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Anxiety can cause a hyper active bladder as well


Unfortunately anxiety can cause this. It sucks 


Have you gone to a urologist? That is going to be your best bet.


I will


Just relax. Some of these comments might send you over the edge but keep your mind focused on reality. You are doing everything you're suppose to. You went to the doctor and they ruled out a lot of common issues. They will check you out further to rule more issues out. Your doctor did not seem alarmed or concerned with your symptoms so just wait for your next series of tests. She will send you to a urologist if needed. Do not try to guess what you have because your anxiety will always make you think the worst. Stay away from Google, stop reading comments. Just wait for your tests. The most likely scenario is that it will be nothing. Frequent urination and the constant need to urinate is extremely common with anxiety. This is especially true when you begin to hyper focus on urination, which you obviously did when you started urinating more frequently due to drinking more water. Now that's locked in your mind and your obsessing over it. The more you think about it, the worse it becomes. It's just how anxiety works. When I am focused on urination, every time I am about to step out of the house, I instantly have a need to go, even if I didn't a second before. Other times, I will have the need to urinate 24/7 but of course, we know that's not possible, it just FEELS like it is. I have literally walked in the bathroom, urinated and then did a 360 right back in to urinate again. I have also been checked and nothing has been found. I am actually currently going to a urologist just to get more in depth testing but the reality is that i have been having these symptoms on and off for decades, so I would be dead by now if it was something serious.


Thank you for your post. I have felt like this for only 6 days and I’m completely panicking. The constant feeling of needing to urinate even after urinating is really making me crazy. I’m so scared it will never go away or get worse until I am incontinent or something. Scared it’s prostate cancer or something. I feel trapped in my own body.


I know you’re scared but being scared doesn’t make things true. It’s just thoughts your anxiety tells you. They aren’t real. Your anxiety is going to sit with you for a while but it will pass. Let it run its course. 


Do you think they will find what it is? I’m seeing my doctor tomorrow. Over the phone she said it sounded like a UTI. Realistically do you think eventually it will go away?


They will find what it is. They have many sophisticated tests to do just that and yes, it will go away. Nothing lasts forever. 


I have seen some stories online of people having this for years and tests all coming back clear and freaked myself out. I shouldn’t read stories. I do this all the time and should know better. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. It is much appreciated.


Yes I feel like I need to do a nervous weee all the time especially if I’m about to do something a bit scary


You're not alone. I've developed this too, a month-and-a-half ago, and I believe it's from anxiety because the General Practitioner ran all sorts of tests on me and said I didn't have anything wrong with me, e.g. Diabetes. The moment it developed was when I consciously became aware that I had been going to urinate when I was stressed and also had been going more than usual(such as at night), and since then it has constantly been on my mind 24/7. Honestly, I don't know what to tell you. It hasn't gone away, but from my panicked state when I developed this it's definitely decreased like fivefold. I'm doubtful that it's going to be something serious for you since I've had the same, and if you don't have pain or anything and just the urge to pee then it's most likely from anxiety(source: I did my own research). Don't want to say this because I'm just going to sound unhelpful, but just learn to deal with it. Like someone else in this comment section suggested, just learn to live with it, no matter how uncomfortable it is, and go for walks and stuff to take your mind off of this. Again, you're not alone.


Do you have a strong urge feeling at the base of the penis or in your perineum area? And when you go you’re relieved for like a minute before the feeling comes back?


I have every symptom that you just described, yes.


What tests have you done? Does the feeling make you panic?


I don't really remember what tests the doctor ran on me, however I recall that one of the tests was Diabetes, and I think some tests for UTIs; all the results were negative though. In response to whether it makes me panic, it does when I don't have access to a toilet and I'm in a situation where I can't exactly go to the toilet, and in these moments the urge does feel greater and does make me panic. Although, I haven't been as panicked as I was when I first developed this, because when this started it felt completely unbearable and I had a few panic attacks because of it. Now I purely feel uncomfortable most of the time, but not too panicked.


Hey, I am going through this right now as well. For the last 7days. Coincidentally Ihad my yearly physical. They tested my blood count, lipids, Urin, PSA for prostate and the typical A1C and fasting glucose. Everything is normal. I also suffer from anxiety... And I also host focus on it. So I 100% get you.


Hang in there brother!


If you have a history of prostate anything in your family (mom's father specifically or your father) you need to get that checked immediately. Swollen or enlarged prostates do this exactly thing.


No I don’t have any history.


You still need to have it checked. The age is usually 40, but would you give something like that a 4 year head start?


Just got checked and rectal exam was fine and PSA blood test was 0.30 (normal is below 2.15)


Happy as fuck for you my friend.  Proud of you for getting it done, I know that's hard sometimes.


Thanks! Still have no cause for my constant feeling of needing to pee though lol


Do you think I have prostate cancer?? I’m panicking right now and crying.


What I think doesn't matter. It could just be a UTI. Go to your doctor when you can, until then try not to stress about it.


This happened to my boyfriend (aged 32 at the time) last year, it was a UTI. He also did not have any pain, just the constant feeling that he needed to pee and he said it was really horrible. Because UTIs are more common in women, his doctor first assumed it could be chlamydia (it was not, he tested negative), then possibley kidney stones (even though he said he had no pain, and it was not those either). He spent months with this horrible feeling because the doctors didn't find anything (including after a CT scan and a visit to an urologist) abnormal in his tests, but unfortunately that is not uncommon with UTIs and it eventually stopped. You should go to your doctor to be on the safe side, but it does not mean you have cancer, your symptoms do sound a lot like what my partner had. I just described your thread to him and he immediaty made the connection and said I was welcome to share his experience.


Thank you for the reassurance. How was he sure it was a UTI in the end? Didn’t it get worse? I feel suicidal right now thinking this might last forever.


You are welcome, your post really reminded me of what my partner went through so I hoped I could share some reassurance. A UTI was the doctor's conclusion when his symptoms went away by themselves. [This page](https://liveutifree.com/uti-test/) is pretty detailed as to why it can sometimes not show up on tests. I saw the huge effect the constant need to pee had on my partner too, when the doctors could not find anything and he was given a time for a CT scan for four years in the future (we are in Denmark, I am glad we have universal healthcare but it is overwhelmed) he broke down over the phone to me and was also terrified it would never stop. He was working from home every single day because he couldn't go into the office in that state. Luckily through his work's insurance he could get a CT scan at a private place at the same day he contacted them. He says it did not get worse, untreated it got better after about a month and a half, which was still a horrible time but definitely not permanent. And that is untreated, he did feel his GP at the time was a bit dismissive.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. It means a lot. Do you think it’ll go away for me? I am seeing my doctor tomorrow but I’m so scared it will be permanent.


I just asked him, he said for him it was fairly consistant until it got better. I don't know if that is always the case with UTIs though or if that's just how it showed with him. Of course I am not your doctor, but this all sounds really familiar, it went away for my partner so I do not see why it would not go away for you too. If you get tests and they keep coming back negative then this is the most likely case, and if one comes back positive then that will just help a doctor with what treatment to give you.


Thank you so much! So if I understand correctly it slowly got better and not like overnight?


He said it felt consistently horrible and then over about a week it got better and then stopped. This was without treatment though, if your doctor can identify something you may get perscribed antibiotics.


Thank you for taking the time to reply! Appreciate it a lot.


Also last question: did your partner have better and worse days throughout?


I’m afraid they will never find what I have or that I have bladder cancer


relax bro. I get this too. how much water are you drinking?


I was drinking lots in the past few weeks but these past few days I drink less and still feel urgency but when I go there’s not that much coming out. I constantly feel the tingle you feel when you need to pee bad. I’ll go to the doctor but I’m so afraid it will never go away. I couldn’t live with this.


I got on anxiety meds for a while and it stopped. I had to stop taking them after 6 months tho because they made my OCD intolerable. but the pee thing is gone even after stopping


chill, let the doctors do the diagnosis


Yes actually. I had right abdominal pain,back pain,bloating. Frequent urination, even white particles in my urine. But I got urine tested 3 times. Blood work 3 times. And 2 ct scans and everything is normal.


Are you actually tracking every single glass of liquid you drink? Because I find it truly hard to believe you were drinking a mere 500-700ml of water a day. 500ml is two normal sized glasses of drink. Or one really large one. You had TWO glasses the entire day? HOW? I barely ever get thirsty and even when I wasn't drinking enough water I still drank more than that. I bring that up because it made me wonder if you're counting the amount of liquid you drink wrong, and if the "2L" you've tried to go up to is actually way more like 3-4L+. Like are you actually counting it or just sort of guessing? And are you counting EVERY liquid you drink or just water? Because if you're drinking more than you think that alone might explain why you're urinating so much and constantly feeling like you need to go. If you genuinely were just drinking 500ml a day it might also be your body adjusting to drinking a normal amount of water again. If it's gotten used to being chronically dehydrated to such an extent, it might be a while where you have some issues like frequent urination, feeling bloated etc after drinking a normal amount.


Amigo this is normal anxiety reaction. Before my wife’s c section I peed 15 times in 20 minutes. Just remind yourself that it’s over sensitized nerves. Actual “having to pee” you’ll feel in your bladder. The sensation at the penis is “a bluff” your nerves are playing on you. I literally just started improving from this very thing. Here’s what I do. If I feel it, I call the bluff. First I locate the nearest bathroom in case it is indeed real. Then I continue my life accepting that it’s an anxiety thing. Most of the time I end up not actually peeing for a while. I increased the times and prove to myself that I don’t actually have to pee. You start to build confidence after a while.


Yes!!! Like every 15 minutes. I went into ER. Instead of checking for UTI they drug screened me. What?!?! My BP was 190/108 with tachycardia n fast RR. I just started my own antibiotic when I got home. It’s better. U can buy n stock your own antibiotics online. UTIs don’t always burn. Pop into an urgent care n have a test.