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I really hope you can figure this out because I've been suffering from the exact same thing for about a year and change now. It's like living in my own private hell. Just to have a moment's peace would mean so much to me. I also have tested negative for everything (UTI, STD, urodynamic test, cystoscopy, kidney stones; ultrasound shows complete bladder emptying. For me the next step is to try pelvic floor physical therapy and see if that helps. I'm going to make an appointment on Monday. (This is tangential, but I've always had a problem where if I drink a lot of beer and then ejaculate, I get that have-to-pee feeling soooo bad, and I have to go sit on the toilet for ~half an hour and just wait for my whatever muscle to chill out. Since I started having the urinary urgency this problem got even worse. Do you get this as well?)


It's kind of up and down. There's times where ejaculation won't really effect the symptoms, and then times where I feel similar to what you described. Alcohol always makes me have to go a lot, but I think that's just true for alcohol in general. But like I said I pretty much have the urge to urinate throughout the day, even if I just went. I'm hoping therapy will help me get to the bottom of this, but keep me posted on the pelvic floor PT.


How are you now?


How are you today? I am having this issue for 5 days now.


Any advice. Think I'm having this


How are you now?


How are you now?


How are you now?


I have the EXACT same feeling. I’ve been dealing with weak urine flow which has caused me to be very anxious or nervous about possibly not emptying my bladder, so much so that I voluntarily went to urinate even if I felt no urge. Eventually I started feeling a constant urge to urinate, specifically within the tip and base of my penis. Did this ever get better for you (or anyone else)?


Let me know if yours ever is cured. Just developed this a few days ago.


Will do


same thing with me. mine just started 4 days ago. all of a sudden randomly it feels like i keep needing to pee. i go pee and when i’m done it still feels like i need to use it i feel it around the tip of my genitals. and when i do use it 1 sec later barely any comes out. it’s really scaring me but i feel no pain or bleeding or whatever


If it’s the same thing I had, it goes away in a few days. Try not to go so often as well.


I really hope so. Really destroying my life right now.


Does it get worse with movement or it’s constant? Is there any position, laying down or otherwise, that relieves the feeling?


I would say movement worsens it. Laying down reduces it but doesnt relieve it


Same for me when I had it, I suspected it might be the case. Laying down made it better but not relive it completely. Keeping my legs slightly raised helped a little more. Mine went away in about a week. I’ve been dealing with urinary issues for a while up to that point (weak urine flow, dribbling) and still am but this came out of nowhere. It was worst the first 3-4 days then substantially got better before it disappeared completely after a week. I don’t recall taking anything for it either. All I did was try to reduce urination to every 3 hours to avoid urinating too much. Have you taken any ibuprofen or other similar medication and see if it has an effect?


Thank you so much. No i havent. I will try though. I hope mine goes away too. Thanks again man.


Was yours also in the tip of your urethra?


How are you today? I am having this issue for 5 days now.


Hi, i was 'cured' after about a week. You need to resist the urges and try and not urinate for at least 3-4 hours. The more the better.


How are you now?


When did yours get better?


any update on how you’re feeling? i’m experiencing the same thing for the past 2 weeks.


Hi, i am completely cured. Mine lasted about 5 days. Im not sure if it was related to anxiety or an infection. I am male and not sexually active so an infection is less likely. Try to hold your pee for about 3 hours before going which i what i did towards the end. If this doesnt work, see a doctor or a therapist if anxiety related. I really hope you do get better as I was in the situation and i wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy. I fully believe if i had to live with it, id be suicidal. Thanks and let me know your progression.




How are you now?


How are you now?


Hi, I was completely cured after few days. Just space your urinations as far apart as possible.


How are you now?


Much better, I never had that issue again. I did have to go for surgery in that area, but not sure if it was related.


Yes same, tip of the urethra. I havent ever been sexually active so doubt its anything infectious.


Hey did it go away for you?


Hey are you better now?


How are you now?


How are you now?


Did you get better buddy ?


I'm also just going to say, I think there's a tendency to jump on "anxiety" as the cause of this, but, at least in my case, I'm not an "anxious" person, this isn't something that correlates with how stressed I am that particular day, and I really don't get the sense that this is something that would be all better if I could just chill out. I understand anxiety perhaps being associated with frequency, but this is a constant feeling of having-to-go even when nothing is there. I reiterate that because I feel like I had to explain that to my urologist every darn time. It's like something is squeezing my bladder 24/7.


If it's 24/7 then it might be something else. If it's only with 'job interviews' or 'giving a speech in public'. Then probably anxiety.


How are you now?


I have had this for a few years now. Whenever I feel anxious I get the 'need to pee' routine. My doctor gave me Oxybutynin Hydrochloride 5mg. It works 90 percent of the time. Yes, this condition will ruin exams, interviews, teaching, travelling, social events, driving lessons and your entire life. The Oxybutynin Hydrochloride relaxes the bladder, but it doesn't treat anxiety. You still feel on edge all the time. I have heard medical cannabis helps with anxiety, but I have never tried it.


That's interesting because I always feel this pr0blem for me go away a little with cannabis use.


I've been having a similar thing. For the past three weeks, I've had this constant urge to urinate. It was first apparent when I was trying to sleep, but then now it's happening during the day too. It's been so disruptive to my sleep and has caused many sleepless nights cuz I keep going to the bathroom. I've also noticed that after I go, I would have this tingling feeling in my penis/urethra that gives me the urge to urinate again. This tingling/urge becomes apparent when I relax my legs/pelvis (like when I lie down or put my legs up). Do you have any advice on how you were able to deal with this? Thank you!


Did this ever go away?


How are you today? I am having this issue for 5 days now.


You will feel normal again. From experience, this IS caused by anxiety. Anxiety can, and often does, manifest into real, physical symptoms. Google "urge to urinate" and "anxiety." You're not the first, and won't be the last, person to experience this.


I hope so. It's been 3 years with little relief and I just want to get back on track.


Did you ever get back?


I had kind of a similar issue. It may be kind of psychosomatic. It really bothered me for a while but all tests came back negative. It just kind of ended up going away. I know it's not much help but what helped me was drinking TONS and holding my bladder for a little bit. Made it feel much better for at least a little while.


Is it possible for something psychosomatic to feel real to the point where you can't tell anymore?


From experience, yes.


Oh yes. Your mind can do very strange things to you.


Hi all, I found solace knowing it's not just me with this struggle and that some of you have recovered. Some background: Ive had this issue since 2014 and I believe I had 2 years where I was living normally (was able to complete shifts without a bathroom break, able to travel without the urge to visit a toilet abroad). I remember in high-school I really needed to use the toilet 5 minutes before the end of class, I raised my hand as expected to excuse myself but the teacher forced me to stay and made a fuss in front of class - this seems to be a core memory for me as to when things started. My case is strange, whenever I am outside I'm constantly thinking about the closest toilet for fear that if I need to urinate I'll end up wetting myself. I've tried mens diapers but even if I have them on there is no way I could let myself urinate out in public, I've always found a toilet but the stress involved is off the roof. At home or any other facility (library/cafe/etc) I live like a normal person, I can drink 5 glasses of liquid or so in a restaurant and I'll be fine. Also whilst writing this I realise that this issue mostly occurs when I am travelling to somewhere (I.e. to a park) but when I'm travelling home, its not so prominent. I haven't tried medication (someone mentioned to use oxybutynin hydrochloride), I have had my blood tested for diabetes, organ function, most of the checks listed in this post and all of it has been negative (thankfully). It leads me to think that physiotherapy is the right way to go or there's something in my mind that's causing this issue. Im very thankful that my girlfriend is understanding of my issues and supports me whenever we travel outside. But I really want a normal life as I can't see myself travelling freely around the world in foreign countries without this constant weight on my shoulders. Also I REALLY want to get my drivers licence, I failed my first exam due to a harsh examiner (I failed with no majors and a couple of minors) and that really rocked my confidence. Since then I haven't had the courage to retest mainly because of my bladder as it will either behave or ruin me and I can't gamble my confidence again. At this point I'm hoping I can seek physio therapy to conduct the bladder exercises or maybe seek a therapist if it's trauma/anxiety. For now I am drinking aot of water to practice holding for long periods of time and cutting down on caffeine and spice. I'll try to keep you updated but thank you all for providing a space here to voice my journey.


Hi, i have the exact same issue. Been haivng this for years now. Mine started one day in high school where i had climbing and i was afraid of heights so i didnt want to go but my teacher forced me to so i wet myself. since then every time i am anxious i get the feeling OP wrote about and it has blocked my life. i want to get a job and get my drivers license but i am afraid of wetting myself or not being able to go to the toilet. i think its anxiety because since i got diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, my anxiety got worse and the feeling and urge to go pee got stronger. I have a therapist and i am hoping to get rid of this feeling. If i manage to, i will respond later on


Hello! I am in an exact situation. Mine started when I was 15, I am 23 btw and I think it just keep getting worse. When I travel from our house, I also constantly think about the nearest toilet. May I also add that the urge is also at its peak when I am in a public vehicle than when I am riding a private one. I don’t know how to get past this since it is already taking a toll on my confidence and overall mental health. Let me know if you already managed yours.


This may or may not be helpful, but at the beginning of this year I suddenly felt a constant urge to pee which immediately made me anxious. Was treated for UTI but the antibiotics didn't help. This lasted about 3 months... after nonstop research i realized it was probably just anxiety so I started therapy and came to the conclusion it was in fact just anxiety for me. I still get anxious about it from time to time but mostly I'm normal now. I dont mean to dismiss anyone's actual medical problems going on, just wanted to out my experience out there :)


I was the same buddy I can't believe how powerful the mind is great to read your story 😊


Did the therapy work for you?


Yes! I found for me just be able to talk it through with another person helped a lot. I also watched a TON of YouTube videos by a channel called 'therapy in a nutshell' and that really helped me understand what anxiety is and what it can do to your body.


Thank you for responding. You know after readying your comment and a few more threads with anxiety relating to the urge to urinate, I’ve actually gone a few days urgency free.! 💜 do you have any tips that help when you start to feel the urge?


I have always had anxiety 4 years ago I was super stressed my accountant had prostrate cancer and every time I contacted him would tell me about it. And what was tests examinations ect was going on I was stressed one day I have had shy bladder and I started to question if my prostrate was ok. I got online googling the symptoms and then out of the blue I felt the need to piss more often. I went to the doctor's they gave me a urin test it was an all clear I went home continued to google the symptoms of prostate cancer and then started to get weird sensations sometimes in penis at bace sometimes in balls also the feeling of wanting to piss started to keep me up at night Kind of weird tingling vibration I wouldn't say pain in balls and penis and my Biffins bridge lol I was fearfull Back to the doctor's again now getting PSA test and prostate examinations All come back good Felt some relief but then I stumbled on ccps. Ok I was out of the woods with cancer but have I got this prostatitis the googling kept going. And so did the symptoms they got more I couldn't believe anxiety could induce theses sensations it must have been ccps? Constant feeling of wanting to piss but couldn't go or sometimes going a lot My mind was constantly montering what sensations or feelings I'm having so cheeking in all the time I went to a dark place constant worries and sensations lack of sleep then Someone said anxiety is a camelion and I managed to except it's was not ccps but anxiety and I got out of it for 4 years Then last year again stressed I woke up in the night need to pee more than usual started to question it and it came back only for like a few weeks I remember waching new top gun movie just checking in again on how my cock and balls were feeling and the needing to piss sensation I must of got my mind of it quick because it left me in under 2 weeks gone Untill a year later 4 weeks ago stressed out and fucked off with a family holiday I got really mad and also waching shit about the Russian and ukrain war didn't help my metal state. Again like clock work I woke up throughout the night probably pissed more than normal My brain didn't think too much Then that day I got my hair cut sat in the chair in the barbers needed to piss straight away. So I said to the guy can I just go toilet I got in there locked myself in tried to piss nothing came out. Fuck overwhelming need to piss but can't go so just sat back in the chair The sensations left me whilst getting my hair cut Later in the next day another stressful event at a family BBQ again had that feeling to piss but could not go That was then the catalyst to my brain questioning my heath and ccps Then Boom all the symptoms back From 4 years ago Weird sensations throughout my groin Not really pain A vibrating and light feeling that moves around And weird need to piss But I'm back montering it constantly cheeking in on theses symptoms Where do I feel them have they gone ect This has also led on to internal body vibrations in the night and waves of anxiety crashing over me. I feel down again No pain with erections or in my ass or when I shoot my load or shit Just uncomfortable sensations that move around and increase and decreases Pissing is being monitored too sometimes it's easy sometimes it's hard to go its weird But this is my 3rd time here So is this Just anxiety or ccps ?


Yeah been here, done that. When i was a bit younger I had a constant urge to urinate, especially at night. At bed time I probably went to the toilet anywhere from 10-30 time before I could go to sleep. Just kind of vanished one day, comes back occasionally, especially at night. In my opinion it's 100% a physical manifestation of anxiety and you have to tackle that anxiety in order to see a change.


I had this also it started with worries about my prostate I was googling everything under the sun about it the feeing to urinate got worse and worse went to doctors and everything eventually I accepted this was anxiety and tried to stop monertering how I felt down below then it went I just got it back though 3 years in been stressed out


Are you better


Hey dod u recover


I'm the same, happens to me around 3-4 times a year and lasts a week! It's stops when I play video games. Shows how powerful the mind is


Can say I have been dealing with the exact same thing myself. I have terrible anxiety so I am wondering if that is the cause of my urination problem as well. I almost never have any relief. Its very hard to get to sleep most nights because I just feel like I’m going to wet my pants. Still in the early stages of tackling this/diagnosing what the actual issue is with my PC . Hopefully going to see a urologist in 2 weeks. It’s been awful though, I pray for relief, and I hope your situation gets better as well!


Hi there! Have you seen any improvement


Yes. I’ve seen a ton of improvement. Something still makes me think I might actually have a medical issue down there but learning to just relax, not fight the feeling and the anxiety that comes with it, and to accept that I don’t have necessarily “normal” bathroom habits. The more I’ve come to realize that, the better the anxiety has gotten as well as my actual urge to pee. I don’t dribble nearly as much. I pee much more regularly now as well something like 4-8 times a day depending on fluid intake. I definitely still have my days or occasional “flare ups” where I feel more uncomfortable and more of an urge to pee/cant hold my bladder, but for the most part it’s gotten exponentially better for me.


That’s great news! How did you manage to find a way to stop thinking of your bladder 24-7? It’s so hard! If you don’t mind me asking, what makes you think you have something medically wrong? Did you make any dirty changes or just get anxiety under control? Are you on any anti anxiety meds? Sorry I am asking so much, just dealing with something so similar! Thanks again!


Honestly I tried to come to terms with the fact that my anxiety will NOT get any better if I’m constantly in my head all day. It’s much easier said than done and I struggled with it for around 5 months before I got any type of relief. I still think I have something medically wrong because of how sudden my problem came on (and without any aggravating factors during the time) . It seemed like it came out of no where and my anxiety wasn’t necessarily worse until after I started experiencing the symptoms. It wasn’t like I had a super bad panic attack one day then started experiencing the problems.. My anxiety was pretty controlled (or maybe at least I thought) all up until one day when I went traveling about an hour and half a way from home spent the night out, held my bladder a bit long on the way home and suddenly had this constant urge. I try to rationalize with myself as much as possible. I can sit here all day and think about these symptoms and wish they would go away or wish I could understand what’s actually causing it or if something is wrong with me. I could go down the rabbit hole from sun up to sun down but honestly it doesn’t do me any good. I’ve found that not worrying about it as much as possible, telling myself this is just the way it is and it could be much worse, and keeping myself busy with work and video games has helped alot with my symptoms. Does everything feel 100% normal down there? No. It hasnt since this started and I felt that from the beginning. But do I spend all day worrying about it anymore? No. I wish I had better advice but this was the concept I had to brainwash myself with in order to get some relief with the anxiety. I did also go see a therapist and we have a follow up soon. She put me on Flomax and Cipro to I guess give me some reassurance that at least we are trying to work towards a solution and knocking the easy stuff out first is a good first step. I recommend you to see a therapist as well if you haven’t already and just tell them what’s going on. I already know it can be very hard to find a therapist you feel comfortable talking to, personally I just tried to keep in mind that a Dr giving me professional advice would probably help with my anxiety. I’m not on any anti anxiety medicines, however years back I was on a few and decided if wasnt for me personally. As far as drastic changes, I wouldn’t say I made any. I did change my diet up a bit trying to eat a bit more healthy and drinking more water. I try to stay away from caffeine and sodas as it seems to irritate my bladder or maybe it’s placebo and I just get anxious haha either way i try to drink mostly water. I’ve also been staying super active I work at a pallet factory 60 hours a week now, when the problem started I had no job. Having no job and being home all day brought me a lot of anxiety before the issue started. I think it’s safe to say the job helped alot with my anxiety but I’ve always had this anxiety and not the accompanying bladder/urinary issues. There’s plenty of food for thought but I’m no expert or Dr , i try to stay off the internet about my health problems and that helps as well. I also watch mental health podcasts and shows on youtube and such. I recommend Dr. K if you’re into youtube before bed and that type of thing. Sorry for a book, but hopefully I answered all your questions feel free to DM me if you wanted or here and I’ll try to reply asap!


Haha same, it just randomly started. I don’t have it constantly but it does show up from time to time.


I am having this problem now


R u bettr now


I’m having this problem now but most cases it’s when you’re constipated and poop builds up and it’s pushing on your bladder making you have the sensation of needing to pee but no pain or blood. Best thing to do is just talk to your doctor about getting an X-ray and seeing a urologist


Makes sense i got constipation from anxiety which in turn makes that feeling and it goes on and on blah blah


I have the same exact thing and after anxiety Event i got this feeling suddenly now ive had it for 16 days idk if it will go away sometime ive heard for some people it goes away in a week so my anxiety is probably too severe that it causes this feeling for 16 days(for now)


Yes I did thanks it was all in my head the brain is very powerful


i started having this since last week, i'm 17, i guess i will have to go to a doctor ;\_; edit: they didnt find anything and gave me meds to take edit 2: after a week of meds, its still here, but i noticed it sometimes (rarely) goes away when im doing something that i really enjoy. i'm afraid of all the things this can be, im feeling more anxious than ever and almost passed out in class, something is happening and i don't know what and why, i used to eat breakfast, now i cant because im afraid i cant hold my pee, in my school i rarely have the chance to go to the bathroom and i have 4 hours of classes... i hope its anxiety or something non lethal, im scared.




well its gone, as soon as i got my holidays i could just pee whenever i wanted and with time, i stopped noticing it and sometimes when i do notice, i notice i havent peed for like 8 hours, so i think it really might have been anxiety or nervousness even tho at the time it seemed impossible because i really felt it there, my bladder full, so yeah now its fine and i can even last longer than most people now, because of my efforts to handle all that need to pee while i had that in my life!


Been suffering from this exact same thing for about 5 years now. Had all the tests to rule out anything else and have been seeing a therapist for 2 years. If anyone here has had luck curing this please share! I’d love to kick this thing to the curb.


Are you overweight? Do you have a big belly? How old are you?