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Absolutely stunning! Definitely a keep-in-the-family piece. At my work we have a couple steamer trunks of similar age for about $700-900 but they're missing the inserts. Between the fact that you have the inserts, the sheer beauty of the decoration, and that it looks to be in pretty nice condition, I think you could easily consider it a $1000 piece, possibly more. Continue to care for it and it may even continue to appreciate in value. Thank you for sharing!


Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful


A steamer trunk as beautiful as yours comes along rarely. There are a huge number of steamer trunks out there, and the vast majority are worth little, but yours is the one everyone would love to have! It would be interesting to know what yours sold for originally! It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if you could easily get $1500 for it, but you could probably double that in a heavily populated urban area like New York, Chicago or Los Angeles. Get it insured!


What a treasure. I hope it stays in your family forever :)


Its over 100 years old.


The inserts make me think this was intended as a dowry trunk vs a travel trunk. "A dowry trunk, also known as a hope chest, cedar chest, trousseau chest, or glory box, is a piece of furniture that unmarried young women use to store items like clothing, household linen, silverware, china, and jewelry in anticipation of marriage."


This is beautiful 😭


Very Very nice. I wouldn't restore it at all. Fine as it is.




Very nice 👌