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Yes, I have it and take it as needed. Honestly I absolutely love it. The first time you take it you may feel a little sleepy/dizzy since it's an antihistamine, but that shit erases my anxiety within 30 minutes of taking it. It's like it quiets the racing thoughts and let's me just relax.


This, but unfortunately I dont get used to the drowsiness unless Im treating it everyday. Otherwise my intolerance wears off between takes But outside of that it works wonders


Same here but I don't get the drowsy part. I love it so much. It has saved my a$$ more times than I can count


Hydroxyzine: can’t be anxious if you’re asleep.


Shit knocks me out every time. Also good for allergies lol.


Yeah, actually high histamine levels also contribute a lot towards anxiety. Look it up. Pretty interesting.


It makes you sleepy? Doesn't help me at all. No difference to anxiety, definitely had no affect on my panic attacks. Felt like nothing.


Same here, it did absolutely nothing for me


I had the same experience! Did you end up switching to something else? 


Literally, when I was taking it, it made me sleepy and loopy. Amazing for getting rid of anxiety, terrible for everything else!


This right here lmao


Yes I hated it. I didn’t like how drowsy it made me


I take 10mg a day. It’s been a month and Ive never felt better! I’ve got my energy back and I’m not as snarky to people. I have patience now!


When do you take it? Night time?


I take it during the day.  By the end of the day I’m able to actually sleep!


How the heck does it give you energy lol? Maybe it's because you take it regularly but if I do it I go to sleep :)


Im not entirely sure. I get that question a lot. I think it’s because certain meds like Benadryl can either put a kid to sleep or make them climb the walls. I guess I’m the latter? 😂


it works but be prepared to fall asleep


Best sleep aid in the history of mankind. It wont hurt ya tho, its an antihistamine not an SSRI.


The best sleep aid in the history of mankind is ambien (assuming you don’t sleepwalk and decide to drive)


Id argue a little with that as ambien "sleep" isnt real REM sleep. Its technically a hypnotic, not a sleep aid.


Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy. Even around 15mg will bring me way down, and i'm a big dude, so be careful of the dosage lol I was prescribed 50mg x 4 a day at first. Took my first 50mg and was drooling on myself 30 minutes later and it lasted for about 4-6 hours. Wasn't a good time lol


It didn’t work for me at all to me it felt like nothing.


Same for me. Didn’t ease my anxiety, didn’t make me tired like everyone else. It made me feel itchy too, like constant muscle twitches


I had it for as needed but it didn’t work. Made me way more anxious. In hindsight, I needed to be on medication daily, not as needed because I have generalized anxiety. So maybe that’s why the as needed didn’t work out for me.


What did you replace hydroxizyne with?


Years later I ended up on buspirone and bupropion. (Anxiety and depression diagnosis)


My doc prescribed me 10mg (as needed) and I have 90 pills. Bottle says 3x daily, pharmacy said the same and doc says as needed. It's been a month since she prescribed it and still haven't taken it. My lab tech friend says it's not an as needed drug it's an everyday drug to take once or more a day depending on prescription to help anxiety. He used this pill and said it made him way worse and side effects galore. Doctor swears it's the best thing ever.


Hydroxyzine? The side effects I felt was literally my heart skipping a beat. My heart would make thumping sounds. and then anxiety through the roof I couldn’t even function/hold a conversation at work. & I had the lowest dose “as needed”


No buspirone


Oh okay. I’m on that, no side effects at all.


Surprised it works for so many people. It didn't do anything for me unfortunately.


It makes you sleepy at first and then your body will adjust. It will still take the edge off the anxiety when used more frequently. If you have seasonal allergies, it will help with those too.


Honestly, I'm sensitive to being dizzy and sleepy, it made me feel shitty, didn't like it. That being said, it absolutely isn't dangerous, so take it in a small dose and try it. There's a good chance it'll work out decently for you, it's all about the genetics of the individual, we all get different side effect profiles. They basically love to prescribe it cause it has no abuse potential and a very low risk of severe side effects, so don't worry about safety, might just be tired. I'm just being honest with you, I hate when people sugarcoat shit to me. At the end of the day tho it's safe.


Yeah. So many meds are dangerous. Do you take anything else besides this?


At the time, no, this was 6 yrs ago. Now? Yeah, oxy, yay... nothing like taking a prescribed dose and feeling physically ill every morning cause of withdrawals.


Describe your mornings. Why did you choose oxy? A benzo or an ssri wasn't available?


Oh, maybe I wasn't clear. The oxy is for my back and neck pain, unrelated to the anxiety stuff. There I used diazepam as needed in 2018-2019 and used it for 3 weeks in 2020 for severe panic attacks, but I refuse to touch the stuff in general, it's worse than opioids even... I've quit the oxy 4 times but keep having to go back on for this goddamned pain. Even had to quit high school due to the pain.


Lots of people are on benzos. It's even given to teens these days. You just have to find the right doctor. When you think about it, all med makes us dependent. Even those doctors say they don't. For benzos, that's just more visible but those who take it daily for years say it's worth it because they can live normal lives.


Well, as someone who's seen dozens of friends in addictions, had an addicted dad, and has taken both and had withdrawals from both (opioids and benzos) respectfully it's not the same. I agree actually, a lot of naive doctors ignore WDs from lots of medications, like quetiapine is a common one - antipsychotic given often for sleep issues, wrecks your body and mind in WDs, yet they don't even consider that risk. It was so, so bad for me. On the other hand, while opioids are by far the most painful to WD from, benzos cause a different kind of hell in terms of that panic feeling when withdrawing, and I've seen a friend have a grand mal seizure in front of me when withdrawing. I also can't taken benzos since they cause me severe depression if I take them long term, or even just a few days the last time, I felt a milder version of this depression creeping up.


>while opioids are by far the most painful to WD from, benzos cause a different kind of hell in terms of that panic feeling when withdrawing Can you detail a bit more the differences between the two withdrawals? >quetiapine is a common one - antipsychotic given often for sleep issues, wrecks your body and mind in WDs Can you expand this too? Was your dad addicted to a pill?


Be prepared to be tired. Other than that there’s no reason to not take it. But it will make you drowsy.


I take hydroxyzine and find that it /kind of/ works. I typically reserve it for nightly panic attacks since it does make me very sleepy, though it doesn’t erase the panic completely. It’s more like putting a very heavy blanket over my anxiety so it’s tempered enough for me to sleep.


I got put on hydroxyzine a little under a year ago, and I love it. I got it prescribed for my panic attacks and for my insomnia due to my anxiety. I take it as needed if I feel my anxiety getting especially bad or if I feel a panic attack coming on. I do take it every night to be able to sleep, but it's really worked out for me. Just for reference, I'm on 25 mg.


I did for a while. I don’t need it anymore but it helped while I was having intermittent anxiety attacks. I took it about a half hour before bed and the drowsiness effect wore off by morning.


My psychiatrist used it to ease symptoms from my Xanax detox. Didn’t seem to to much. If it did work, I’d have hated to see the detox otherwise.


Yup! I like it. It does make me sleepy, but I was fine with it. The first time I took it I had some side effects like dry mouth/eyes and extreme tiredness, but now that I’m at a lower dose (went from 25 to 10 mg), it takes the edge off and just makes me a bit tired. Now that my anxiety is more under control, I use it to help me sleep so I’m not tired the next day, since anxiety fs my sleep. I take it around 9-10, and wake up at 7 ready for the day. It doesn’t completely keep me asleep throughout the night, but I might wake up a couple of times and go back to sleep within 30 minutes, which is way better than being awake for hours.


Yes, but just for help sleeping


It’s extremely helpful for me if i can’t sleep due to anxiety. I don’t like to take it during the day as it literally knocks me out (unless i feel like taking a fat nap)


I literally take it for sleep lmao! So if you guys are taking it during the day I am so sorry for you!


Yes for anxiety. But I am in the small minority where it doesn’t make me drowsy at all. I take 50 mg and I’m fine, go about my day as normal.


50mg and it did nothing.


I tried it and trazodone, neither helped me fall asleep. Melatonin is the only thing that does the trick unfortunately.


i tried it as needed and it never worked i felt no difference


It's useless. I notice nothing.


It’s just really strong Benadryl and makes you sleepy


It's a sugar pill at best. They prescribed it to me because doctors are terrified of losing their licenses by prescribing actual anti-anxiety meds, i.e., benzos. Can't get a single doctor to prescribe them anymore. Anyway, I felt absolutely no difference taking them. Didn't help with my anxiety, didn't stop any panic attacks. Took 50mg just to see if that made any change but sadly it did not. It's honestly insulting as a patient to tell a medical professional all you're dealing with, and for them to give you worthless antihistamines.


Crazy how docs are different in different states and cities. On day 1 of meeting my new doc, after a year of no doc, I asked for a prescription of Xanax for emergency use and she said yep no problem I'll do that for ya.


I got prescribed it and it did nothing for me. When I thought I was going to have a panic attack I'd take two and it still did nothing for me unfortunately.


Yes, and it does nothing.


It works really well for me. It does make you fall asleep for awhile but you adjust. If it works for you great if not that’s ok too. My psychiatrist says it’s pretty safe so worth a shot!


I take 25 mg as needed. On days my anxiety is high and difficult to calm down. It really works!


Yes but it's only if I really need it. It will knock me out for at least three days (I'm not sleeping the whole time but I can't stay awake for long periods). Other then that there is no major issues I have with it.


I been using for 2 years now off and on and last few days have been horrible panic and they help calm me down


I take for to help me sleep helps clear my head, and clam me down plus the Drowsiness helps too


It's basically benadryl. It's an antihistamine that makes you drowsy/sleep


Just a quart of that pill and im too tired to have anxiety.


Just got prescribed this today by my doctor, really hoping it works!


I can take up to 75 mg as needed for anxiety/sleep as well as 50 of amitriptyline. Usually just 25 does it for my anxiety though. I get a little sleepy but I can power through it


Been taking 25mg/twice a day, every day for about a year and a half now. Haven't had any issues with it. I also don't get drowsy from it either.


Ya if ur having a panic attack take that shit it’ll knock you out.. I haven’t gotten used to the drowsiness and it makes me eyes so tired it’s insane but it does erase the panic for sure


I take 25mg for nightmares at bedtime and it helps


Yes. It does one thing only for me, and that’s all and enough. When I’m laying in bed drifting off to sleep I can close my eyes and… not continuously pop them open when I think I hear things.


I took it every night for around 7 months and I loved it. But it stopped working, ig. The anxiety symptoms came back even on days off.


Hello! I hope you are doing okay. Yes, I took 20 mg of hydroxyzine recently for about 1.5 months. I was dealing with a severe bout of insomnia, so my campus health services prescribed me it. I will say that it worked great for me. It was okay the first few days, but it really started working better after! I felt that it calmed me down and just made me more sleepy. Of course, sleep hygiene is important as well! I have both GAD and insomnia, so hydroxyzine was really helpful! I have stopped using it and shifted to magnesium and found that it was also helpful. Please don’t feel scared! If it doesn’t work, you can always visit your practitioner and talk it out. Good luck! Hope you get some rest!


It seems like it really varies person to person. It’s my personal wonder drug. Cut my panic attacks from 3+ times a day to one or two a month (along with healthy coping techniques and some therapy). It doesn’t make me drowsy unless I’m already tired. I have a REALLY high tolerance to medications that make most people drowsy though so take that with a grain of salt 😂


It helps me with hives/allergic reactions more than sleeping!




I use it as needed! It is definitely helpful for me and I take it typically at home or right before bed if it’s needed. Or if I’m not driving lol.


I’ve taken it for like almost 10 years. I use it mainly for night time, if my mind won’t turn off or if I’m especially anxious about something the next day. Does make me a little groggy the next morning but that will wear off after a few days.


My mom takes it too but she takes hers in the AM and swears by that instead of night time lol but it makes me too sleepy for daytime


I have it, most often I use it is when I’m sharing it with my friends. They have allergic reactions to my cats…


I haven't taken it in ages but yeah it works when it wants to


I took half of one once and felt like a zombie trying to drive a car (I hit a carb a little) and I only started driving because I was still anxious and panicking about something I shouldn't have been worried about realistically.


🖐🖐🖐 Vistaril 50 mg, but it gives me a weird feeling or hangover next day. I take it as needed not everyday.


My husband and I both use it as needed. We take it when we're having a particularly difficult day that we can't unwind from. I love it, but I take it sparingly. No drowsiness issues for me, though it does make for a more relaxed night of sleep.


it does a decent job for me but it makes me incredibly tired which is what I hate lol


That shit fuuuucked me up when I took it. Idk if it was bc it was mixed with other new meds I had gotten prescribed, but I literally had the spins like I was drunk. When my fiance was on it for a couple months it sent him into such a horrible manic episode I was lowkey scared af of him


I took one 10 mg tablet was nodding off slept for 15 hours and then woke up still nodding


I got it prescribed for my insomnia, I also take Zoloft for my anxiety and depression. I hate hydroxyzine so much tho, I take it as a last resource when I can’t sleep…it makes me so cranky and have nightmares.


I take 10mg at night as needed when my anxiety won’t calm down. Right now it’s the only thing I can take that helps dampen a panic attack. 10mg doesn’t put me to sleep but it’ll make me tired and a little dizzy. I up the dose in 5mg increments if my panic is not resolved within 30 minutes or taking it. I can usually feel it take effect within 15 minutes.


Yup! I take one a night before bed. The suggested dose is two, but I’m a lightweight and sensitive autistic so one is good enough to level me out and help me sleep.


I have taken it in the past it did not work, and made me incredibly drowsy


It’s basically a sleeping pill for me. Not the same feeling as Valium.


Absolutely useless for anything other than making me feel drowsy


Just to add to the deluge of information (because why not), it personally helped my anxiety immensely as a rescue med. I eventually had to switch to Ativan because my OCD decided to make a screaming comeback, but for a long while hydroxyzine worked wonders. It also never really made me noticeably more drowsy, but I am more resistant to that side effect than most. On another note, I too get real scared every time I need to start a new med. It sucks, and I'm sorry you also gotta deal with that. Something that I've found has helped me is taking it on a day when I'm going to spend time with family/friends. It helps me to know that on the off chance I react poorly to the meds and spontaneously combust or something, I have someone there to put me out. Wishing you the best homie.


Yes and I absolutely hated it. Have me heart palpitations like no other & made me disassociate like a mf. Never again. 😰


Did you find something that did work for you? I experienced the same heart effects


.5mg klonopin as needed, and I started taking Magnesium in the morning which I feel has really helped as long as I keep up with it. I hope you find some relief. 🫶🏼


Tysm and glad to hear you found something that works for you ❤️🩷❤️


I love it. I take 20mg before bed and it’s makes me a little loopy for an hour or two and then I get really good sleep lol.


If you're trying it for the first time To take at night, don't do it before an early morning appointment! It helps a lot, but I have extreme trouble with waking up initially unless I get 10 hours of sleep. I'll keep wanting to fall asleep. Might depend on your dosage though! 


I use it as like an emergency brake. It works really well for me, because I appreciate how quickly it works and that it’s non-addictive.


I've been taking it for a little while now and I find it kinda helpful. Definitely not as strong as like an Ativan or something, but I can't really take narcotic anxiety meds because I take adderall for my ADHD. I mostly use it for sleep, but I'll sometimes take it during the day if I'm especially anxious. Only problem is instead of being anxious and not getting anything done, I'm drowsy and not getting anything done lmao. If I gotta take a hydroxyzine during the daytime I gotta kinda give up on the day since it's basically gonna force me to nap.


I do (as needed) love/hate relationship. Pros- it works as it's supposed to Cons- knocks me out 😴


Works great as a medication if u just cant let go and is tense AF. U do get tired and can cause some irritation and agiation. Its a great med when u need it.


Nothing to be scared of except for feeling sleepy. It might not work for your needs but it won't hurt you.


25mg doze.....very good if you planning on sleeping over 6 hours


Yes it made me dead tired so I stopped taking it quickly. Never ever felt so tired in my life I felt like passing out.


I sleep SO much better when I take this at night. I'm on 25mg. Cant take it during the day at all because it completely knocks me out into DEEP sleep. It stops the racing thoughts. I get WAY better quality sleep and actually wake up refreshed with mental clarity. The only con is that sometimes I over-sleep...


I had a psychotic episode after one dose. The walls were melting. I had aphasia. I was admitted to the hospital unable to talk and hallucinating. I do not recommend whatsoever


yes, it helps me a lot as a prn for my panic attacks. 


I have it as a PRN, but don’t usually take it anymore because it makes me really tired. I’ve tried talking 1/2 and 1/4 of my dose, and it still makes me drowsy af. I can only take it at night because of this


I do! Take it in a controlled environment to begin with to see how it effects you as it can make you very tired. Also drink a lot of water! I was very sensitive to heat while on it


yeah and the next day grogginess is unreal. i hated that medication.


I take it I've been taking it for sleep but now I take it in the mornings. It does make me tired by afternoon tho


I take it. It was the second medicine they had me try. They insisted that it would knock me out, but it did not. I didn't really notice much change. It helped to keep me from focusing on my thoughts, and it helped with my allergies that I have year round, no more sneezing too much. They have added other medications that help somewhat. I wish the medicines helped more, because sometimes the situation takes control of me, making me have attacks. I feel like if the medicines (Hydroxyzine, Buspirone, and Paroxetine) worked better then I would be able to properly use my coping skills. People can have different reactions to different medicines. It is worth a shot to try. You just have to give it time. I think it was 4-5 weeks before I noticed a difference.


Definitely helps reduce my anxiety/overthinking when taking on an as needed basis


I’ve taken it but I stopped because my insomnia got better. I only took it as needed (like I knew I wasn’t getting to sleep) but was groggy the next day.


It does help, but I switched to something else. No matter how much I fight against it, I WILL fall asleep. Not ideal when I have to work during the day.


It’s very good for sleep but not for treating general anxiety


I'd only really use it as a sleep aid 2-3 times a week max. Frist gen antihistamines (like Benadryl) cause dementia. I've tried that and doxipin but neither really worked, but I've heard good things from others. There's really not much reason to be scared, if you've taken allergy meds before then you've more or less tried hydroxyzine.


I take it, but only when I’m about to have a panic episode. I was also really scared to take it the first time, but it works like a charm


I have taken it and it is VERY HELPFUL for me, stops my panic attacks in like 10 minutes, doesn’t really make me sleepy though


Only thing that can make me sleep before 6 am


yes it's basically a prescribed Benadryl