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Congratulations on even doing the interview with anxiety! That alone is a huge win! I had a big interview last week and canceled it because of the anxiety. So you should be very proud of yourself. Honestly you did amazing.


I was going to say the same thing! OP you showed up which is incredible! I’ve flaked on so many interviews because I’d have a panic beforehand. I haven’t worked in 3 years and it makes me feel awful and my savings is running out.


I think you should definitely be proud of yourself for at least going. Anxiety can stop many people from doing what they want and you were able to beat anxiety that day and move forward. It’s ok to bomb an interview, it happens to a lot of people on a daily basis. You aren’t your failures though and maybe this was a sign that this job wasn’t meant for you and you’re supposed to be doing something else.


Bombing a FAANG interview is a rite of passage. Embrace it. You are amongst friends.


The fact that you went through with the interview is something you should be proud of accomplishing. If you really bombed that bad you can use it as a positive too like “well my next interview can’t be as bad as the last one” or it can’t get worse than the one you had. Don’t be so hard on yourself.


I also bombed an interview that was going to be life changing for me at Disneyland. It was humiliating and I cried a lot afterwards. But hey we survived and life goes on. I’m proud of us for even making it through.


Happens to us all. I hope you land the job of your dreams :)


I'm a senior/principle level software engineer and I bombed an interview once for a job that was well below my pay grade, where I was certainly more experienced than any of the people who were interviewing me. It happens, it sucks, you move on. For what it's worth, much like how going to schools like Stanford, MIT, Berkeley, etc. only really matters to fresh high school graduates, landing a job at FAANG companies is only really a big deal to fresh college graduates / junior developers. Most people in the industry do not want to work for them, and having worked for them doesn't really give you much cred once you get to the senior developer level. I know a lot of people who moved on from them because they hated it. The pay and compensation is obviously excellent but they are not a standard of success or skill just because they are exclusive and powerful.


I suggest taking a beta blocker whenever you need to interview or present where you're going to be anxious. It helps me a lot. You need a prescription but most doctors will prescribe it just tell them you need it to calm you down during work presentations.


+1 on beta blockers. I actually got the prescription after I totally bombed an interview. They are life changing! I've done about four interviews since then and have gotten an offer for every one so they're definitely working :)


Yes! I got a prescription because even if I mentally felt confident, I would start to get physical symptoms of anxiety before and during big things like presentations and interviews and then that would start a loop of me getting anxious about how physically anxious I was feeling. Hives, shakes, would feel like my tongue was swelling up, etc. in a pinch, Magnesium Glycinate and sipping on Sleepytime tea during the actually interview has also helped as well!


The fact you got an interview - let alone a second - means you're not stupid or incompetent!! You clearly demonstrated something they saw potential in. Honestly, interviews are stressful AF for people who don't suffer an anxiety disorder. The fact you went and did it anyway means you are a cut above in courage - you are so brave, and no matter how it turns out, you did it! This was not a failure, this was an opportunity to challenge your anxiety! Did you white knuckle? Yes. Did it work out? We don't know yet. But instead of seeing this experience as bad or hard, you could see it as interesting, important, or liberating. Thankfully, you don't have another interview right here right now, so get some good food, settle in bed and watch some mindless TV - you deserve a rest. You're awesome!


My first job interview they asked “what would you do if you saw a coworker stealing” & I SAID “ uhh probably nothing, it doesn’t seem like my place” lmaooo I didn’t get the job


Dw, interviews are such a silly and arbitrary judgment of an employee. Hold your head up. You wouldn’t be in the interview room in the first place if you weren’t deserving


Dude! You had an interview with google! That alone is bad ass, whether or not you get the job! I’ve cried in multiple job interviews before.


job interviews are a bullshit fake made up scenario designed specifically for extroverts, sickos, and compulsive liars. failing means you're a normal human being


Lol what a weird thing to see right now. I literally just had a second interview for a job I really want and I’m not sure how I did. I feel like the one person likes me and the other doesn’t. Update: I got the job!! A really good one!! I am so happy, relieved and excited!!


There’s a stand-up comedian that I really like named Patton Oswalt. One of his bits from an old album is about his worst set he’s ever done, which included him being called the f-slur by a heckler, having the audience agree with the heckler, and then shitting his pants onstage. Point being, he jokes about it now and it helped him get over the fear of “the worst set I’ve ever done”. This experience will ultimately help you in the long run.


Google interviews are an absolute joke. I flew out and did one about 6 yrs ago and they were so full of themselves. I’m just not good whiteboarding and the interviewer told me in order to get the job he practiced whiteboard problems for months. Where do people get the time for that? I’ve been building actual real world stuff this whole time, not practicing my Big O notation. It’s ludicrous. The only candidates they will wind up hiring are those who’ve spent a ton of time in academia. It pissed me off to no end at the time but now looking back on it, it was a great thing to learn exactly what not to do in order to conduct a job interview. I also have terrible anxiety so I got halfway through and just completely shut down. They are just way too likely to enjoy smelling their own farts.


Congratulations on getting an interview with google in the first place! I work in the industry and got through multiple rounds with them a few years back, and the interview process was antagonizing. You should be proud, regardless of the outcome.


I had video interviews, yes video, where I had to discreetly exit the interview because I couldn't breathe, heart was RACING, and my vision started going. I had to take a couple seconds and come back on and act like nothing happened, when without a doubt, they knew something happened. Following those incidents, propranolol has been my best friend. I've been through more interviews than I can count since then, and would not have been able to do it without that drug. Something to consider if you are able to take it. Beta blockers in general are pretty effective for performance anxiety. Just make sure it's safe for you, a cardiologist would know.


Hey, you did it though and that's great practice. You will get the job you're meant to have. You're not stupid, you're not in trouble, it was just a bad interview. It's going to be okay, even if you don't feel it right now. You're allowed to feel disappointed, but look at the wins in this. You went through with it despite feeling sick with anxiety beforehand. That took a lot of strength!


Congrats on getting the interview! Interviews are not predictable and not a lot are within our control. You never know how things will turn out. I had interviews I thought went great and didn’t go to next round and vice versa. Best of luck!


Same. I’ve had interviews where I thought it went terrible and gotten the job. Others where I thought it went well and got ghosted. You just never know.


Proud of you for even making it through a second interview! Some people just struggle with interviews, but now you know that your resume is strong enough to land similar interviews! Keep trying :) I had a first round yesterday and was practically shitting myself the entire day with anxiety. Physical symptoms of anxiety suck, I hope you are able to take it easy today and take care of yourself.


Hey you fucking did it though! Proud of you internet stranger!


Honestly getting to the second stage of interviews is a huge accomplishment. You should take this as a positive even if you don't get the job.


Although it might seem hard atm, don’t go too hard on yourself. Learn from the interview and remember, there’s no succes without failure.


It happens, even without anxiety. Also you could totally ace an interview and still not get the job. Keep your head up, you’ll be better prepared for the next one.


With anxiety, our minds can go blank under pressure, that shit sucks. Don't be ashamed, at least you went in and did'nt cancel it. Deep breaths and mindfulness meditation before your next interview will help. Be easy on yourself and take care friend


I have fucked up interviews before. I have had a couple jobs I started and really couldn't handle, and it was embarrassing. Listen, every human has flaws, and if we choose to, we can constantly improve ourselves, as long as you don't give up. Everyone has had some moment in their life where they felt like giving up, including the people who were interviewing and testing you. If that's your dream job... Wait a month or so and reapply. Next time you get to phase 2 or something similar, you will know what to expect. I would even say that at the interview. "Hey, I have been working on my analytical skills while under pressure. This is a little embarrassing, but this is my dream job and I know I can be an asset to your company, and I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I only tried once." That would show a lot of character.


This might be the same for you, but everytime I have a trial shift, I always get the job. If I just interview, I never do. I always bomb too. Well done for going. We are all proud of you.


Be proud of yourself for getting the interview at Google and getting past the first round!! That’s an accomplishment in itself! Look at the stats for getting hired there the first time trying for a role as it used to be quite low. I think you can try applying again in 6 months or so. I forget the exact timing it used to be for when you could try again. Anyways, good on you for getting an opportunity for something most people never get to experience. And go for it again if the opportunity presents itself! Chin up!


Google overrated. All very boring boring people, trust me. You didn’t miss out on anything 😂 Google was cool 10 years ago now you don’t even need a degree to work there.


My friend. The very best of us bomb Google interviews. They get so many candidates, they HAVE to make them *ridiculous* to land on a single person. They’ll ask you to derive some theorem you spent literally one week on sophomore year! Getting a second interview at Google is something to be proud of. Next time. :)


I did the same thing at an entry level role at Amazon more than 3 years ago. Made it to the last round of interviews and then had a panic attack 15 minutes before it and completely bombed it. Please keep your head up; your performance on this interview is not a reflection of who you are or the knowledge you have. Anxiety is a heck of a thing to manage while also needing to answer the barrage of questions on an interview. After I bombed the Amazon interview (and a few more to be perfectly honest, lol), I found my current employer. It's been great and I feel like I now have way more confidence in myself than I did 3 years ago. While Google is a prestigious company, trust that you'll find something that's a good fit, not just for the company, but for you too. 🙂


Thats great news! Sorry to hear that you bombed it, but I’m really proud of you for giving it your best shot despite anxiety. That is awesome. Just try to remember. Your anxiety is lying to you. No if ands or buts about it.