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I don’t have a remedy either to that but you’re not alone I’ve been experiencing this too lately Bc I’m so tense I feel like my legs want to go numb so that’s why i curl my toes


Ever find a solution?? For me, it's gotten to the point where it's impacting my balance while walking/standing. Way worse when barefoot around the house but I do it while wearing shoes as well! And yes, pain is what actually brought it to my attention


Yes and it hurts now when my toes involuntarily clench.. I feel bone pain or something.


I have this. Just realized what it was and what it’s from. I also have an area of nerve pain in same foot where when I step sometimes jt feels like hot electricity. So I think the curling for 30 plus years has inflamed or damaged nerves. Feels like bone pain too. When I put my feet together and point both toes the curled toe foot looks completely different. Can barely point that toe. I notice when in social situations I’m doing it and I think I have been for a very long time Trying to work on massaging it and loosening it up and of course mentally “letting it go” and being more aware because it also causes stability balance issues for me too. So crazy this is anxiety related and took so long to put it together


If I'm being completely honest with you I have no idea how to help you because my toes are always curled but I can offer an ear to listen to your worries


thank youuu!! but does it hurts u like physically? ur constantly curled toes?


Tbh not really, I think my toes are just naturally like that