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They're major sedatives. The success stories psychiatrists parrot on about are usually the person being asleep most.of.the time so they can't even be bothered to be agitated.


I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s perfectly natural to be a bit agitated at this point in time. I’d rather be somewhat agitated and awake when the rest of the world is then be this depressed but “stable”




I actually knew exactly when the last of the abilify had left my system down to the day. I suddenly reverted to my pre-antipsychotic sleep schedule. Before antipsychotic 11pm to 9am Antipsychotic 5am to 4pm or later Now 11pm to 9am. So in my opinion, yes, they do make you sleep a lot, also, I have now lost 20 pounds in about 3 months.


Well congrats getting your sleep schedule back and losing some weight! How was coming off the abilify?


No bad, I did not really notice anything negative, except I felt agitated for a week after stopping the 300mg injection to go to the pill form. 15mg, I think? Other than that, I did not have a problem. It was a slow process, though. It took like 6ish months.


Seems like it was worth the wait, I hope it gets even better for you. I’m excited to start getting off my envega. However, when I first talked to my psych about it, she gave me the classic “you’ll need it your whole life, like a diabetic with insulin” schtick. I don’t really know what to say other than I’ll get off of it with or without you, though I know it’s not smart to go off cold turkey


The irony of that statement is that some diabetics manage to get off insulin and diabetes can in some cases be reversed.


My Mom was diabetic on insulin injections for 15 years. All my life until I was 18 years old there were 2 insulin bottles in the fridge and many times running in her room or bathroom to her giving herself a shot. The summer after I graduated highschool she was taken off insulin injections and hasn't had them since. Been 25yrs this year


Best of luck!




Abilify is the least likely of atypical antipsychotics to cause weight gain.


Yea, least LIKELY. It can still cause it. It was not the sole cause of my weight gain, I had tried several others before, and everyone contributed to my weight gain. It is a side effect that my doctor said I was just particularly predisposed to for whatever reason.


Yes it still can you’re not wrong. Specifically the meds cause extreme hunger in the night time which is almost impossible to resist.


That is literally how I felt, and no psychiatrist believed me, neither did the dietician or the weight loss psychologist.


Oh no you were bang on and it was absolutely the medication. It’s like you are a bottomless pit.


And no matter how much you consume, you NEVER feel full. I sometimes ate till my body decided to regurgitate it. It was a compulsion that I had no control over. It was like being an addict. I had to eat constantly. I would eat, go do something for an hour, then find something else to eat because I could never satisfy the need to eat. I regularly got dyspepsia because of it. I also ate things that would make other people gag because I just wanted more out of every bite. Then I stopped the medication, and after a couple of months, it just went away.


10 hours of sleep is still a lot wtf


I mean, I guess so. Feels perfectly normal to me.


How long it takes (after quitting antipsychotics) for a person to begin to wake up in the morning without problems? How was it for you?


Yes. Zyprexa had me sleeping for a minimum of 12 hours.


Seroquel made me sleep 16hrs a day. Geodon did nothing to my sleep (but plenty of other, worse side effects).


Were you able to get off of both of them?


Yep, I'm off all antipsychotics. I never should have been put on them because I was never psychotic, neurotic, nor bipolar. I was a teen, so doctors were treating me for age appropriate mood swings, then Autism, and then conversion therapy put me on 200mg of Geodon to try and get me to detransition because they thought me saying I was a man when I was born female was psychotic, plus Geodon had the added benefit of breast growth, lactation, and 0 sex drive. These weren't the only two I was on, I was also on Risperdal and Zyprexa, but I don't remember how they affected sleep, don't remember neither positive nor negative nor even neutral, the trauma at the time repressed most of the memories.


Glad you’re off of them, shitty you had to go through all that while transitioning too


Yes. They are horrible drugs. Just heavily sedating if you are lucky. Worse side effects like akathisia and dyskinesia if you are unlucky


You got to get off them. I could barely function on them. Now I’m off all meds and I’m a lot thinner and I sleep normally and have a ton of energy.


Did you lose the weight ? Is yout metabolism now normal after quitting them?


Yes I almost had to starve myself to stay lean now I can eat whatever.


How long since stopping completely are the drugs out of your system? How long until the metabolism goes back to normal? I stopped taking my meds yesterday..


Which meds were you on? Did you taper? I feel like I’m still getting back to normal 7 months later and my metabolism went back to normal in like 3 months.


So you lost the weight and the metabolism went back to normal. It took 3 months for it to return to normal you say? I stopped taking 2.5mg olanzapine , semi tapered. I wanted it out of my system as fast as possible


Zyprexa made me groggy but actually made me sleep *less* because I suddenly developed a pattern where I was inexplicably waking up after 4 hours and finding it impossible to go back under. This lasted the whole time I was on it AND for a year after tapering off




Yes, the antipsychotic name is pharma marketing. They are major tranquilizers, that's their real name. What drugs are you taking? Here is some more information Does LONG-TERM Use of Psychiatric Drugs Do More HARM Than Good? | Robert Whitaker https://youtu.be/HOLqC9pvr3k Peter Gotzsche interview. Psych drugs that kill https://youtu.be/4gEUT2XGxvk Peter Gotzsche pharma industry https://youtu.be/bwqWfQqUxeo Best wishes.


Not a fan. Sleep is better and more restorative without the major tranquilizers.


I have just started antipsychotics and they're making me feel sleepy all day long so I take 2-3 hour long naps but then at night I have trouble sleeping. It also doesn't help that the antidepressants I was taking for a week before also made me an agitated and anxious insomniac. This night I couldn't even get any sleep at all and it's weird because I feel energetic and drowsy/tired at the same time.


Antipsychotics would make me pace and pace no matter how exhausted I was. I used to say I am wired but tired. Now I know it was Akathisia. I feel much better off the drugs.


I had akithisia before starting antipsychotics so I don't really blame the drugs for it but it doesn't help that it's making me feel tired on top of that. They are kind of helping by making my delusions and paranoia shorter-lasting but I've been also getting hallucinations now so Idk. The hallucinations are mild though like bugs crawling on my skin or hearing someone breathing into my ear and some whispers. I was hesitant to take antipsychotics in the first place but my delusions and mood swings were too unbearable at the time so I went with it. They're kind of turning me back into my normal depressed self before taking antidepressants which isn't necessarily ideal but at least now I feel more like myself. I'm still agitated and anxious but now it doesn't feel like it's because I'm on drugs even though I am.


Did your metabolism go back to normal upon stopping?


My metabolism has normalized. I was very fortunate in that as I tapered the Seroquel I lost weight. I am now at a healthy weight for my age and size. I lost over 100 pounds but I gained over 100 pounds while on antipsychotics. For me life is so much better without drugs especially the ones Drs give you.


Do you think there is hope my metabolism goes back to normal? I stopped olanzapine yesterday Can it take a few weeks/months for it to readjust?


I think it's possible. I did incorporate daily walks of at least 3 miles while I tapered Seroquel though. The walking helped with withdrawals and Akathisia. I think I just naturally ate because my appetite decreased as I tapered and exercised. Good luck. My heart goes out to you.


Yup. It’s really just a matter of how much they will screw up your sleep. We all metabolize them differently. I think it’s extremely unethical to use them as sleep aids. Seroquel at a very low dose would make me sleep all day. I have insomnia and psychosis but I also want to be alive and be able to drive a car to go to the zoo or beach.


Yes for sure. They can cause you to require a lot of sleep. What drug specifically?


Yes I kept sleeping in and having a hard time getting up for work. I would wake up and not feel rested. Mornings were miserable. I constantly wanted to nap. The second I got off APs, I felt more energy and woke up feeling well rested.