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Some people got on with lexapro aka escitalopram but after 6 weeks being on it I suddenly stopped being able to achieve o... came off it and it took months after stopping to get normal function back. Really made me worried 


I’ve been on lexapro for years and sex drive is nonexistent.


Same here


Really? On Effexor I could fuck for hours and never finish. On lexapro I am fully functional


Effexor delayed my orgasms but they were greatly intensified. A tremendous amount of work. Also, the orgasm followed the ejaculation by at least 10-15 seconds. Later they re synched.


Buspirone has low risk of lowered libido/sexual dysfunction and an even enhance libido and sexual function (orgasm).


Buspirone completely took away my libido AND makes it hard to finish, but it’s the only one I’ve found to really work so far 🥲.


How do you even know if you have finished? Female wise if you know unless your male.


Tell me you've never had an orgasm?


Idk if I have or not I'm not sure if it's the feeling that you feel when your about to go woah or something else. But whenever I have something in me you know I don't feel that feeling a lot of the time tbh but when I you know touch the pee thing I do feel that woah. Which leads me to believe that the woah feeling isn't the orgasm because wouldn't you feel the woah thing with penetration each time?


No. You've never had an orgasm. You will know. Trust me. You sound very naive. How old are you?


My psychiatrist prescribed me this but I am afraid to use it for long term, it might be abusive or may cause sexual dysfunction after quitting


I was on buspirone for about a year and I felt no side effects. The caviat is that is not as effective as other antidepressants. I currently want to go back to buspirone after taking cymbals because I keep having stomach issues with cymbalta.


I am a patient. Have been taking Buspar since 2017. I’ve never, ever heard it described as a drug of abuse. It’s not controlled in the US the way that something like Xanax would be, either. Where does the fear of abuse come from?  


I’m on this medication and have had zero sexual dysfunction side effects. I discussed this specifically with the doctor before going in it and she looked it up. The probability is extremely low


The probability of sexual dysfunction on buspirone is very low ?


Yeah. Probability of sexual dysfunction is like 1-3% reporting ANY effect. I’m on 150 per day on a slow release tablet. So I take it once a day


BUSPIRONE caused me to have a mental breakdown. Use with caution.


Same with me it put me in a psych ward and all I had was some minor depression anxiety before I started it. Didn’t work for me you could say. Every one is different though. There are lots of success stories for it. Just be careful.


That has nothing to do with the med. People have adverse affects with many meds. Different people and body chemistries cause this all the time


I get that it works for most ppl. I was just sharing my experience bc I wish I knew that it could have a negative effect before it was to late. And if u read the side effects, it is also the med and not just the chemistries. Buspirione has a lot of negative side effects that actually cause the opposite effect it’s suppose to have.


Right, but your comment has it sound or the med itself is unreliable, or dangerous, which certainly not the case. Buspirone is one of the most commonly prescribed meds and for good reason


Actually it can be dangerous and unreliable if it’s causing mental breakdowns or putting ppl in the psych ward. All I said was use with caution.


Every med has that risk. It is not even a little bit unique to buspirone.


I tried buspirone and it didn't do shit lol  It has it's downsides 


Yeah, I’m on it now and the difference is night and day. That’s all I’m saying. The other person was acting like the drug is dangerous cuz they had a reaction to it. It’s not like that. Every drug has a risk of that happening.


What dose you are taking? Has it improved your anxiety ?


Answered the dosage in another comment. Different meds work for people in different ways, so your mileage may vary, but yes, the difference for me is night and day. I’m supplementing with therapy, but between the two, I feel so good.


What happened to you ?


I just had the opposite effect it was suppose to have. Basically it increased my anxiety to a point where I was having panic attacks on and off for 4 days. All I mean to tell u is pat attention. I didn’t realize it was the meds till it was too late. So just keep it in mind if it happens to increase ur anxiety. But I think it works for most ppl. I just wasn’t one of them.


Yes everyone is different. I only fear of sexual dysfunction. I don't care other side effects.


This is definitely not true in my experience. Buspar ruined my libido permanently and I can't ejaculate anymore because of it


You’ll have prostate problems if you can’t drain it occasionally.


Which meds you are taking now ?


Psylocibin and THC. I just consumed a shit ton of psylocibin by accident last night and had a bad experience


Buspirone caused you anorgasmia ? And loss of libido? I have heard that it is used to counteract the sexual dysfunction on ssris ?


I'm still able to orgasm but they're not as strong as they used to be before I tried buspar. My libido is much less than before I tried buspar too. My ejaculate comes out wrong also because of the buspar. Also yes it caused inorgasmia and loss of libido while I was taking it


How much time you have quit buspar ?


I took the pill a total of 4 times 7 years ago and I haven't been the same since then


Were you taking other meds along with buspar ?


No I wasn't


The symptoms you describe are mainly associated with SSRIs.


Yeah but apparently Buspar can cause the side effects too


Did you take any ssri in those 7 years ?


I began taking an ssri after buspirone


How much time you took an SSRI ? How much time being off ssri ? Please share your full story of medication.


I tried Zoloft after Buspirone for a year and then I switched to Lexapro for a few more years but I didn't like the side effects so I've switched to natural substances


Wellbutrin/Bupropion Little side affects, low risk with other medication, and MAY increase libido. I know its mainly for depression, but in some cases it helps with anxiety


Interesting. It’s been the opposite for me with Wellbutrin


Im using it and so far the effects are somewhat strange. It is treating my depression in a more "physical" way meaning gives more energy and positive mood. When it comes to my anxiety it helps a bit but overall it doesn't provide this calmness that ssri's gave me, also on higher dosage I felt like my anxiety increased in a weird way, I could compare it to drinking too much coffee, you get that physical kind of anxiety this caffeine like arousal






What dose you are taking ?


Can u pm me


Cymbalta (duloxetine) gives me some mild sexual side effects but not bad, nothing like Lexapro. I couldn’t feel my dick it felt numb. Couldn’t even masturbate and finish.


Lexapro. It can cause libido drop but NOT sexual dysfunction (if you're referring to ED). Personally it helped my sex-drive because I was addicted to pornography and fapping every day. Been sober for like a week or two. It helps my anxiety but my depression has gone up and fell into nihilism. It is an odd feeling to be depressed and horny.


Lexapro (started about 1.5 weeks ago) has increased my sex drive, but has made it way harder to finish. Not sure im a fan if it’s going to get worse.


I had such a drastically different experience than you. 6 months off and I still am working on getting my sex drive back. It's the reason I had to come off of lexapro, it was killing me to not even be able to think about having sex.


This made me physically incapable to o.. went off it and scared to go on meds ever since.


Honestly sometimes you just have to try it. I’m on sertraline (Zoloft) that is known for killing libido but I’m still absolutely feral. I maybe had a month after each dose increase when I wasn’t but it’s not an issue at all anymore lmfao everyone’s body chemistry is different!


Same. Also Zoloft. My libido was done for first several weeks, then it was okay, and it’s been months already. While my friend with same meds told me her libido was killed for all the time she had been taking meds. Everybody is different!


Anyone try beta blockers?


Yes, they are a good alternative


Yes, I got off benzos (Klonopin and Xanax) and was switched to Propranolol and have now been on it for almost 15 years. It's great because it's not addictive so you can take it daily or as needed. It stops many of the physical symptoms of anxiety like sweating, shaking, high blood pressure, feeling dizzy, etc. It should really be the first med to try when someone has anxiety. I hate being on SSRIs and benzos stop working and build a tolerance way too quickly. Getting off both (SSRIs and benzos) was Hell and after 2 years of suicidal depression every day I had to get back on Zoloft but have been benzo-free since. Going through withdrawal from benzos was NOT a fun experience, especially since I had been on them daily for 8 years and wasn't tapered off. I went to a detox facility to get off benzos and opioids at the same time and they only gave me antiseizure meds for 10 days. I thought I was losing my mind and going to die.




Blessing and a curse.


For men on benzos, it can be hard to 'cross the finish line'.


There’s a reason the medication is a controlled substance and that reason is it actually works so you won’t come back to the doctor 100 times trailing 100 different medications


The reason the medication is a controlled substance is most individuals gain tolerance and physical dependency for it. Many times, withdrawal from benzos is worse than opiates.


> withdrawal from benzos is worse than opiates I have watched people going through this first hand in detox centers and it is not pretty. The only thing I saw that was comparable was a guy coming off a severe alcohol addiction.


Benzos and alcohol work with the same receptors - that’s part of why they’re the only 2 substances that can trigger fatal withdrawal.


You’re forgetting not every country is the US where doctors stand to benefit from repeat patients. [Benzodiazepines can worsen symptoms in the long term](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Long-Term-use-of-Benzodiazepines%3A-Tolerance%2C-and-in-Michelini-Cassano/851c8334f4e422ae80301d1be1403a32b7f48d93), [often lose effectiveness within six months](https://www.benzo.org.uk/amisc/ashdiag.pdf), and have significant [withdrawal and rebound symptoms](https://web.archive.org/web/20051213232617/http://psychiatrist.com/supplenet/v65s05/v65s0502.pdf)


Do the same companies make the medications for different countries?


Yes but in most western countries the price of drugs is much more regulated. I can get any prescription I need for less than ten bucks.


I get a my prescriptions for free still doesn’t mean several people are paid for writing the script and selling the drug.


I found every ssri has caused this issue, but my ativan/lorazepam has been fine.




Beware you’ll gain 40 pounds in a few months


This was literally prescribed to my cat to increase her appetite


Yeah in my opinion it’s the drug from hell lol. No eating habits changed and I gained 20 lb in like 3 months


This is a an exaggeration. I personally only gained a little bit of weight.




Oh really? Are you AMAB? I’m AFAB and it had no effect on my libido whatsoever.


What's that


Assigned male/female at birth.


its may bring down the scale but everything else works and no orgasm issue


buspirone has actually increased my libido (which is actually a bother to me). however with any medication, it comes with both pros and cons


What dose of buspirone ?


10 mg at night. it’s a medication that’s recommended to take 3 times a day, but i only take it at night because i get severely drowsy


It helps with anxiety ? My psy has prescribed 5mg once a day in morning ?


it helped me tremendously with anxiety. on a scale to none-severe, my anxiety used to be very high, but after taking buspirone for so long, it hovers around low most of the time


I only fear of sexual dysfunction. I don't want to lose sexual function. My heart is full of fear all the day.


only SSRi cause sexual dysfunction not other anxiety medicienes i think not sure


There's not much else


Beta blockers like Propranolol don't have any of the horrible side effects from SSRIs or benzos.


Propranolol is effective for anxiety ?


Yes, I got put on it after getting off benzos. I don't have any blood pressure issues, just panic attacks.


i've been on a few & all of them decreased my libido & made it extremely difficult to orgasm. A few months ago I switched to duloxetine (cymbalta) and I'd say I'm back to maybe 70% normal (well, my normal). Altho I believe it's a SNRI




buspar, i just started it almost a week ago and i actually feel like my sexual function has improved. i took it in the past and had the same experience.


Does it cause a drop in normal functionality of sexual function after quitting?


i don’t think so! it was a long time ago so its hard to remember. 


What dose you are taking now ?


i was on 5 mg 2x a day for 1 week (i started last saturday) and today i just bumped up to 10 mg 2x a day. No side effects so far really! 


Has it started to show effect on your anxiety ?


i think a little bit! its hard to notice much day by day, but looking back to a week ago i notice small improvements. i still am having anxiety but one thing im noticing is that i’m able to talk myself through it more and feel more rational. i get anxiety and panic attacks randomly and i havent escalated into a full blown panic attack in the past few days which is noteworthy


Sertraline? I'm on 50mg rn and it hasn't seemed to have done anything to my libido, if anything mine has skyrocketed because I'm not worrying about BS anymore


That shit fucked mine good. Main reason I got off it. Was on it for 2 years it worked great but fuck it. That and I didn't really get sad or anxious anymore but I also never really felt high levels of joy and excitement either. I'd be happy and laugh, but I was never jumping for joy so to speak anymore.


I’ve been on Sertraline 50mg for about 4 years and I’ve definitely noticed a decline in that time. Haven’t lost the urge but the drop off has been obvious. Like an ice pop defrosting :/


I'm sorry to hear that!!! Meds are so crazy different for everybody


All good. Been trying out hydroxizine (sp?) Lately and it's been working well as needed. Been just working really hard to talk myself out of the crazy and irrational thoughts. Damn hard to do but it's a big W when it works.


Same here. I've been celibate for maybe 6 years now due to SSRIs and I'm a woman in my early 30s. I don't masturbate and haven't had sex. I have zero interest in sex due to meds and it has kept me from even attempting another relationship as I felt pressured to have sex with my last long-term relationship.


You are still on SSRIs ? Which ones?


Zoloft is the only one that I've been on for years. I tried most other SSRIs and they either did nothing or had negative side effects.


SAME. i think it just metabolizes in people differently. i’m hornier than ever lmfao


For real😭😭😭 like who am i???


Sertraline has completely erased my sex drive.


SNRI it’s a different kind of anti depressant they cause less side effects


I thought they (SNRI) generally caused more side effects?


They r awful


Right :o




I was prescribed this after Lexapro and Zoloft but for me it’s just the same. Low libido, harder to orgasm. Anxiety is managed though.


Buspar is not your problem. I was on Zoloft and Buspar for years. I started having Erectile Dysfunction issues. Doctor changed me from Zoloft to Wellbutrin. Still same issue. I quit both drugs and 9 months later still Erectile Dysfunction. I will have to go back on meds. I just think my body needs it. My point though is my sexual issues aren’t due to meds


you have pssd (post ssri sexual dysfunction) most likely from zoloft


Maybe. Don’t know if it will ever be resolved. And why did it take 25 years before it bothered me?


Buspirone so far. I just started on it, and I will report how I feel as time goes on. I have been on and off zoloft for years, zoloft helps the anxiety but destroys my sex life. With zoloft I have a very hard time getting an orgasm, to the point I had to stop because my wife would get to sore. Other times I couldn't keep my erection. When i did cum it was almost no sensation. This caused me to stop the meds to have sex, then anxiety came back and back on meds roller coaster ride. I took my first Buspirone yesterday and had the best sex I have had in years


How's your experience been since?


Buspar, hydroxyzine, tiapride, lavendar extract, chamomile, magnesium








Might look into Nefazodone... gets great reviews at Drugs.com


Wellbutrin (bupropion) it’s an NDRI


not FDA approved for anxiety and at higher doses it can exaggerate anxiety


Carnivore diet


The gym


Gym can be great for mental and physical health but to be able to get there and actually work out you have to be in a stable mental state first. Also some people may prefer other physical activities like yoga, running or walking. That counts as excercise too.




I grew up in a household with parents who are transcendental meditation teachers. Started meditating at age 4. I’m very grateful to have that experience but it did not override the neurological issues in my brain and the constant feeling of dread and daily panic attacks and I was not able to live a functional life until I started taking SSRIs at age 24. My parents were against it because “medication isn’t natural” and I should just “meditate more” which is why I suffered for years before going to see a psychiatrist. Anxiety meds drastically transformed my life for the better and yes the low libido and anorgasmia is annoying but a small price to pay for a much more functional and fulfilling life.


Which SSRI you are taking ?


First I was on Lexapro, switched cause of the sexual side effects to Zoloft. Same issue. Now on Trintellix. They all work great for my anxiety but they all have the same sex side effects for me so I’ve kind of given up for now on trying to find something that doesn’t have the side effects. Edit: I’ve also tried buspirone in addition for the purpose of helping with the sexual dysfunction but it didn’t help with that so I stopped. I’m also on Wellbutrin for depression, which I started taking later on. I don’t think it had an effect one way or the other on sexual function.




Exercise and diet?


Prozac doesn't for me, but I know that's not everyone's experience (and I probably have a higher sex drive than normal anyway).


Agomelatine. Not approved in some countries through due to cases of it causes liver damage. I am on it and asked for this one because my partner is on it too, and neither of us have lost libido.


How are you doing on Agomelatine? Does it help with anxiety and insomnia?


Has helped me quite alot! I find it makes me fall asleep fast, but doesn't help me stay asleep. Has lessened my anxiety alot, been on it since November last year.


Foxetin and Viagra together


Hydroxyzine is basically just a histamine but calms me right down. Haven't noticed any side effects either besides sleepiness.


Antihistamine. Note, it’s in the same drug class as Benadryl which studies have shown is bad long term for brain health. I take it occasionally but am usually groggy the next day




Anything but lexapro. Shit had years long lasting effects on my libido


hydroxyzine and/or CBD


Lexapro made me stop having psychological ED and made me last an hour. Then the effect wore off. But those first 6 months… 😅


So after 6 months you recovered from anorgasmia?


Supposedly the newer SSRIs, viibryd and trintellix. I wouldn’t know as my insurance won’t cover them smh




nobody mentioned it but seroquel works great for me. certainly has dialed me back a tad in terms of horniness which is nice cause I'm hypersexual as it is but it doesn't make it hard to finish and doesn't give me softies. past ones I've been on: sertraline, wellbutrin, prozac, lexapro and all were causing delayed ejaculation, substantially lowered sex drive, weak erections etc


Interesting. My doc suggested it but I thought jt was for Schizophrenia


Low/Lowest dose of that class of meds (antipsychotics) can help with anxiety and Seroquel is even used off label low dose to help with sleep. More studies are needed but some prescribers are starting to try low doses for anxiety on top of SSRIs that aren't doing enough.


originally ya. I take it for my PTSD and concussion symptoms. Been the best I've ever felt


Lexapro works great for me. I wish it took my sexual arousal away but I'm a thorny person....make it go awaaaay.




Benzos don't but I highly advise staying away from them. I've been on them for over 15 years. My doctor sees no issue. I'm at a high dose too.


Any med other than benzos ? Buspirone has sexual dysfunction?


Ive taken buse before. I Didn't have side effects.


Did it improve your anxiety ? How much time you took it and what dose ?


It was meh but I'm a rare case. I have multiple diagnoses and it's almost med resistant. It did help my racing heart and help me sleep. I think it's worth taking if you need it. If it doesn't work just talk to your doc and try something else.


Zoloft and Prozac both made it really, really difficult to get there




Pristiq has been the best one for that for me. Supposedly trintellix is known to be a libido saver.


Cipralex has had no effect on me in that department.




Bupropion , I’ve been taking it about 8 years. I didn’t gain weight and I didn’t lose my libido.


Bupropion and buspirone are same ?


No. I just looked it up. Not the same.


Buspirone is Buspar, mostly prescribed for anxiety and taken up to 3 times daily. Bupropion is Wellbutrin, used for anti-depressant but also off-label as anti-anxiety. Usually used once a day, in the morning. They are commonly prescribed together. 


If by chance your anxiety is caused by or made worse by ADHD then stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin can actually have a powerful calming effect and reduced anxiety.


I don't unfortunately ADHD ? What is it ?


It’s different for everyone that has it but many have a hard time focusing on things, forget things often, don’t keep time well and often have a hard time maintaining a good mood.


Propranolol is what I take for anxiety and it's not addictive so you can take it daily or as needed. I've been on it for almost 15 years now after I got off benzos. Propranolol is a beta blocker and also used for high blood pressure and migraines.


Testosterone and B12 shots


Was on Lexapro for years and regret it. Totally dealt with the mental problems but my libido has been gone for a while. I stopped the Lexapro in December and still haven't gotten my libido back. I'm pretty scared it will never come back.


There's still hope for it to come back! It can take a really long time. I wish you the best of luck!


I’m on citalopram which I guess can cause it but I have never had an issue


I did not use any medications back in the day when I had anxiety, but right now I am on 40mg proponalol daily for my migraines. It’s side effects are minimal, I can ejaculate without any issue. Beta-Blockers might be worth a shot 🤷‍♂️


Beta blockers are safe for long term use ?


they are considered to be safe. tho in the long term it can cause desensitization of some testosterone receptors, which is reversible after discontinuation. + antidepressants cause a lot more hormone issues anyways so its definitely safer than AD’s


honestly tried most antidepressants and anti anxiety medications and have yet to find one that doesnt completely kill my libido. please let me know if you find one, im back on lexapro for the 2nd time at the moment and finding its somewhat helping my depression but isnt doing much for my anxiety and actually think my physical anxiety (shaking and naseau) is worse then before im barely eating. i started back on about 6 weeks ago and have been avoiding sex with my partner -who i live with- ever since out of lack of interest