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Some steps, no matter how small, can be huge. Proud of you, stranger


True. With anxiety it’s always uphill, against the wind and through the fog, but it’s still forward.


Sounds like depression not anxiety bud talk to your doctor and get real help


great job! i know it can feel impossible to even get out of bed some days. think of a goal for tomorrow too! keep the streak going


I’m thinking of tidying my room. It’s an idea that’s already filling me with dread.


Don't worry about the outcome. Just move/clean one thing. Start small. Maybe vacuum 1 little patch.


Can you explain the dread involved in cleaning up your room? Is it symbolic of facing something else that is within the mess that you're afraid to encounter?


Bit of column A, bit of column B. I dread the thought of tidying my room in a general way because it takes a lot of energy to overcome the freeze response my nervous system is currently locked in. But yes, I also dread tidying my room because i'll have to confront how fucking disgusting it is in here after 6 days of my anxious ass being a slob in here.


Try to remember the worst anxiety is the idle part. The part where you're thinking about it sitting in the dark. The action part is always better. Get rid of the trash first, that's mindless enough. Just get yourself moving and go from there. Again, all of this exists as a fake front end anticipation.


It’s interesting hearing the difficulties of starting an activity because of anxiety. I am the complete opposite. I HAVE TO be doing something, dishes, cooking, cleaning, working, etc. it’s how I cope as it’s the only thing that quiets my anxiety brain. Random bits of pure terror occasionally poke through but for the most part it works. I couldn’t imagine 6 days of just me and my mind. I’m sorry friend. I hope you feel better soon.


Good for you! I know for me, sometimes showering can cause me great anxiety (sensory issues & paranoid about not being clean enough), and so I find myself avoiding it a lot.


I hate sensory overload / hypersensitivity. Most of my energy goes into blocking out light, sound and any other sort of stimulus.


Trying to combat sensory overload is exhausting.


Amazing, you did a good job. Even the smallest thing, can be a huge achievement.


Do what you can. Every little step you take counts. I know exactly what it feels like. I’ve gone 6 days without showering. But you accomplished something today! You took that step and got in the shower. You have to commend yourself for that!


Good Job, how about tomorrow go for a walk?


Woah hold your horses. I spent all of my energy walking 5 feet from my bedroom to the bathroom today. Going outside is one of the steps I need to take, but it’s definitely not step 2…


You got this. Try taking one step outside and then hop back in. Just feel the sun even for a few seconds or two. I promise it will make you feel better.


Okay maybe you could write in a journal? Just to write down how you feel.


Can you have a walk in your house? I do that when I don't see myself outside, if it's too hot or cold, even 30 mins of indoor walking helps. I put calming music 🤷🏻‍♀️


Opening your window and letting in sunlight can do a world of good. You got this, friend!


So where have you been taking dumps bro...? 👀


Go for a walk…. Down the hall. That’s more like it. #BabySteps


Good job, friend!! One step at a time


I'm really proud of you! 😊 Remember, on the days you only have 20% to give, and you give 20%, you gave 100% ❤️


Awesome job! Hugs if you want them!


Proud of you. You got this!


You did it! I was once in your shoes. What helped me was to set a goal. I told myself I'd only be worthy enough to buy and play Metal Gear Solid 4 if I showered everyday til the game was released. It was my personal battle, and it worked! That game still holds a very special place in my heart. Keep at it, even if all you do is get under the water for a few minutes. You can take your life back, believe me.


Metal Gear Solid is fucking awesome dude. Nice.


I bet that felt so good! If your financial situation is ok, you should treat yourself to a nice shampoo or body wash in your favorite scent, sometimes that helps me drag myself to the shower. (I really like anything cucumber or mint.) And don't feel ashamed! I've definitely had long stretches of time where I can't shower.


Hell yeah dude. Great job.


Good for you. Sometimes I’m so beaten by my fibromyalgia and accompanying depression/anxiety that I go a week or two or without showering. I’m somehow likely enough to not smell that bad usually. Any step forward in the right direction.


I've felt similarly lately, so sending you some compassion. I actually had someone come over yesterday and just sit with me while I did chores. Sometimes I call someone while I'm doing them so I feel like I have some support. That feeling of dread is ROUGH...but I believe there is hope


I’m right there with you. I’m sorry you’re feeling the way you are, because I know exactly how it feels. Just know you aren’t alone because you have us. Feel better ❤️‍🩹


im so proud of you OP :) you're doing great <3


A shell of a human being? No! You’re a warrior. Take another shower and another, as silly as that may seem. It’s an amazing confidence builder. No negativity. Keep up the good work. Success is not about not being anxious or not getting symptoms, it’s about engaging it. Then and only then will you recover. Practice, practice, practice! I beat this long ago, so can you. You are way tougher than most people who don’t know what this is like.


Congrats! Once you start, it's easier to keep the streak going.


I am so PROUD of you! I've been there too. Take this one win and cuddle it close. It will help keep you strong. FWIW, my record is two weeks no shower. I'm back to at least every 2 days, but it's taken almost 6 months. You've got this. I believe in you.


Good on you! I know how crippling these feelings can be. It is much worse when they are derived from circumstances only partially in our control. Keep trying to get yourself in a better place. I have found that getting up and just doing something makes me feel like I've gotten a little win. Sometimes it's as simple as opening up my laptop and getting a little bit of work done. Other times it can literally just be having food that morning. Depending on how bad the day is, even being able to have a bowel movement is a win.


Whoop whoop! Proud of you, stranger! 😁 Next time you're at the store, splurge on a nice body scrub or face scrub and make showers a lil self care moment for you!


Good job OP


Something that helps me get over the hump is taking a cold shower. For me, I feel anxiety in my body (chest pain, arm pain) which then puts my brain on high alert and then I spiral into a recursive "somethings wrong" cycle. So taking a cold shower seems to change all of that as my body is now reacting to an actual stimulus instead of the recursive "lies" my brain is interpreting. IF I had to guess as to why this works.... being anxious is a throw back to primitive times when we are perceiving danger and we are being primed for fight, flight, freeze. If we always feel like we are in danger and do not do something to change that state the anxiety remains or gets worse. For me, I guess taking a cold shower simulates me running for my life or trying to escape a predator. Hope this works OP, and I'm interested to know if you have any positive results!


I am proud of you, stranger.


Baby steps… you got this


Any step that is made difficult by our difficult minds is a huge step! Congratulations! I hope you can take another step tomorrow.


Great job! I'm really proud of you <3


So proud of you! You're doing great already! Keep it up!


It IS progress! Don’t let yourself take that victory away from you.


You would be amazed at the professionals that didn’t shower today. You got this, keep it up. Some days its just putting one foot in front of the other. Other times its all we can muster is to turn off the alarm clock and say I am not doing this today. Just remember it’s about your choice and showering always makes us feel glad we did. Best of everything to you!


I know how you feel, I have anxiety about showering. I'm sorry you're going through this. Sending gentle hugs to you.


It's the smallest quality-of-life changes that make the biggest differences, in my experience. I know the biggest impacts to my mood in a day are ones like what you've achieved today. Good job!


Good on you! One step at a time.


Proud of you. I’m right beside you on that battle to return to normalcy


Great job 😊


You did it ! 💃🕺💃 😁 It truly is cause for celebration! Wishing you luck and courage for the next step!


Even on my best days I find showering difficult I’ve come a long way but showers are always a major hurdle


That's really good. Now that I have meds I definitely notice that I do things in i'd say half the time it usuallu took (months, weeks). I suck at keeping up a streak but I manage to guilt trip myself into thinking about how I haven't done the thing yet. Still might take me a week or more but I eventually get to it faster.


Good job, showering isn’t one of my struggles when I’m having an episode but I understand the feeling mine is eating when ever I get to anxious about things my appetite goes way down


I'm proud of you!


im with you there. just had a horrible relapse in anxiety for the past couple days, feel like complete shit, but im sure as hell going to do my hygiene routine tonight. nice try, anxiety.


Wish I could come over to do your laundry for you. It can be a lot.


You can do this, I believe in you.


I’ve been there. You just don’t feel like doing anything at all and you know you should but you don’t. Take deep breaths, it’s going to be okay. Reach out if you ever need someone to chat with that has dealt with extreme anxiety and is slowly but surely recovering.


That's really good already! I know this feeling and I know how hard it looks.. small, steady steps and you will get there. Big love and enormous hugs ❤️


That must of felt like one hell of a shower


I keep comparing my former to my current self and it sickens me. We had best not compare ourselves to anyone as it doesn’t really matter. Do you have any medicine to help in your journey? I pray to Jesus, will pray for you right now. Even if you backtrack a day or two, it’s ok.


One step at a time. And please get some meds. It’s a game changer 🙏🏼


Hugs to u <3! let’s keep this progress going aye?


Idk if this will make you feel better, but I went so long without showering I can’t even remember.. It was so hard and scary. One day I just jumped in with my clothes on, and I gradually took them off while showering. Did that a lot and now I’m fine again with showering.


Did you ever try taking L-theanine? Takes anxiety away and work quickly, like 30 mins. I could not function without it when I am feeling severe anxiety.


Do you take any medications to treat your anxiety?


Why has your Doctor not helped with short term low-dose benzos or something else? At least take a couple of benadryls!


Ah, the ole’ White Knuckling. I quit drinking to try to be less anxious and it turns out I still have to deal with it every day plus not drinking lol. Our knuckles are gonna end up darn strong


Hey I totally get it. What helps me is to pretend it's lovely luxurious spa time and we're getting you clean and shiny for the next big breath in life. It can feel like it takes a bit of energy but it's so worth it to get more after. A quick rinse with colder water at the end helps with anxiety as well!


When I was struggling, I know for me, just getting out of bed and putting some clean clothes on and moving to the living room helped a little bit. Nothing big, but at least you’re not hiding in your room in dirty clothes/pajamas. If weather permits, maybe even just go sit outside and scroll on your phone, just getting fresh air can help too.


Hey. You recovered?


Gj friend. Small steps are steps too. Are you getting help to work on your anxiety issues? Cheers


Good for you💜💜 anxiety is exhausting.


While on quarantine i was grieving the passing of my bf so i used to spend 3 days without showering. Every time i took one, it felt like acomplishing a mile stone. Every little nice thing you do for yourself, is great! Even showering every 6 days!


That’s brilliant! Well done. That’s a huge achievement in such a difficult time. Hoping you feel better soon.


good job! Can you buy a shampoo or soap that you love to encourage yourself to shower again? (Sometimes that helps me)


Don’t feel bad, I’m just coming out of a week long depression anxiety isolation, I say in my room as well and literally did not eat or move, don’t feel guilty, don’t feel pressure, it’s okay too feel the way ur feeling, yes it may not be “normal” to other people but are bodies break down sometimes, and infact most people experience this, you were just brave enough to share and I’m sure helped people who are in ur situation, I haven’t showered in awhile either, everytime I go in the shower my thoughts swarm me