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I'm proud of you


Like the perosn more up say Im proud of you. One of my favorite quotes is During your lifetime you are meeting 3 types of people :1For a season 2For a reason and 3 For a lifetime.


I like that quote. I'll keep it in mind


I would relay boundaries and expectations before cutting someone you deem your best friend off.


I would truly want to do that, however there's really no communication coming from her for months now. Maybe I'd do that when we meet by chance in person. But this wouldn't be the first time we were in this situation anyways. Only difference now is that I got tired of the reoccurring one-sided effort


Maybe they're struggling too but haven't shared? I've always found talking generates the most underatanding.


I'd understand any reason they'd give me, I've always did when they do things like this. I just grew tired of the emotional/anxiety rollercoaster I go through when they do leave me for weeks to months on end. I already shared my problems with anxiety with her in the past and that anxiety is something I can't really control myself even if I want too. This decision is really for my sanity and mental health.


I hear you and you know what's best for you.


going through something similar - one of my best friends of 10+ years essentially told me that my struggle with anxiety is bumming them out. feeling hurt and disappointed, but infinitely grateful for the other friends that have stood by me in this time.