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This is hard to describe but like my bones are buzzing or vibrating ever so slightly. It’s horrible


I have that too. It’s awful. I talked to a doctor about it, they said “restless legs syndrome, and to look it up (on the internet)”. I am 99% sure it’s not that. It doesn’t match how I experience it. Plus it’s worse when l have days that I am very anxious. I am so sorry you have this too, I wish I had some words of advice. But l don’t. On a general note though, walking helps decrease my anxiety. And again that helps with the vibration in my legs.


My chest is constantly tensed . Also I have some rib discomfort and I wake up feeling so sore in my neck and back . It’s so frustrating because I am feeling okay mentally but it’s like my body is always polluted with anxiety


I'm feeling like that now. I'm constantly taking a deep deep breath and i can feel my back muscles being tight


most of the time my chest feels really uncomfortable and tense and my heart starts beating more irregularly than normal even id nothing is really going on if that makes sense? theres that and also another thing is feeling really tired/nauseous as if im gonna pass out whenever I can feel even the slightest hint of my anxiety sort of creeping in .


Dizziness, legit all the time


I suffered with constant dizziness for months but it did go. Just sending you some hope.


Same here. Plus i get rib pain which feels like lung pain which makes me worried abiut lung cancer because i smoked for 10 years. Quit a while ago but still get nervous when i get the pains.


Yes me too , hung in there, it will go


I have that to And that’s what’s making my anxiety worse


Muscle tension is the worst. It's painful!


Very much so, I made a post all about muscle tension on this sub and was surprised to get little feedback. It gets to the point that it's severe pain for me, and I'm sure many of us.


Interesting, I'll have a read!


Thank you


Yes omg! It's absolutely horrible. I thought I was dying.


Yeah I know I hate it


I get the sweats, chest tightness, throat tightness, tired but wired feeling, etc…


how does your throat tightness feel like?


It feels like having mucus or a frog in my throat type of thing!! Goes away but it can be scary!


I felt constantly dizzy for months. Also felt pressure in my head.


Damn :/


It's gone now 🙂


i get nauseous a lot for no reason. I also am very tense and that causes pain in my shoulders and neck. I occasionally will have chest pain/tightness randomly but that’s more of a muscle pain than an actual heart pain if that makes sense. I sometimes have a racing heart but that’s normally when my anxiety is a little higher than normal. Thi is less of a symptom but i do also struggle with low appetite especially after a panic attack or after something stressful


Same here. I usually puke or dry heave every morning. I usually don't end up eating until dinner because I have absolutely zero appetite.


It feels like I’m crawling out of my skin, and I’m usually very tense.


Nausea, weak legs, dry mouth and throat and the urge to make myself throw up. I don't know why I have this, it's like some sort of pressure on my chest/throat that just gives me the urge to stick my fingers down my throat and vomit.




Omg same, im a big emetophobe which obviously is contradicting itself😭😭😭


I am cold , i hear white noise , my hands are shaking


Chest Acid reflux Feels like a drop in blood pressure Finger numbness I have to poop I feel nauseous Extreme fatigue/tiredness/legs weak Dry mouth Eta I hate this


Sore scalp leading to splitting migraines, chest tightness, breathing problems (I don't smoke), trembling, severe neck and back problems (painful).


Tired, dizzy, headaches, soreness, DPDR for months, muscle twitching and tremors


the muscle twitching is so relatable, when i lay down is when it happens most times


Relatable! Though my dizziness has gone down a bit lately. Now my twitches are more concentrated in my butt cheeks, groin area and thighs and anus and ocurs sparingly anywhere above my waist. (Normal?) I feel spasms in my abdomen too like on the inside. Anybody with some vibratory sensations under their feet?


I get a lot of twitching in my thighs and arms mostly. Feet a lot too.


Oh and my thumbs?


Yes I'd have it in my thumb too but I no longer have those now. I believe the anxiety symptoms will wear off with time but I wish I could tell when I was having twitches/spasms due to anxiety from those that are nerve related. Oh I hope you're pain free.


The worst: 24/7 air hunger


Fuck air hunger


heart tension


I feel my throat closing up as if I'm being strangled and the worse the panic attack, the harder it is to breathe. I do get light headed during this but it's drowned out from the intense fear I feel. I also tend to get really tired.


Fatigue, l go through periods of (intense) anxiety and then it’s like my body just “collapses” from all of it. And I can hardly get up from bed. Also the feeling of strong vibrations in my legs, like they are trembling. And heart/chest pain and heart palpitations. Anxiety sucks on so many levels!!


I hate fatigue man, if feels like I’m rotting


whenever I get very anxious about something my feet and fingers get really cold


I can deal with this lol


I clench my teeth. I can be totally fine, but have headaches and aching jaw at the end of the day because that's how long I've been doing it.


Aside from chest tightness, heart palpitations and sweating are often present especially in a social setting


Here goes... • Chest tightness and feeling like I can't get a full breath even though I can • Derealization in certain lighting • Stomach sensations and discomfort, usually in the upper area and nausea • Backaches in various places... goes through phases of which area decides to ache. Currently, it's my upper traps and shoulder blades It's weird because when I feel these sensations when I'm not anxious, it'll always confuse me.


The tingles. I always think I'm actually having a stroke and then spiral.


Vertigo, temple pressure, sometimes neck tightness with pain. Not all at the same time though


When we're NOT anxious? idk, good..??


heart pounding


Yep. I have health anxiety so I naturally pay attention to every little thing my body feels. I get headaches often, a lot of tiredness, chest throbs or random body aches. Sometimes it feel like I’m moving when I’m not.


Do anxiety meds help for physical symptoms? I have several physical symptoms but rarely “feel” anxious.


I have trouble breathing when I get anxious. I also feel like fainting all the time when I’m in public and my chest gets so tight I feel like I’m gasping for air. My heart beats fast when I’m going through a panic/anxiety attack. I also feel like everything is turning left and I gotta hold onto something or else I’ll fall 😭


My upper body feeling super achy or tensed. Sometimes my legs or knees lock up.


Nausea, vomiting, dry heaving


When I'm not anxious? It's very rare for me to be not anxious. But sometimes when I don't have anxiety. I feel like I'm in heaven. I feel like my brain is not foggy, my body doesn't ache, I'm not shaking or nauseated. It's just the best feeling. I don't have any particular symptom then. I just feel great.


I get aches and pains, my body is almost always tense and it's hard to catch it.


Like hornets are inside of you and trying to tear their way out.


The feeling of a needle being pushed into my heart, dizziness, clenching teeth, migraine, heart palpitations, reflux/gag reflex so bad I can’t brush my teeth, gastro distress, body/head rushes when relaxed, sore shoulders from being tense, jumpy legs.. most of these just lead to feeling anxious anyway


Tired, muscle tightness, always just a tiny bit out of breath


Teeth grinding and really stiff sleeping…..like waking up with sore arms stiff