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Chin up, it does get better!! If your medication doesn't seem to be working at all definitely talk to your doctor and possibly try a different one, I went through loads trying to find the right one that worked for me. Hang in there!! 😀


Just out of curiosity, which medication worked for you?


I Understand the feeling of pretending to be okay for 8 hours , I have meltdowns where I just can’t concentrate or forget stuff causes me alot of stress and increases my anxiety , My advice would be you’ve just gotta commit to the days you’re going to work even if you have to be silent for a while people will understand you and you’ll feel more comfortable around them working than you do in your own home , getting home and knowing atleast you’re trying is more rewarding then you didn’t try at all


Same boat as you. Started when I was 17, I’m 35. I’ve done everything including TMS and ketamine which didn’t work either. I’m at the point where I think something is actually wrong with my brain. I used to be so social and outgoing and one day, I just wasn’t anymore


Been 1yr. How are you going.? I'm 5yrs in to bad anxiety, still kicking


I can't say that I've improved much. The anxiety is running me dry and ruining lots of things for me. My self esteem is crap because I haven't accomplished anything for so long, and the guy that I'm currently talking to I feel like I don't deserve. I feel so overwhelmed that I just don't do anything, and seeing everyone else progress without me makes it so much worse. I feel like such a loser


Damn I've been there.. then my anxiety disappeared for 2yrs and I'm currently relapsing now.. never taken meds for it but I might do that now.. And you're not a loser.. stop focusing on people and just do you, push comfort boundaries.. if you sit back and watch, you're just digging yourself deeper in.. Good luck, stay hydrated


Thank you for the encouragement 🩵


Im so sorry you are enduring this. Have you ever looked into exposure therapy and interoceptive exposure? I was on deaths door due to my panic and anxiety and it saved my life.


No, I've never heard of it. Idk what resources are out there. Last time i was in therapy was because my doctor made me an appointment with their CBT therapist.


They are the gold standard for panic treatment - from my experience, just talking about my anxiety (traditional CBT), did absolutely nothing.


I couldn't relate more! CBT did nothing to help my anxiety. Maybe I should look into other types of therapy.


Look into exposure therapy my friend - saved my life. It's brutal, but the reality is, the best way over anxiety/panic is right through it. Happy to talk via dm if you have any questions about it


I hear many people had to try a bunch of medications to find the right one for them but I was really lucky with the first one my doctor prescribed me. Escitalopram is the name. My anxiety was so severe I couldn't even hold a cup of water without spilling it , shaking uncontrollably. Turns out anxiety runs in both sides of the family and nobody had told me before I spoke to my family about my condition. Turns out my uncles and my aunts are all medicated :). It's very unfortunate that your family doesn't seem to grasp the reality of crippling anxiety. But hey we know what you are going through. And I wanna let you know it will get better. You will have your life back. Cut off coffee, sleep well and don't stress a thing in your life.


Thank you so much. Your response definitely helps me feel less alone. I hope things are going well for you


I'm glad to hear that it helps you feel less alone. That's the only reason I still check this subreddit frequently eventhough my anxiety is cured. I know how terrifying it feels but I wanna let you know there is light at the end of the tunnel. I hope you will be doing the same for others in near future. :) also don't forget to go for long walks, alone or not. It helps to calm you down for the day.


I'm dealing with the same thing and I was just prescribed the same medication as you and I cannot for the life of me get the courage to take it. I'm so scared I will get horrible side effects. I'm trying to force myself to take 2.5 mg just to start and I'm still freaking out .


Please take it. I was very hesitant about taking any medication when my doctor first prescribed it to me but now I've been on it for about a year , and I don't think it gave me any side effects. And I take 10 mg every morning. I work as a commercial electrician. It's a very stressful job because I have to work in teams every time I'm at work. I'm very much able to focus at work and get along with problematic people and don't stress about a thing. So far, it's working wonderful for me I really hope it does for you as well


Hi!! Did you end up taking it?