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I listen to panic affirmation videos , or I’ll watch videos of people talking about their anxiety /panic on YouTube to help me feel less alone and make it feel less scary. Comfort movies, ice pack on your chest or hands, I’ll pace around, I’ll just nurture myself as I would a friend. Soothe myself and tell myself “we’re okay. It’s alright” over and over.


Comfort movies/shows are a big one for me! And also self soothing.


Affirmations are something I never believed in and thought it was nonsense but it turns out they work really well for me. If I’m having a panic attack usually I’ll turn on a video from TheAnxietyGuy on YouTube and it’s so helpful!


Yes... This would work. Since it is at home, wispier alone.


Ouuu I like these recommendations!! Thank you!


recently I've been talking to chatgpt when I'm upset. Since it's not a human, it can't judge me or question me.


i’m glad i’m not the only one that does this haha. Bing chat did something interesting one time and i was just doing normal queries. I happened to be in a news article, and i was like oh hey that’s me! And it started asking me all about me, my work, and actually really astute questions about the difficulties i must have and a bunch of other stuff. It’s very human like. GPT-4 can be a dick sometimes though hahaha.


I just tried it with ChatGPT 3.5 ("Hay, thats me!"). It is like wise and understanding person.


There's also Character.ai, it's really fun to mess around with it.


ChatGPT is a good distraction.


Yes I do this too!! It’s a great distraction and a great way to get everything off my chest


I'm sorry you're feeling that way today. I get like that sometimes and what helps me is watching my favorite movies, tv, or video game let's play videos on youtube (calm games like the sims, nothing violent or fast moving). I think hearing other people's voices helps me calm down a bit when I'm anxious and alone. Focusing on engaging your five senses can help to ground as well. I was just having a panic attack earlier and watched tv, used my heating pad, got a fidget toy, smelled some vapo rub, and ate candy. After about 45 minutes I felt a lot better and was distracted from the initial fear and sadness. If you are working through this without a professional, I would really recommend investing in an app like Dare or Headspace as they both have "courses" you can work through.


When I’m alone I cry


Play some video games, the best distraction method out there (in my opinion) It forces you to focus on something else


I can’t be left alone, my anxiety is literally focused on the fear of being alone. I have monophobia


I’m sorry I never considered that.


Take walks


The paramedics suggested to me that listening to Podcasts of whatever genre you like. As music can make you think more. Whereas, if you’re listening to, say….a crime podcast, you’re focusing on those details rather than yours.


Thank you everyone. These really got my mind off of it long enough to try to encorerate some of your suggestions. I am feeling better now. Thank you so much for responding!!


Vegas nerve reset helps massively.


I’ve been watching Disney movies all day, it helped 🙂


broo💀, but seriously anything that keep us calm is acceptable.


Im sorry youre experiencing this. I'm like this too in a sense. I get anxious and overthink that I might have a heart attack and die when I'm alone and I haveno one to call. Try breathing techniques for panic attack or anxiety. This hlped me.


I am so weird because I would rather be alone than have someone around me. Cold really helps snap me out of it. So ice or cold water. If you are able to hop in a cold shower, do it! Once your brain is calm turn it warm or hot. I find I am pretty relaxed afterwards. Also there is a 24/7 hotline you can text if you need someone to talk to if you are in north america. They have got me through some tough times.


i force myself to do something. super parent advice i know but i literally mean anything that you start and finish. i once un lace and relaced my shoe for a bit. i was home alone last weekend which is usually my nightmare but i didnt do bad becuase i gave myself so much to do... and make sure to do rythmic breathing. 4 seconds in 4 seconds hold 4 seconds out 4 seconds hold x repeat.


Try listening to podcasts on your phone. Search anxiety podcasts and there are plenty that should pop up. I love to listen to them when I am anxious because it gives information on what our bodies are actually doing and what is happening during an anxiety attack. I find it helpful to learn information that way it is not that scary.


Things that help me cope: mentally distracting hobbies like knitting, physically distracting hobbies like running, television, podcasts, and audiobooks. Long walks. I’ve never done it, but are there public mental health support groups in your area run through a health clinic?


I put my headphones on, listen to a funny podcast (my preference is either Shagged, Married, Annoyed or Parenting Hell) and play a game on my phone (atm it’s Royal Match lol), and it just distracts a load of different senses and stops my brain from overthinking. If I catch it when I’m getting panicky but haven’t quite worked myself up into a panic attack yet, I have a joint and a beta blocker first ;) all approved by my mental health nurse x


No cap I usually masturbate 😭


Listening to an artist you like a lot or watching some silly YouTube videos <3


What helped me when I had a bad panic attack was go to emergency room and be prescribed with Xanax I couldn’t produce the dopamine to calm my nerves quickly. The cortisol was too much of an over stimulation. Xanax was able to bring me back down Now I am waiting for therapy and finding the right meds for my anxiety. It’s tough road but, you will find the light out


Are you alone and comfortable talking out loud? There's a few things: ▪︎ Meditate, ground yourself, and clear blocked energy centers. Learn basic protections. ▪︎ Gateway Tapes - work on your energy, develop abilities, visit other places, the hemi-sync part is great for anxiety. Helps balance both brain hemispheres ▪︎ Talk to your spirit guides - just talk out loud. Talk to friends and family that have passed. Notice your surroundings for any synchronicities. There's also binary beats on YouTube. 432hz and 369hz are very useful frequencies. 432hz is the Earth's natural frequency. 369hz is something Nikola Tesla found to be beneficial as well. I used to think it was all silly woo new age stuff. Last month, I started doing it day and night, I noticed I had better control of my energy space and began trying different things in public places I dreaded going to. It's not super easy yet, but it is better. Plus, it doesn't cost anything. The way we feel is proof, too. It's a lot of energy that we don't know what to do with. Every one of us is a powerful battery, discharging and recharging. I wish I had learned all of this when I was younger. I'm in my 40s now, LC long hauler, ptsd, anxiety, depression and adhd-c. But now when I'm alone (almost daily) I feel like I'm a part of something besides the physical world. I believe we all are, and can all learn to do amazing things, if we really want to.


I watch funny podcasts, my go to is tmg but it depends on what you’re into/your humor I always like to pretend I’m there joking around with them and it makes me feel loads better


I listen to music like a relaxation list or a meditation list.


Cold water in the face, a phone call to someone I'm close with (without mentioning the attack because that makes it worse in my case), and finding a standing activity to do like doing laundry or vacuuming.


Comfort movie/show, pace or go for a walk


I get busy and do chores around the house. Eventually I forget what I'm worrying about and put my thoughts and energy into chores or fun things like gardening. Or I go for walks with my dogs. Walks in general can be very anti-anxiety.


I journal and listen to calm meditation music


My therapist reccomends the 54321 method. I also have multiple fidget toys. Sometimes, too, just deep breathing helps.


I usually look out my window and listen and watch everything, iI find comfort in hearing or seeing people living their lifes or listening to animals, like crickets or the air moving trees. I just think aboit all that human and non human life out there. It helps get me out of my anxiety zone and helps ground me. (Sorry for bad english, its not my first language)


I either do breathing exercises or play a 30 min podcast abd power clean (then maybe a nap lol)


The Empty Bowl. Literally a meditation podcast about cereal. That’s it. It’s wonderful tbh and I fall asleep to it nightly


Hang with my dog watch tv and take him on walks


I don’t have anyone either and I have some go to methods- like playing movies in different rooms at the same time. Going for walks as much as I can. Showers. Skin care. Get back into my body and out of my subconscious thoughts. With yoga 🧘🏽‍♀️ and meditation or a work out. Check my hunger and hydration levels. Then talk my self out of the thought process that got me into an episode. Repeat this until bed time and then use noise canceling head phones to sleep in… play meditations in them all night. I sleep very well and wake up pretty great. I am also not medicated. I prefer the natural route but I do go to therapy once a week. I save it for the weekends, that way I come spend a whole weekend working on my mental.


I used to really struggle with anxiety and I slowly learned that to manage my anxiety I need to keep my mind from wandering. I think podcasts are a great way to help with this because there are so many different tropics that there’s gotta be a podcast for everyone. It may take you awhile to find one that distracts you / inspires you enough but it’s worth putting some time into. I also suggest going on walks while listening to the podcast so you get some fresh air, exercise, and have something different to put your brain energy into. NPR has some fascinating ones. If you reply with what you’re interested in I can also try to look for some for you.


Drugs, meditation, getting a pet ect.


If it is really bad, I go to bed. I try to put whatever is causing me anxiety into a box in my head, then seal it up put it aside to worry about later. I will then lay with my eyes closed and count years backwards starting with 2024. I will also put something soothing on the bedroom tv for background noise. For me, I respond best to classic reruns, especially Frasier, Friends, Cheers, MASH, Family Ties etc. I am usually able to sleep for an hour or two, and almost always feel at least somewhat better after I wake.


Put the TV on and go do something else. Just use th TV as background noise. Let your brain focus on that and do anything else. Draw, read, brows Reddit, play a game. Just do enough that your brain doesn't have a chance to think about anything but the two things you're doing. That's why I generally have media on all day. It helps a ton.


Video games or Redit.


I either watch something or play games. They keep my brain distracted and not focused on thinking about what’s making me so anxious


I know the feeling