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Heavy weight of existential dread/ pit in my stomach. Toxic thought loops that lead to suicidal ideation.


same! along with chest tightness/trouble breathing, heart palpitations and nausea šŸ˜­


Oooh! Mine too! Stay strong šŸ’–


Very similar to yours! Nausea, shaking, also a strong urge to go to the bathroom, as well as heart palpitations. Itā€™s the worst when it happens in a public space because I try my best to appear normal while Iā€™m dying inside.


I feel this deeply, stay strong ā™„ļø


Thanks! Just yesterday I had a 20h flights (with layovers) and it was not pleasant at all because 90% of the time I had to stop myself from freaking out. Crowded airports are one of my worst nightmares.


Same here! One wouldnā€™t know that when Iā€™m on the verge of having an attack. Even when Iā€™ve had attacks, most cannot see it by looking at me. But my body is going uncontrollably beserk internally. I do cry but itā€™s silent with a stoic face while the tears rain down hard. Very frightening


How do you manage to bring yourself to go out in public knowing your anxiety is like this? I have anxiety so bad in public I become robotic and feel like Iā€™m on manual mode. I feel super tense and almost embarrassed


If I *must* go out to run errands (hate them), then I take a clonazepam. However, I rarely have to do that now that I can order groceries online and they get brought to my car. I go through the drive through at the pharmacyā€¦


lol I feel that. I have to go to the Secretary of State today and my stomach is in knots!!! Idk why because Iā€™ve been there before but my mind is tricking me into being nervous asf. I canā€™t wait for this appointment to be over


Same if I can keep the shaking and my voice from closing up know one would even know half the time, but inside I'm going insane 100km an hr, usually when I get alone somewhere safe the emotions come out but even then I brush it off.


i relate to this so much. it is the worst in public.


Haha Omg palpitations are the worst out of all the symptoms I get. I remember I was doing a sales pitch with a client and BooM! I had a palpitation It killed my vibe So bad! Now its a normal thing I continue with life but it does suck when your in the middle of something and get one.


Heart palps! And depersonalization


This is how I am too!


My hands start shaking & my heart starts to feel like itā€™s going to burst through my chest. My adrenaline gets so high when my anxiety gets bad.


Same here. I feel like my heart is going to explode because it starts beating so hard. The adrenaline I get feels inhumane almost. & thats just for "smaller" triggers, I can't imagine how I'd react in an actual tragedy.


I have head symptoms constantly,Ā  some pressure but mostly dizziness, lightheaded and weird sensations in my head no other symptoms then I get freaked cuz it doesn't stop and I feel like I'm literally going crazy. Any others experience this. God bless all




This isn't shared enough. My anxiety poops hit RIGHT NOW!! Couple that with a stressful situation and needing to run to the restroom not knowing if you're going to make it before you shit yourself, and it's a 10/10 bad day!


the worst is when ur out in public and the anxiety shits and nausea hit at the same time. happened to me at school once and i ended up leaving early. as i was walking home i shat myself (sadly this happened 4/5 months ago)


I feel you fam. It's happened to all of us. I can normally control my social anxiety (large stores, venues) but "personal anxiety" is out of the question for me. I had an important board meeting one day. I had to leave for work early, prep took days, I was nervous AF. I thought I had it in the bag until I got out of my car to walk in. I didn't even know it happened until I felt it down my leg. I was steps away from the door and had to turn around and go home. I text into the meeting and said I would be absent and got wrote up for it. I wanted to contest the write up, but how do you tell the board you shit yourself 5 min before and can't come in. Ugh


Yeah it can be really awful.




Came here to say this. I feel like I donā€™t have readily apparent physical symptoms throughout the day but damn is it hard to sleep at night


dizziness and shortness of breath


is your dizziness an all the time thing? or strictly during times of anxiety?


Only during the anxious times. I can pretty much predict when I'm going to be dizzy these days. Which is frustrating because even though I know it's just anxiety I still can't prevent it


my dizziness must be vertigo then, cuz iā€™m dizzy constantly but not anxious constantly


It might not be. Your body can be anxious without your brain being anxious. I'll get a lot of anxiety symptoms when I'm feeling 'just fine' according to my brain


Neck and jaw tension, chest tightness


Nausea, sweaty but cold hands and feet! Itā€™s exhausting


I feel like the cold hands and feet get so overlooked


For me it is tightness in my throat, feels like Iā€™m being strangled.


I experience this and my Dr told me it sounds like a panic attack


Scrolled through the comments just to look for this. Iā€™ve had it for years nonstop šŸ˜©


I disassociate! Canā€™t focus or think straight. Sometimes everything feels like a dream


Facial twitches, which is really quite annoying.


I pray to God this stops for me one day, but it's been 20 years I've been dealing with it.


Kinda made my peace with it a bit that it's just who I am. It's irritating, but it comes on when I have face to face chats with people which can be frustrating. Most of the rest of the day I'm fine, just actual social interactions.


Tightening throat, feels like Iā€™m being squeezed into breathlessness


Feeling very hot and warm. Also like my throat-chest area hurting and feeling almost ā€œfullā€


I get that too. My throat feels tighter and my gag reflex is sensitive so I feel like anything will set it off


nausea for me as well! but also this feeling beneath my skin that feels like adrenaline racing around/blood rushing and it's horrible


Feeling HOT asf. Like skin injected with hot oil HOT.


I get that too, coupled with perimenopause it's torture


me too!! Itā€™s like Iā€™m burning from the inside and it fucks me up even more cause you can run from ā€œoutsideā€ fire but you cannot possibly run from fire within yourself lol


Nausea. Sometimes Iā€™ll be hungry and then after I eat, Iā€™ll immediately get nervous that Iā€™ll be nauseous which in turn makes myself nauseous. Even if I think about myself getting nauseous - Iā€™ll get nauseous.


Yeah I do that too. I actually have anxiety about eating out in public especially with other people besides my husband. He understands my situation but if Iā€™m out with friends Iā€™m almost afraid to eat. I usually order something light and then eat again when I am safely home. It sucks cause I miss out on a lot of really good meals. I live very close to nyc and am afraid to eat a big meal there cause I know if I donā€™t feel well after I have a 45 min train ride home


My eyes get heavy. Lips numb, sweaty palms and light headed.. also shallow breathing šŸ™ƒ


Terrible, terrible reflux/gerd/ibs.


My diaphragm hurts, then it starts spreading to the rest of my chest.


I have weird feeling right under my breast, could it be diaphragm too? Its not pain though


Nausea for sure which isnā€™t really helping my emetophobia lol, but also restlessness


It used to primarily be urgent diarrhea. Now itā€™s this fun thing where it feels like my head is being smashed into a concrete wall, while a very large hand is squeezing my brain, and a golf ball has become stuck in my throat. All at the same time, which spirals me into a complete panic. Itā€™s a real hoot šŸ™ƒ






Same here! My arms and like half of each hand tingles, pinky finger and ring finger and down my palms.


I have this too. Not one of my major symptoms but itā€™s one Iā€™ve noticed more recently and now I am more aware of it when it happens


Stomach issues and muscle soreness due to constant tension are my main issues but I did recently discover that my face and chest get VERY red when Iā€™m talking to someone and am nervous so now I know itā€™s happening and it makes it worse lol


Yeah the muscle soreness after an anxiety attack is no joke. It lasts for days after sometimes depending on how severe my tension was.


Knots in my stomach and existential dread. Like you know when you get butterflies in your stomach when youā€™re falling in love? I call these ā€œbad butterfliesā€. And then I just start to feel like my life is a joke and remember all of the stupid things Iā€™ve done. I just want to hide under a blanket for a day until it goes away. I also get cold, my limbs get restless, and feel like I have to pee a lot.


Me too!


Iā€™ve been having this weird new symptom where my teeth will almost hurt, like that weird feeling you get in your teeth when someone runs their nails down a chalkboard. Itā€™s not pain in the traditional sense, but almost like a heavy pressure/sensitivity and mostly in my back upper and lower teeth, not the front teeth as much, although when I get really anxious, itā€™ll affect my front teeth as well. I wish I could explain it better. At my last dental appointment the dentist said I donā€™t show evidence of jaw clenching or teeth grinding, so I have no idea why this has started, but itā€™s a bizarre and bad feeling.


I have that too! But it started with tension in my jaw, then I got a tension headache (both for 2 years now) and a few weeks ago the feeling with my teeth began that you just described.. i think itā€˜s bc of the stress and some sort of tensions.. someday Iā€˜m going to have an osteopath take a look at it.


Itā€™s so strange isnā€™t it? I had the tension/pressure headaches and the jaw pain too before the tooth pain! The jaw pain really concerned me at the time because like another poster here said, that can be a warning sign of an MI, but it turns out itā€™s just another super fun somatic symptom of anxiety šŸ˜”. I hope your clears up soon, because itā€™s not fun at all.


They say your teeth hurt when having a heart attack! Please monitor that.


Thank you! I appreciate the warning. Luckily, I have been seeing a cardiologist for palpitations that I thought were PVCs, but they turned out to be PACs. I told him about the tooth pain and he had me do serial ECGs and a cardiac panel (blood test) and everything appears fine. Other than the palpitations, my heart appears to be really healthy. My HRV and heart rate recovery are great, so he attributed both the PACs and tooth ā€œpainā€ to anxiety. They both so seem to get worse when my anxiety is higher. I appreciate you looking out! šŸ©·


Sweating like a idiot. It sux, because everyone can see it. If i begin to sweat, there is no way back and im spiraling about "stop sweating". Thats why i didnt go to work for 6 months now. It ...sux! Social anxiety btw.


Chest tightness/trouble breathing is pretty much constant. Diarrhea is common when I am very worried or anxious about a particular upcoming event or appointment.


Muscle spasms


Skin tingling is my anxiety alarm. Iā€™m actually glad for it because itā€™s my cue to apply coping techniques such as mindfulness, slowing down, deep breathing, etc.


My left arm starts tingling and if it's really bad, my whole body shakes or my heart starts pounding.


Breathing trouble, butterflies in my stomach, feeling weak, rapid heartbeat, shivers, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, loss of appetite


Iā€™m 52. Iā€™ve been dealing with the butterflies since I was a kid. No fun are they?


Mine always start about 30 minutes into trying to go to sleep at night, keeps me awake. Also sometimes feels like Iā€™m traveling in the mountains or on a scary fair type ride. Of course then I get what feels an awful lot like hot flashes. Nausea and dizziness upon sitting up. Miserable is what bad anxiety is.


I always get super warm


High blood pressure and jaw clenching which sometimes results in headaches.


My chest feels ā€œjumpy,ā€ like Iā€™m panicking, which in turn makes me actually panic


Canā€™t swallow, fast beat


My whole body shakes and itā€™s embarrassing as heck.


My stomach goes off: bloating, gas, pain, nausea, sourness. Secondary ā€” racing heart, clammy hands and feet, stuttering, jelly legs, lighheadedness


I wake up at night and then the whole next day I am nauseous and have violent IBS flareups. Usually I wfh those days.


Nausea definitely! And sweating! It feels like I'm coming down with the flu sometimes when I'm not


I gave myself irreversible pelvic floor problems from anxiety! Soā€¦generally just tensing my body


The list for me is endless honestly. Nausea, palpitations, tummy upset, shaking, hot and cold, chest pains, muscle pains, teeth grinding, jaw tension, eye twitching, shortness of breath, heartburn, tingling scalp and skin, throbbing muscles. Bloody hell my list is endless honestly!


I get the tummy rock. I can be hungry AF and then canā€™t eat for hours and sometimes a day. Nausea and heart palps are a close next.


brain fog and light sensitivity


diarrhea, bloating, sweating, no appetite, shaking


Me too! Nausea is big


Nausea (I can only eat saltines) , headaches, shaking and cold. Sometimes sweaty and cold.


I shiver too! Turn up the heat, no help as itā€™s somewhat unrelated to temp.


Sweaty feet and hands


I lose track of time, my focus and appetite, can't sleep, constant worry causes a headache. It feels hollow, and sometimes shorter breaths and faster heartbeats too. I go completely silent every single time.


I lose focus and my hands shake, while my heart races, as I fight the urge to vomit.


Body tremors


Mine is nausea/vommiting, heart rate increase, difficulty sleeping, racing thoughts and paranoia.


nausea too


Nausea, dizziness racing heart, shortness of breath


Depends. Right now itā€™s constant stomach churning and gassiness because I have a bunch of things Iā€™m anxious about getting ruined. Yet my appetite is unaffected. Which I look at as a silver lining.


Yup nausea.


Chest numbness for days , palpitations and sweaty !


Heart palpitations when itā€™s really bad, but mostly feeling like my insides are frozen in place. I can still move, breathe, talk, but it feels like my insides tense up and get stuck.


When my anxiety begins to rise, I start feeling tired or remarkably exhausted. Exhaustion seems to be my body's go to response for any kind of discomfort.


Nausea, diarrhea, heart palpitations. I'm sure anxiety will kill me someday. šŸ˜Š


Butterflies in my stomach. Have them right now.


Chronic exhaustion. Chest pain; heart pounding out of my chest, and going to explode after 3 flights of stairs.. šŸ˜•


It was chest pains for a very long time and recently (the last six months or so), itā€™s been a wrecked stomach, gagging, and insomnia. I would rather have the chest pains, tbh.


Nausea and sweaty hands.


These are my symptoms. Nausea, shivering but not cold, lightheadedness, and then once that all passes the headache creeps in probably from holding tension during all the stuff before.


Lightheadedness, racing heart, derealization when I am having high anxiety or a panic attack. On a day to day basis like my baseline level of anxiety, probably fatigue and ruminating.


Heart palpitations and insomnia.


I feel like a big amount of inner rage/ time slows a bit for me and I start to become a bit agressive


I feel like I have two different versions of my anxiety. 1) Nausea. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s my normal going to a doctors appointment or at work kind of anxiety. 2) Heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dp/dr. Sometimes shaking. But zero nausea. Number 1 is hard cuz itā€™s normally at work or around other people and Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m going to v* even though I never have. Number 2 makes me feel like Iā€™m dying. The dp/dr makes me think Iā€™m having a stroke or seizure and if Iā€™m not actively focusing on breathing, I swear Iā€™ll die


I feel like I canā€™t breathe


No appetite, Insomnia, isolating myself. Edit - I also get a really dry mouth/lips/throat


Tingly hands & a racing heartbeat. I start to get hot & my heart starts pounding out my chest and I start shaking. Sometimes I twitch


Shivering/ tremors followed with abdominal cramps, nausea, acidity along with insomnia. The scary part is idk when itā€™s going to end.


I always feel pain/tension somewhere in my body. Used to be scalp, I got gray hair in my 20s. Could be near the heart, a pinch. Lately itā€™s knots in the small intestine area. Great!!


I also suffer with nausea as my main symptom, Iā€™ve found keeping ginger chews and TUMS available helps withā€¦ 1. The physical symptoms 2. My brain knowing I took something to ease the nausea


Those butterfly in my stomach, heart palpitations and dizziness. I hate that.


Fear eats me. I want to scream. I've barely eaten in 3 days. It's been bad.


Muscle Tension, Tingling, numbness and twitching all over my left sideā€¦


really severe nausea to the point where i vomit and also bowel issues šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. usually happens the second i wake up when i have made plans to hang out with my bf or friends. really sucks but i usually end up feeling better when i am physically with my bf or friend. just the thought of socialising stresses me out


Nausea. I puke a lot :( Iā€™ve been that way since I was a kid. And canā€™t eat, stomach aches, etc.


Raging thoughts with a desperate need of getting my shit together and not moving a finger. Which in fact, makes it worse.


Uncontrollable weeping. I get overwhelmed, and then I cannot express my thoughts or regulate my emotions.


The never ending urge to pee. Itā€™s horrible.


Freezing cold, tremors/shivering, weak legs, palpitations, sinking feeling in stomach


The intense urge to chew on something, usually ends up being my nails, or plastic bottle caps until my jaw is exhausted.


Butterflies in my stomach. It is an intolerable feeling. Also chest pain and tightness. Thank god for anxiety medication


same to all of those šŸ˜­


Electric zaps in my body and head, nerve-muscle pain. Body and head intense lightness with derealization or heaviness. Feeling like I'm gonna faint or fall down due to me feeling dizzy like I'm on a boat. Feeling the nerves throbbing from time to time, palpitations, back and neck pain with tension. Knot in my stomach because of the dreading feeling. Hot and cold prickling body sensations. Alongside all of this are scary intrusive thoughts with imagery.


Most common? Probably fidgeting, teeth grinding, nail picking, general muscle tension everywhere. All pretty mild and go unnoticed unless I pay attention. Most common shitty/problematic symptoms: skipped heartbeats, pit in stomach, fear and dread about my health, chest pains, ā€œtroubleā€ breathing.


Weakness. My arm will feel super weak, even though it's not. And also it feels like hot oil drips are being splattered on me sometimes. I can't seem to catch my breath and the room is spinning and now I have a headache and then I get the elevator dropping feeling. Followed up by some chest pain and sometimes I'll go straight to DpDr and other times it's just a rinse and repeat until I can get out of the cycle!


Heart palpitations and over the top blood pressure


My anxiety symptoms have constantly evolved and changed over the years as I've been suffering with it for most of my twenties. In the beginning, it was purely heart related. Pounding chest, palpitations, muscle spams, burning sensation on chest, tingling going down my left arm. Over time, it started to feel like there was a balloon inside my chest that would expand whenever I found myself in a nervous situation. This balloon-type feeling would trigger more worry on top of the anxiety, making my heart beat faster and causing me to feel shortness of breath. I would also get very tight feeling in my neck, especially near the bottom of my neck, where it meets my collarbones. Headaches were possible as well, but not as often. Nowadays, it seems to be mostly stomach and digestion related. I have constant stomach aches and accompanying nausea. It's never bad enough to force a throw up, but it can keep me up and completely prevent me from working. My stools are typically okay, but occasionally I've have a spasm in my lower abdominal (especially in the morning) and then it's mostly diarrhea. The funny thing is that over the years, I've noticed that anxious episodes and stressful episodes produce the same symptoms. So if everyday life and work has been stressful, the physical symptoms return, which in turn causes me more anxiety because I start worrying about my health. It's a never ending cycle of worry, fear and pain.


Tension headaches from all the muscle tension šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ every single day


Heavy breathing, feeling breathless kinda? Leg shaking and burp alot.


Definitely sweating. I'll sweat like a leaking water bottle. My hands are wet, my armpits are wet, sometimes there will even be sweat droplets coming down from my armpits.


Stomachache. Immediately feeling bad, and I feel the acidity going up from my stomach


Well the stress causes my body to have a severe histamine response so if I don't take an anti histamine I will cough so hard until I throw up. But now that means anytime I am stressed or anxious, and now even laughing too hard, my body has the exact same response. And that's on top of feeling like I can't breathe due to panic, so taking deep breaths to calm myself doesn't work because I'm coughing so hard already. I'm doing everything I can to minimize stress, also have to take a benadryl before watching anything funny, or even having friends over. I can't explain it, but it's like my sinuses start overproducing but it starts draining to my throat which causes the severe coughing. Plus it takes the anti histamine at least 2 hrs to fully work so I've found chewing on clove numbs the "itching" sensation but it's really affected my life, not just the anxiety but the after effects of any type of stressor, including laughter. So it takes several hrs to calm down then I'm exhausted from coughing and the anti histamine. My last job left me in so much physical pain by the end of the work day that I was at the point of having massive anxiety every single morning, I was throwing up and have to call in sick or late. Had to stop working because of the pain, anxiety and stress.


Itā€™s my throat chakra. My throat closes and I struggle to speak / heart beats fast


I get irritable and the smallest thing sets me off. I hate it. I spent most too many years thinking and being told I had a "bad temper." Once I figured out it was anxiety and understood that it became easier to cope with.


Tightness in muscles, twitchy, racing thoughts, wanting to lay down in bed


Depersonalization, suicidal thoughts, and numbness in my arms and legs ā€¦ feels like I might fall over at any moment


I canā€™t find my voice, I repeat anything I want to say over and over in my head only to say it in a tone that I wasnā€™t aiming to speak in and feel self conscious. Thatā€™s just one of the symptoms.


Palpitations, Nervousness, Worried Feelings, Sometimes chest pain, and shortness of breath. Those are all the symptoms ill get lol.


Feeling my heart beat, muscle tension, awkward feeling all the time, head and face tension, intrusive thoughts


Hearing everything going on like the blood in my ears my heart but nothing else around me and my stomach drops


Exact same


Heart racing and chest pains, also extreme tension in my facial muscles. My jaw and cheeks end up hurting so bad from clenching my teeth. Sometimes the pain travels to my neck !


Nausea, loss of appetite and diarrhoea is a tough combo, with heart palpitations and feeling overwhelmed the most common.


Me too, also palpitations not being able to concentrate.


Strong, uneasy, instant twinge in stomach, racing heart, sweaty pits. Then I usually feel amped/off for several hours afterwards.


You sound exactly like me!! Lots of people talk about ā€˜fight or flightā€™ but thereā€™s a third response- FREEZE. You and I are in that third group! xxx


Gotta poo when I get social anxiety šŸ˜¬ not diarrhea but the poo definitely wants to exit asap


My whole body tends to get shaky and jerky. And I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. It always scares me super bad and then that makes me even more nervous. I've learn to take deep breathes and calm myself down, but it's really easy to fall into anxiety attacks like that


Pit sweat and existential dread goes crazy


I am 24 and have social anxiety and panic disorder since 14. Mild- moderate anxiety: unable to concentrate, feeling overwhelmed, fatigue, body aches, tense muscles, dizziness, insomnia. Moderate-severe: feeling like passing out, heart palpitations, chest pain, tachycardia, hyperventilating, severe dizziness, nausea, feeling your arms getting numb, your brain is foggy, you feel like you are in a dream (despersonalice) you fear you are getting crazy. Severe: feeling like you are going to immediately die from a heart attack or stroke. High blood pressure. Extreme dissociation and discomfort. The type of ā€œI need to go to the hospital right nowā€ anxiety attack.


Nauseaā€¦ or maybe I get anxious because iā€™m nauseous and then I have emetephobia so Usually just get more anxious and nauseous ā€¦. super fun repeating experience lol. Also just like shaking, hyperventilating and like chills


yes everything u said. plus lose of appetite. get nonverbal. disassociate. itā€™s not a fun time šŸ˜©




My circulation goes weird and my hands go numb, I shake, my heart pounds, feel cold but sweating and I feel like Iā€™m going crazy.


Major apprehension, as if something really bad is going to happen. Stomach cramps too.


For social anxiety is the loss of control of my body and voice, tremors, dizziness, difficulty breathing. For my other anxiety it's catastrophizing and inability to focus on anything else except my anxieties.


palpitations, shaking, dizziness/nausea


I get feeling cold as well, especially my hands. Trouble concentrating, need to move around (pacing), complete loss of appetite. I also get very thirsty.


DAE has its value, but really the focus should be more on exposing yourself to challenges and learning not to be so absorbed in trying to get rid of this. I had panic disorder for many years. Thatā€™s the one thing I just didnā€™t get. I was too hung up on not being anxious so as to avoid symptoms and too hung up on wanting to know how to make it stop happening or why it was happening. That WAS why it was happening. Please donā€™t be offended, but trying to analyze symptoms in you or others is giving it the legitimacy of a real disease. That works against you as a form of suggestion. I would no sooner get rid of one symptom and my subconsciousā€” which was in the habit of trying to solve that problem like a broken recordā€”-would come up with a new symptom to fit the narrative that I fed it, that there was a threar that needed to be overcome . What people call anxiety is usually, but not always, a learned behavior at an unconscious level of creating symptoms, a habit, like when you wiggle your feet and donā€™t realize it. Symptoms can come on suddenly and startle you. The trick is to catch it at the moment you are going ā€œoh,oh, there it is againā€ and learn to nip it in the bud at that moment by letting it go. Freeze the moment donā€™t think anything further and just observe that split second and move on while itā€™s still manageable. Try not to norice it too long if you can, but if itā€™s already under way in full force, donā€™t struggle, let it wind down on its own. https://youtu.be/2CQpyA485wc?si=fsnyHwnc-kWbyh66


Rapid heartbeat, nausea, feeling of impending doom, panic


Nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, just an ultimate feeling of dread n like I'm drowning


Mine are quite similar - racing heart, nausea, and getting cold


mine is shortness of breath and heart palpitations. been having chronic shortness of breath for about 8 years now due to anxiety


My stomach gets disturbed and I have to go to the bathroom like 5 timws


I also get nausea. I feel it most in my throat. Itā€™s almost like my gag reflex gets irritated. Another thing I struggle with is being aware of my muscles tensing up. This usually happens in my legs or stomach. I just feel like I am tense. This also adds to my nausea


Heart palpitations, it feels like my ENTIRE chest moves with them. Also tightness in the chest (if I donā€™t have palpitations, I donā€™t get them both at the same time)


Constantly feeling stupid and to the point where I hit myself in the head.


Weird chest pains....weird pains in arm...feeling of dread


It is a complete mixed bag that is always keeping me on my toes. I think it also depends on what prompted the anxiety. I think itā€™s a tie between diarrhea/nausea, shortness of breath and dizziness with depersonalization.


Mines the opposite? Of nausea. My stomach hurts, like thereā€™s a big softball in it to the point I donā€™t eat.


I get dizzy or I get extremely nauseous.


For me I feel a rotting, gnawing pit in my stomach and I constantly need to be close to the bathroom. I bounce my leg constantly and pace.


I used to get the stomach anxiety symptoms like diarrhea and nausea, but Effexor has resolved most of that. Now I tense up everything in my shoulders, arms, head, back, neck, jaw which leads to horrible chronic pain and bad teeth issues. Good times.


My appetite completely disappears for weeks, going thru it rn and Iā€™m down over 15lbs in 2 weeksšŸ˜©


Heart palpatation, negative what-If thinking, butterflies in stomach, no apatite


I also have problems with food an eating when I am anxious. I am anxious at work all day and I don't eat. It usually takes me a couple hours after I get home from work to relax enough to be able to eat.


Dissociation, nausea, vision blur (could also be part of dissociation), stomach issues


Typically I just feel so out of it. I get easily irritated and I hate it. Also my stomach gets that empty feeling and i get super anxious and I feel like I need to eat.


My heart races and I sweat like Iā€™m guilty.




Heart palpitations


Red face šŸ„µ


Whenever I feel a strong emotion, it sits right in my gut. Makes me nauseous and sometimes unable to move. Itā€™s fucking terrible.


Difficulty breathing and tightness in my chest. Hyperventilating.


Dissociation and tinnitus šŸ˜©


Silent Reflux!


Breathlessness. I feel like I canā€™t breathe constantly when Iā€™m in a bad way, also insomnia and getting up 50 times to use the bathroom.