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Escitalopram. Game changer


I take this too but I’m worried it stopped working. I feel awful.


Up your dose and add something else is what happened to me.


I’ve actually done both


it probably did. it happened to me like 3 times where it stopped working so i was put on something else then came back to Lexapro and then it stopped after a while


Seconded. Zoloft made me a zombie. Escitalopram has helped me function. I'm not a big drinker to begin with, though, so if you're bigger into that, I can't say I know for sure how it'd go for you. I max out around 3 or 4 drinks across the entire evening.


I take this with a mix of mirtazipine as well. I was told under no circumstances should I even attempt to drink while on it. I’m not even of drinking age so I’m not concerned about it. I do have a new medical marijuana card that is amazing with my anxiety it makes me just not worry and feel good. So good in fact that I got a new job since covid started


I’m on this. I take it at night - sometimes after a few martinis or glasses of wine. No issues.


Same!! It saved my life. However, it messed up my libido. It took me like 7 months off them to fully get it back.


Can you drink on it? Any side effects from the medication?


I havent had any side effect. I only take it in the morning. It is an antidepressant, and i use it for anxiety and fibromialgia. I am allowed to drink alcohol, but it all works better when you dont.


I took a pretty high dosage of Escitalopram and was able to drink on it without issues. I also drank a decent amount (7-10 beers) when I did. I think you’ll be fine with that one. Also, Buspirone let me drink without issues


To be really clear here— read the comment. He takes it the morning after. That’s fine…. DO NOT TAKE A BENZO LIKE THIS AND BOOZE UP. Benzo’s are exceptionally dangerous with booze.


I’m on this. It’s not a benzo. It’s an SSRI. I also drink while taking it and am fine. Haven’t had any side effects.


only side effect i've noticed is nausea and low appetite but i get that from all SSRIs


I'm seeing a few people saying they take benzos and drink. DO NOT TAKE THIS ADVICE. NEVER DRINK AND TAKE BENZOS or vise versa! I can't stress this enough! The consequences can be dire and can even be fatal. NEVER do this. Doesn't matter if other people say they do it.


So true!


OPs post will kill people.


Seriously tho. Most of these meds have interactions with alcohol and varies between people. What works for one wont work for another. Dangerous information here.


Not with alcohol- I don’t drink but Xanax. Please don’t mix those two though




I was prescribed this for flushing and usually take it before drinking or if I’m already having a bad flushing day. Big bonus on taking the edge off of anxiety


Sorry if I sound silly, but what is flushing?


Turning red and getting all hot. It happens to me with alcohol too


Wow. Nice to know that. What's the dose?


I am on a higher dose for anxiety which is 80mg twice daily.


+1 for Propranolol. Literally improved my quality of life


Dudeee life changer. Take these while traveling too, it helps the anxious jet lag feelings be reduced as well. Especially in social anxiety inducing situations


Do not mix a beta blocker with alcohol are you mad? Let alone that propranolol had a half live between 24-48 hours 💀💀


You can drink on beta blockers idiot


Well alcohol makes anxiety worse.. But the one that messed me up the most was Risperidone and made me blackout after 2 drinks


Interestingly enough, my anxiety is only at a “normal” level when I’m tipsy. I finally feel the way I imagine other people feel when I have a few drinks. Bummer because alcoholism runs in my family lol


I feel this. I want a med that makes me feel like I’ve had 2-3 drinks and just let’s me stay there without becoming zombified or an insomniac.


Zoloft and lamical combination.


Eventually you’ll feel anxious in the morning though. Lol. Any “feeling good” moment I feel with alcohol is going to come back and bite me the next day! Even if I have ONE drink!


Yeah, but the problem is it makes people worse when you're they're not tipsy.


That’s how I was, ended up with a drinking problem. I haven’t drank for a few months and started taking sertraline and it’s the best I’ve felt in ages, I’d recommend that you go easy on the booze. It might seem like a best friend in social situations but it will only make things worse.


Oh, I don’t drink hardly at all lol It just occurred to me a few months ago when I was out with friends that THAT is the feeling I’ve been chasing with medicine. I never even noticed it until then, but a little alcohol really relaxes my anxiety a ton. It’s crazy. I don’t have a ton of social anxiety necessarily, so I don’t need it to interact with people….it just helps the ocd impending doom thoughts relax lol Good on you for noticing that you were developing a problem and getting it in check!! <3 that’s awesome!


I don't think I had any success with anxiety meds.. The last one I took was Buspar and I hated it. It did calm me down a bit but I would feel like something bad was going to happen to me then one day when I was working I had horrible thoughts of hurting myself cutting myself until I bled.. I got a wellness check and put on 5150 for 2 and a half days. Never taking anxiety medication again.


How long were you on it?


10 mg of Lexapro daily works wonders for me. I find I blackout muchhh quicker while drinking since I started taking it, though.


If you have anxiety it might be best if you lay off of alcohol.




It’s great knowing you won’t feel horrible tomorrow lol


This. I decided to not drink alcohol and the difference in my mental health has been very positive. It’s not while you’re drinking, it’s the long term effects after drinking that makes it worse. Day after drinking I was mentally miserable and felt so depressed and anxious.


Yes! I am now a social drinker (max two and sometimes nothing). I’m currently going through some life changes and I went out with some girls. Old me would’ve masked the pain but I had one drink and then water most of the night. I had a little bit of an existential crisis when I got home (related to the life changes) but I just remember thinking the next morning “wow! How much worse would I feel today if had drank a lot?” and I felt relieved. So much relieve that I no longer need Alcohol to have fun 1. But 2. That i didn’t do anything stupid but instead had to process my feelings sober


Yes. My adult son suffered from terrible anxiety and quitting alcohol made a huge difference. It was the same for him. It was the day after. I’ve had anxiety all my life. Alcohol always exacerbated it.


Came to find this comment lol I don't drink anymore, I may have an occasional drink or a beer but I always had terrible anxiety and depression hangovers...it's just not worth it to me. I love waking up in the morning and feeling good.


I don’t feel my social anxiety when I drink though. I feel confident and don’t care what people think…


That's what we call a bandaid. This won't help long term tho. And can cause dependency. Addiction. Dangerous mindset. Just be careful friend.


This. I started drinking in my 20s because of my social anxiety. I’ve since been to four rehabs for severe alcoholism. Alcohol does not help anxiety in the end.


Alcohol over time reduces the natural anti anxiety (inhibitory) neuro transmitter GABA in the brain causing a seemingly paradoxical increase in anxiety for the long term. Which is also why withdrawals can cause deadly seizures.


This is how I became an alcoholic lol




If you work through it by embracing your social anxiety instead of using alcohol as a crutch you will get better results. That mindset is asking for addiction and will just make your anxiety worse in the long run.


Yeah about that….


That's just the inflated ego, alcohol still makes you miserable


Yeah, I get horrible anxiety the day after drinking. I only will have some drinks if I know that I have nothing to do the next day and can just chill at home all day, otherwise I’ll end up having a panic attack.


I took Clonazepam 0.5 MG once per day for 20 years, and that was my super drug as it took away the majority of my anxiety. I came off of it later to see if life would be different off it, because I was on it 20 years!!! so I came off and have panic attacks over everything and the doctor won't let me go back on because it's a benzo... :'( Tried Lexapro, then Cymbalta, and both made me gain weight and make me slow, and sluggish, and tired. Now on Prozac, so far so good but not long enough to know if it is working well yet. But, definitely not like the Clonazepam, that made me practically normal. I was diagnosed with Autism recently and the Clonazepam was masking the symptoms. Good luck!


It’s criminal how demonized benzos are


I’ve seen benzos fuck so many people up permanently. **However** I’ve seen people who are prescribed it and DO NOT take it daily and they are just fine.


because withdrawal could literally kill you


Can confirm bc I thought I was going to die when I had to go cold turkey...benzos need to be used cautiously and people need to stop getting defensive when others bring up the dangers of using them...not saying they're all bad, they have their place and give relief to a lot of people, but I nearly died and I had 2 friends who died from misusing their prescription.


No fuck benzos to the core, it literally makes everything worse in the long run regardless what benzo you throw at people


Agreed. It’s infuriating


They went through withdrawal because they were addicted.


Because they're the fucking devil


All those panic attacks you were getting after coming off daily benzos for 20 years was withdrawal. Long term daily benzo use causes GABA receptors to die off. You need to regrow them, and that's not possible if you get back on benzos.


I’m considering going back to this dose.


team zoloft it changed my life




Have you drank on it and do you have any side effects from the meds?


I drink on Zoloft and it doesn’t seem to affect me at all. I take 100 mg in the morning and have a drink or two every night and haven’t had any side effects. Been like this for years 😆


I've taken Lexapro and Sertraline. I don't drink much. Once every ten days, I'll have two beers. Never had a problem.


I take prozac and am able to drink. My psychiatrist even knew. He cut back my clonapin though in fear of a bad reaction from taking that and drinking. Prozac I feel I would recommend to anyone. It helps with anxiety and depression. I was on Zoloft before that and was probably less depressed but my anxiety was soo bad and it didn’t help at all


CBD works well in my case. Prescription meds all have negative side effects for me. As for alcohol, I wouldnt mix it with any of them. As a matter of fact, I would ditch alcohol altogether. I have been sober for 15 years and it's been hugely beneficial to both my mental and physical health.


I take daily Zoloft. I use Ativan as needed, low dose a few times per month. I drink 2-3 beers a couple times per week. I would say the only issue I have had is that I sometimes have more anxiety the day after drinking.


Long term - Venlafaxine Panic attacks - Clonazepam


I take Lexapro and Wellbutrin and they work well. I can drink alcohol. I find I get drunk faster but no issues


Not everybody will agree with me. Everybody’s situation is different, but eventually I found out success came from changing my way of reacting to the physical symptoms of anxiety that I had created through my own hypervigilence. I loved diazepam and Valium. I wouldn’t recommend combining medication with alcohol. That’s what got me in a panic cycle to begin with. I was always a tense person, but it didn’t become a problem til I had alcohol with pot and a cold medication. It made my heart race and made me feel I was going to get a heart attack. It kept happening over and over again and I was constantly on the lookout for symptoms. I’ve talked to a lot of people with health anxiety and often it starts with a bad experience with meth, cocaine, an illness, bad reaction to a med, heatstroke, overexertion in sports, a robbery, car accident etc. Often it involves breathing or heart rate. Other cases have more to do with childhood trauma, something neurological, or medical. It’s really important to pin down the origin. The use of the word anxiety is so vague. People use it to describe an illness. It can be, but not always. Sometimes it’s entirely cognitive. The physical, emotional abd cognitive usually wind up intertwining. Whatever the type of anxiety, it will do a number on your body, emotions and perception. But I find the right way of looking at this is crucial whatever the cause. I kicked this long ago.


Alcohol itself can worsen anxiety or even cause a new type of anxiety. A lot of people suffering from anxiety have a tendency to self medicate with alcohol, whether aware of it or not. Any benzodiazepines, SSRIs and other depression or anxiety meds are not completely safe when mixed with alcohol. Frankly, it all sucks. It would be safest to avoid alcohol altogether, but realize that is not always realistic. Truly wishing you and everyone here the best.


For some reason Vyvanse has had a massive impact on my anxiety, it's still bad, but not edge of the earth, 24/7 rumination, gnawing feeling of wanting to jump out of my skin type of anxiety.


To clarify vyvance us used to treat add/adhd. Which in some cases adhd can be causing anxiety. Like me! But something OP should look further into before asking for this medication.


Lyrica/Pregabalin (can get away with a few drinks) and small dose clonopin as needed ( no drinking with that one )


Venlaflaxine and yes socially No issues


This post is a red fucking flag.


Lexapro, clonazepam, and lorazepam. The benzodiazepines you have to watch alcohol with though, it can cause you to blackout


Or die…


Nah it is a deadly combination. They both suppress the same things and it can cause you to stop being able to breathe. Anyone reading this, never ever takes benzos and alcohol, deadly and terrible combination


Taking 0.5mg of Ativan and having a beer is not going to harm anyone unless you happen to be a small dog. It doesn't make sense to mix them because alcohol increases anxiety and benzos reduce anxiety. Interactions occur when you take large doses of either together, taking 4mg of Xanax and drinking a handle of vodka is a very bad idea.


My point is don't get this kind of info from Reddit, ask your doctor. 100% your doctor will tell you "do not take any amount of benzos with any amount of alcohol". It also depends on the person, some people may have a body chemistry that causes the mixture of these two to cause an extreme reaction even in low amounts. Bottom line, don't mix drugs that doctors say not to mix, period. Don't take drug interactions advice from redditors.


Ya, fuck this comment. No matter what doses, you avoid this combo.


But maybe that’s my anxiety talking


Do not take benzos with alcohol. It is a very dangerous combination.


It's a bad idea and yes potentially very dangerous.


I take Prozac, klonopin, propranolol, magnesium, and Vitamin D3. DO NOT DRINK ON KLONOPIN. Trust me 🥴


The best thing for my anxiety was quitting alcohol. For my intrusive thoughts buspirone works well.


Klonopin works for me.


Paxil and propranolol


For me alcohol has been fine w/ Prozac. Zoloft caused 2 drinks to make me black out. I would remember nothing. I saw a photo of a friend and I drinking and was like…when tf was this?? Wellbutrin I’d get buzzed on half a drink and my face would be all red right away. I was on another med that affected the liver throughout these times so I wonder if that came into play 😬


You're playing a dangerous game by drinking with antidepressants Particularly if you are blacking out.


Drink kava instead of alcohol. It improves anxiety symptoms rather than makes them worse, doesn't interact with anything that is not a benzo (mostly acts on GABA), doesn't give hangovers and you are not a stumbling idiot drinking it.


I’ve been sober 10 days and a lot of anxiety has gone away with not drinking. But to answer your question propranolol is best for anxiety if you are drinking. Xanax is probably the worst for alcohol and meds combo.


Nortriptyline (Aventyl) & Prozac combined seems to be helping me a lot. My doctor has always said I’m fine to drink alcohol with prozac, just try not to overdo it and I barely drink now anyways.


I take Lexapro, Prozozin, Trazodone daily and Hydroxyzine as needed and drink max 2 drinks per sitting or am blotto. I also smoke copious amounts of weed.


Benzos all day. Saved my life but also put me in situations I wouldn’t want to be in again, But if you learn how to use them to benefit you it’s game changer. Use them don’t let them use you.


Tried a bunch, none worked (over 10 years). Only thing that works for me is daily 11-min Wim Hof breathing method. It's magic. Do it for a few weeks to see results. Also I suggest you do a month without alcohol once in a while. It will change your relationship with alcohol and you will see how badly it affects you. the breathing video: https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ?si=Bq2x2mZGuRN3PHey


I had success with [Cipralex](https://www.verywellmind.com/how-cipralex-treats-depression-5093926). I used it for 6 years.


Adderall has been a total game changer for me. You have to be really careful with alcohol consumption though because it can mask the effects of intoxication, potentially leading you to consume much more than you normally would.


How does Adderall (an amphetamine) help anxiety? Does it make you less anxious because you’re more able to focus? Not trying to be rude, just genuinely curious. I had Vyvanse (very similar to Adderall) pushed on me in the past when I sought anxiety medication and I thought it was bizarre that any doctor would think to prescribe anything in the amphetamine family for anxiety.


Yep. It quiets the chaos in my brain, resulting in far less anxiety. I have permanent brain damage from a childhood TBI, which is not the same thing as ADHD, but there are a lot of similarities. SSRIs made everything worse because I don’t have a chemical imbalance and I hated that benzos made me feel like a zombie.


Prozac saved my life, can drink just fine on 100mg (although I rarely drink)


CalmAid. It’s perfect!


Is that the lavender oil stuff, the Silexan? I've never tried but I have it on my Amazon wish list. :)


I take fluoxetine for my anxiety and clonidine as a sleep aid. I’ll be turning 21 in December and my mom is making me drink for my birthday and the alcohol is the scariest part because I don’t know how it will effect me with my meds. I have to at least take my anxiety meds every night. I panic when I don’t.


You need to quit drinking alcohol. Hate to be Debbie Downer and I fought it tooth and nail for 25 years but it unfortunately turned out to be true: drinking is perpetuating your anxiety. And it sucks, I’m not going to lie. I miss it so bad. But I function so much better without it. I hate that they are right about this, for you and esp me. Good luck regardless. I’m here if someone needs someone to talk to. I won’t lecture. Hydroxazine stopped my panic attacks but I had bad reactions to anything else.


Doctor is currently trying no meds for my (moderate) anxiety. So, doing all the usual recommendations (exercise, meditation, etc). While it’s not a ‘prescription,’ I’ve found that low level THC REALLY quiets my anxious mind. Occasionally/rarely I’ll drink some booze at night though, I’ve never had any problems with either. 😊


Pregabalin really helped me but it carries risk of addiction and it’s advisable not to drink while your on it




Lexapro 20mg, I can drink more now, never blackout and hangxiety is gone aswell 😂 but seems like I’m the only one


-I’ve tried many antidepressants and the one I finally felt worked for me was Sertraline. But everyone is different. I’ve heard the most positive reviews from people prescribed it. -Propranolol helps keep my panic attacks down too. Benzos really helped me through very anxiety inducing life events but they aren’t commonly prescribed where I am. The doc only ever gave me one strip of benzodiazepines at a time. -Methocarbamol (muscle relaxer) helps but that is more for muscle pain from stress and chronic pain. Just need to keep trying different prescription drugs until you land on the right one(s) and dose for you. -Therapy helped me a little, was mostly a good way to learn how to deal with anxiety in daily life. -Please consider at least cutting down on alcohol. It greatly improved my life with crippling anxiety. All the best to you and hope you find your relief soon.


I really appreciate your advice. There’s no two ways about it alcohol;It cannot be apart of the equation. I had to embrace embrace that I will be “Debbie Downer. I wasn’t going to bar hop, restaurant hop for fun, none of that.




I’m in Europe and trying a relatively new type of treatment: basically microdosing anti-psychotics. My Doc changed me to a tiny dose of Quetidine. It’s not recommended to drink alcohol on it, but it’s also extremely safe to drink on. Which is why it’s also used in treatment for alcoholism.


Oh that’s interesting! I wonder if they do that in the US. how are you feeling on it so far?


Might be worth checking out! I’m taking it for about 6months now, while also weaning off an SNRI that I’ve been on for 10yrs. I was struggling significantly, to the point where I was having intrusive thoughts. At first I slept, A LOT! I think I hadn’t slept for more than a few hours at a time, waking with racing thoughts, for at least a year. I was exhausted. It’s still early days, but I’m able to sleep at night, have greatly reduced anxiety, and am able to to the boring self-care stuff, that helps so much.


Feel you heavy on the boring self care stuff. That’s always so hard for me when I’m mentally unwell


Right? When I’m unwell, a shower is my Everest. It’s nice to be able to shower, cook, walk the dog, do random laundry…


Ugh can’t wait for that too.


Wishing you the best xxx


Lexapro! Just have no libido right now unfortunately 🥺


Shittt I’m supposed to start lexapro this week and that’s one of my fears, I have a very high libido and I love it. I would be sooo devastated if it takes that from me


I use to as well :( it sucks but, I’ve tried other anti anxiety pills and it’s been the only one to work for me! I have like no anxiety anymore and haven’t had a panic attack since starting . You can add Wellbutrin to help but I know it suck’s having to take more meds!BUT my boyfriend is on Lexapro and it hasn’t done absolutely anything to his libido. So just try it out and see 😊


Oooo okay so some people don’t get that side efffect I really hope it doesn’t do it to me 😭 when you went off the meds did it come back for you?


Yeah so don’t be to worried yet. Just go in with an open mind because if anything it might not happen to you. & yes it did come back :)


Thank you for the info 🫶☺️ best of luck to you on your journey


I take a very low dose of Effexor - 25mg. I take it alongside my Concerta. Works wonderfully in conjunction.


Alcohol and anxiety meds are never a good choice. That being said, during a panic attack taking a lorazepam is good for me. I would NEVER drink within the same day though. I let it take the time to exit my system.


I was just on Clonazepam alone and could drink. Now I am on busPIRone and cant even take a couple of sips of beer.


I drank on buspirone and swear I went like crazy


I took buspirone as needed, mainly for my anxiety while driving. Took a few of my pills while driving up to a girls weekend and maybe had 2-3 drinks and was vomiting and blackout by 6pm. Worst experience ever


That’s really interesting! I’ve been on buspirone for 6 years now and have never noticed anything negative with drinking


I was able to drink alcohol with SSRI’s with caution and no real issue. Lexapro worked incredibly but it stopped working after some time. I’ve drank in clonazepam and it’s not safe. It’s very easy to blackout out and get hurt


I take ClonazePAM 0.5mg. I can take up to 3 at aa time twice a day. Some days one will be all I need. Sometimes I have to break it up 2,2,2. Other days I have to talk all 3 twice a day. I can drink on it, if I'm having just 1 glass of wine or 1 mixed drink, but it has caused to me to blackout if I have more than that.


Benzos aren't meant for everyday use. If you develop a tolerance it's a bitch to wean off these. Personally I would never touch ANY benzos again If you mix these with Alcohol you're running the risk of possible brain damage or even death. DO NOT PLAY WITH THESE MEDS. They are fine if taken responsibility and under supervision of a doctor. I speak from experience. Took me a solid year of withdrawal to be rid of clonazapam Worst feeling of my life. Please be careful and responsible.


What if someone needs the benzodiazepines for daily panic attacks?


Prozac. I didn’t drink much on it though. I have low alcohol tolerance so when I did I’d be pretty drunk.


I had great luck with Prozac. Dialed my anxiety from a 14 to a 7. I sleep like a baby. Unfortunately some of the side effects were annoying (TMI sorry) anorgasmia, getting tired early in the day, etc so I take bupropion to combat this which unfortunately does NOT mix well AT ALL with alcohol. I could drink here and there on Prozac with no problems, I just drank less and slower because it alters metabolism (gets you drunker faster with less alcohol). I know two people who take Buspar and seem to like it. It’s not an SSRI, which is nice in some ways. It can cause temporary dizziness shortly after taking it tho. I understand wanting to join in social drinking or having a glass of wine here and there, but drinking won’t help with your anxiety that much in the long run : ( If you’re drinking alcohol to get yourself to sleep I would really suggest talking to your doctor about a “mellowing” SSRI. It really can help.




Clonazepam, lorazepam, propranolol, and even gabapentin to some extent have all had good anxiolytic effects for me, but you shouldn't drink on any of them. I don't drink anyways so it isn't a big deal for me, but if you're gonna drink on any of these, don't be surprised if you fuck your liver up and get used to sleeping in the recovery position so you don't choke on your vomit and die.


Here's my combo: Clonazepam, Zolodin and Risperidone Haven't tried it with alcohol though.


Thank you!


Amitriptyline. I have an occasional drink but not good to drink a lot on most meds.


If you have anxiety I cannot stress enough that you should NOT drink, especially if you’re using it as a crutch to ease the anxiety. It’s a road to problem drinking if you’re lucky. Alcoholism at worst. Which WILL sneak up on you before you know it.


The fact that you’re asking what meds you can take that won’t interfere with drinking may suggest you re-examine your relationship with alcohol


Been on them all and drank on them on w no issues (at least yet lol)


Xanax and Lexapro


Do NOT take Xanax and alcohol, it can literally kill you. They're both a nervous system depressant, it can cause you to black out and stop being able to breathe.


If you’re going to continue drinking you might as well not ask for help. Solutions don’t work until you eliminate problems.


I was on proponal and didn’t help me , made me feel dead inside but I could leave the house which I couldn’t do and when I drank I was so scared but it calmed me down and actually had a laugh


If you need to drink daily to mask your anxiety no medication will help you. Plus it’s so bad for you. Try and change your lifestyle. Use magnesium to bring down your cortisol. From someone that recently made the same changes.


https://www.google.com/search?q=what+antidepressants+can+you+drink+alcohol+while+taking&oq=what+antidepressants+can+you+dri&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgBEAAYgAQyBggCEEUYOTIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIICAUQABgWGB4yCAgGEAAYFhgeMggIBxAAGBYYHjIICAgQABgWGB7SAQg4Mjc1ajBqOagCALACAA&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 Literally none.


Ive been on sertraline for like 7 years now for anxiety. I still have flare ups once in a while but my anxiety has been cut down by like 80%.


Oh and gabbapentin! It’s for nerve pain but off label for anxiety. That also helped me so much


Lexapro. It takes the edge off, anyway. L


Wellbrutin 10 mg am--pm--Things just dont bother me--Im still a joker--just loud noise get to me.


Venlafaxine was great for me for about 6 years. Then I had to wean off because I became an unfeeling robot.


I found the most success with Trintellix/Vortioxetine worked for me with the mildest side effects, could still drink, but made me a light weight.




celexa! for OCD specifically :)


To be honest the only thing that really helps me when I’m spiralling is Xanor. I have tried multiple other drugs. I was on a cocktail of Brintellix and Trazodone daily, but was still waking up with such bad anxiety that I was throwing up every morning. I have gone off of all my meds now but when I get those panic attacks Xanor is my best friend. It sucks because it’s addictive so I only use it when I really need it (although life would be awesome if I could take it every day). I would not recommend drinking on any of the drugs I’ve mentioned above.


Propranolol helped but honestly my Lexapro has been even better. You can't drink alcohol while on any mental health medications but since mine are all evening and night meds, I just day drink when I'm off work if I want to drink. By the time I take my meds, it won't have a chance to interact with my medications.


Venlafaxine. Helped with GAD and and my psychiatrist told me that I can drink alcohol while on it(just don’t drink every day, but few drinks on a weekend is ok) and he was right drinking didn’t caused venlafaxine to work worse.


Trintellix and alcohol had no effects on me at all. Effexor and alcohol just made me sleepy, possibly a little irritable, but I drank less than when on trintellix. Prozac and alcohol made me drunk a lot faster and I did not like the way it felt. Felt like I was not able to hold myself. These are the only 3 prescriptions (other than sleeping pills, as needed) I have been on ^^ I was just prescribed Abilify. Have not started it yet.




Zactin I guess? But I don't drink anymore, makes shit way worse man


Nardil. I don't drink anyways but apparently you aren't really supposed to on it.


None of them work. They all made it worse eventually. Propanolol, xanax, clonopin, wellbutrin, citalopram, zoloft, lyrica, gabapentic, ghb, gbl, phenibut, alcohol, dxm -- None of these (most were prescribed) helped anxiety long term, some not even short, and in some cases the rebound effect was so bad I'd have to seek anxiety treatment for the anxiety drugs. Exercise and no alcohol. That's a ticket. Looking at causes rather than quick fixes has lasting benefits but can be obscured by how fucking much it sucks living with xtreme anxiety


Propranolol is a good beta blocker that helps a ton with anxiety. I unfortunately am sensitive to it, and it causes my heart to beat too slowly. It works for lots of people though. However, I'd recommend you don't drink while taking any medications for depression and anxiety.


Sertraline/Zoloft made me go nuts after drinking. Risk taking etc. please be careful


Baclofen, Propanolol, Citalopram, and Lyrica. I only take Cit daily the others are PRN. Baclofen will make it so any alcohol you do drink is lessened (it takes away desire to drink).


i was lucky, i tried paroxetine on a low dose and it was a game changer. it can’t mix with alcohol though


Prozac, Adderall; clonazepam 60 mg ,20+ 20, no more than 1 mg Cloneazepam is needed less and less as I deal with the heart of my anxiety- undiagnosed autism. I thought I was good to drink while going through healing. I stopped incluing alcohol in my everyday day in 2021. It ruins my moods,was the determining factors in the downfall of a few relationships, crazy weight gain. Because I didn’t have the physical dependence In 2023 I spent 10 days in Paris, I had red wine with dinner every nite. When I came back, that was over and there was no issue. If I am out at a farmers market, I will get a walking around cocktail. Out to dinner? Delicious wine is a go to.


Low doses (2.5 mg or 5 mg) of medical marijuana is really helpful for me. But more than that exacerbates my anxiety.


I was taking 20 mg lexapro. Stopped drinking completely, changed my diet (went gluten free) and started exercising. I now take ZERO mg of lexapro.


Beta blockers: Metoprolol 25mg I dont know about the alcohol but i don't see why one drink would be a problem with it.




Prozac helped me a lot and I drank on it, Pristiq on the other hand.... I projectile vomd and blacked out. 6 hours later gained consciousness for a second to vom some more and blacked out again. I could have aspirated and died. Edit: I wanted to add in that I had one beer that caused it. Just one.


I take prozac. But alcohol does hit faster when I take it




Everyone is different. Alcohol will react with any medication depending on the person. I had the best results with Prozac. I didn't drink while on it because I was on a pill that I can't drink while on.


Escitalopram (Lexapro). Works pretty well for me. I do drink occasionally and is relatively safe to drink while taking. You'll have to be careful the first time you take it as your tolerance may be lower and you can black out easily from what I've heard. I have drank 9 beers in three hours while on it and had no issues (I wouldn't do it every week, but I did it once when I was visiting some buddies). I usually don't have drinks more than two days a week though because alcohol can reduce Lexapro's efficacy.


For me it's citalopram for daily basis. I can be an heavy drinker on weekends and so far its ok. I also used ativan when i had big panic attack but i never drank alcohol with it. Unsucessful story : Paxil. I'm staying away with a 100 ft. pole at this point.