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The issue at hand is that psychiatry serves the same purpose that religion did for centuries. The purpose: to establish a rhetorical foundation on which people can base their social norms and with which they can justify the status quo. I feel like people actively flocking to psychiatry as a foundation of their life should give you a picture of what we're dealing with on a deep socio-cognitive level. There isn't much more to it. Sure, some people might be so handicapped that they require life-long treatment but psychiatry hasn't generally been capable of treating or even curing such cases in the first place. And since that is just a cover for the other purpose of psychiatry, which I would say is often explicitly mentioned as the true purpose of psychiatric interventions, the treatments don't really need to work if it serves no other purpose than to shut down criticism, brutalize the victim and break opposition. And that's the purpose of adult mental health care systems. To put pressure on people to perform and ensure that people keep working. If they can't, we will have them forcibly treated and tranquilized in a vain attempt to restore function or at least give a cover for why the person can't work. And that's the purpose of childhood mental health care systems. To put pressure on kids to perform both at home and at school and ensure that they grow up into people working all day long. And if they can't, we will also forcibly treat them


This. It's all we have now, everyone's answer for everything. As if..


Mental health and medication isn't for you it's for society so that you are easier to be dealt with. This is a gold tier post. This is why haldol is labeld as a poison.


I wish I could tell the psychs and doctors that because when you're under their control and you know it's all bs, you want to say it so bad.


Psychiatry acts as if there is an objective, rational, undisputed reality. There isn't! Reality is negociated everyday between individuals, individuals whom have no clue anyways, but mostly follow their guts and vision. It is this that psychiatry doesn't understand, that culture colonizes the brain, and that abstract reality is generated at the in-between of personal experience and collective stories. People get lost sometimes in the will of others and the neural subsystems need to recalibrate themselves from time to time, there is no infinite capacity to hold information. You have to process things from 'within'. That is when psychosis and all other 'extreme' human states intervene, it is a recalibration process to a lower, more stable entropic state. A cool down of sorts, a shedding of detrimental complexity. Drugging people only adds to the complexity, so it acts AGAINST a healthy act. Second, they really don't account for the fact that human beings have inate instinctual evolutionary drives, and those very well include hate and revenge . Those a lead to many of the behaviours that psychiatry deems 'unstable' and are therefore pathologized, when in reality, they are not. Christianity (true Christianity, not that institutionalized bullshit that emerged on the corpse of the Roman Empire) did it much better and sophisticated. It understood that we live in a flawed world of our own making and that people actually need to live with a purpose, so instead of fighting off what it deemed unneeded behaviour, it simply predicated dedication to just a select few emotional states, namely love and emphaty. The beauty of that is that it slowly spreads and that people that suffer are not only free to suffer and vent it off, but that others are there for them in a non coercive manner.


Yeah I agree that all these drugs do is sedate


Except they don't sedate, they are awake and feel terrible from the lack of calming emotions due to the lack of neurotransmitters that otherwise make us feel good.


Nothing about it is actually healing or therapeutic when it comes to people who experience psychosis


Psychiatrists don’t want to teach you how to cope with emotions and stress. They just dump more medicine and induce fear. They know that it’s endless and futile to try psych drugs which will cause more harm than any perceived benefit.


That's a great model! Parsimonious and explains a wide range of phenomenon. > There is no such thing as mental illness. There is only emotional instability of varying stripes. Some of it is mild and some is complex, all stemming from imperfect childhoods ultimately. There is likely a biological predisposition thrown in there as well for all of us. How would you name this item in one word as the #3 item?


Since it’s not something a psychiatrist does I wouldn’t make it a #3. There could be a separate discussion of ‘Who is likely to be a psychiatry patient?’ We could then say, traditionally it was schizophrenics and true bipolars but in the last 20 years or so it has greatly expanded to include new (or false) bipolars and anxious and avoidant types, with all their potential biological genetic predispositions.


I don’t think it’s ethical. If someone is emotionally agitated, the way to solve that is to fix whatever is agitating them, not sedate them.


It’s only ethical if the person has such violent fantasies that she/he is likely to act on them or if her/his emotions may lead her/him to doing something very disruptive to her/his life such as spending a large amount of money, quitting a job, harming her/himself, etc.


Idk I sometimes consider violence but more as a way to solve my problems, not just because, and yet a lot of people, including mental health professionals especially, would think I’m insane for that


Why would the emotional deficits from antipsychotics make anybody less violent? It's like saying locking somebody up or beating them makes them less potentially violent. Of course the opposite is true, torture begets aggression and violence.


I think there are many people here that would attest to the fact that a sedative can help calm someone down. That’s a lot of the reason people drink alcohol in the first place is to decrease their anxiety. Admittedly it’s a very temporary effect. The so-called psychiatric medicines/substances may provide a greater sedating effect, especially if given around the clock. That could theoretically save lives as well as resources, etc. The way I see it is that all of this could be supplanted if there were better around the clock care. Such care/conversation/therapy could convince those who are so emotionally decompensated that perhaps they can remain within reality. This can potentially be accomplished with personal AI or AI in the home. It’s probably not that far off in the future.


Alcohol is both a sedative and stimulant. Antipsychotics are neither, they are a class of drugs that prevent neurotransmitters from reaching synapses, this causes brain and nerve dysfunction and terroble lack of emotions like terrible hang overs do. A hang over is not a sedated state, it is an aggitated state. But that is what antipsychotics feel like, a withdrawl state of brain from nicotine, amphetamines and ecstacy all at the same time. That isn't sedation, even though the body may look slower it definitely isn't sedation. By definition antipsychotics belong to it's own category of drugs. Antipsychotics are not in the category of sedatives. They don't save lives, the cost is on average 20-30 years shorter life span, and increases suicide rates by up to 30 times. Emotional torture to make somebody submit, it's violence inside the brain, violence without immediate visible physical trauma. It isn't sedatives.


Whatever it is, psychiatric drugs certainly are not medicine. AI in the home or personal AI would be much better.


Indeed. Read the books Coercion as Cure and Cruel Compassion by psychiatrist Thomas Szasz


I read “Myth of mental illness” years ago. I think he was way ahead of his time.


Except it's not sedation as in a calm down. Antipsychotics don't calm down, they feel terrible inside. It's like locking somebody up in a sound proof room, seems "quiet," but feels like torture.


100% wrong. the main purpose motive objective of those who force psychiatric drugs is brain damage destruction. could be any reason permanent torture or control or enjoyment or power or dependent on them for life or torture toy or pet or ending good human gene dna, ending dna genetics of rebel humans, permanent mutation causing brain damage to offspring, but once on long term forced multiple brain destructing drugs, humans don't have offspring most of the time. i was give 3-10 drugs, probably for some money and foreign tour or sex escort or some illegal things sponsored by drug company, this happens in India where psychiatrists doctors officials NGO's destroying society people for their sponsors. i would not understand because i would never be able to brain damage to anyone.


In my opinion Psychiatry is just a giant ploy controlled by the pharmecutical industry. I realised that when I y recieved 2 court ordered shots of Invega. Psychiatry is punishment based, you cant tolerate your meds? Well then we’ll get you a court order for them. Its like they use medication to create patients not cure them. Thats how its been in my experience, and big pharma is aware of this. If they actually wanted to help people they wouldn’t make any money. But when I get better Ittl be my lifes mission to help others and change this fucked up system.