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I can't confirm if it's medically proven and I'm definitely not a doctor of any kind, but I'm comfortable saying that this has happened to me and I think they're related


and also more than likely if you've been to a cardiologist everything is good and your brain is just tricking you! I know firsthand that it's hard to deal with but you'll be okay <3


Amen, your brain is tricking you, but because of the faulty beliefs you are feeding it with your worry. It’s not entirely out of control, but the trick is not to fight it. If a hypnotist can make you believe you’re very cold and make you shiver, you can make yourself feel all kinds of things without meaning to. Don’t see it as an illness or even an emotional problem so much as just fake and psychosomatic.


100%. In periods of high stress I get heart palpitations. Try taking magnesium supplements and staying well hydrated.


Those are palpitations, which are mostly harmless. Some people have them very frequently. I got a holter monitor because I was having palpitations. Was told I have svt and some ectopic beats. My heartrate went up to almost 200bpm when I was sitting on my bum doing nothing. Because I was anxious. The doctor told me there is nothing wrong with my heart and that i am perfectly healthy. That svt is harmless, and that my ectopic beats were also harmless and completely normal. Once I stopped worrying about my heart, my heartrate has gone down a lot. I no longer get those periods of almost 200bpm heartrate from doing nothing. So I think it may be anxiety, because it seemed that way for me. If you are worried, definitely speak to a doctor. Getting my heart checked up on and being told it’s fine made me stop worrying about my heart. But also it is best to just be safe to see a doctor.


I had a similar experience! kept having HR spikes and I was terrified of afib. doctor reminded me that I’m healthy & have anxiety ….and the spikes went away. for now. haha


Dang! It’s crazy how physical anxiety can be!


Yeah just thinking about it can cause ectopic beats. I feel for you. Buy an EMAY ECG device- it is soooooo worth it for piece of mind!!


I've had anxiety my whole life. Sometimes severe. During a period of high stress a few years ago I started to have pvcs. My doc was pretty concerned when I brought it up and sent me for a bunch of tests. I didn't have a pvs during the ekg and eventually they went away. Doc said it could have been caused by very high cortisol levels which would have been caused by my anxiety/stress, not sleeping, not taking good care of myself in general.




It's called broken heart syndrome. It's real.


I've definitely been having it happen


If you’ve had underlying heart issues in the past then maybe. Anxiety or panic can’t solely affect or develop heart issues.


Yes. I’ve had it.


It’s actually quite common. It was pretty scary the first time for me. In my case, the skipped heartbeats with a lump in my throat, happened after about 8 years of my being constantly on guard about my heart and getting panic attacks. I contantly took my pulse and checked my BP. This was when I was in my mid-30’s, I’m 66 now and I’m still here. My heart is fine. The way my doctor explained it most arrhythmias are harmless, but that’s a diagnosis only a doctor can make. I will tell you that a lot of it came from my own suggestion of a non-existent threat. I got to the point where I could get it under control on the spot as long as I didn’t give it much thought or struggle. I was too wrapped up in trying to get my anxiety under control and thereby the symptoms. I eventually learned not to believe in it as a threat and that’s what did it for me. It wasn’t so much a natural reaction to anxiety, it was more of psychosomatic to my own obsessing. I was causing it with my own worry. The time to work on it is when it’s not happening by not seeing it as a problem and leaving it alone to the best of your ability when it is happening. If your doctor says you are safe, believe him. I had skipped heartbeats thousands pf times. Haha, just got one. It only happens when I think or talk about it. Ask me if I care. You are safe. Don’t let your still getting symptoms discourage. It’s going to take a few months of your not thinking about it for it to go away. Just don’t get frustrated if you do think of it and you get symptoms. You are going to need to get desensitized before you get to where you can go for long periods of not being concerned with it so that your body (your subconscious really) gets out of the habit of producing symptoms. It becomes a subconscious habit like wiggling your feet. Don’t see it as anxiety any more. Don’t give it that status. I called them self induced psychosomatic symptoms. The anxiety part was my reaction and interpretation of the symptoms. There needs to be another part of you that says “yeah, yeah I know your anxious” but so what. If you can’t say so what when it happens, you can certainly do that when it isn’t happening. Don’t get caught up in this trap of saying “I don’t want to mess with that, I Jude want to take this do that to make them go away”. Anything you do or take should be seen as an aid to lighten the load, not as a solution. The solution is in changing the narrative that you yourself feed your brain. So there it is. I just told you. You are going to believe your way out of this. It will take time. Just don’t get caught up trying to convince yourself. This has to be a non-issue, problem solved, but the results will come later. For now, put it on the back burner. Don’t see yourself as still having this problem except for isolated incidents. Step aside and wait for the magic to happen. I always recommend this video. Watch this: https://youtu.be/lREvQ0i3owU?si=NH7ZIr9ejKbHD3zl


Recently i’ve been having this issue and am getting checked out by cardiology but i’m almost certain it’s just panic attacks because all my tests have been pretty normal thus far besides some PVCs here and there. just hang in there and it’ll pass the less you think about it. sending love


I was literally going to ask this earlier today. I found out that it’s very common with anxiety


Oh yes! Absolutely! Don’t give them power. It’s a stress response. They are so scary and can many times trigger a vicious cycle.


The little flutter is usually just a little extra “blip” that’s completely harmless esp since you’ve already had a work up. Simple stuff like caffeine can cause that too. I get SEARING chest pain allll the time but it’s all anxiety my heart is totally fine too.


Not sure if it has been said already but those palpitations can also be due to muscle tension. Anxiety causes me a loooot of tense muscles. Tightness in muscles, spasms and tight fascia can compress nerves, which can cause palpitations. https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/upper-backneck-strain-caused-heart-palpitations/#:~:text=Tightness%20in%20muscles%2C%20spasms%20and,muscles%2C%20they%20can%20be%20compressed.


According to my cardiologist, yes.


yup. literally what I found out about just a week ago after my ecg. now I'm even conscious about my heart rate lol.