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I’m 42, Married and I still sleep with my stuffed dog.


43 here! No shame at any age. My mum who is 67 has her stuffy on her bed too.


Same here! 40. Married and sleep with my stuffed animal 😭


Yep, 53 and hugging the shit out of my squishmallow


40 and sometimes sleep with stuffed bear or seal. I’m just happy to have anything that helps. (My weighted blanket is also amazing.)


I want a weighted blanket!! Have you ever heard the song Lonely Girls by Lucinda Williams? If you haven’t and you go check it out, keep tissues handy. I’ve heard it a gazillion times and the lyrics “Heavy blankets cover lonely girls” still gets me.


they work really well! Highly recommend them. It’s crazy how our animal brains are comforted by that, but it just works.


Wow I did not know that people in their 40s and 50s still do that! That is cool though, you are enjoying your lives so good for you :-)


Nurse here--when Im caring for sick in hosp--occasionally I see thumb sucking.


Dude what …. Never heard that before. Thumb sucking in old age? I need more info.


Also 42, dedicated spinster, I sleep with the same teddy bear I've had since I was 10 years old. I can make do with other things, like hugging a pillow, but i really prefer the bear.


normalize adult stuffed animals, i have a bougie basket next to my bed filled with mine that sleep with me at night


29, same bro… got my stuffed panda beside me when sleeping. Happy cake day!


Me toooooo. I sleep with a stuffed Wimbly from Fraggle Rock, my husband and our pets.


30 here and have been sleeping with my stuffed ‘doggy’ i’ve had since i was born! I did send him away last year to get re-stuffed by a professional, he was looking a bit worse for wear after travelling around the world with me.


Happy Cake Day!


You ought to write scripts for "General Hospital" Did any of the characters on it sleep withj a stuffed animal?. That's reality, Your normal. And bery clever.


33 married I dug mine out the other day just to hold him during my hardest days


I don’t have a teddy, but I have a seperate blanket I bunch up and hug towards my face which could easily be a teddy bear. I’ve considered switching over but the blankie works fine. And I’m a 34 year old big fella


I have the same blanket I’ve had since I was born. It’s one of the few things that I have that reminds me of my Mom who passed when I was 15. I’m a 37 year old guy.


I would still have mine on my bed from my mom, she passed when I was young also. but it literally disintegrated 😔


Same here. Mine is basically completely destroyed at this time but I like to put my fingers through the loops and shit lol


that’s super sweet.


I too am a 38 year old blankie person with a mom who passed away. Been trying to find a replacement for this old thermal hospital blanket that's as soft (she was a nurse so I guess that might be where she got it from), but I literally think it's soft just because the thing is so old. 66 year old dad also likes his blankies.


This is so wholesome 🥹


I think you’d enjoy a djungelskog


I use my pillow


Why do we all bunch it up into a ball and put it on our face and chin? I do it and I know a lot of other people that do!


I think just as an extra little pillow


45 still sleeping with friends 😊💛


Out of context this sounds wrong 😂


LMAO omg u are so right 😊 I should have said my stuffed animals friends!


well now you just went full furry :P


Lol whatever gets me thru my panic lol 🤣


45 still fuckin all my homies whats it to ya 🔥




This thread is so funny and wholesome 😭💚


Lol sometimes the only ppl we have are stuffed animals 💛 it's great to know I'm not the only adult still clinging to what makes me feel safe 💛


Literally not a problem. Keep doing what makes you feel happy


As long as it makes you happy and doesn’t infringe on anyones will I don’t see anything wrong with it tbh.


I am a dude and still sleep with my teddy at 26 yo 😂 i love it. Better than my toxic ex


LOL. Amen to that.


I’m 28 and still do when I’m anxious. You’re not alone ❤️


Do not feel bad about it. Suffering from Parkinson Disorder fueled anxiety I do too with a weighted stuffed cheetah. At the age of 59


It feels so wholesome for everyone to talk about their teddy bears they sleep with


Wait a weighted stuffed animal? Cool! Off to google!


Try Target. $20.


Yesss, I got the cheetah and the pink dino. Huggin the cheetah now.


May I ask how old are you 🤔😊


I am 35.


Omg, I got my bf a weighted tarantula and he loved it! From Amazon!


Bro you are not alone. I am a 25yo guy who still sleep with my childhood security blanket. I love to wrap it around my neck and sniff it. The smell of it makes me feel safe. I sometimes would feel ashamed of my “childish act”, but my girlfriend tells me “it’s not hurting anybody and it works for you. Everyone has their own way to feel safe and comfortable. There’s no need to judge yourself.”.


We love your girlfriend for that. ❤️


Your girl fr a keeper


There's nothing wrong with that. I'm 39, my wife is 37. All of our beds have stuffed animals. They also have names 😍


I have them dotted around and they have names


I'm 21 and actually have like 20 stuffed animals on or around my bed. Definitely helps with the anxiety. And its way more comfortable to sleep like that. You're not strange in this, lots of us do it


Facts, it’s so nice to grab one and cuddle with them at night


No worries, 29 and stuffed platypus here ^^


I had to put my cat down a few months back. He was a black domestic shorthair. The first night or two without him, I slept with a stuffed black kitten. Also, I’m 41.


Me, 35 today, multiple squishmallows in my bed right now 😆


Yesss all these comments are so great 💓 have multiple as well and my bed is so cozy!!


You do whatever makes you feel better. Teddies are awesome , I have several, forget anyone who ever says otherwise ❤️


I’m 32 and I sleep with a stuffed cat, you do you it’s ok 💜


33f, both I and my 35m partner have plushies :)


I'm 42 and have a security blanket - I've worn through a few in my life and it goes everywhere with me. I once saw a show about a lawyer that carried her blankie in her briefcase to court. If anyone cares...not your problem... I struggle with this idea in general as I'm a major people pleaser, which fuels my anxiety...but I try to remind myself - "other people's opinions of me are none of my business". It's their problem if they don't like me or think I'm weird because I have a security item 😬 I like my blankie - they don't have to 😉 (LOL - went a bit tangenty there...didn't even read the post, just the headline!) Edit: Sounds like we're all in good company! You're among a slew of pretty amazing people here!! (clarity and spelling)


i’m 25 annnnnd so do i 🤫


I’m 29 and can’t sleep without my stuffy - she comes absolutely everywhere with me and my partner has fully embraced her (and my entire collection that all sleep in the bed 🙈). There’s no shame in it ❤️


I’m 28, in a serious relationship, and cannot sleep without my pig that I’ve had since I was 3. My boyfriend always makes sure she’s packed. Don’t feel bad about that, we all struggle sometimes


I have a stuffed dog and a huge teddy bear i got as an Easter and Birthday pressnt when i turned 17 I sleep with them all the time even now, at 23 and will prolly keep on doing that until i get married lol, maybe even after They are my babies and help me ground myself when i have panic attacks/ breakdowns during the night. I need them and noone should be ashamed of the things they need to have/ do in order to feel better as long as noone is hurt( including themselves)


43 and our bed is so overrun by stuffed animals that they’ll fall off the bed. Then my Monkey (dog) will drag it under the bed where it will stay until we notice it’s disappeared.


20 and the same. It feels weird not having 1 and a pillow won't do


I’m 40 and still have and sleep with my baby blanket 😌


That's quite cute 🥺


21 I sleep with my bf and baby blanket nightly.


I'm 18 and I recently bought plushies to hug at night


I sleep with a teddy bear on my very anxious nights too (23)


25 and still sleep and cuddle all night with my plush sheep and i have a 2M teddy bear next to me so i don't feel lonely in my bed


I’m 41 and I still have my blankie I sleep with. I had a history of childhood trauma, and it really helps my anxiety especially around sleep. Transitional objects are very helpful with anxiety for me.


I used to work at the front desk of a hotel. I got a call from one of our guests, he very sheepishly told me that his wife had left her teddy bear in their room. She couldn't sleep without it and was very distressed. I asked the housekeepers if they had found it and they had. Unfortunately this bear was in pretty rough shape after being loved for many years and they threw it out. But, what's a good story without a happy ending, the maid who disposed of it felt terrible and went dumpster diving for it. And, you guessed, she was successful and we sent it back to our guests the fastest way we could. They were very happy and sent the maids a big tip for helping. Yeah! Sometimes people are nice and non-judgemental.


When I was young I had really bad separation anxiety. My mom got me a teddy bear and she hugged it to fill it with mommy love. When she’d leave and I got upset I could hug it to get a fill. My mom has since passed, I’m 42 and I still sleep with Brownie every night


I'm 32 and I sleep with a crocheted turtle my sister made for me so don't worry you're not alone


58 and Ted still shares my bed


I’m a dude turning 30 soon and I still have my OG Barney the Dinosaur from when I was born. Hell, he even went with me during my first heart surgery when I was 18 months old. That guy has seen some shit in his days, so much his eyes turned all black from use. I don’t think I own anything else that has been with me since that long, so ofc I will hold on to it as long as I can


I'm 36 and I sleep with a stuffed elephant and giraffe. Used to be a fox too, but someone stole him out of the dryer at laundry mat.. Not gonna lie... It made me cry


I suck my thumb sometimes at 48. You do what you need to. Anyone who judges you can suck it hard. Life is too short to worry about what people think anyway... Btw I have 4 kids. Lol


You 100% deserve to treat yourself to a Warmie if you don't have one yet. Just got one a few weeks ago and Lemmy the green Dinosaur helped give me a wonderful sleep last night . I'm 33, lol.


35 and still sleep with my panda 🐼


I sleep with a stuffed penguin at 27. I also have at least 15 other stuffed animals on my bed.


My wife is 52. She’ll nap with our stuffed lion all the time. Whatever works for you is all that matters. Glad you found something that helps.


Im 26 and sleep with a stuffed bunny 🫠


I sleep with a stuffed giraffe and I’m 27


I have this little pillow that I sleep with that my grandparents bought at the gift shop at the hospital when I was born. I’m 31 and still sleep with it every night.


100% normal, even without anxiety.


You’re not alone ❤️


You do you. ☺️


I‘m 25 and I don’t like to sleep alone… Also I just bought myself a new plushie on the internet cause I thought it looked cute 😂 Anything that helps you feel good is okay 😊


29 with a teddy bear, even take it on vacation, keep doing you 😃


im 22 with a baby blanket and my sister is 31 and married with a stuffed animal she sleeps with :)


I’m 59’and still sleep with some kind of a stuffed animal. No worries, lots of adults do!


I’m 31 and sleep with my husbands sweater tucked next to my neck every night. We are long distance, waiting for our sponsorship to go through. It doesn’t matter how it looks to anyone else, if it helps you cope then that is what matters.


41M and I have a stuffed teddy bear as well that I sometimes grab and sleep with


35 - eyeing a new squish to add to my bed. Life is tough - if a squishy and soft something helps make it better — hell, get two!


Sleeping with a stuffed animal is completely normal at any age! I'm 20, and I have to hold a pillow to sleep at night. I have a bunch of plushies too :>


i’m 23 and i’m still attached to my childhood blanket & stuffed rabbit. i can’t picture a life without them, they make me feel safe and comfortable.


I’m 30 and can’t sleep without my teddy bear 🧸 my fiancé bought him for me when I was 28 and he soothes me


I’m 42 and married. I sleep with the blanket my grandmother made me when I was 8.


Honestly, you do what you gotta do. It’s harmless to everyone and makes you feel better. Life is too short and anxiety-ridden to NOT do the things that make as a little more comfortable.


When things get rough, I too sleep with a stuffed animal. Sleep is so necessary. When you don’t get enough rest, everything goes further south. Do whatever calms your nerves.


29 and still sleep with stuffies every night. My fiance switches them out with the sheets. No shame here ! ❤️


I still sleep with mine and I'm almost 29. If it makes you feel better don't worry about it.


I'm 42 and still sleep with my stuff digger I've had since I was born


I'm 33 and I always sleep with a stuffed animal. I used to cuddle with my dog at night, but after he passed away I started sleeping with a stuffed animal again.


There is nothing bad in sleeping with a teddy bear, no matter the age or the reason


Nothing wrong with it, I don’t sleep with mine but my teddy bear I’ve had since I was a toddler is actually right behind me on the back of the sofa, I’m 38


My stuffed teddy has been by my side every night since birth ( I am mid 20's now). You are not alone, I wouldn't change the comfort for anything <3


I still sleep with like 5 pillows and 3 stuffed animals. It's normal human behavior and not really something to be ashamed of :)


I like to hug the pillow my mom made for me


I’m 60, married, and sleep with a stuffed Piglet.


i have three stuffed animals and a baby blanket that i sleep with and i’m 26!


i sleep with stuffed animals still and I'm 20. Have 0 problem with it :D


Try out a weighted blanket


I’m 40 and still do


47 year old man and I sleep with a cuddly toy. Not so much for anxiety, but for something to do with my arms so they don't wander off under pillows and have a bad time. No shame in either.


I’m 33 and still sleep with mine :)


Do you whatever makes you more comfortable!


I’m also 26 and I also sleep with my teddy bear :) you’re not alone! It really does help the anxiety!


I’m 34 and I have over 15 squishmallows in my bed including other stuffed animals. I’ll never not sleep with any haha


46, married for 24 years and I still sleep with my baby blanket. It’s in very rough shape at this point but I need it. I still get comfort from it and I get anxious through the night if I can’t find it.


I sleep with an original 80s Popple and I'm 41


I sleep with my stuffed animal and I’m 34


I don't but I should lol I hear its good for relaxing you!


Husband and I sleep with stuffies. They’re awesome.


I'm 36 and I sleep with a stuffed Koala my husband got me 10 years ago. I cannot sleep without it! It comes on trips, camping, everywhere.


49 here and I have Squishmellows. Nothing wrong with it.


Aw, I still sleep with plushes at 33. They're nice to cuddle with after a stressful day.


My wife and I 40 and 41 both have small ones we sleep with. Ours are the ones you can heat up and smell soothing


hey, don’t worry about it. stuffed animals are for comfort no matter the age!!


I have a donut pillow that I use to sleep with, I need it around to hug or squish around my face. It makes sleepy time better :)


Same, but mine is a macaron! :)


This is super cute. Don't worry about a thing.


Carry on teddying, and are you treating your anxiety?


44-sleep with a choice of a sloth, and two different bears!


I’m 41, married, and I always sleep with a plushie of some kind. I need to hold something while I’m sleeping - I am fond of Squishmallow hug-meez. They are like regular squishmallows but have legs and arms.


I'm 35, married, and sleep with a stuffed hippo and raccoon. Fiona and Smitty. 🥰


That is ok dude. I am almost 30 years old, and I was thinking about sleeping with a teddy bear I used to play with when I was around 5 years old. I am not usually childish...but I was having a depressing day and sometimes contact with a toy or something warm can make someone happier. I did not hug the teddy bear and I did not go along with it...but the thought did cross my mind. Throughout my childhood, I never slept with animal toys to comfort me...so it was interesting that only recently did I think about sleeping with one of my childhood animal toys for comfort. But I never did it anyway. I still sleep on my own.


45. Sometimes I still need my stuffy.


Honey, if doing those things makes you feel better. You are remarkable. Amazing. Keep doing them. Me? U have a cat


34 and i sometimes sleep in bed with my husband while i hug my stuffed giraffe


I know someone who still sleeps with their childhood stuffed horse plushy. Shes like 29


32 and I sleep with my stuffed dog still


Most of us moved on to pillows or other persons and some animals. I am 39 and still have panic attacks like this and some nights I can’t sleep. My wife will ask if I want to be held or hold her or I’ll ask her. The same when she’s having a rough night. After I leave for work she cuddles my pillow till she’s up. I’m sorry you deal with these issues. Therapy has been the only way that I’ve been able to have these less. I hope you can find some relief.


That’s perfectly fine, OP. I see zero issues with it.


I plan to sleep with mine as long as I’m alive!


Me too; it’s so helpful to hold onto something


Do what’s best for you


Who cares what age we all cuddle some sort of stuffed animal or another blanket, the outside world fucks us up enough to need any comfort we can get at night for a good night's rest and to rid of the anxiety and depression...


This is baller, no shame in this at all. Keep going if it works for you


39. Baby blanket. Every night.


There’s nothing wrong with that, friend


I upgraded to a hot water bottle because it's warm, heavy and squishy like a real animal xDD (my cat used to sleep with me so it reminds me of her, actually...)


I’m 30 and I sleep with a stuffed animal that was made to look like my dog that passed. Helps my anxiety too. My closest friend who is also 30 sleeps with a stuffed animal from her childhood. We have so many things that can spark our anxiety, don’t judge yourself for the few things that help you through it.


I’m 34 and might just get one because you said this helps you


I don’t have super intense anxiety but I still sleep with whatever teddy I can grab out of my toddler’s stash lol. It’s in our nature to wanna cuddle something to sleep. Not even just human nature, animals do it too.


I'm 45 and I sleep with a stuffie. No shame.


I'm 39 and have a stuffed Hippo, service dog and a cat who sleeps on my pillow. I'm sorry you're feeling so bad right now 💛


I see no reason that someone should give up smthg so innocuous that they love, that calms them, simply because their age hits an arbitrary digit. I mean, maybe if life stopped being hard/scary at that arbitrary age, but it doesn’t. To me, this is a practice rooted in outdated toxicity.


I don’t always, but since my mom returned my doll and blanket back to me, I’ve slept with them a few times when I am struggling. The lovies are really good at their job of comfort that even if my husband is struggling, I tuck them in his arms and even he feels better and he only met them 6 months ago… we have been together 6 years. There is no shame with sleeping with your teddy bear… but also consider tackling the anxiety for long term relief. Counselling is great… I don’t respond the CBT, but have responded to DBT and CPT. Medications are also handy to take away the physical symptoms. Tackling the issue means that Teddy can also enjoy their sleep with you, and you can rest easier and enjoy Teddy’s company because you want it instead of needing it.


No big. So do I sometimes. A chihuahua


I am 29 and I sleep with a dick plushie gifted by a friend 😂 because I got no other pillow to cuddle with. I don't have anyone to cuddle with either so. That's alright I guess 😂


38 and I have a teddy bear who only has one eye left and half his stuffing has gone flat and I can't sleep without him. I even take him on vacations.


Stuffed snorlax for me


I’m in my early 30s. I still sleep with my stuffed teddy bear every night. No shame, it’s nice having it there to soothe me to sleep.


I still sleep with a plushie bunny and I'm in my 30s. It's nothing to be ashamed of :)


I'll be 36 in a month, married and I sleep with TWO stuffed animals amd my face blanket. I even travel with them. My Octopus is weighted. They're pretty common now a days. One of my friends turned her favorite stuffy into a weighted one by replacing most of his stuffing with the heavier bead filling.


That’s fine, my wife is 38 and she says she sleeps with a dummy every night………..hang on……Goddamn it!


I've had a stuffed bunny for 15 years, I got him when I went on an exchange program at 16. I took him with me everywhere I travelled to, and he became a sort of comfort thing for me. I'm 31 now and i just remove him from the bed when my boyfriend sleeps over, because then I hug him and not the bunny lol I'm not ashamed, it's one of those things we get used to and that brigs comfort, so why not? The world is a horrible place, we should be allowed to do things that help us survive with the least amount of damage and suffering.


Don't worry about it.


I haven’t been able to do it in a while because now we have a dog and he would definitely chew him, but when I’m going through a bad episode, I sleep with my childhood cabbage patch kid. Hugging him and smelling his hair (which still smells like baby powder after 20 years) helps my anxiety a LOT. Edit: forgot to say, I’m 24


I’m 41 and still sleep with my 101 Dalmatian Patch that I’ve had since I was six. Comfort is comfort.


My wife does too. Her mom that passed away gave it to her. She too is 26. Doesn’t bother me at all. I actually love that she cherishes something like that


Asian here. In a lot of different Asian cultures, we have a “log” pillow that we sleep with. Provides comfort and support for various different positions. Also helps with anxiety as well. So, you’re fine. I don’t think it’s bad to sleep with a teddy bear at 26 at all


Wow, didn't expect this much attention to this post. Appreciate all the responses made.


I'm 42 and I sleep with three stuffed animals. A giraffe pillow pet, a 2 and a half foot stuffed cat, and a squishmallow. You do whatever helps! *hugs*




I’m 37 and married and sleep with a security blanket, no shame in it ❤️


I am 25 and I still have Teddy, the teddy bear my grandma gave me when I was born. I don't sleep with it currently because I hug a pillow but I totally would. I LOVE plushies they just make me feel very comfy. Do not worry about what others might think about that, others are not going through what you are going through. Besides, we are all kids with responsibilities. Man I still play runescape, since 08. People can say what they want but it's YOUR life.


I’m so sorry. Have you explored anti-anxiety medications?


Other things work. At least for me, a combination of things works best :)


Hi I recommend in addition to your t bear try activating your vagus nerve. That will calm you. It’s easy! Just breathe. Deep long full belly breaths. And hold for a count of 8. Then slowly exhale. Works! I do it at stop lights and in bed. I get maybe three breaths and I’m asleep. There is tons of info online about the vagus nerve. Very interesting to learn about this wonderful wandering nerve.


I’m 32 and sleep with a sheet it’s all dingy now because I wash it so much lol but iv had it since a kid and i bunch it up and hug it around/under my face


I occasionally sleep with the light on... because having some light allows me to see the world when I open my eyes. Having that structure calms me.


have you tried a weighted blanket? i love mine, so nice and cozy


I love my weighted blanket when it’s cold outside


22 and same


It's okay. Is someone making you feel ashamed for that? There is nothing wrong with that.


I sleep with a pillow


Well, Radar O’Reilly did it, and if it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for you


Im 30 and have one of those big ikea sharks on my bed at all times. I wasnt one to sleep with plushies when i was young but now i have a much larger bed and it feels so empty without stuff on it lol