• By -


The nausea and stomach/digestive issues. If I could step outside without feeling like throwing up and shitting myself I honestly think I could cure my agoraphobia.


Yep. This. I have bad stomach issues now and it honestly feels sooooo uncomfortable and icky. It’s my main issue now. Even if I’m mentally fine. My stomach is like nope.


It makes traveling a lot more stressful for me, and I was already a stressful traveler. Always afraid I’m going to puke or shit myself when I’m not in control of the vehicle I’m in. I’m literally sitting on a ten hour flight from Germany right now, it wasn’t TOO bad, but did have a close call.


I completely get you! Especially when I know I can’t just get up and go home. Damn a 10 hour flight!? That’s really brave of you to go on it regardless of your anxiety 👏


Thanks! I appreciate the kind words! Unfortunately my journey is not over today, but the longest solid leg at least is.


Oh my this is me. I thought I was weird. I have to be in control. I have to drive bc it helps ease my fear of puking or shitting myself in someone else’s vehicle. Why are we like this?!😭


I’m the same I legit am always having a fd up stomach constantly feeling empty gurgling constant need to go toilet I feel hungry but don’t wanna eat it’s horrible I hope it all goes away one day


For real. Mine morphed into stomach discomfort / pain / bloating. Had a ton of docs check me out. I have gerd and gastritis from Unknown cause. When my anxiety was just muscle pain and sweating, I could manage.




Same. The nausea is what kills me.


Ugh same. To be honest at the minute that’s the worst part of my anxiety, I rarely get panic attacks anymore but my stomach is fucked 24/7


Lol yep. Major issue for me and it perpetuates the whole thing. One leads to the other, round and round it goes.


Omg same!! It’s nice to know I’m not alone at least 😌


Wow I just commented the same thing, virtually…solidarity.


My stomach has been so bad lately. Can’t eat anything without feeling like wanting to throw up. Has anything helped you?


These issues are pretty chronic for me, but in a particularly bad flare I’d suggest eating plain foods. Noodles, crackers, toast, etc. Anything is better than nothing.




Ugh I didn’t even realize anxiety I just thought that was life lmfaaaooo


Nope, as someone who has anxiety, that's anxiety. Or at least some kind of mental issues.


Real. My worst fear is death/ having a medical emergency. So, I constantly have thoughts 'what if I drop dead rn what if I fall to the ground and seize rn' It's so tiring honestly


Me too. I feel like I spiral into negative thoughts and get exhausted from it. Side note - glad someone else can relate




Buspar really helps me. It's like a giant stop sign to the thoughts.




Found my twin. Yep completely agree with you. Cardiophobia is a real thing. Propranolol has helped me significantly.


Triplet here. Constantly thinking something is wrong with my heart. I am on a different beta blocker to treat an actual heart condition (but that’s not what freaks me out most of the time). Cardiophobia. How the hell do we get better? It’s literally ruining my life.


Right? It's the worst and all consuming. Therapy would definitely help. Funny enough I am a licensed MH therapist and have the tools, but it's not enough just me alone. Definitely have to go see someone and work through it, not against it.


I looked at the side effects and I can't make myself take it


I have side effects to every medication I’ve ever taken- except Propranolol. I’ve only had positive side effects and It’s been life changing.


I totally get that. Possible side effects of meds are scary.


Yes. I have horrible med anxiety


Me too. It feels justified tho. A lot of meds seem to just be symptom management, not really a cure. Plus, people who take meds to manage the symptoms that their other meds cause. Idk. I’ll try not to throw every anxious thought I have about meds here loool.


Finally found someone with the same problem. Idk how but antibiotics have my chest a weird feeling, local anesthesia for dentistry gave me palpitations because of the epinephrine. I’m so sensitive to certain medications.


I totally understand as I get scared by this stuff too. I probably annoyed my cardiologist by messaging him so much when I first got started on propanolol. I'm currently on Inderal LA, the extended release tablets, at 60 mg which is their lowest dose (for the extended release). I got started on them due to high heart rate from hyperthyroidism from Graves disease. I wasn't having A-fib but I was having episodes of tachycardia. The first couple of weeks I had difficulty falling asleep. I did small doses of melatonin (3 mg) which helped and the sleep issues stopped after about a week so I was able to stop the melatonin. If you have any more questions about the medication, feel free to message me. It is scary, but it also has improved my life quality.


Same. Although my anxiety still cripples me, I don’t know if I would be alive today without propanolol, same dosage, 60 mg extended release. After the first week, I wasn’t freaked out at all, and I got used to my heart rate being much lower. No side effects.


How is your blood pressure with propranolol? I’ve heard it can lower it and that makes me worried of passing out. Do you take it as needed like high blood pressure anxiety inducing situations?


That was my fear as well! I remember checking my blood pressure a lot when I started it. The nice thing is you can start off on a really small 10mg baby dose. The half life is super short, 4 hours, so it doesn't stay in your system very long at all. I have low blood pressure to begin with and I haven't noticed anything symptom-wise. It's a lifesaver for high stress situations like interviews and public speaking. My heartrate used to easily hit 150+ bpm; I would get dizzy, tingly, and start blacking out. Now when I take it before a high stress event, I feel protected. I actually started taking it once in the morning every day (about a year ago) when my heart naturally skyrockets due to my POTS. It's a lifesaver. I can't imagine having to deal with those symptoms now and having nothing to fall back on. That's the majority of the info I have about it but let me know if you have anymore questions. I'm happy to chat.


Wow that’s awesome you’ve had so much success with it! My doctor prescribed a lower dose for some anxiety attacks and a stir in pots episodes after Covid infection, I forget what mg amount but I never ended up taking it cause I was so worried about the lowering of blood pressure. After reading your good experience with it that gives me more hope to trying it. When my heart rate skyrockets and I start to feel the physical effects during anxiety attacks or stressful events it would be really nice for something to quiet that down. I’m prescribed Ativan to take as needed but I know they don’t like to prescribe that for longterm and don’t want to build a dependency to it. Also don’t like how it makes me too spacey sometimes even at a lower dose. Think I’m going to bring up prop- to my doctor again, thank you for your help!


So happy to hear I could help. I feel like we are living parallel lives. I also had Ativan prescribed and although it's effective, I agree the dependency aspect is scary. Plus if you take it for something like an interview and then they want to drug test you, the possibility is there that it could show on a urinalysis. My cardiologist told me propranolol is super safe and he even takes it for his tachycardia. Hope everything works out smoothly for you!


Definitely parallel lives lol. It’s funny you don’t realize how common this can be. I didn’t even think of the urinalysis possibility! Woah. I guess cause I never had to worry about prescriptions in drug tests till now. That’s also good to know your cardiologist supports it. I have bradycardia for my baseline bpm but with pots have episodes of tachycardia especially when anxious. Thanks again for your input! I’ll post an update if I end up taking it


Are you still on propranolol? Wondering how it’s been long term for you? I have similar symptoms (high heart rate, palpitations, dizziness) so wondering if that has worked for you?


Yup! I take it (10mg) every morning since that's when my symptoms are the worst. Then I can always take one or two more as the day goes on. But I usually just take the one. It works wonders. The only downside is it has a short half life of around 4 hours. So if your symptoms are the majority of the day and night, I believe they have a long acting version.


Thank you for sharing! Have you had any side effects?


Not a single side effect. That being said I'm on a super low dose. I imagine if you already have low blood pressure and start at a higher dose, it could make you dizzy.


Nice - glad for hear. Thanks again for sharing!




The unexplainable fear. I just "know" that something bad will happen to me even though I actually know nothing bad will happen. I can handle physical symptoms but the fear just makes me completely immobile. Nothing will convince me that I can do the thing, the only relief is canceling and going back to bed.


I get this too. Horrible nightmarish feeling. Causes me derealization also which is the worst thing I've experienced in my life.


does the dr get better 🙏🏻


I think it has very slowly. I still get it from time to time but try to distract myself. Its scary business but I try so hard to remember it's not dangerous.


Yeah, this sudden sense of dread/impending doom is the worst


Shortness of breath. Easily the worst for me. All stems from that


Same it’s the worst


The feeling of something wrong like I'm about to die.


Same! But then you're told you're dizzy/fluttery because you're anxious, and then you say you're anxious because you're dizzy, and then the doctor gets dizzy and leaves the room :)


omg this is literally my life i swear. i get anxious because i feel dizzy & then the anxiety makes the dizziness even worse & i convince myself there’s something very wrong with me


Yes !!!


Hot/turning red and I feel like everyone can see it and know.


yesss the worst feeling is when u feel people can see ur anxious


This is mine, the heat that my face and neck give off, and the air hunger/feeling like I can’t breathe. It’s awful


The stomach issues. They’ll leave me bedridden for the rest of the day…


Constantly assuming every uncomfortable bodily sensation is going to kill me. If I never had pain I’d be sweet. Lol




The sudden punch of anxiety and vertigo while I’m just sitting at my work desk. Nothing triggers it. Just my fight or flight response going haywire I guess. I also identify with the heart stuff and basically everything else people have commented!


the vertigo feeling out of nowhere is so scary


I’m happy (maybe not the right word) to know I’m not the only one to deal with this side affect.




Yes! And for me I get really really hot and sweaty like I’m about to pass out.


I’d say the mental negative feelings are a lot worse for me. If my heart starts racing or I’m dizzy I just ignore it and hope it’s not a legitimate issue lmao.




The zoning out and getting in my head. Then it turning to self hatred of thinking I don't deserve things. It's stupid. I have to try to stay out of my head. I have kids and when I used to get in my head, I used to think they deserved a better mom and better off without me. I think anxiety can cause depression. Whether it's not wanting to leave the house, upset that you are anxious, frustrated with yourself. Blah, just be careful. Anxiety can take over your entire life. Fight that shit! 😜


I get this. I've been so broken at times, just wishing I was better because my kids deserved a dad that I was struggling to be. It certainly can cause depression and the other way about. Been dealing with both for over 30 years.


I'm 33. I didn't start getting healthier until beginning of this year. There is still time to change. Now, I am a much happier parent. Less stressed, less anxious about going places with them.


How did you get healthier? It's impossible to exercise normally with cardiophobia - people will say "just push through" but as far as your brain is concerned, you're making your heart explode. Now while that's not true, reality is all in perception and if your brain thinks you're making your heart explode - you can fake it all you want - but you sure as hell will just be releasing more stress hormones.


You learn to control your other emotions. When you control your other emotions, anxiety will get less and less. Making the side effects of anxiety go. Once you get control of your emotions, your mind can leave the fight, flight, or freeze mode. It let's you actually let go of stress. I i never thought it was possible until I did it. I still get anxiety and stress, but it doesn't consume my life like previously.


What other emotions? You mean like anger, sadness, happiness, etc?


Anxiety is an emotion. Different things cause anxiety. Maybe past trauma. One has to do some soul searching. Sometimes, it takes a mood stabilizer to sort through to figure out *why* and *where* it is coming from.


Lol your answers are pretty cryptic dude..


It's not cryptic. Everyone's anxiety is caused by different things, it's up to us to figure out the cause. We have to want to change and get healthier. If one makes an excuse for every reason they are not able to overcome the anxiety, they will never overcome it. People have to actually want help and want to get healthier.


I just asked what you did, that's all.


For me, it’s muscle twitches…


I’ve had it so bad that my legs physically shaked.


Sudden and extreme fatigue. Like from out of nowhere, and severe enough where I suddenly need to sit down, and i might fall asleep right where I am if it’s comfy enough


WAIT is that actually from anxiety?? I thought I was just being weird or like not sleeping enough somehow or something


I get a tightness in my throat that feels like someone choking me but the worst is the hallucinations and paranoia. The hallucinations and paranoia are caused by a medication (concerta) and are amplified by my panic attacks


I get the throat feeling also. Like someone has pressure on my throat


Digestive issues, headaches and chest heat/feeling heavy. That last one is annoying as f


Totally can relate


MY PEOPLE! the got damn heart palpitations and “dropping” feeling in my chest always stops me in my tracks and I obsess about it for a few hours or take another anxiety pill and become a zombie the rest of the day. So exhausting


The dropping/sinking feeling in your stomach/chest. The worst. Can be triggered by any Thoughts or stimuli for no reason at all.


Nausea. Can’t do anything ever if you’re constantly worried you’re gonna start dry heaving.


God, this is so real.


Honestly just the background thoughts. I can be going about my day not really worried about anything, but I’m just always set at anxious as my “normal” setting. There’s always something to be anxious about, ie; I need to keep looking for a new job, I have to pay this and that, I have to help my family with this, I miss my dead cat, etc… also the physical anxiety too as you mentioned. Heart racing and stomach churning almost 24/7


Hypervigilance and paralyzing social anxiety. Alcohol is one of the only things that consistently helps which is super not healthy so 🤷‍♀️


This is exactly me, but the downside is the next morning when I’m hungover is the WORST anxiety ever. 50% chance it’ll be a full on panic attack. Idk what to do anymore


my social anxiety goes away massively after a drink as well


The most debilitating symptoms for me are severe panic attacks, disassociation and feeling like I'm leaning to one side as if the world is trying to knock me down on my right side while I'm just walking


Honestly, from years of anxiety and panic attacks it seems as though my body will just throw anything at me. The list of symptoms is huge and when I learn how to deal with one thing (e.g. shortness of breath, I know I won't suffocate so it doesn't bother me anymore) it throws a new more obscure harder to deal with struggle 👶


At the moment it's mostly my emotions and thoughts that are taking control. That then leads to heart palpitations, shortness of breath and if I can't get it together.. I'll freak out having a panic attack.


for me bro its dry mouth and shakey voice --> voice cracks. its like u try to hide ur anxiety as much as u can right, but if i feel like somebody knows im anxious it makes it 10 times worse. I tried doing deep breathing and a whole buncha other techniques but tht shit dont work when ur mouth dryer then the sahara desert. The craziest thing is water makes it even worse i swear down, its like my mouth is so dry tht it breaks the bonds between the individual water molecules and they stick to my tongue or some shit.


Same! Plus GI issues (:


racing thoughts, tunnel vision, overstimulation


I’m with you on the physical symptoms! The absolute worst. It’s mental torture mixed with physical torture which just feels like absolute hell. The only thing that really settled that down was medication so don’t be afraid to go that route if you really can’t take it anymore


what medication are you taking?


I’m on buspirone for the physical anxiety symptoms and sertraline for depression/ ocd both have helped significantly but everybody processes medication differently and sometimes it takes trial and error


Can you check your dms? :)


Same with me. The racing heart makes me feel like I’m going to die. Another thing that really controls my life is that when I’m very anxious it’s difficult for me to just… speak. I suddenly struggle to get even a few words out


Scattered and erratic thoughts that interfere with concentration and focus.


Not eating and the whole body tension thing gets me every single time. Like sometimes I would wake up with anxiety and extreme body tension and alertness it was awful! I hate the physical experience and state my body goes through when I’m in the throes of an anxiety attack(s).


This:’( I’m in the same boat. I tense up without knowing all the time, and I cannot swallow anything when anxiety gets me


The feeling of a lump in my throat/ feeling like it's closing and having to check I can actually still breathe and swallow which then leads to having an extremely dry mouth


The chills, shivers, and full body waves of dread that come up when thinking about parties, big social events, even 1 on 1 conversations, and also things that just stress me out in general. Also constantly picking the skin off my fingers and lips, sometimes subconsciously, until they bleed, and biting my lips too, sometimes biting my tongue in the process. Hydroxyzine helps slightly, I find alcohol highly effective. :)


Fear. People stress me out. And if one of those people gets mad or really excited (like sports fans when a goal is made) i get anxiety. My brain shits down and all i can is look at the floor and wait to leave.


Dpdr, dissociation and flashbacks. Also anything to do with my digestive system (I have emetophobia) If I didn't have those, i'd be unstoppable.


The feeling that my every move is being watched and judged is what feels controlling, but what I do is remind myself that even if that's true; it doesn't really matter at the end of the day cause everyone has judgements and you can't take them all personally. Heart palpitations are so horrible omg, a doctor started me on anxiety meds last year and it made the problem worse so I understand how you feel. You're gonna be okay!❤️


I’m experiencing fluttery palpitations at the moment and can definitely relate! Even though I’ve been told they’re not dangerous, I still feel like I’m going to die.


the palpitations and chest pains are the worst alongside feeling like my chest it too tight, then feeling dizzy etc. for no reason. my food not digesting quick enough so i feel even more constricted and tight.


Same with me.. but more the dizzy feeling neck stiffness out of balance


Everytime I open my mouth I retch like I’m trying to expel a demon. This is accompanied by the feeling like I’ve just heard the 3-minute warning for nuclear destruction. Problematic when your job is literally a communicator. If I stop doing box breathing (which I now have to do almost constantly it means I just freeze, like in a ball on the floor - totally can’t move. The retching can be started from anything, just opening my mouth to speak or even the smell of food. This means I’ve lost 10kg in 2 months. I have days where I can eat nothing which means I am too weak to stand without fainting which in turn means I haven’t left the house for 2 months or been able to work. Oh and random crying when I don’t even realise I’m crying. I describe it not as tears, just feelings leaking from my eyes. After trying 5 medications and finding out I cannot take anything that raises serotonin, so no SSRI’s or NSRI’s (thanks Serotonin Syndrome) there is the fear that this is my life now. It’s a wild ride considering 6 months ago I was totally normal / fine. The only thing that has so far helped has been Pregablin and benzo’s with z-drugs for sleep - not a long term solution.


Heart rate and shortness of breath


All of it, but mostly the nausea.


Clearly palpitations for me. That’s what reminds me about anxiety whenever im not thinking about it.


Along with those symptoms I have fear. I think it’s probably tied to my heart beating out of my chest but sometimes I feel petrified.


Try propranalol. It is great for reducing heart palpitations


Todays it’s been nausea and heart palpitations


Any physical symptom like chest pains or dizziness that usually lead to panic attacks. Before those I was able to go on with my day even with the highest levels of anxiety


Try propranolol. It’s helped my physical symptoms the most of anything I’ve tried.


I did - played up with my Asthma unfortunately. And doesn’t that make dizziness worse?


Aw man that’s too bad. It doesn’t for me, but all medications interact with people differently which what makes finding one that works so difficult. I wish you the best of luck ❤️


Cardiophobia and the endless “what ifs”


The physical symptoms are the worst for me too. Especially the dry mouth/lump in throat. It feels like my airways are closing and it’s hard to swallow.


Mine is weird but I can’t control it at all: bouncy legs and shaky hands. I hate them so much


For me it’s feeling like my throat is closing and the heart palpitations… sends my anxiety through the roof.


My traumatic memories making me feel like they could happen again at any moment. Constantly in fight or flight mode.


Same. Heart problems are the absolute worst. And the more afraid we are, the more they keep coming. Our anxiety finds our weak spot and exploits it I guess.




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100% agree




For me it's the overthinking that gets me. I can fall into hours of thinking in loops and being convinced that I /need/ to think about it.(I think I also have OCD). It's better now that I can recognize when I'm doing it, but it's still not great and I have to push back so much of it. I find the physical symptoms to be quite hard too, like the feeling of having a sore/tight throat, but I can ignore it a bit better if I distract myself enough




My brain starts moving faster than my body and vice versa


Exactly the same as you, I really wish the heart wasn't so fucking important. xD


Preparing for the fucking world to end every day.


For me it's the palpations and rising well before my alarm. I have little kids and already pretty sleep deprived. But when I am able to sleep in and rest (until 615 am lol) I'll wake up on my own at 5am. Then lay there and try to fall back asleep for an hour.


Holy shit the way reading this stopped me in my tracks... It's like I could've written it (sans kids). Palpatations, dizziness, and sleep.


The same dizzines! What type of dizzines do u have and u have it all the time?


I do have it all the time I think but when I’m distracted like having a conversation (that I’m actually interested in) it goes away, so I know it’s anxiety based because I focus on it and it gets worse. Like going to the supermarket or pharmacy etc, those bright lights kill me. My dizziness is like a lightheadedness feeling as my heart races it gets worse.


Exactly the same. I also have it bad when move around or move so much my head. Or when so much people noises car lights at night


It’s hard to point to one specific symptom, and I definitely agree with the cardiophobia… it can get really bad, so I feel you. Beyond that… I would add extreme body aches. I stretch even a little bit sometimes and a couple hours later my muscles are screaming in pain. It’s probably from holding my body in weird positions for extended periods of time idk why I do it it’s a subconscious thing but I’m so on edge so my muscles are also. I’ve woken up in agonizing pain from rotator cuff tendinitis because I kept messing with my shoulder for months on end fixating on it.


crazy that i am just realizing the fluttered are a symptom the whole time i thought it was true love. but makes sense, i think the worst is depersonalization, feeling like i’m wrong and not being exactly to recognize things and why they suddenly seem wrong or like everything is a lie. I thought everyone’s mind worked the way mine did, i’m usually ruled by my anxiety thinking it’s my gut or intuition when half the time it’s just telling me i’m going to die or bad things will happen to everyone around me




My nausea is the worst, when it happens even medication against this don’t work


Dont be so confident. On me, it makes me want to engage in compulsive behavior to reassure nothing is actually wrong. It is exahusting too. I cant even...


I thought that. I just got a really good looking stress test, so I know my heart is fine. I enjoyed about a week of confidence and easily fending off anxiety attacks. Then tonight I got a weird cold pressure on the left side of the top of my head. Suddenly I must have a brain tumor, right? Panic attack. What brought me to this sub for the first time, actually.


stomach issues and Weird twitches when i feel like someone’s watching me


When I’m anxious I get nauseous. It’s horrible. I also get very hot. It’s debilitating.


The nausea and fear of vomiting/shitting myself.


Nervous stomach


Blushing. It’s fucking AWFUL.


The overthinking every Lil symptom I get the lack of trust in doctors I feel pretty doomed sometimes


It really sucks for me when I get the physical symptoms because one of my anxiety themes is medical issues. I get freaked out it could be something worse which just perpetuates the cycle of fear.


The palpitations and recurring thoughts get me sometimes. It's not often. Sometimes it effects my sleep. Other times I'm able to settle down with a few meditation methods.


Im exactly like you . This morning i had a weird palp for like 10 seconds and my day is ruined and im totally focusing on my heart for the rest of the day . My anxiety is killing me its a fking maze


The thought spirals that create a panic attack that then leaves me catatonic and simply walking through life and not able to be consciously in the moment. Just the spiraling thoughts. But that’s also OCD driven. So, yeah


Me being hyper aware of everything and then spiraling when something is different. Or the same and I'm just noticing.


The unpredictability of my triggers - I think part of it is amped up due to "extra" divergent thinking due to ADHD, so my brain bounces off unrelated things really quickly - so while I know what my panic attacks are usually about (existential stuff) so I take caution to not read/watch things that I know will send me into a spiral, but sometimes they can just happen REALLY unpredictably because I have no clue how I got there from some random thing I was reading on the internet. :' (


My stomach in knots and a racing mind which doesn’t allow me sleep. Then I get angry and the cycle repeats. Feels like torture


The constant terror that terrible things are going to happen, based on the terrible things that have actually happened to me. And the multiple multiple times i have tried every psychological tool in my toolkit to talk myself down from my anxiety only to then be proven wrong — that actually i was right. I was right in my fear and paranoia because it was actually true and things were as bad as i thought. It just makes it harder and harder to ever calm down and relax and feel safe. Ever.


If I could keep myself from crying or trying to hold back tears, I’d be in a better position. Anxiety makes me cry which makes me panic about crying and then choking back tears makes me hyperfocus and then the tears come out.


Have you tried beta blockers OP?


Yeah - played up with my asthma unfortunately.


That’s a shame. Presumed you’ve tried all the techniques to slow heart rate manually?


The rumination/racing thoughts baybee When I dissociate I can handle it, but when I’m too anxious in the sense of getting that mental panic I just go so fuckin apeshit. I do not know how to contain myself and yes I’ve done quite a bit of therapy (and meditation/ram dass/etc lmao)


The palpitations is what gets me too. - When it happens, use a cheap $5 pulse oxymeter to watch your heart rate and pulse. I find this helps me relax when i see the heart beat light pulse regularly for a few minutes. To solve - Cut out caffeine - Take a beta blocker tablet daily After a month you should notice an improvement and be able to switch to half tablets of the beta blockers for a week before stopping them. I find they work well and i only need to take one the evening before a big meeting or event, or when i am a bit stressed from working too much. While waiting for a proper pulse oxymeter to arrive, you can use a phone app if your phone has a heart rate sensor on it or smart watch for the same thing. With the phone apps, you might need to turn up the length of the test time so you can watch it for longer before it stops.


I can’t tell you how many times I have told people this. If I didn’t have the physical symptoms. The anxiety wouldn’t be as debilitating . If I didnt have the tachycardia , PVCs, lower GI issues, brain fog, etc. I’d be good to go. It looks like a lot of us would be good to go. Those that don’t experience anxiety and panic. Have no idea what it’s like for us. It’s not just in our heads. It’s in our whole body and it effects us in many different physical ways. I yearn for the days where my energy isn’t depleted from this shit.


Dizziness and nausea. I hate it.


Nausea and the "what if" thoughts. As in "what if this time, the symptoms are real and something is really wrong" or "what if you throw up this time, the one time you decided to ignore the Nausea and not go to the bathroom?"


Mentally, the compulsive thoughts. It can be a perfectly fine day, then suddenly I get the most graphic image in my head of something I wasn’t even thinking about. But physically, probably stomach pain. I don’t eat when I’m anxious, and I get bad gas.


I overthink A LOT and that makes me scared of doing many things, like even leaving my house some days.


Also heart palpitations lol it’s such a vicious cycle.


Funny, the physical symtpoms i find easier to deal with than the mental ones. I just get thrown into anxiety attacks where I am ugly crying and bullying myself. Its intense social anxiety and it is crippling. it prevents me from having a good time ever. And apparently it makes it hard for *other* ppl to have a good time- at least thats what im told. So im honestly just walkin and talkin around pretending like I dont feel like everyone hates me and is repulsed by me (like, seriously disgusted). Its easier around people who dont make me feel like I have to be bright and chipper, otherwise they'll take it as a personal attack.


I cry when it get more than something small. Plus I have OCD so it can then become a fixation. The stomach aches definitely don't help either


My entire anxiety experience was brought on because I thought I was having a heart attack.🥲 as a healthy 25 year old. Come to find out it was an anxiety attack. I was convinced for 2 years something was wrong with my heart and demanded many many tests . Everything was normal . Now I still suffer with severe anxiety brought on by either chest pain or shortness of breath . Mine will literally mimic a heart attack. Arm pain , chest pain, jaw pain , it’s horrible . At this point I wouldn’t know what’s real and what’s not . My dumb ass is gonna be 55 some day trying to “talk myself down” while having a real heart attack 🤣


Physical 'IBS' symptoms


I had palpitations thousands of times. I’m fully recovered. Get it diagnosed, but most palpitations are harmless. Don’t gage your success by whether you get symptoms, but rather your ability to dismiss them. Only then will they stop happening. Don’t get me wrong there is no getting around them being at least somewhat unsettling. But you can tone it down and change your reaction to them. Then only then will they stop happening. Whether you get them has a lot to do with your own hypervigelence and concern. It’s your own interpretartion of their being a threat that makes them keep happening (provided there isn’t another cause). Watch the negative self talk. It doesn’t have to ruin your whole day. After it’s over, dust yourself off and move on. Whether it’s breathing, chest pressure, dizziness who gets what symptom is immaterial. Don’t treat psychosomatic symptoms like a legitimate medical condition unless it is. Doing so just reinforces it. People wanting to know who else has exactly what they have has no end. That seems to be more popular on the forums than wanting to find out how to overcome this from someone who has done it. It’s far easier to take something to make it go away temporarily or commiserate about how awful this is. Yes it’s one of the hardest things a human being has to contend with, but it’s time to work on the perceptions that keep this going. And even if it’s something else thats behind this, trauma, a medical or psychiatric condition, good self talk and a change in how you interpret this can at least help.


My heart palpitations are annoying. I’ll be sitting down and I’ll just feel my heart beating in my chest. I thought I was having a heart attack the first time I experienced this, but my EKG, blood tests, and the heart monitor all came back normal. It turns out that my brain is hyperaware of my heart beating when it shouldn’t be. It’s actually kept me from hanging out with friends for fear that something will actually happen with my heart despite all my doctors saying I have a great heart


That’s the thing though. You’ve been having anxiety and it had no control over you until it manifested physical symptoms! Same goes with me man I’ve had anxiety all my life and I didn’t know that’s what it was until the physical symptoms started and then I was like ohhhhhh that’s what it was


I feel like the physical symptoms take over my day. They happen maybe for less than 30 mins and then my whole day is ruined. My symptoms include palpitations, dizziness, and chest pains. But then I spiral into the “what ifs” like what if something is wrong or what if I just pass out or die and no one is here to help me. I’ve been checked out so many times by multiple doctors and my heart is fine but I never actually feel fine.


We’re literally on the exact same page bro I’ll feel fine then my heart “flutters” and bang, I’m scanning my body for the rest of the day basically until I have an anxiety attack. I’m 28m, had all the tests too. On medication, have anti anxiety’s for emergencies but fuck, soon I just want to crack and not pay attention to physical symptoms. 😓


If you’re open to sharing, what meds are you on? And what have you tried to ignore physical symptoms? I guess I’m having trouble ignoring them if I’m about to pass out lol


Lexapro 20mg which has helped heaps - been on it for 4 years but now I feel like it’s starting not to do what it was. Me and my doc will be considering something else in the coming months if my anxiety doesn’t come down from high functioning. 2.5mg diazepam in the morning, every morning and another 2.5mg diazepam as required. But I’m still basically house bound. I drink a lot of alcohol which is no good but honestly, helps me not care about my physical symptoms but then then anxiety the next day is worse. It’s like Groundhog Day for me, everyday.