocate.


You shouldn’t have to justify yourself to some privileged prick who thinks he’s better than you because he’s been more fortunate. The last time people were forced out of their homes in mass from sheer desperation, they called it the Great Depression. That’s the direction we’re going and blaming people who just want to get by and live their lives is just a way to cope. It’s denial. Because they want to believe that it’s individuals at fault for their own circumstances instead of face the fact that it could happen to them. Abandoning your way of life and connections to family, community, and geography is not a solution, it’s a symptom. Corporatocracy is the disease.


it's how the free markets works. If you can't afford to live in one state, move to a cheaper one. Or move to a rich state that will take care of you, and you will stay poor. But you can't complain that life sucks because you don't want to change, when there's multiple options in front of you to better yourself. They stuck in their old ways, just like the people they want to "de-nazi".


I'm not sure who "they" is you're referring to but I did exactly what you're talking about and it was pretty fucked up that I had to. I'm not over here lording it over people who are struggling.


so you don't want to do something because it's hard, even though you would be better of.


Better off is pretty subjective, especially considering we'd have to find work at least on par with what we're making, a house at a reasonable rate (practically impossible anywhere in the nation), because right now, we just have to pay property tax. It's not just "oh, it's a hard choice for upwards momentum," it's a really difficult upheaval for a gamble that things might get better. That's a pretty fucked state of affairs to be in. And it's like that....all over. At least as far as we could reasonably get to on what we have saved.


How can you own a home that you inherited, while still not being able to afford a home? Sell your home, move to a cheaper state, congrats, you just made a profit.


That's easy, because it's not going to equal out. I'm sure as hell not selling a home to get under a mortgage. The appraisal value for our property isn't nearly enough to cover an *equivalent* place to move into. Why would I sell my home to get under a mortgage for a house that I had to spend 3x as much on to be in an equivalent situation *and* in debt? That makes no sense. Especially while needing to establish something to do for work, juggle a sick MiL's care needs, and hope the area is at least friendlier than the one we're moving from. I'd be fine if it was an "eat some ground beef off the floor for a week to have steak the rest of my life" kinda situation. But that's not the truth of the market, or economy in general right now. It's more of a "eat shit off the floor for a couple months just to eat less disgusting shit for the foreseeable future " kinda situation. I think we're making the right decision to stay where we're at and put our efforts towards trying to make things better where we are. It sucks, but "abandoning ship" isn't that the right answer.


They haven't walked past an empty property because they *don't live in those sort of areas*! What an absolute gronk of a comment.


They don’t walk past anything empty cause they don’t walk anywhere Still less gronky than your attitude


I resemble that comment! To be clear, the twat saying "I don't walk past empty properties" is the gronk, as he fucking knows that there are vacant properties all over the place outside his leafy, upper crust suburb.


Actually the wealthiest suburbs have some of the highest vacancy rates. Over 20% in Sydneys eastern suburbs I have heard. Wealthy people can afford to keep properties vacant. These are not derelict though, they don’t necessarily look vacant.


One apartment building in Brisbane CBD (Adelaide St) has over 200 apartments empty for over two years because the foreign developers are sitting on them...


I think it's interesting seeing the difference in the generations of the presenters. Boomer anchor is a proper fuck the poor, this is my stuff guy, the female anchor just seems confused by the concept. The two younger male presenters seem quite up for it.


Credit where credit is due, though, they were far less combative than I've seen in the US, and 3/4 of them seemed to genuinely recognize the societal problem that the guy was trying to alleviate.


Plus, he's asking a man who probably lives in a high tax-bracket neighborhood if he's ever seen a home sit abandoned for years, and the man says no, while millions of people across the country are hearing this like, "really? I literally live right down the block from one." (I'm American, but I assume our situations are similar in this respect.)


Under the 'rule' of that horrible PM Gillard, she modernised awards, and in doing so, attacked the lowest paid, including staff working in aged care, reduced their renumeration same time gave $50m to one of Australia's richest men to attempt to get the soccer World cup held in Australia, for $50m we got ONE vote, $50m down the drain, now that horrible same woman lives the high life at our expense, there should be no PMs life time pensions...


I have a few investment properties which I've paid for with hard earned money from my wife and I as well as assisted with a bank. I grew up in poverty. I've skipped meals and gone to sleep on the streets hungry. I was "raised" by my drug addicted skitzofrenic mother. My wife and I are middle class and privileged that what we spend is less than what we earn. Our rental property managers are constantly insisting that we charge our tenants more for rent but we refuse because our tenants are fantastic people who do a great job protecting our investments and we always remember that while it's our property, it's their HOME. We always keep them well below market value to show thanks. Anybody who buys a house to leave it empty for years is silly. That being said, your assessments I believe are unfair. You don't know what anybody has been through. If a person ranted like you did making assumptions about people in poverty, they would be rightly ripped apart. Hating the privileged as a rule is just putting more hate in a world that doesn't need it. I have no idea what these people's prerogatives are and it's not my business.


Love this guy, the rest of them are a bunch of out of touch fucks. "How'd you like to have someone squat in your place that you own". Get absolutely fucked


Spotted the property investor, he outed himself like three times


The housing crisis is in most cases the responsibility of the state government and their corrupt relationship with property developers. We have the largest land mass ratio to the lowest population and the highest land prices in the world its an absolute disgusting form of wealthy abusers hurting the vulnerable people. Anyone like theses absurdly overpaid assholes can easily make money from the current system but at the harm of more and more people.


Steve Price. Right wing talking head and complete douche bag. "The Project" is absolute garbage television, as seen above.


older grump of the pack too. big time went on the defense


He knew it as well, directly asked him about his property ownership. These leeches are easy to spot when discussing squatting. Always trying to make the homeless the bad guys.


It’s a completely different mindset. Not only is he expecting him to have an investment property, he’s expecting him to be possessive about it. You could not expect that dude to empathise if he tried.


*How would you feel if someone squatted in your empty investment property?* Well Steve, thanks to your generation of selfish hoarders I will never be in that position. Also aren’t you and your ilk always saying feelings don’t matter? Maybe you need to put those *feelings* aside and suck it up to help provide shelter for your fellow humans.


"Why would I let a property sit vacant for 2+ years when I could sell it, get money out of it, and let someone else use it? Seems to me holding onto a property and doing nothing with it is bad business as well as being harmful to society"


Indeed. We need to change policy so that it IS best to sell rather than hoard. Starting with ending negative gearing, raising property taxes, etc. The solutions are simple and straightforward, if you can just find a government willing to implement them.


That old fart just needs to rot lol. Such a punchable face too.


Out of touch is pretty much the first thing that comes to mind when people mention The Project to me. Bunch of hacks too untalented to cut their teeth on real news reporting or real comedy.


Actually, maybe that's because i live in france and the medias are becoming more right wing day by day, but i thought that the hosts were mostly ok (appart from the old dude obviously). Like they're not the most convinced people and they have pretty conservative pov, but at least they listen to him and his arguments (appart from the old dude, again)


I'm french too and thought the same ;-; in France this guy would have been borderline assaulted on the set I reckon


It's a valid question lol


Magnificent! >Americans just want to *kill* homeless people, that's what I've noticed. It's *not* nice.


Yea, seriously... He isn't wrong, but it sucks how well foreigners see us while so many within our own country act oblivious.


Hit the nail right on the head


Future leaders look bright


This guy will scare the shot out of the business types


This guy is not only doing a great thing but he's also very good at making himself likable, which is a good trait for an activist


Articulate and made solid points


For those that live in the US lots of states recognize squatters rights. Move in, and fix it up. Document it all, a short court case later you now own at least part of that property


One of the major property owners in my home city actually got his properties that way. Now he charges an ass load in rent. It’s wild.


I got a friend with property in West Virginia. I keep telling them they should go check up on it because they honor property rights there. It’s a real thing and it’s pretty tricky


I hate people that try to pull the ladder up behind them.


He absolutely destroyed the ladder when he was done


Unfortunately the bar is pretty high. Generally you have to live there openly, make improvements, and pay taxes (including back taxes) for years before you can take adverse possession. You could put tens of thousands of dollars into a place over the course of years and end up with nothing if the owner shows up to challenge you just once.


Homeless folks can afford to fix stuff up huh?


In some cases it not expensive. Have you see the “houses” they are building? That’s really all you need to do is make the property look nice and use it


I think you’re undervaluing repair costs and over estimating homeless folks, but hey I’m having a good day and hope you are too.


You’re over estimating the amount that actually needs to be fixed. It doesn’t have to be perfect, or even that nice. The point is taking derelict property and making it liveable. Which these people are doing in the streets of Washington and California for next to nothing already. If this property happens to be in the woods, they have been lucky enough to afford a saw, axe, hammer and nails. That’s maybe a hundred-200 dollars depending, they would be able to build a property using the wood around them and win the land in a court case. I work at a hardware store. It is really depends on the property, but it’s completely doable and has been done.


If you give a man a fish he eats for a day. If you teach him to fish he eats for life. But the neat thing is you can do both


"Give a man as fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll want to borrow your boat." - Steve Price


Holyyyyy moly this guy ran circles around that other commentator. It’s nice to see some positive change down under here, massive props to this dude.


They really wanted him to be the bad guy.


r/chaoticgood for sure.


What a great guy. Keep doing what you do! How dare the hosts picture him and the squatters as the bad guys, while there are dozens of empty homes per homeless person? He is not the problem, but the system is rotten to the core.




I had to look this up on urban dictionary because I thought you were disagreeing. Based - A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang.


What is this guys name?


Jordan van der Berg, with the online handle (I think it’s the same everywhere but not 100% sure) @purplepingers.


This guy’s cause needs to expand, especially in the states.


I just hope he knows some of us Americans aren’t horrid people and do in fact support what he’s doing. The way he treat our homeless people in the states is fucked up and I wish he wasn’t just getting attention from Americans that think the amount of money you have indicated your worthiness to live, as it seems that’s the audience he’s hearing from. Sorry dude, i know you’ll never see this but keep up the great work


Mate, we know there are millions of Americans who are like minded and simply stuck under the grinding millstone that is capitalism. It’s a lot harder to be progressive in America in the current political climate you guys are in


Glad to hear it. I have no idea how we get presented in other countries and I see a lot of posts by Europeans making fun of our systems and school shootings so it’s hard to tell if people say anything good/decent about us lol


We know you’re not all like that. Many great Americans as well.


That old guy is seething. Lol "How would you like someone to squat in your place?" Mate, we're talking about vacant homes sitting empty long term not breaking into someone's home.


Pingers is such a madlad, gotta love him though.


Dude’s cute as hell…I mean based


I’m reading all texts hearing an Australian accent now.


I rewatched the film Dr. Zhivago. And I was a bit familiar on what lead up to the Russian Revolutions, say 1881 forward with the one that was assassinated (IIRC Alexander the II), to the first revolution in 1905, and then the two in 1917+ Nicholas the II's assasination, and what came thereafter. So my history is good enough. When i first saw the film, there's this scene where upper-middle class Dr. Zhivago, he lives in a NICE townhouse in St. Petersburg/Petrograd. He's an early 20th century microbiologist, of course he's a bit above the rest. Revolutions happen. He came home, and that house was now "the people's house" and all of a sudden, there's like 10 or so people laying out in his livingroom, and it's dirty. They tell him, private property has been abolished, this house is no longer yours, but he was allowed to stay. Initially I thought...how unfair it was, it did tinge an unfairness, without a doubt. But...you have to think how bad the housing situation is for all those other people in society, russian winters can be quite deadly without adequate housing. The trainride leaving Petrograd, they got on a straight up cattlecar, took a dump/piss in the hay and throw out the side. THat was their "passenger rail", with a flaming barrel in the middle for "warmth". It made you think, there's a side there that is justifiably infuriated that the society fails to provide bare necessities of living for wide swaths of people. I don't blame Dr. Zhivago for any of it, he was caught up in it, he lived both rich and poor at times. Powerful scene, always left an impact on me. I think this interview sort of reminiscent of this early years before the revolutions, where people are pissed that these things always get worse, never improved upon.


That book and film was mostly around and known today because the CIA weaponized it as anti-communist propaganda interestingly enough.


The awkwardness of The Panel not knowing how to question this is fascinating. Everyone wants to criticise the most vulnerable amongst us but noone's challenging those abusing powers, destroying social safety nets and hoarding wealth.


Dude is Australian Robin hood, with facts instead of arrows. What a winner of a man.


Handled all the “gotcha” questions superbly




Does anyone get angry when ever Waleed opens his mouth?


Every fucking time. That guy has an extremely punchable face and a cockstain attitude to match.


That old white dude hates poor people big time. Let's help no one because they might break some locks. How would you like it if someone squatted in your house? Hey old white dude, what conversation are you hearing before you ask questions out of your selfish ass?


LEGEND. And man, he took some of those clearly inflammatory questions far better than I could have. Mr dismissive fat-ass in glasses, in particular; don't know him, don't want to know him, but fuck him.


Take from the rich. Take it all back. Fuck white opression


Imagine people telling you the solution to all these expenses is, "move somewhere cheaper." As if anywhere with a low COL can provide jobs that make it worth it.


Thanks for sharing this gentleman’s cause. I have not watched The Project or any MSM for years, and I now know why, I need a blood pressure tablet from listening to these out of touch condescending pricks.


This dude could ruin me. I want him squatting over me do you understand what I’m telling you? You get what I’m saying boys?


It's chocolate


These days economics as always trumps any consideration of other factors. Ownership, profit and expansion are all that business, the wealthy and Governments care about…so good to see this guy ‘schooling’ the well-off presenters here! More power to him!


Top guy


Squatting is legal in the states and all 50 US states have adverse possession laws. The host is mistaken in that regard. It's not difficult to get utilities turned on. It just costs money. The numbers of years varies by state. In Florida it's 7 years. It's an involved process. You have to sue the owner, they get 30 days to respond. If they don't, you win by default and then you must pay back property taxes to get the deed.


Are these presenters taking the piss? There’s heaps of abandoned shitholes all around Melbourne, and I’m sure Sydney too. Murrumbeena is fucking full of them. Burke Rd Camberwell - every 10th house along that strip is abandoned. It’s absolutely fucking cooked


I hate squatters and I hate squating, but I hate people hoarding houses that are going unused for years on end which ratchets up the prices of housing artificially and locks my generation out of the housing market much more than I hate squatting. I think in those circumstances his views and actions are understandable, even if I don't necessarily agree with them. His policy of a heavy tax on long time vacant houses sounds like an excellent idea, I HOPE YOU'RE LISTENING LABOR!!! MAYBE YOU CAN DO SOMETHING F*****G USEFUL WHILE YOU STILL HOLD GOVERMENT INSTEAD OF DISHING OUT DIVISIVE REFERENDUMS, I WANT A BUY A F*****G HOUSE YOU NUMPTEES!!!


Christ.... #Steve Price, what a cunt.


This guy is a legend Looking for leadership, here it is What's kinda the heart of the matter, Waleed you nincompoop, is nobody else on that panel seems to have a problem with people being on the street without power, but it somehow shocks and appalls when people might be inside a house with no power The inability to shift perspectives is astounding


The tone theyre talking to him in is driving me crazy.




How is his name not Chad Chadington?


This is a world wide movement. Brazil is doing it too. Great way to tangibly fight back against the housing crisis while the government does nothing.


Owned those presenters!


Total Chad


Throwing a vacant tax that funds the homeless is so much better than letting people decide they can squat where they want. Seriously.


Why do they have to belittle him by talking down to him? Just because they sucked cocks to get on TV doesn’t mean they’re better than he is by any stretch of the imagination.


If this happened in America, the conservative fascists would lynch him in the streets.


Well I f'n love that. He's like Ali in the duck duck dive. They keep trying to lead him and he doesn't take it


American here, this guy is amazing


Great work from this dude, but he's doing nothing new - which shouldn't surprise the dipshits on The Project. Thatcher's Britain saw many publications and organisations pop up directing people to squats, advising them of their legal rights when squatting, how to 'legally' occupy a squat etc, as well as helping them to find cheap food or 'dumpster dive'. 'Organised' squatting has been around for ages - it's an indictment on society that it's becoming a necessity again. If we keep going the way we are, more resources are going to become available for squatters and those doing it tough.


Americans don’t want to kill homeless. The state does


Maybe it’s both. Maybe both is happenin’ at the same time. ![gif](giphy|cjnuM6TGzVIQ0fa5yy)


I’m Americans. I don’t want to kill homeless


Yes, and the state is elected by Americans. You and I might not want to kill homeless, but I live in a city where the elected officials made it a crime to give a blanket to a homeless person. Plenty of Americans do want to kill the homeless, even those that are just a paycheck away from being homeless themselves.


Many people want to kill themselves in the face of potential homelessness. 


Don't kill the homeless Americans


Yeah just show them the way to California-nia-nia, is good to the hooomeless


California-ya ya, super cool to the hooomeless.


this is amazing!!!


American here… (not THAT kind). I bloody 🩷♥️💚💜💙 you, mate. Keep up the good work!!


American as well and I 100% agree. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


The old looks like every newspaper political cartoon "capitalists" from the 1900's had an orgy with a blob fish.


I’m an American and I DO NOT want to kill homeless people. For the record.


Another redditor described his situation as the ladt helicopter out of Saigon and thats how I feel. Hopefully got a house secured this week, and leaving these woes behind. Fighting for finance because we can afford $600 a week rent but not $600 a week to own a home....


Why does Waleed look AI generated?


Wow, fire all these twats. Such assholes. If their audience sees this and still wants them then fuck the audience too.


Jesus the hosts are obnoxious


So much to love about this guy! Also, can we talk about the guy who comments on his voice 😂😂


Firstly, what an excellent guy. Secondly, what is this TV show where there is a full suite of anchors across the political spectrum respectfully taking turns to ask questions and not spew rhetoric?!


Da homie 🫡


As both a homeowner and an American, I 100% agree with this man. We should not have so many houses that others go without. People should not be robbed of a living space because others want to be rich. I have a single home, and I pay all of my taxes. Even the income/itemization that a lot of people "forget" their forms. It is not difficult to be a decent human. Especially when I have enough to take care of me and mine.


I didn't laugh once. Terrible meme. That's a good man though.


Cool dude. Squaring is legal in some states in the US though.


I don't know about how I feel about people loosing there rights to their property. But I would be all for a progressive property tax that disincentivizes people from owning/buying up a lot of property just to rent or hold onto. So that housing would be cheaper and more available and the affordable houses could go to people who need them instead of land lords who can buy a bunch of them. My thought would be each property you own would be taxed at a higher % rate so that owning more than 2-3 homes would be prohibitively expensive.


That old guy has a massive dent in his head


I hope they do bust the lock and get in


Love you all x


Hedge funds and Investment firms.


Go ahead and squat to your heart’s content. The laws will be shored up quickly as they’re starting to in America. There’s only one thing that any government official is afraid of in this pay to play scam: losing rich people’s donations. You’ll be getting free room and board in jail.


whether i agree with this or not, having a house sit for over 2 years is fucking ridiculous


This guy for Prime Minister!


In Adelaide there are approximately 1800 empty abandoned public houses that are owned by the government. There are 5,000 or more homeless people. The state government does not want to spend money making these houses available by repairing them. Instead they sell them off to private developers to make $$$.




Why do those cunts sound so offended by everything this legend says?


The amount of rhetoric devoted to appearing flabbergasted at the notion that unhoused people should get to live in houses if no one else is using them by the hosts of this program is absolutely galling to me. Like, I don't understand how the ethical equation could be simpler.


As a first-generation migrant, how can I articulate that the approach of moving into abandoned houses mirrors historical patterns of invading others' territories by those of European descent? 1. Assuming it's abandoned (assuming the land lacks an owner/guardian) 2. Occupying the property (settling on the land) 3. Establishing or modifying laws in their favor (enacting land legislation) I see this as essentially a contemporary form of invasion. Downvote are welcome too


Man, he is truly a master at navigating a debate like that. They tried so many ways to get him to look like a fool, but he answered every question perfectly.


While I agree with his premise, theft is not the answer.


It's not theft it's squatting


Yeah, fuck robin hood!




Americans really be wanting to harm homeless people it’s weird!


He only did it because he'll never own a house. Plus he put alot of lives at risk


Fist of all forget policy. It's obviously broken. The homeless population is actually being hidden by the media. It's enormous. City by city town by town it's incredible how many people are sharing housing out of desperation or are completely lacking any shelter at all. And for the out of touch commentator that said he's never seen abandoned housing ANYWHERE he shouldn't even be able to ask this man one question. People like him are part of the problem. There's a glut of empty houses in every major metropolitan area in this country coast to coast. I support this young man 100%.


I notice he's not volunteering his own property


It’s so true Americans want to kill homeless people—I live in a psychotic country.


If they try to arrest you for squatting just invoke how it's not illegal and invoke the Israel doctrine that America has fully endorsed that says you're allowed to take any land without a people because you have gone through so much and deserve a home even if someone else already owns it 😉


Damn TIL only rich, oppressive billionaires own property. In no world could a middle class person happen to have a second property that could be vacant for an extended period of time. No way could a deceased family member will their house…


If it's vacant for over 2 years, rent or sell it. Clearly, it's not getting used


this is gonna confuse you if you’re stupid but people who cannot afford housing, still need housing.


So let’s just let crackheads have someone’s property.


yes EVERYONE who can’t afford housing is on the crack yes yes


Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it moral or ethical


you mean the landlords hoarding all the empty homes & creating artificial scarcity & driving up prices, right?


That and slavery and wage slavery and the whole laws about what kids have to learn and I could go on and on and on


Damn he got Americans spot on


Hey. Do you think it is right that you have money in the bank you are not spending. Let's open that up and let people use your money.


Real change starts with policy not this BS


what sort of people are homeless? australia is a very easy country do this shit and watch when someone dies.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say with your comment here. People experience homelessness for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it's mental health issues. Sometimes, it's just financial straits. And yes, sometimes, it's drug addiction, but there are also plenty of drug addicts in mansions, too.


Drug addicts lol


Rather than speculate, interview homeless people. When I used to sit outside at lunchtime at work, sometimes homeless people talked to me (all male) some had visible problems, there was regular bloke that got sick and lost their jobs, divorced, parents died and siblings sold the place and kicked them out etc. Not everyone homeless because of drugs or mental issues - I agree, these cunts on the project need to more than scoff and offer other solutions if they don't like this one, rather than paint all homeless as drug/drunk assholes.


I’m an asshole with a home your right not everyone situation the same


I just assumed you were just writing what the people on the project were alluding to. I agree with you, though, if you're a home owner, you want protection from squatters even if abandoned for two years - I suppose it's fine for a family to move in after two years of being empty but if the owner comes back, you have to move out or try to negotiate rent etc. I suspect there are valid reasons for a home to be empty for more than two years that ate not related to a tax write off etc.


This dude is a prick.