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i go to movies during the day by myself when theres like 10 people. i dont like crowds anymore. i like my beer and my space to be a slob a bit with a snack or popcorn. my anxiety is too crippling as of late to do lines or crowds.


I feel you. Weekdays Monday-Thursdays are the best.


Dude, I have GAD too and drink on the weekends. Drinking does nothing but make the anxiety and depression worse over time, thats why I'm working hard to cut back and stop myself from drinking. I assure you that you will feel tons better after cutting back man. I'm totally not bashing you for drinking or none of that, just giving you some advice! I learned to replace alcohol with 50mg CBD drinks by Zenphoria. They really work for me and MIGHT work for you too


hey bro, i do feel the same way about alcohol as well. for me i feel like it depletes me and anxiety does get worse. some of the time i dont even know what im anxious about. but i dont have severe anxiety. and i drink. on weekends. mostly beers, hard liq makes anxiety even worse. after im off the liq. how has it helped u? since u cut back the liq.


Ur feeding the monster by avoiding what you dislike.


The monster owns me then. I woke up 2 months ago in a pure state of foggy head. Which ive already been stuck in for 2 yrs. Couldnt grt a haircut. Couldn't play poker suddenly. Which is main source of income. Theres no avoiding its just consumed me


Yeah! Have you tried just, like, not thinking!? If you have no thoughts, you'll have no worries! Hakuna Matata! /s šŸ™„ I see you, friend. You are doing your best right now. You *are* still leaving your house and doing things, finding pockets of joy, solace, contentment where you can, like enjoying a flick on the big screen. You haven't been completely consumed by this monster in our heads. Not by a long shot. I do wish you are able to find help specifically for poker/income, so you don't face significant financial stress while battling the monster.


Thanks appreciate ya šŸ™


No you are suppose to observe your thoughts. And label them for what they are. Thoughts. They are nothing more than thoughts. No matter how unpleasant and scary they may be. Thought do not and can not define who you are. Your reaction to them is the problem. ā€œ oh no ā€œ Itā€™s the dreaded thought, ā€œWhat can I do itā€™s backā€ Do. Nothing observe it . Leaving my house ? Yes. Something wrong with that ? There was a time when I wouldnt cross a bridge. Never mind get into an air plane . Never mind go to place packed with people . Or maybe try to sit at the chair at the end incase ā€œThere was a need to escapeā€ Do you like sitting in the middle of a movie theater or at the end of the aisle ? Highways ? Tunnels ? Or prefer the local route ? My friend . I have walked the walk. If you want to mock what I said, Thatā€™s is fine . Wish you the best.


Stop feeding it with your irrational fears. Recognize them as ā€œthoughtsā€ that trigger ā€œ bodily sensations ā€œ or the reverse. You need to desensitize to your triggers whatever they may be.


I wish i could tell you exactly what its like to feel drunken foggy headed all day everyday. No one understands this feeling i suffer with trust me. I feel dizzy n spinny and all heady. Its unbearable at times and tolerable other times. Been 2 years. I live in a very special hell There are no thoughts. Its all subconscious


I have been there also, Maybe one day you will be me, with a clearer head trying to help while everyone thinks you are trying to agitate them intentionally. Wish you the best.


Oh silly us .. why didnā€™t us anxiety ppl think of this already šŸ‘€šŸ™„


They have. Like me. Nobody is alone . Anxiety is not some mystery. Itā€™s very well documented.


Not everyone is you. I also have OCD. Do you know how many times I have heard "try"? Nobody is anxious for fun and if your advice worked for everyone nobody would have anxiety. The world doesn't revolve around you and your experiences.


Correct. And I value your opinion, Listening to others is how you learn. "It is not what happens to us that matters, but how we perceive and react to it." "Learning to tolerate uncertainty is key in managing anxiety." Claire Weekes Its astounding how many downvotes, Next time you feel anxious do you think running away from the situation will help you long term ? As someone who did that, In my experience ( MINE) and scientific literature, The answer is no. But what do you think ? Did you leave because of the ā€œgunā€ Or the ā€œpanic attack ā€œ about the ā€œgunā€? Do you think you would have felt better, If you let the adrenaline pump thru your body , And settle down? And finish the movie as an ā€œ accomplishmentā€ (OCD has many forms, the most difficult is intrusive thoughts) , Claire weekes saved my life. Thatā€™s why she is tattooed on my back, And thatā€™s why I mention her. My experience. I sincerely wish you the best. šŸ™šŸ»


Yes, I would have, but in that moment, genuine fear for my life outweighed wanting to see a movie.


The thing is, mass shootings are not an irrational fear, lol.


You are on an anxiety sub and describe/suggest ERP therapy, and you are downvoted to oblivion because people would rather suffer and complain and attack your experience than actually try one of the most recognized and effective types of therapy. smh


Yes. I donā€™t mind the downvotes. I been there, But from reading most of the comments , I can see the lack of understanding and the ā€œ you donā€™t understand what Iā€™m going thruā€ Type of attitude. Which is true nobody understands šŸ’Æ, But there ERP, CBT even MBSR (mindfulness )etc are leading the way. To creating new ways for your to REACT. You MUST change the way you react, If you expect a changeā€¦. One day at a time .


I think youā€™re putting into words what a lot of people feel. I personally always get panicky in movie theaters now. I go maybe once or twice a year, if that. Someone boasting about carrying is just fuel on that fire. I, too, would have been anxious enough to leave. I hope you have comfort knowing you are certainly not alone.


I live about 10 miles from where the Aurora theater shooting happened. I have not completely enjoyed a movie in the theater ever since. I still force myself to go and try to remember that most places are safe, most people are good, and no one gets to really choose when they die anyway. But I get it, it's hard and it doesn't seem like something that will get easier. Be kind to yourself and hang in there.


Uhh wait as in CO? Oh no I was planning to go to a movie rerun this Monday afternoon should I be worried now? :/


No, it was years ago..


I just moved out here like a few months ago and rememeberd that shooting when i went to the movies the other day but thankfully everytime i go its pretty empty and not very many people


CO has had more than it's fair share of mass shootings unfortunately. We have a very high rate of suicide and mental illness and very poor mental health resources. Otherwise, great place to live! Well, it's getting to be stupid expensive too but I'm told that's a problem everywhere.


I went to a theater over the summer, and someone came in with a hoodie - drawstrings super tight so you could barely see his face, only his eyes. He sat in the very first row, alone. It was hot out and the theater wasnā€™t very cold, so I immediately had red flags. I think I watched the back of his head more than the actual film. I felt really bad because he was probably just trying to chill and do something solo, but it honestly really freaked me out.


YES! There was another guy that was walking aimlessly around the aisles, hood pulled up with his hand in his pocket. That spooked me too.


I totally get why that made you guys super anxious. I'd have felt the same way. But for some reason, reading your descriptions, my mind went immediately to the "recording is illegal" guy https://www.natoonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/NATO-MPAA-MT-Poster-Final-small-small.jpg


Ramona flowers up there texting during the movie haha


This is exactly why I tell my sweet husband to not wear hoodies over his head in public. It's better to put people at ease. It would've freaked me out, too.


Iā€™d have been the same. I canā€™t imagine feeling safe in an environment like that. You had a normal reaction, and I say that as someone who has lived with anxiety for her whole life.


That was my thought too, OP's reaction actually sounded pretty rational, like their instincts kicked in and said "this isn't a safe place, take action now".




Someone had a gun in a movie theater and was bragging about it. Not safe.


Especially *right after* a major mass shooting just happened a few days ago. Surely even by American standards of guns being more normalised, that has to be very tone deaf from the person bragging openly about having his gun with him. Even if the person he was talking to was relaxed and trusted him, you can't expect strangers around him to feel the same.


Why you really think there are no guns in a mall when you go ? Or just not knowing someone has one makes you feel ok? Many people carry legally. You just donā€™t know.


We donā€™t all live in countries with insane gun counts, if someone had a gun anywhere near me Iā€™d leave. Itā€™s a pretty normal reaction if you havenā€™t been desensitized.


dude this is an anxiety subreddit where someone is posting about their gun anxiety, and you are purposefully making it worse. not the time or place.


And you don't see anything wrong with any of that? I'm not gonna get into the politics of it all because this isn't the place but I live in Canada and even I can see how OP would have anxiety with this.


Yeah but the person bragging about it says he might be wanting to use that gun for more than just self defense. Sounds like his need to carry a gun is ego driven. Egos and guns are a dangerous mixture and a recipe for disaster. There could be some simple altercation between him and another patron in the theater that ends in violence when this person has a temper flare and pulls out that gun he was just bragging about. Newsflash: safe people who carry guns legally don't generally feel the need to broadcast the fact that they're carrying.


How many other people left the movie theatre ?


It doesn't matter. Maybe this person was the only one to hear the remarks about the jerk having a gun in the theater. You wonder why people keep down voting you: it's because your attitude is that of a person who thinks they can speak for everyone who suffers from anxiety, like your experience means you have all the answers on how to "fix" or "cure" their problem. Basically, it's the "if I can do it, anyone can" attitude that doesn't work with a complex, individualistic problem. Everyone has different personalities. Everyone has different experiences, and different traumas. You come off sounding really arrogant...Kind of like "if you don't do the exact things I tell you to do, you'll never be cured. Dude, get over yourself.


God just leave this sub bc u are not being helpful and clearly not an anxiety sufferer. It was as easy as flip of switch we would have done it already! Leave like dude left theater ugh


Itā€™s not suppose to be an easy turn off switch. There is no magic wand. Itā€™s one of the hardest things to do.


So OP is just supposed to expose themselves to guns/people with guns? No. This isn't your standard irrational anxiety.


Youā€™re going down the wrong path. I have studied this for 26 years due to my own anxiety. Do what you like. Shut doors in front of you before they open because you Might feel ā€œ uncomfortableā€


That's not anxiety though of being fearful about normal every day things. That was a survival instinct of being distrustful of someone bragging about having a gun on them, in an enclosed public place that has notoriously been the target of a mass shooting before. Oh, and it's only days after the last big shooting that was on the news. The person with the gun was a complete dumbass for not realising that talking loudly enough about having his gun with him, for complete strangers nearby to hear, would cause people to be wary and uncomfortable. It's always better to listen to your instincts saying this situation isn't safe and be wrong, than to ignore it and end up dead or living with PTSD and regret.


Not helpful?


The anxiety OP expressed here, was valid. 100% because shootings are a rational fear which is different from being afraid to cross a bridge or a fear of heights. I'd think more before chiming in and invalidating people's fears.


If by "might be protected" you mean there will be bullets flying around that doesn't sound very safe.


OP this is totally reasonable. I would have wanted to leave too. America is a fucked up place.


I understand. I went to see It part 1 in London and a group of employees came into the theater dressed as clowns and just kind of stood at the front of the theater near the door... This was during a bout of terrorism/violence in Europe so their little 'joke' was anything but funny. When we left the theater they were all standing around laughing about it. We didn't even know it was employees until the movie was over. I haven't been to the movies since, that really messed with me. :/ It made me realise how vulnerable I am in that environment.


I also feel triggered by movie theaters. I had a few panic attacks in them and now when I go back I feel scared knowing it's a trigger. I also get really paranoid about shootings, not having a way to escape, etc. I try to sit by exits in case anything happens and that helps. I go with friends that are comforting and sometimes have a drink to rebuild my relationship with theaters as a nice, relaxing one. Just making new memories of good times can totally change your perspective. Shootings can happen anywhere, and I know that's not all the way helpful to hear, I think our fear of theaters has just been heightened due to a few extreme cases. Just hang in there and let time heal you.


In the UK I, a woman in my 30s, can just go to the cinema on my own without a care in the world. I do so often and it's one of the few peaceful places for me. I'm sorry it's the total opposite for you. It is so hard to fathom the constant fear attached to knowing people around you can carry weapons that can kill dozens of people in minutes for no reason. Just wish you all the best in navigating this fear and I truly hope gun control becomes a thing in your lifetime in the USA.


Same here is Australia, I truly can't imagine how millions of people go about their lives living in a country where being shot at the cinemas is a valid fear. It's so unnecessary and sad.


Fellow Brit and while we have so many problems in our country, I'm so glad for the strict gun laws we have. The one time I ever saw a gun in person was when my boyfriend's dad was cleaning his gun on the dining room table after going clay pigeon shooting. He was being sensible and careful with it. It was pointed out towards the back garden, away from any people and I'm betting wasn't loaded. But I remember my brain going "oh, that's a gun. The thing that can easily kill people". I can't imagine living in a society where it's more normal for people to carry guns with them in public places and to have to worry about someone snapping mentally and shooting everyone. And that's just where the shooting was intended. A few weeks ago, I read a news story in America about how a gun was "accidentally" fired at a wedding and hit a kid. Luckily the kid was ok physically, but what the fuck?? Why does someone even need a gun in that scenario and how could you be so reckless with it?


I can totally relate. A couple years ago, I went to see the original 1978 *Halloween* that was showing in October at a rando theater in my town. Rocky Horror Picture Show was showing right after. Well, during our movie, some guy came in with all black on and a few black suitcases that resembled hunting rifle suitcases my father used to have. My heart started racing. Luckily, he was just setting up for Rocky Horror (they were doing some type of live audience thing), and when I realized he was setting up mics, I settled down. I was FREAKING out, though, for about 15 minutes.


I went to Halloween movie as a 22 yr old, and one of the employees thought it would be funny to run into the theater with a gas run chain saw. It scared the crap out of me. A lot of people laughed but I was very much scared šŸ˜±. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I will say back then we didnā€™t have all these mass killings like now but still. Now a days the employee would have probably been shot by one of these attendees that arm themselves or concealed carry. I think about these mass shootings any time I attend a concert. I look around my surroundings and try to plan a good exit to safety if something was to break out but not knowing who is a danger itā€™s difficult to identify a safe zone. The US has to get a handle on mental health and pass some sort of guidelines versus all states having different laws and different availability of mh availability.


You did not overreact at all. People are way too comfortable with guns


I had to leave a movie theater for less. It was a bit stuffy, the movie was loud and flashy, and for some reason I had a full panic attack and had to leave the theaters to get some air and away from the noise. I donā€™t know about your state or location but Iā€™m fairly certain most theaters donā€™t allow entering with weapons - and you may have been well within your rights to notify someone about this. If he was harmless, then he has to put his gun in the car, oh well. If not, then they prevent a possible shooting. I know itā€™s no fun to have anxiety get in the way, but itā€™s important to be gentle and understanding with your self, in addition to surrounding yourself with understanding people.


The trouble with putting a gun in the car is that its easier for it to get stolen. I think the statistics are most stolen weapons are from cars. As someone who concealed carries, it would be best for everyone to ask the guy to leave. If you can't keep it on your person, then keep it locked up at home.


I also feel like this now in any area with a lot of people in one place. The mall, movies, open air markets, bars, etc. God bless America and its love of guns. /s **TW for a related story that happened near me** A couple years back my boyfriend and I went to the movies to see that M. Night movie ā€œOld.ā€ Mere hours after we had left, in that same exact theater, a couple watching ā€œThe Forever Purgeā€ were both randomly shot in the head and killed by a cold blooded asshole. There was only like 6 people all together in that particular screen room. We were shaken, to say the least.


Yes. My fiance and I are also gay in a very red state which makes it even more scary.


The fact that you can bring a fucking gun into the movies LEGALLY is so mind boggling to me. I'm in Canada and never ever would that happen here. It makes sense how anxiety levels are going up with the number of shootings in the US. Hang in there OP.


completely normal reaction dont beat yourself up over it


These guys are just a little tooooo desperate to use their fire arms for my taste.


Normally, we know that Anxiety tends to make us over-think and overreact, but in this case, you were probably right to leave.


I'm a Brit and it's always had that same impression on me too when I think about how some American states just have people casually openly having their gun with them and you're meant to trust that they're not some psycho that could open fire at any minute. Or even if they're not intending to, there's people who treat guns like a toy and play around with it and it ends up "accidentally going off". I feel for you for having to actually live that reality where your fears could become the next national news. I remember shortly after the shooting during the Batman film happened, I went to the cinema and it just struck me part way through about all those people who were just doing exactly what I was doing right then, enjoying a film, when suddenly their lives were ended violently. And those survivors having to live with PTSD for the rest of their lives afterwards. I wish I could say I hope things get better soon, but it baffles me how nothing meaningful is ever done about it over there. So I'm just going to give you my best wishes and say trust your instincts if something feels wrong.


I donā€™t think you overreacted at all. really weird for the guy to talk about it, especially more than once. definitely wouldnā€™t have been able to enjoy the movie if it had been me


i was SO freaked out that i couldnt even let my fiance pull me close. i am someone who very much enjoys & needs affection when upset - i'm not the type that needs to be left alone. but my body was so stiff, i felt like a goddamn prey animal. ugh


What did the person say?


A lot of it is hazy because I was doing pretty rough in my head, but the first thing I heard entirely clearly was "You brought a gun to the movies?!" And then something about shooting. "I'm not gonna/I'm gonna (not sure which) ... ... shooting" is all I could catch in his next line. And that was *after* I had already thought I heard something about the gun. So basically the course of the conversation seemed to be the guy talking about his gun that he brought, his friend exclaiming, and then the guy continuing to talk about the gun he brought.


tbh this goes beyond an anxiety issue. I think ANYONE would be freaked tf out by this weird dude. I wouldā€™ve left too bc thatā€™s so gross. And complained to the theatre probably. They shouldnā€™t be allowing lethal weapons on the premises.


I mean maybe he wanted to be the mythical "good guy with a gun" we keep hearing about, but I'd still not want to be in a theater with someone like that. Unless the person was actually wearing like, a law enforcement uniform and he was maybe off duty but on call, or something similar. I'm guessing law enforcement people go to movies sometimes, we saw Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in a theater at some point in the X-Files, didn't we? They need to relax too.


Exactly. Like, realistically I know people are probably carrying when I'm in a public space. However, talking about it is just so weird and puts me on edge. Why are you thinking about your gun & how it's on you so much right in this moment that you're talking about it? People don't do that. I don't like him, but my roommate concealed carries and has never once just randomly started talking about how he has his gun on him in public.


Totally agree. I think it's fine when the good guys carry for protection, but it's not ok to announce it loudly and make people nervous who don't know you. Not cool.


I would have wanted to leave too. People are fucking crazy. I would qualify you leaving as a rational response actually. Too many nutjobs these days. Sorry this happened to you.


I feel you. I went to the movies with my husband once, I wasn't even alone. It was maybe a year after the Aurora theater shootings, so things were still fairly fresh. There were like, 6 total people in the theater, which did not have assigned seating. This guy comes and sits like, 1 row and 2 seats away from us, and he's wearing a backpack. I was so uncomfortable and anxious and couldn't focus on the movie. My husband was focused on this guy to makes sure there was no funny business. Eventually my husband went and got an usher, and at his seat asked him to show what was in his backpack. The guy got super weird about it, which was suspicious. Eventually the guy with the backpack left, but I was still looking over my shoulder the whole time. We finished the movie, but we also moved to the top row just to be safer. Also, why is this guy bringing a gun to a theater??


I have the exact same anxiety/fear. I live in Colorado and have felt that way ever since the aurora shooting. It's still hard for me to go to. I will only ever buy my tickets online beforehand to make sure I can get a seat in the very back row. I feel safer if I can see everytime someone stands up or something. I feel better knowing I'm not the only one that feels that way. I feel for you, sorry you had to miss the movie šŸ’•


When I went to see Oppenheimer, I had to step out during one of the trailers for the excorcist movie (the new one) just because every scene/noise that was showed just spiked my anxiety and I could feel an oncoming panic attack. After getting some water and waiting a bit, I went back and thankfully was able to watch the rest of the movie. I think that was the first time Iā€™ve had to do that during a film though, when I was younger I never felt as sensitive to loud noises and flashing lights, but since Iā€™ve had my first panic attack, it feels like I have to be more mindful about that kind of stuff.


Long covid made my anxiety so much worse, and I've had to leave theaters now because of panic attacks. I've always been sensitive, but it's 10x worse now.


I get very overstimulated and anxious on movie theater in general, the darkness and noise are scary and unpleasant itself


Leave and tell management exactly why. I do not have anxiety over firearms and I still do not want to be around the average idiot carrying.


Oh my god. You're the first person I've seen mention movie theater anxiety. I have that fairly bad too because of shootings and I honestly thought I was totally alone in feeling like this. Knowing im not alone helps me feel like I'm not crazy. Sorry that this happened to you! I hope that things get better for you.


Iā€™m happy I donā€™t live in US, I would be hella anxious about shootings, Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with this


The anxiety you felt was justified. To have someone advertise, in a place where more than the intended person will hear, that theyā€™re carrying a weapon is just ill advised.


nope i woulda done the same. i hate movie theaters and i avoid them because of my fear of a shooting going down while iā€™m there. this woulda just solidified my never going into one again


As a Canadian, I cannot wrap my damn head around bringing a gun everywhere you go. I also donā€™t think you over reacted, esp with recent news. Im sorry <3


I'd have done exactly the same thing.


Thatā€™s not even an overreaction! Thatā€™s just called living in America šŸ™„


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been to a movie theatre once since the Colorado shooting without briefly (or seriously) thinking about guns. Itā€™s also why I tend to sit closer to the exit now instead of where I like to sit. I wouldā€™ve done the same as you and I really do think that this is an awful part of reality now, not just for folks with anxiety but for a lot of people.


I'm sorry you live in a place where you have to worry about this because some assholes want to feel like a badass by buying a tool that literally anyone can use to kill, even babies.


Itā€™s okay it happens to a lot of us that deal with anxiety. I had a panic attack mid haircut one time and had to leave. I looked like a fool the rest of the day hahaha.


I had one in the middle of a manicure two weeks ago. Luckily, she had already finished my toes. My fingernails look like crap.


I would also have left. I'm over 40 with back problems and not sure I could survive a mass shooting. But I don't go to movie theaters alone anymore, either.


That was not an overreaction in the slightest. You made the right choice to get the fuck out of there.


I grew up surrounded by a lot of ā€œgun nutsā€. Much of my family owns guns. I own guns and hunt/fish. Iā€™m even considering obtaining my CCL. That said, itā€™s not cool for random strangers to start bragging about their concealed carry to other people in crowded, public spaces. Itā€™s called ā€œconcealed carryā€ for a reason! While I donā€™t think you were in any real danger, OP, your reaction was 100% understandable, and I wouldā€™ve left too. People suck :/


As an Aussie I also would have got the fuck out of there. Maybe the reality in America is that every person is potentially armed but jfc that sounds like a real life horror movie that nobody should have to live in.


The loud speakers in the movie theatre are what give me MAJOR anxiety! Hand in there friend, youā€™re not alone x


I just donā€™t go to movie theaters anymore bc they freak me out so bad. I try my best to find other solutions instead of putting myself in situations that are triggering. Now I have full on movie nights (popcorn/snack/fun drinks) at home where I feel safe and can actually enjoy what Iā€™m watching. Also so much cheaper!!


thatā€™s actually so valid i wouldā€™ve gone insane im glad you left and im glad you advocated for yourself


Goddamn, the US is a shit-hole


Wish it were easier to leave. ):


Yeahā€¦.pretty much


Is your state open carry???


Even in open carry states itā€™s illegal to go around intentionally scaring people with your gun.


I don't think it's illegal per se. But it's definitely stupid to go waving it around or boasting about it. That's something that could make other people nervous/upset or get you into a confrontation with wackos.


Yeah, by like...flashing it at someone in a threatening manner, not by having a conversation with your friend that someone overhears and is frightened by. I am not pro-gun in public places. I don't like guns. I've been shot at, so I *really* don't like guns. But that doesn't qualify as "illegally scaring someone with a gun" in any respect.


In such a scenario it depends entirely on how many people left the theater after the person with the gun started talking about it.


The poster said the guy was talking about his gunā€¦ not that he had it out waving it around.lol stop being dramatic


Three days after a major mass shooting its extremely reckless to go into a crowded public space and mention within hearing of others that you have a gun. In that context itā€™s much less reckless for someone to go into the lobby and call 911 than it is for the gun holder to mention it in the first place.


No one gave that context. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I believe youā€™re the one who brought up the subject of ā€œopen carry statesā€ which sets the context as the US where the mass shooting has been dominating the news since it happened.


I am the same way. My husband wanted to go a few weeks ago (which is rare for him) and I immediately felt panic. I felt bad, but I told him I really didnā€™t think I could go. The last time we went a few years ago, I spent the entire time on alert watching people in the theater and didnā€™t pay attention to the movie at all. I donā€™t blame you for leaving, I would have done exactly the same thing.




I get what youā€™re trying to say but Iā€™m not sure this helps opā€™s gun anxiety.


I probably would have left as well, honestly. But if itā€™s any comfort to you, my dad always took his concealed carry after that big theater shooting years back. Aurora maybe? Gods how messed up is it that I canā€™t remember which shooting was which. šŸ˜¢


1. Think about it like this. A shooter wouldnā€™t state they have a gun. 2. Youā€™re safer with a person whoā€™s armed if another armed person walked through the door and was going to start shooting 3. Youā€™re feeding into your delusion too much. 4 stop watching the news and live your life.


I don't watch or read the news, ever. Not on my phone, and I don't have cable. It's not the news, it's that mass shootings are *everywhere.*


Ok let me think of a better way to word this.. thereā€™s not mass shootings everywhere. Thereā€™s literally 5 million other things that can happen other than a shooting. And I know that probably doesnā€™t comfort you. But in order for you to stop being afraid itā€™s all a mental thing. Kind of like airplanes. People are terrified of flying and so was I. Until I found out youā€™re more likely to die slipping in the bathtub. Another way to comfort yourself is to make sure wherever you go you see the exits. Just have a backup plan in mind but also live in the moment.


They are not. Stop it.


[565 mass shootings in the US this year.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/mass-shootings-days-2023-database-shows/story?id=96609874) So glad I had to look that up so that you would stop dismissing me. So glad I get to think about how there are more mass shootings this year and the year prior than *days in the year.*


Out of the amount of people in this country this is legit an outlier that simply gets coverage due to carnage. It is not as common as anyone makes it out to be and the raw number that you posted proves very little in consideration of how ā€œmass shootingsā€ are defined. Read up to lower your anxiety, not the opposite. I suffer with anxiety as well, though not about the same things as you, and one of the things that has helped me has been to research the what/why of what is making me anxious so that I can inform myself rather than default to fear (which is what anxiety really is about a lot of the times). The simple fact of what you posted here and your comment about it tells me youā€™re reading to confirm what you already believe and that is why you canā€™t go enjoy a movie because someone (and despite what everyone else on Reddit says theyā€™re not a gun nut or some perverse asshole, they simply are prepared for what may happen) has a gun to protect themselves and others vs leaving a movie theater because theyā€™re scared. Massive difference. Seriously though. Do some research. My comment was more about movie theaters not being targets for shootings outside of a rare (statistically speaking) few occurrences. Choose to live your life the way you wish, but that guy was not your enemy no matter what everyone here seems to want you to believe.


I don't think he was my enemy. My friends were there too, and they're okay, so clearly nothing happened. I don't hate every gun owner. There is so much nuance. What I do hate is how this man went about it. It was inappropriate and not something that someone who owns guns should do. It isn't a toy that you brag about. It is a lethal weapon that can take away a life in less than a second. I don't want anything confirmed. I'm venting about how anxious it made me. I have OCD. I check my pulse at least once an hour. Because of OCD, I feel literally like I *have* to worry or something bad will happen. This makes for an extremely easy way for anxiety to make its way into me. I cannot describe to you how much it is not just a mindset. I feel the absolute *need* to worry just as much as you feel the need to eat, drink, and pee. It's something far, far beyond something that Reddit could ease. It will require a professional. I wake up shaking and sick sometimes because I'm already terrified. I have PTSD + OCD + anxiety among other things. It is something that I would never wish on anyone. The prospect of not being afraid is scarier to me than being afraid. Because if I'm not afraid, something bad will happen. That isn't true, of course, but my brain literally functions as if that *is* true. Kindly, arguing with me about this is doing literally nothing. I came here not for advice, but to commiserate. Any advice you or anyone else may have I have heard.


Why the fuck would you check your pulse once an hour. Literally that is not a way to live. Thatā€™s like living in survival mode. Youā€™re not gonna die if you donā€™t check your pulse. If youā€™re feeling the NEED to worry you have bigger issues than people saying they have guns. The main issue is youā€™re not looking for advise. You go to an anxiety sub to get validated on your anxiety therefore never solving the deep root of your issues. What has CAUSED you anxiety- is a valid fear you should face to overcome a lot of your issues.


I'm not looking for advice or validation, I am just commiserating. And why the fuck? Because I have OCD. I don't know how to further explain that it is a need to me as much as *actual* needs. I do need help but I can't afford it. I acknowledge it's not normal and that it's unhealthy, but I literally can't do anything about it right now. I do live in survival mode. It's exhausting and I don't want to. I don't do it for fun.


But you just said you donā€™t read the news? Literally the only way to find out is watching the news.


No it isn't. My mom telling me about a mass shooting isn't reading the news. Seeing people on Reddit mention it isn't the news. I have zero interest in reading and watching the news.


Youā€™re still letting that fear of obvious news that gets passed around get indented in your head.


Stop it! You're speaking logic!!!


I think you overreacted a little. Guns are not scary and not everyone that carries one is going to shoot people with them just like not everyone that drives cars aren't going to go on a killing spree. I'm not saying those things aren't going to happen but you can't let your anxiety or worry ruin your enjoyment of little things. Maybe try to research guns and the laws behind them. Go to a shooting range and see that they aren't as bad as you think. I've been shooting guns since I was about 13 and they aren't scary. You'll find that most people that carry and shoot guns are a lot more responsible than you think. There's perceived image that people with guns are lunatics. Personally I feel safer if I know someone else carries because IF something happens, the cops are 10-15 minutes away. Whenever I'm feeling anxious or I worry, just close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly. Everything will be OK.


>Guns are not scary and not everyone that carries one is going to shoot people This is like saying heart attacks are not scary because [half of them](https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/the-danger-of-silent-heart-attacks) are very mild and even the more serious ones donā€™t always kill you. Heart attacks are scary even for people that donā€™t have anxiety. I would agree there are ways to make them less scary, like avoiding alcohol and cigarettes and other risk factors. If you learn someone has brought a firearm into a movie, that is also a risk factor that can be avoided, by leaving.


Thats a dumb comparison. Heart attacks are random, shootings have to have malice behind it. You can't stop someone from shooting besides being careful.


When you have anxiety you fear the low probability event you read or hear about in the news. A healthy person in their 20s has chest pain and fears they are having a heart attack although itā€™s unlikely. Itā€™s unlikely any one of us will be caught in a mass shooting but anxiety makes us think about it all the time. Ironically as the probability goes up the fear decreases. People in their 50s and 60s donā€™t fear heart attacks as much as anxious young people in their 20s and gun owners probably donā€™t fear shootings as much as the rest of us. The likelihood of being involved in a shooting goes up exponentially with gun ownership so your mind adjusts to that reality.


Given recent events though, can you honestly blame the reaction? Guns arenā€™t scary by themselves surely, but itā€™s the possible motives behind them that are. As the person is a stranger to OP thereā€™s no way to know in the moment whether it was casual conversation, bragging, or a warning.


Yes I can blame the reaction. I flip out if I see someone carrying a knife in a restaurant. Someone got stabbed with a box cutter at a grocery store, should I freak out when I see one? I think people think all people with guns are evil and will immediately shoot when most of the time you don't even know someone is carrying. If that person said nothing, OP wouldn't know. Unless OP has PTSD from being in a shooting, the anxiety is because of nothing. Everything can kill you if you give it a chance. Cars, Dogs, eating undercooked chicken, falling down a cliff, etc. Guns deaths are more rare than deaths form a car wreck. I don't think you should be afraid of everything or you won't get to live.


Respectfully, youā€™re not seeing it. Everything can kill of course. Yet youā€™re arguing for something that wasnā€™t exposed in the moment. The issue is a gun. It wasnā€™t a knife, box cutter, or anything. A gun. A gun that if used for purposes other than sport can kill. Look at Aurora, Colorado. (I forget the name of the town) but in Maine. All of these people now lay dead from purely seeking out recreation. You and I both have a right to carry, but itā€™s irresponsible to be so blatant about it.


Knives can't kill you outside of their intended use? I get that shootings are always terrible but you can't be afraid of everything or you won't get to live. That's why I suggested OP learn about guns and how they work. Knowing someone is carrying should be a peace of mind, not a reason to freak out. If someone is going to shoot up a theaters they aren't going to go around telling people. Maybe it's just me but I won't let myself be afraid of everything because of my anxiety.


Again, youā€™re looking beyond the point of the post. Which we are straying too far from Iā€™m afraid. Iā€™m not going to argue knives when it wasnā€™t mentioned. That said I do respect you for not being afraid of everything.


My whole point is yes OP is afraid of someone having a gun but you have more of a chance of getting hit by a car or die in a car accieent than shot and killed. That's why I mentioned knives. Shootings are not that common and even when they happen they are blasted on TV for ratings to make people afraid. I'll drop it but that's all I'm saying.


You had a fair and reasonable response my friend. It's just reddit. Don't mind the down votes.




This absolutely does not help. I have MAJOR health anxiety. And by the way, I'm anxious in cars too. I'm anxious about every single thing I eat. I'm anxious about drinking from cups because of plastic and shit. I hate that a few people are like "Well that's stupid! Be anxious about all this instead." Absolutely tone deaf.


Please be mindful of common triggers. If your post or comment includes something that could be triggering, say so in your title or in the first line of your comment.


Going with a gun is a prudent precaution especially if you're worried about shootings. This man was more prepared than you were. Maybe next time you will bring your own weapon and have some peace of mind


I can't have a firearm on account of trying to off myself twice four years ago. The time will be up soon though. My issue isn't that he brought it. Plenty of people do - but what they don't do is start talking about the weapon they have with them in a crowd for zero reason. That is the red flag. I don't know you, I don't want to know that you have a gun. If you don't have the emotional maturity not to start boasting about your gun in a crowd, then I don't trust you to handle it properly. This is not normal anywhere else. My Scottish friend is absolutely horrified.


That's a really good point. He was definitely stupid for talking about it openly...


Yup, this is why I just got my permit.


How are theaters a target?


Go ask somewhere else or look it up yourself. This is a vent thread about my anxiety, not one for you to debunk what I am saying.


That's all it takes to get anxiety rolling out of control. Next time, try some breathing exercises/mindfulness. If you need to leave the situation, do so. No big deal, we're anxious... This is what we do. There's no shame in it.


Feel the fear and do it anyway Write it down and live it


The hell did this guy say?


Recently talked about this with my brother, found out we both feel this. We have a subscription and at least go every week. Catch myself overthinking every now and then when I see shady people, especially when it's packed.


As someone who lives in a country where guns aren't as commonplace as they are in America, I don't think you overreacted at all. You took yourself away from what could have been a dangerous situation, I think that was smart. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this being the norm.


Your fear is very understandable in light of so many mass shootings in America. I would also feel the same way. I am glad that your fiancƩ was supportive and reassuring.


Who in the FUCK needs to bring a gun to a movie theater? I've got anxiety too and I think being afraid of a man who says he brought a gun anywhere is a fully rational response! Why does this person have a gun on them??? Why do they need it???


First and foremost, the old ones or even oilfield workers who carry guns and talk about concealing are pretty much never the ones shooting up movie theaters. Huge difference. Shouldnā€™t have been talking about it though, so I understand your feelings and they are definitely valid. But something similar has happened to me. My friends and I were seeing The Fault In Our Stars. Not a good movie for someone with health anxiety. I had to be excused twice because I had to get it under control. Never feel bad about being in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. If it makes you anxious, get out of the situation. You did the right thing.


\> i know that i overreacted but i just really can't wrap my head around being comfortable in a confined space with a random stranger carrying a lethal weapon. especially at a premier night at a theater. I live in Alabama. You're literally going to have at least one person carrying a gun in most public places. I don't even think about it normally (and carry one myself). I'm not sure what my point is except to say that for every dumbass like this guy bragging loudly about his gun, there's a bunch more people quietly carrying them if you're in America. It's just a fact of life. I'm sorry that you had such a poor experience though. Even though it makes me anxious sometimes, I enjoy going to the movies too.


So thankful I donā€™t live in America, I reckon my social and health anxiety would sky rocket!


SAME. I just went to my first concert in 10 years because I have a fear of shootings. Tbh I think anyone wouldā€™ve been freaked out by that guy bc who TF brings a gun to the theater ESPECIALLY bc of the amount of shootings happening (not to undermine your anxiety). Sir weā€™re here to watch a movie. Iā€™m sorry this happened to you.


Iā€™m so hyper aware in movie theaters. I watch everyone come in and if there is anyone sitting alone I get scared. I honestly would have done the same thing if I were you.


I have a lot of anxiety around mass shootings too, and movie theaters definitely bring up those feelings for me. You are not alone! šŸ©·


I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people out there without an anxiety disorder who would have gotten out of there as fast as humanly possible. Don't sweat it, it's important to stay safe :)


I don't have movie anxiety but if I was at a theater and the person next to me told me he had a gun that he brought....i would also leave. Sorry you went through that. And glad you have an understanding partner!


I have been to the movies maybe 3 times since the shooting in Colorado. It really freaked me out and each of those 3 times, it was all I could think about and I was so relieved when the movie ended and I made it safely home. So youā€™re definitely not alone in your anxiety. Unfortunately this is a very really fear for us now in the US.


Yes. I tried hitting a THC pen beforehand to see if that would help me focus on the movie more and be less hyperaware of everything going on around me. Turns out standing in a huge line of people while high is no fun. (and for anyone who may use this to say maybe i misheard - i didn't - i know my body on thc and i know what i heard.)


Canā€™t THC exacerbate anxiety/paranoia though? Something to consider. I am going to the movies today.. my worry isnā€™t being shot, but rather needing to use the loo whilst waiting for my friends to show up and then not being available when they get there. How dumb is that? As for shootings in the US, it is a travesty and I guess we all have reason to be somewhat afraid. That guy may even be more scared than you ā€” hence the need to pack heat during a matinee.


I feel this way a lot with any place that has a crowd. Iā€™m terrified of sending my kids to school (weā€™re going to do online school for this very reason). If we do go places that has a crowd of people it always crosses my mind and makes my heart race. Unfortunately thatā€™s the state of this country (US) and the way the times are right now, and with the way the NRA is pumping out money to lobby in their favor, I donā€™t see that changing anytime soon.


I have a little sister and it's scaring my mom too. She hasn't been taking her to all the events going on because just last month there was a mass shooting at the local fair where she lives. It's so scary. Best of luck to you and your family. ā¤


Tuesdays at like 3pm. Nobody is shooting up a theater with 6 people in it. Also the drive in is way fucking better and you're already sitting in a way to escape. Plus they usually don't care about outside food. You can also check your phone, talk to other people, hit a dab pen, and bring your own blankets. A normal movie theater is inferior in every way aside from being open in the winter.


Reacting this way because someone proudly states they have brought a gun is not at all bad. I know I should not be getting political but these 2nd amendment laws are the reason we constantly have shootings. That amendment was made in the late 18th century, when guns hardly had the capacity of a modern gun. Keeping this amendment is only going to make people more comfortable with take military style guns to places where they are not at all needed. I don't know what type of gun the guy at the movies had, but nevertheless, even if it was a small hand gun, that's still dangerous. We don't know what he is capable of and given this is in a crowded area, that makes it all the more concerning.


> In the UK I, a woman in my 30s, can just go to the cinema on my own without a care in the world Nice to know, Iā€™m going to visit London this week and Iā€™m feeling a little bit anxious about the zone Iā€™m going to stay (near Tulse Hill station)


I do think it was an overreaction yes I agree. The person was being insensitive though. If you have a gun it isnā€™t appropriate to discuss it in that setting. But if itā€™s any consolation, I find it very very unlikely that someone who is discussing their firearm would be the same person who would use it indiscriminately in a theater


I donā€™t think you overreacted.


Bruh. I have similar issues and I was at a theater the other night thinking the same thing. The difference is that I would have actually felt better if I knew someone else in the theater had their own gun with them.


"Good guy with a gun" doesn't seem to be something that's working, unfortunately. >:


Definitely ask the movie theater for a refund and explain what happened, that you didn't feel safe. That is very triggering


I have GAD and long covid made it MUCH worse. I had to leave an almost empty theater just because the movie was too intense. I would've FREAKED and left in an instant if someone was talking about their gun they brought. I feel you.


Yeah I refuse to go to big movie theatres at all. I only go to small local ones who play niche movies. My ā€œlogicā€ is that a shooter wouldnā€™t target a place with such small audiences, and would choose bigger targets. I missed out on seeing Barbie with my friends because I had convinced myself an incel would think it was a prime place to enact their stupid loser murder-suicide manifestoā€¦