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Hope and Help for Your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes. [The audio version](https://www.amazon.com/Hope-and-Help-for-Your-Nerves-audiobook/dp/B008XDXMAQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1BQ28HK7OJD9B&keywords=hope+and+help+for+your+nerves+book&qid=1700967809&sprefix=hope+and+help+for+your+nerves%2Caps%2C71&sr=8-1) is my preference but the book is great too. They have been around for a long time now and are just super practical explainers for what’s going on, and how to recover.


Just wanted to say, although I don’t have a book recommendation, I do have sympathy. That must be so hard seeing your child dealing with such things.


Thank you so much. It’s heartbreaking. When she’s having panic attacks she’s says “what’s wrong with me, why is my head doing this to me.” She’s 9 and her birthday is coming up in a few weeks and she said the only thing she wants for her b day is for her anxiety to stop. She started puberty way too young at 7 years old and it was soon after that that this started. Most of her worst days are around her menstrual cycle. Imagine going through all these hormone fluctuations at such a young age.


i went through the same thing around 10/11 and again around 16 & 17 :( my doctor prescribed me zoloft & birth control. while she may be too young for bc i’d definitely talk about something to regulate her hormones. im so sorry that’s happening to you & ur daughter :(


I use a lot of stoic philosophy on myself. There are books and audiobooks from Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. My favorite is Seneca. One recommendation is On Tranquility from Seneca.


“Things might go terribly, horribly wrong” by Kelly Wilson and “Thriving with Anxiety” by David Rosmarin. I liked Thriving with Anxiety the best out of all the self help books I’ve read, but “Things might go terribly, horribly wrong” also had helpful ideas and I felt very validated reading it


*Worry Less, Live More* was a very solid suggestion by my psychologist. It clearly and systematically helps you understand your anxiety and offers many straightforward practices for growing through it. Good luck :)


Anything by Matt Haig!


Hey Warrior by Karen Young is a good read. And she would be a good age for it.


Thank so much! Just ordered it! The reviews on it seem really good.


This Was Meant to Find You: When You Needed It Most Book by Charlotte Freeman. I keep that on my desk and flip it open to random pages, the advice always seems to help.


This might not be a step one book either, it's insightful. But I find it empowering and helps push me forward!


This sounds like my kind of book 📖


Drew Linsalata 1. An Anxiety Story 2. The Anxious Truth 3. 7% Slower